Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 751

Lu Yanxue was born in the secular world. Since he was brought back to the snow Palace by elder Hong, he has never taken a step in the palace. He has been practicing in the snow palace all the time. Even the people of the seven great masters only know that there is a secular woman in the snow Palace, but they don't know her name and appearance.

Chen fan a way, and hold her inquiry, let snow fairy heart suddenly have a kind of bad feeling.

Although she is locked up in a sword raising gourd these days, she doesn't know anything about the outside world. According to the calculation of time, chen fan should be at the top of Kunwu mountain to fight with Taoist master Qingxuan. Now she is standing in front of her, which means that whether Chen Fan wins or loses, his strength will be extremely terrible if he can survive.

"At that time, the big eight together besieged him, and he cut off seven of them, but only left me. At first, I thought he was interested in my beauty, but this month, he hardly spoke to me. Now it seems that the target is Lu Yanxue. Lu Yanxue has no relatives in kunxu, so she only cares about her... '

thinking of this, the snow fairy can't help trembling, and some extremely terrible conjecture comes to her mind.

She shuddered involuntarily.

If that conjecture is true, it will shake the whole kunxu, far more than the defeat of Taoist master Qingxuan.

"I hope I just think too much."

The snow fairy bowed her head and explained in a soft voice.

Lu Yanxue is just an ordinary disciple. Although she has the best ice spirit root, how can she be seen by her elders? So she didn't know much about it. She only knew that Lu Yanxue was in the palace, vaguely excluded by other disciples, but her life was not in danger.

"By the way, a month ago, Lingxiao Shangxian told me that the seven patriarchs had discussed with each other to retrial Lu Yanxue, torture all her worldly intelligence, and even don't rule out... Soul searching."

Speaking of this, snow fairy meal.


Chen Fan's eyes suddenly shrank, and his face was angry.

Soul searching is an extremely cruel spell. Most of them have sequelae, ranging from being seriously injured, to becoming an idiot, or to vanishing. Lu Yanxue is just a gas refining girl. Searching for her soul is no different from sentencing her to death.

"Good, good."

Chen fan, cold in his eyes, got up and said:

"start immediately and go to the snow god palace."

Snow Fairy naturally dare not not not from, although Qi Xiuer and others do not know the reason, also dare not ask more.

Chen fan directly released the white dragon and turned it into a 100 meter long, crystal clear dragon with open teeth and claws to control the wind and thunder. Although Bai Jiao had no inner elixir, he was still a congenital spirit beast. It was easy to fly tens of thousands of miles a day.

The four set foot on Baijiao, emptied their breath, pulled out a long white rainbow and shot at the location of the northern snow palace.


the boundary of kunxu is small, with a radius of about thousands of miles.

From where chen fan is, to the snow temple, it's only more than an hour.

Almost a moment later, a crystal clear, like a fairy tale snow castle of the towering palace, appeared in front of everyone. Standing on Qianzhang snow peak, it looks like the crown of the whole polar ice field.

Snow palace!

It is said that the snow goddess was founded thousands of years ago. With her power, she opened a huge castle in the depths of the polar region. Since then, she has established many Taoist rules. The snow temple only accepts women and specializes in ice Taoism.

"Hoo Hoo."

Bai Jiao roars and lands in front of the snow god palace. Chen fan and others step down from the sky. Some disciples of Bai Jiao's snow god palace have met him for a long time:

"who is the immortal who drives to the snow god palace... Eh, aren't you uncle Xue?"

Two disciples, white as snow, whose cultivation had reached the divine realm, suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

Snow fairy is a giant in the middle stage of the earth immortal. He has a high status in the snow temple, ranking the top five. For ordinary disciples, he is superior and dignified. The two disciples immediately stood respectfully and solemnly, but they were surprised: "Uncle Xue is said to have been taken away, how can he be put back?"

Naturally, they dare not ask such questions.

The earth immortals are so powerful that once they are offended, even if they are killed, the master of snow god palace will not blame them.

"Take me to see Lu Yanxue."

The snow fairy glanced at chen fan without any trace. Her delicate body trembled slightly and began to speak anxiously.

On the way, she already knew that the more flustered Chen Fan was, the more powerful Chen Fan was, the more likely the conjecture would be confirmed, and the more terrible it would be.


The two disciples bowed their heads in a hurry.

There are disciples leading the way, snow fairy, the great Bodhisattva. The snow temple is almost defenseless to Chen Fan and others, and goes all the way to the inner door where the disciples are.

On the way there are people who see snow fairy and Chen fan, they are all shocked.

At this time, the battle of Kunwu had just spread, and it had not spread to everyone. Almost as soon as Chen Fan came down Kunwu mountain, he rushed to the snow god palace. Few people knew the result of the battle, but they still knew about the snow fairy.

Soon, the inner disciple area arrived.

There are three kinds of disciples in snow Temple: zhenzhuan, Neimen and waimen. Lu Yanxue's talent is amazing, and he is the best ice spirit root, but he is only the cultivation of the realm, and he is still the inner disciple.Before he arrived, he heard a voice of Jiaohe scolding:

"it's really a Cheap Bastard from the secular world. If you don't want to talk about things in the secular world, it's better to let elder martial brother Gong of Yuntian palace take you back to torture you to see if your mouth is still so hard."



There was a whiplash and a woman's cry. It was very familiar.

As soon as Chen Fan heard the sound, his face became cold and his body turned into a golden rainbow. He took a long hurricane and rushed in.

I saw a scene that made him angry.

A man and a woman stood at the top. The man was wearing a plain robe, embroidered with cloud patterns, and his face was haughty.

Next to her, a woman in black with thin lips and spiritual cultivation is waving a whip made of ice and snow to whip the white girl kneeling in front of her.

The girl's temperament is cool and gorgeous, and her appearance is like ice snow fairy Ling Chen. She wears long black hair and drags it to her waist. She is ice skinned and slim. At this time, she is kneeling on the ground, biting her silver teeth tightly, and several blood marks are visible on her back.

More than a dozen women in white, who had been cultivated in the realm, looked on coldly and laughed from time to time.

"Martial arts younger sister, since this woman is stubborn, I will take her back directly and give it to the teachers in the palace to see how long she can hold on? I don't believe it. Under the torture magic, the earth immortal can't bear it. What's more, she's just a weak woman? It's just a pity that this face has changed. "

Elder martial brother Gong said faintly, with a trace of greed in his eyes.

"Elder martial sister Wu, I really don't know if there are any earthly immortals on the earth. Before I came here, the strongest thing was just the divine realm. It's time to tell you all. I didn't hide it..."

Lu Yanxue knelt there, trembling and gritting her teeth.

"Don't you dare to be tough!"

Elder martial sister sneered and raised the whip to continue beating.

"Stop it

Suddenly a cold voice came.

When the women looked up, they saw a man in a black shirt coming. In his eyes, it was like the cold wind of the polar ice field, freezing people's hearts. The temperature around him dropped by dozens of degrees.

"I'm Wu Hongyan, the second true legend of our palace. Who are you? How dare you enter my snow palace without permission?"

The elder martial sister raised her head and looked arrogantly.

More than a dozen inner disciples around also drank and questioned one after another.

"Chen... Fan?"

Lu Yanxue heard the voice, suddenly trembled, raised the powder head, suddenly the whole person was stunned, can't believe it.

"Who am I? Go to hell and ask Yama."

Chen Fan's eyes were cold. Every step he took, there was a surge of blood in his body. In the end, it turned into a huge murderous gas. The murderous gas was as solid as a mountain.


Many Huajing disciples, the first to support, were pressed to kneel on the ground.

Wu Hongyan also trembled. She felt as if she was facing an ancient Tyrannosaurus Rex. She couldn't breathe.

"I didn't expect that heaven and man came. I'm gong Changsheng of Yuntian palace. I'd like to meet you! I'm here to take away Lu Yanxue, a secular woman, by the order of the seven patriarchal sects. Please go to the immortal's mirror... "

elder martial brother Gong's face changed slightly and he didn't hurry to worship.

He saw that Chen Fan seemed to be coming for Lu Yanxue. He directly said that Lu Yanxue was an important person in the seven patriarchal sects. Anyone who faced the seven patriarchal sects had to give in.


Chen Fangen didn't want to talk nonsense. He clapped his hands and flew out of thin air.


The transparent ice crystal floor trembles, showing a huge fingerprint and a pool of blood mud. Gong Changsheng is directly patted into a meat cake, and all the disciples of the snow god palace are disgraced. Wu Hongyan points to Chen Fan and exclaims:

"do you know who he killed? Elder martial brother Gong is a disciple of emperor Yun...


Chen Fan snorted and looked away.


As if Mount Tai was down, Wu Hongyan was kneeling on the ground with an invisible momentum. Chen Fan passed them and walked to Lu Yanxue step by step. There was a trace of regret in his eyes.

"I didn't expect you to come to me... It's so nice."

Lu Yanxue stands up tremblingly, with a sad smile on her face as thin as white paper. Suddenly her body softens and falls directly into Chen Fan's arms. She has been tortured recently, and her body can't support her.

As Chen Fan embraces the girl, his killing intention becomes more and more concentrated, as if a volcano is about to erupt.

Qi Xiuer and others rush to see this scene and dare not speak. Although they don't know who the woman in Chen Fan's arms is, they can see that Chen Fan attaches great importance to her.

At this time, a white rainbow suddenly appeared in the air.

An old woman in white came out with a fierce face and a cold voice:

"who dares to go wild in my snow palace?"

Suddenly, the snow fairy arrived."Elder Rong!"

Many disciples of the snow god palace are happy. This is an immortal who has been in the palace for hundreds of years. He has never been out of the palace. He is very powerful. He is a giant. Even the palace leader respects her. With elder Rong, chen fan can't be presumptuous.

"Elder, it's him. He killed elder martial brother Gong of Yuntian palace and forced his way into our snow god palace. He asked the elder to take him down and maintain the dignity of our snow god palace." Wu Hongyan said.

"Who are you?"

Elder Rong looks at chen fan and is slightly surprised. As soon as the Kunwu war is over, the news hasn't spread. Elder Rong hasn't been out of the palace for a hundred years and doesn't know chen fan.

"The man who killed you!"

Chen fan turns his head, his eyes are full of blood, and his murderous spirit gushes out, which solidifies the space.

Chen fan was angry for the first time since he entered kunxu! , the fastest update of the webnovel!