Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 750

Master Qingxuan is defeated!

The first man who has been known as zunkun market for three hundred years and has been overlooking the world has finally been defeated! Countless eyes converged on Chen fan. In everyone's eyes, it seemed that a brighter sun was rising under the great sunset.

Many shangzong disciples were bereaved.

And Qi Qingwei has been like a wood carving, she watched Chen Fan step by step, from an unknown boy to the top of kunxu! This kind of dream change, but only three months, how can she not be impacted?

"Master Chen Xian won, master Chen Xian won!"

Qi Xiuer jumped up with excitement, her face flushed.

The princess of southern kingdom next to her looks strange. She follows chen fan just for fun. Who would have thought that Chen Fan really won. I'm afraid that if she wants to quit, the Huoling king will not let her go.

Sitting on the treasure ship, Huo Ling Wang was already laughing, patting his belly and saying, "I'm worthy of being my son-in-law."

"Xuanfeng, are you ok?"

With a flash, the Taiyin fairy rushed to the top of the mountain and helped up the Taoist priest Qingxuan.

Taoist master Qingxuan coughed and stood up. His hair was black, and now he was nearly half white. Although he didn't die in the explosion, his breath declined sharply, especially the loss of the power of Yuan Dan. It was a heavy blow to Taoist master Qingxuan. It represented that his hard work for a hundred years was scattered, and there was no golden elixir in his life.

"Xiao Han, I'm fine."

Qingxuan Taoist master gently comforts and looks at Chen Fan with complicated eyes.

Dong Dong!

The sound of war drums and thunder came from the void, and the remaining five supreme giants came close to them. They all looked at Chen Fan with cold eyes and bad heart. For the seven great masters, chen fan's pressure on kunxu was beyond their endurance. At this time, he was just after the war and his strength did not return, so he just started to get rid of it.

"Why do you want to fight?"

Chen Fan looks up and is not afraid.

With his current invincible cultivation, the combination of the five congenital later periods is only a matter of finger flicking, which costs chen fan a little at most.

All of a sudden, there was a great deal of tension in the field, and some shangzong Dixian also gathered behind the five. Across from Chen fan, a group of immortals glittered, and many people at the foot of the mountain saw that it was wrong. The noisy discussion quickly disappeared, and everyone was nervous.

Chen Fan stands alone on the top of Kunwu mountain. He is like a holy mountain blocking the road and dominating the world.

"Stop it."

Taoist master Qingxuan opened his mouth. Although his voice was not loud, it clearly spread to everyone: "I lost this battle. Chen Daoyou's talent has been incomparable for thousands of years. He should be the first person in kunxu! Since then, the seven great masters should no longer be brothers in accordance with the agreement. "

With that, master Qingxuan bowed to Chen Fanyi.

This bow was very difficult for him, symbolizing that he would hand over all his reputation to Chen fan.

Taiyin fairy in one side, plain hand tremble, several times want to stop, finally did not hand. The people who witnessed this scene were also puzzled. They grew up listening to the prestige of Taoist master Qingxuan. Now they see that this immortal myth is finally defeated, just like a kind of fairy tale disillusionment.

"Amitabha, congratulations to Chen Daoyou, the first person to visit kunxu!"

The eyes of Zen master Longxiang and others were shining. After all, they chanted the Buddha's name and bowed.

The leaders of the seven great masters bowed their heads. Naturally, the other earth immortals did not dare to stop them and began to say:

"we, Taoist brother He Xi, are here in kunxu, overlooking the world."

At the foot of the mountain, tens of thousands of practitioners worshipped the Tao. Many of them fell to the ground and worshipped Chen Fan: "congratulations to Chen Shangxian for being a God in the first World War. May the magic power of Shangxian last forever and last forever!"

Chen Fanli is on the top of the mountain, black clothes, black pupils, long hair flying. From the Qianzhang peak, he can see that his feet are like ants, and countless people are kneeling on the ground. In front of him, the earth immortals have to bow their heads. How many people in the world can see the majesty of trampling on the world?

Qi Qingwei, Bai Suxian and Princess Nanguo all look at Chen Fan on the screen with complicated eyes and mixed feelings.

The old man of heishuimen said with a bitter smile:

"who would have expected that such a young man came to kunxu at last? It seems that we are old after all."

December 5, 2012.

On the top of Kunwu mountain, chen fan defeated the Taoist master Qingxuan and was crowned the first person of kunxu. The news came out and the kunxu community was shocked.


"do you know? The first World War on Kunwu mountain has come to an end. "

"It must be qingxuandao who won. It's the tenth battle. Nine times before, Qingxuan Taoist master had nine battles and nine victories, casting an immortal reputation. After this war, the Taoist master Qingxuan should seal the mountain and stop fighting. After the death of the emperor in Yuntian palace, the next three hundred years will be dominated by Qingxuan road... "

" no, the winner is Chen beixuan. "


This kind of dialogue is going on in many places.

The news of the first World War of kunxu was like a thunder storm, which swept through the land of kunxu for 5000 Li.

Countless people were shocked. They couldn't believe that the defeat of Taoist master Qingxuan was just like some common sense was broken. Master Qingxuan is invincible! This is the same truth as the rising of the sun and the landing of apples.Now the truth is shattered and the myth collapses, which is an impact on many people.

Inside the Qingxuan Road, there was a dead silence.

I don't know how many disciples have broken their hearts today. Some of them can't even accept it. They just pull out their swords and commit suicide. The elder who is in charge of Qingxuan Taoism has nothing to do.

The seven great masters and the burning sky valley are in a heated discussion among countless disciples. Who is Chen beixuan? Some people even got battle videos from the front line by all means, but these videos are extremely precious. They are all based on magic rubbings and are only handed down by a small number of people.

In Qishan city.

Qi Mufeng and others stayed together. Unexpectedly, Chen Fanqiang was so strong that even the Taoist master Qingxuan was defeated. To them, it was just like an Arabian Night.

But no matter how we argue, we can not change a fact.

That is, from today on, the position of the first person of Kun market will change, and the world of Kun market will usher in a new pattern! The rise of an invincible power can compete with or even surpass the seven great masters.

On that day, I don't know how many small and middle-sized families rushed to Chen fan like moths to the fire. They wanted to say a word in front of Chen fan. Many of them had already lost their money and even offered up their ancestral property, just to hold Chen Fan's thigh.

"This is change, unprecedented change! As Chen beixuan is now in his position, with a wave of his arm, he can immediately establish a sect and become the eighth largest sect in the world, and surpass Yuntian palace and Qingxuan road as the largest sect in kunxu. "

There is a wise man who looks at the way of fire.

Kunxu has been controlled by the seven shangzongs for too long. We all hope that new forces will rise and change the current situation.

But Chen fan doesn't want to be such a reformer. For him, it's just a small world. He's not qualified to spend his energy.

"Back off."

Chen Fan gave a cold hum and waved his long sleeves directly, which pushed everyone back.

At this time, all the people poured cold water on them, thinking of the identity of the man in front of them, they immediately stood up respectfully in fear, and the crowd split into two and separated a road.

Chen fan, with his hands on his back, takes Qi's sisters and goes away.

Countless people can't help laughing bitterly when they see this scene.

This is the position of the first person in kunxu. Once you sit in that position, you don't need to care about other people's eyes!

"Well, it seems that our new first person doesn't like common things very much."

The great master chuckled and glanced at the Hunyuan sect leader. The Qi sisters Chen Fan took away were the disciples of Hunyuan sect.

The headman of Hunyuan sect was dressed in simple clothes, with a Star crown and long sleeves. He didn't say a word.

However, the fire spirit king had already steered the treasure boat and caught up with him. He kept shouting:

"son in law, don't go too fast, and wait for me to celebrate for you..."

finally, the fire spirit king caught up with chen fan. Facing this familiar and shameless earth immortal, chen fan had no choice but to laugh. However, the fire spirit king was not a fool.

He rushed to Chen fan, face solemnly told chen fan.

Although Qingxuan Taoist master was defeated, the seven shangzong had a profound foundation. There were as many as ten great masters alone, not to mention many immortals, and even tens of thousands of elite soldiers.

"Those soldiers are all top-level internal strength experts. They use all kinds of potions and talismans to draw Dharma patterns on their bodies when they were young. Only one looks like a mole ant and can be crushed to death by us. But thousands of them unite to form a battle array, which is extremely terrifying."

"Seven hundred years ago, there was a case in which the seven thousand thunder god soldiers of Tianlei sect fought together in front of Luofeng cliff and killed a Dixian of mieqing Dao. Since then, no Dixian dares to challenge the seven shangzong easily."

Said the fire spirit king.

Mention this matter, the fire spirit king's eyes also show a trace of horror.

That's an immortal! But he was killed by mortals, which is unimaginable for the fire spirit king. Chen fan was not surprised. In the universe, although the people who cultivate immortals at the bottom are small, they are insignificant in the battle of destroying cities and stars.

But with the joint efforts of billions and billions of low-level immortals, they can shake the great power and even return to the void!

"In addition, the seven great masters all have the most precious weapons of Zhenjiao to suppress Qi luck. Those magic weapons are left by the ancestors of Tianxian. They are powerful and can crush all the earthly immortals. In this battle, Taoist Qingxuan didn't bring the magic weapons of Zhenjiao. Otherwise, you may not be able to win so easily."

The fire spirit king's eyes were solemn.

Chen Fan repeatedly expressed his thanks to the leader of the southern kingdom. Although he was not afraid, he was grateful to the king of fire spirit for telling him.

After all, although Chen Fan was the first person in kunxu, there were countless people who came to take refuge in him, but none of them was immortal. The earth immortals are superior. One person is one sect and one religion. They are the seven superior sects. It's hard for them to bow down, not to mention chen fan.

After getting Chen Fan's friendship, Huoling king was satisfied. Before he took him away, he said, "be careful with Yuntian palace, Taoist friends. Qingxuan Taoism is not enough. This is the biggest religion in kunxu. After all, it is Yuntian palace."After the Huoling King left, chen fan found a clean town to live in, and then he caught the snow fairy and began to ask:

"is there a woman named Lu Yanxue in your snow temple?"

The snow fairy's eyes were startled:

"how do you know Lu Yanxue?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!