Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 749

For all the people in kunxu.

At this time, the Taoist master Qingxuan was just like a God in their eyes. No one was surprised by the mighty momentum that made the world turn pale. Many weak practitioners kneel down and shiver.

It is the numerous immortals who are shocked in their hearts, as if they are facing the great beasts.

But Chen fan is not afraid at all.

There is a big difference between ningdan period and the real Jindan period. After the outbreak of Yuandan, there was only one wave. When this wave is over, the Taoist master of Qingxuan will fall back to the late congenital period. Only if he practises hard for another hundred years and coagulates yuan Dan again.

It's only for one time to practice for one hundred years. No wonder master Qingxuan hates Chen Fan in his words. At his age, how can he have another 100 years of hard work? This time Yuandan was broken, there was basically no golden elixir in my life.


Chen Fan soared into the sky, shining like a chariot across the sky.

And the master of Qingxuan just put out his hand and patted it.


Heaven and earth lose color.

The huge torrent of vitality, as thick as a tree trunk, converged from all directions and turned into a giant palm only one kilometer in size in front of Qingxuan Taoist master. The giant palm is like a God's left hand, covering the sky and the sun. The whole Kunwu mountain top is covered with this hand. It is a palm shot, it is the Nu long river will be cut off.


Chen Fan poured into the giant palm, and immediately felt the vitality around him, suddenly solidified into steel plate, extremely hard. Compared with the previous pseudo field, I don't know how strong it is. It already has the golden elixir to control the world.

"With this, I can't help it."

Chen Fan sneered.

God body small into, plus the congenital middle of the true yuan, into the essence of the golden awn. These gold awns filled Chen Fan's whole body, just like an iron wall. Even nuclear bombs may not be able to bombard him. In the end, with Chen Fan's sudden drinking, all the golden awns were in flames.


The bright golden flame burned out layer by layer.

One rushed out for hundreds of feet, and then stopped.

From the outside, you can see the huge palm of God, suddenly burned out a huge hole by the golden flame. It's like the wax figures are melting away. This kind of miscellaneous and huge power can frighten other immortals, but it can't help Chen fan. He is as powerful and pure as King Kong. He can only smash it with tofu, which is like mountain tofu.


The master of Qingxuan didn't panic, he just drank lightly.

All of a sudden, countless vitality, gathered into a sword tornado. One, two, three... At the end of the day, there are ninety-nine dragon like sword Qi, supporting the sky and moving the earth. Even from the nulong River, there are huge water columns. People looked up as if they saw a storm coming.

Shifang extinction Kendo!

But at this time, master Qingxuan was more than ten times stronger than before?

"Every sword tornado is as powerful as Changhe Sword Fairy. Now, there are ninety-nine roads between heaven and earth, which is equivalent to ninety-nine giants working at the same time. Who can be the leader of kunxu? It's the real fairy, but that's all

The leader of the great world was shocked.

Other great giants are also shocked.

Although they are strong, they have to give in when they are faced with the joint efforts of seven or eight giants. What is the concept of ninety-nine giants? It is enough to level off the whole kunxu, that is, the alliance of the seven Shang sects may not be able to compete.

"How strong are they?"

The awed eyes not only looked at the Taoist master Qingxuan, but also at chen fan.

For everyone, the master of Qingxuan is powerful, and Chen fan, who can force the master of Qingxuan, is not strong in the world?

"No matter who wins or loses in this battle, the first person in kunxu will be determined. Other earthly immortals can only look up to them and never surpass them. " Main entrance of Hunyuan gate.

All the people were silent.

What is the best in the world?

It is not the best in the world that is challenged every day. The kind of people who are awed by the name and dare not even raise the idea of challenge in their hearts are the real number one in the world!

In the field two people, already had such invincible strength.


In the void, ninety-nine sword pillars soar into the sky. Within ten li of Kunwu mountain, they are all covered by the long dragon cage. Many ships on the nulong River retreated. Some of them are not in a hurry to escape. They are directly involved in the sword Qi and tear into pieces instantly.

Countless people looked up to see how Chen Fan dealt with the earth shaking sword skill of Taoist Qingxuan.


This time, chen fan is no longer strong to break strong.

He directly turned into a God. There was a golden Kunpeng about 30 feet in size. Kunpeng opens his mouth, swallowing the magic power and directly urges him to the extreme.


It's like the Tianhe river burst its banks.

An unprecedented spectacle is in front of us.

I saw Kun Peng flying in the sky, looking up, as if to swallow the sky. A huge black whirlpool appeared in front of Kunpeng. A sword tornado, involuntarily inhaled by the black vortex.Countless gravel, water, trees and so on, as soon as they enter the vortex, they are instantly stirred into pieces. Those dragon like sword Qi are all turned into pure vitality.

It's like a whale drinking water. Kunpeng's stomach is endless.

One, two, three... In the end, ninety-nine swords were swallowed up by Chen fan. In the sky, it is calm again.

"Your ability is not so good. I'm not half full."

Kunpeng swallowed the sword Qi and glanced at the Taoist master Qingxuan.

Up and down the mountain, everyone was stunned. It was the seventh shangzong Zhangjiao, which seemed to be petrified.

They come up with a thousand solutions for Chen fan. Unexpectedly, chen fan just swallows them without any hesitation. It's as if the sword spirit is just a joke.

"He... How he became a half fish and half bird monster."

Someone stammered.

"It's not a monster, it's Kunpeng, an ancient beast! It's said that Kunpeng's belly has boundless emptiness, which can swallow three thousand worlds. Today, it is true. Chen beixuan must have mastered an amazing magic power. "

Zen master Longxiang said solemnly.

Everyone was shocked.

The legend of Kunpeng is widely spread even in the kunxu area. Can turn into the most powerful beast, chen fan master the magic power, will be earth shaking, beyond all the world heritage.

"The Taoist is in trouble."

The leader of the great world focused on Taoism.

In fact, Taoist Qingxuan is in trouble now.

No matter what power he exerts, chen fan swallows it. The next day, the figure was successful. After being promoted to the mid congenital stage, the power of Kunpeng's Dharma prime minister also increased dramatically. Now his body has become three times larger, and his power of swallowing supernatural powers is even stronger.

"Get up!"

In the end, the master of Qingxuan had no choice.

He directly turned the vitality of heaven and earth into a big hand and threw a mountain to Chen fan. The mountain is hundreds of meters high, which is equivalent to a hundred storey building and weighs tens of thousands of tons. Only now that Yuan Dan is in the body, can the Taoist master Qingxuan who can spend freely pull out the mountain.

"Throwing mountains at people, this is the legendary means of ancient immortals."

The old man of heishuimen.

The girl in black, as well as many aristocratic masters around her, were dazzled and moved in their hearts.

No matter how many people there are, it's bullshit. Even a hundred thousand elite troops could not resist the attack. At this time, the two men fighting in the sky were already above the kunxu world, and one of them could suppress the other.


Chen fan has wings.

Kunpeng's wings, like a sword in the sky, send out a bright golden awn, and cut the Baizhang mountain into two. Chen fan was powerful and unforgiving. After splitting the hill, he flew straight to the Taoist master Qingxuan.


In the void, there is a long river like passage. In front of Kunpeng, the air is split. Chen Fan's speed at this time, which can hardly be described in words, has reached 20 times the speed of sound.

What's the concept?

Chen fan is thousands of meters away. He has just spread his wings. The next moment, he has appeared in front of Qingxuan Taoist master. As if there is no distance in this kilometer space. So fast, you can travel 100000 miles a day. No attack or nuclear weapon can be hit.


In front of this speed, the master of Qingxuan finally showed a trace of horror.

He hastily manipulated the vitality and turned all the emptiness into iron, trying to suppress chen fan. However, Kunpeng is a nine day beast that can roam in the space. How can he care about the mere control?

"Bang Dang."

Chen Fan's wings are cut out like a sword in the sky, and his spirit is bright, making a clear sound of sword and sword.

Qingxuan Taoist master pinched his fingers like a dragon. Shuangtong shoots out two heavenly swords, and the heavenly eye sword reappears! However, chen fan has already used Kunpeng's Dharma to sweep all the people under the golden elixir.


Chen Fan's wings collided with two heavenly swords.

Chen Fan left wing across the sky, in the void, pull out a long golden God awn, like the sky outside God knife! Although the Heavenly Sword, with a length of about ten feet, is the top magic power of kunxu, it can't withstand the attack of the beast and burst into pieces.

"Die for me!"

Master Qingxuan was so angry that he couldn't believe it.

It is clear that Yuan Dan has been used. How can chen fan not be defeated? This result was unacceptable to Taoist Qingxuan.

He tried his best to squeeze the power of Yuan Dan, and drew out all the power. The terrible energy gathered in the master of Qingxuan Taoism. He kept condensing and desperately compressed, and finally turned into a peerless immortal sword! The Blazing Sword swept across the sky, leaving tiny cracks. A breath of destroying heaven and earth was brewing on the Taoist master Qingxuan.

This is already a golden elixir!

On earth, it's comparable to small nuclear weapons, destroying a city.

Without any fear, chen fan directly combined his body and turned a hundred meter Kunpeng into a golden rainbow running through the heaven and earth, crashing into the Taoist master Qingxuan."Boom!"

A huge mushroom cloud is at the top of Kunwu mountain. This mushroom cloud is so vast that it soars thousands of meters high. The terrible force tears all the clouds in a circle of ten miles. The mighty storm makes the Nu long river billow, arousing hundreds of meters of huge waves, and countless ships shake from side to side.

In the face of this power over the world, all people are disgraced, can only stand there, looking at all this.

"Who won?"

It took a long time for the great master to speak.

Everyone looked nervously. The mushroom cloud gradually dissipated, revealing everything on the top of the mountain.

Chen Fan stood on the top of Kunwu with his hands on his back. His long hair was flying and he was hunting in black. Kunwu mountain, which is 3000 feet high, seems not as lofty as him. At the foot not far away from Chen fan, the Taoist priest Qingxuan was lying in a big pit, his black hair was scattered and his face was covered with blood.

Seeing this scene, everyone was numb.

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