Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 748

Kunwu mountain top.

The storm is like a dragon, the strength is like a wave. The power of terror envelops the sky.

There are many immortals on the top of the mountain. They all look at the God of war in the golden flame.

At the foot of the mountain, although people in the kunxu community could not see the battle on the top of the mountain. However, there have long been practitioners of immortality who used water mist, illusory light and other techniques to spread images for thousands of miles, pulling out huge light curtains to show the situation on the top of the mountain in front of the public.

"How can Chen beixuan be so powerful?"

Countless people were shocked.

Before this war, no one was optimistic about Chen fan. There are tens of millions of people in the whole kunxu community who think that Chen fan will surely be defeated, just to see if he can save his life.

The master of Qingxuan's swordsmanship is invincible in the world. Can a 20-year-old be the enemy?

But when the war really started, we found that Taoist master Qingxuan was in a disadvantage from the beginning to the end. Whether it's Jingtian sword or peerless lingbing, chen fan can't help it.

"He is so strong..."

Qi Qingwei said.

Her figure is vigorous and slender, like the pretty face of Dragon Palace goddess, showing a trace of bitterness.

Chen Fan subverts her imagination again and again. Whenever Qi Qingwei thinks that she can see through the depth, there will always be more surprises waiting for her.

"The teacher is very good."

Qi Xiuer jumped up directly, her face flushed with excitement. The other seven great masters and the purple family of the burning valley are all black as charcoal, looking nervously at the light curtain.

The fighting continues.


After Chen Fan shows his real strength, he will not stay. Direct a punch horizontal sky, exceed ten times the speed of sound, pull out long air awn in the air, hit green Xuan road Lord.

"No shadow, no sword."

The Taoist master Qingxuan was the first person in kunxu. At this time, he was not flustered.

His whole figure turned into a transparent sword shadow. The sword shadow doesn't seem to exist in the world. The strength of the Dao passes through the sword shadow directly. It is similar to Chen Fan's formula of flowing light and sweeping shadow.

This is the supreme swordsmanship of Qingxuan Dao. It is said that once it is used, it will be invincible.


Chen fan was reincarnated by immortal Zun. How could he be trapped by this little skill and hit the air directly.

It's as if the nail is hammered into the void, and then with Chen Fan as the center, the space within a radius of ten feet is slightly trembling, just like a picture is shaken. All the things on the scroll are peeled off.

"The fist shakes the void!"


The figure of Taoist master Qingxuan was knocked down from the empty shadow.

The so-called invincible wuyingjiandun was broken in an instant. However, the master of Qingxuan was still calm. He kneaded his hands into a sword formula and pulled out two bright blue rainbow like a dragon to Chen fan.

"Qingxuan sword finger!"

The master of Qingxuan used his finger to control the sword Qi.

The powerful sword in his body cracked in the air.

These two fingers have accumulated 12% of the skill of Taoist master Qingxuan. Almost every finger is as good as that of Qingli sword.

It was as fast as lightning when it hit, but when it got to the back, it was like blocking a huge mountain of ten thousand tons. The speed was getting slower and slower, but it just stopped in front of Chen fan. It's magic. It's the secret skill of Xianwu in Qingxuan Taoism, which is far superior to the fingering in the world.

"Insect carving."

Chen Fan snorted coldly.

Chen fan also held a finger formula in his hand. The palm of his hand was like a lotus blossom. He suddenly made a strange fist seal. Then he lightly made a seal. Unexpectedly, he passed the interception of two sword fingers in an incredible place, like a swallow drinking water, and made a little bit in front of the master of Qingxuan.



Qingxuan Taoist master's body suddenly retreated!

In the void, every time he retreated a hundred feet, when he wanted to stop, he burst out a layer of fist strength in his chest, which forced him to retreat again. In the end, he retreated a thousand feet, only to stop.

Countless people were shocked.

Taiyin fairy is more nervous fierce straight up.

Even on the face of the Taoist priest Qingxuan, there was an unprecedented dignified color. He had a bright lotus fist seal on his chest, which bloomed in gold and was deeply imprinted on his left chest. If it wasn't for his all-round cultivation and the protection of quasi Lingbao level clothes, this blow alone would be enough to blow him up.

"One more punch!"

Chen fan came from the control of heaven and earth.

He is like a rainbow running through the sun. His golden fist is like an arch in the air, crossing the top of Kunwu mountain. People at the foot of the mountain, even without looking at the big screen, can see the rainbow as bright as the sun when they look up.

The power of this blow is earth shaking. Far better than qianlianhua before.


Qingxuan Taoist master is as dignified as water, and he suddenly drinks it.

Bang Dang!

There were two heavenly swords in his eyes!

The sky sword is three feet long. It is pure condensed by the bright god awn. The whole body is crystal clear, just like a peerless magic weapon. As soon as they came out of their eyes, the two heavenly swords would make a sound of cross calling, tearing the void and welcoming chen fan.At the foot of the mountain, some people have exclaimed:

"heavenly eye sword!"

"Grandfather, what is the heavenly eye sword?"

The girl in black was stunned.

"This is the most powerful magic power of Taoist Qingxuan in the legend, but it has always been a rumor, and no one has ever seen it. Even the emperor Yuntian, who lived hundreds of years ago, didn't force out this peerless magic power. He didn't expect that Chen beixuan would show up today. "

The old man of black water gate was shocked.

Many of them have changed their faces.

This magic power only belongs to legend. It is said that for thousands of years, except for the founder of the founding school, no one has completed the Qingxuan road. Once refined, he can turn his eyes into a magic sword, cutting up nine days and down the nether world. But he can defeat the gods, but he didn't think that Taoist master Qingxuan had finished it.


Chen Fan's double fists clash with Tianjian, making a clear sword sound.

His whole body is covered in the golden awn, the immortal god body and the golden flame. Even the two heavenly swords, which are known to be capable of chopping gods, can't break Chen Fan's body protecting God awn, but they force chen fan into the air.

Just as master Qingxuan was relieved, he saw Chen Fan roaring up to the sky:

"look at my magic power!"


I saw his eyes suddenly changed, one eye showed golden flame, one eye showed Kirin black fire. I saw two arms outline, gushing out from the flame. The left eye turned into a golden halberd. The black fire in the right eye condensed into a black magic knife.

The halberd is flaming like the sun.

It's like nine hell.

Two magic weapons came from across the sky, like soldiers in the hands of gods, tearing the air and meeting them fiercely.

The second change of Lihuo Jintong:

"Shenbing change".

Every flame will turn into a different magic weapon when the cultivation of this magic power reaches the extreme. At this time, chen fan's cultivation will motivate him. Each magic weapon is not inferior to zhunlingbao, and has different abilities.


The two heavenly swords collided with halberd and Shendao.

Ten fingers later, the halberd blazed with gold and crushed the sword in front of it. On the other side, Shendao also cut off the second Heavenly Sword. Then, in the eyes of the Taoist master Qingxuan, the halberd sword suddenly fell on him.


A cloud of mist burst out from behind the Taoist master Qingxuan. His body fell from the air and fell thousands of feet. He smashed into the Nu long river and stirred up a column of water.

There are some ships that can't dodge, which are directly smashed into pieces by him, causing many casualties.

"Bang Dang."

Two magic weapons are not willing to give up.

The golden halberd turns into a golden flame dragon, and the black sword turns into a ink flame unicorn. The two beasts came down from the sky and rushed into the Nu long river to pursue and kill the Taoist master Qingxuan.

"Pee, pee, pee."

Nu long river water, was stirred by two flame beast fog, almost even Jiang low were burned through.

Countless spectators, crying father and mother, tried their best to sail away and flee to the distance.

And many immortals, the face is difficult to see the extreme, even green Xuan road master all defeated? Is Chen beixuan really going to climb to the top, overlook the kunxu, and become the number one in the world?

At this time, a roar came from the angry dragon river:

"Chen beixuan, you want to die!"


A thousand feet of water, pull up the sky. From the water column, out of a man in green, it is Qingxuan Taoist master. But at this time, his body was in a mess, his hair and clothes were full of burns, just like a drowned chicken.

However, every step of Taoist master Qingxuan, his momentum soared.

"Bang bang."

After nine steps, the Taoist master of Qingxuan seemed to open a shackle. His breath, like endless rising, is like the balance. The whole sky, countless vitality boiling, with him as the center, condensed into a tornado.

His big sleeves are fluttering, his green clothes are hunting, and his eyes are like the gods overlooking heaven and earth.

Qingxuan Taoist master stands there, heaven and earth are at his feet, and all the immortals have a sense of exclusion from heaven and earth. This kind of feeling makes people feel sick and want to vomit blood.

"This is...

Zen master Longxiang and others are staring at something incredible.

"The foundation of heaven. The Taoist finally took this step, which is further than all of us. "

The great master said bitterly.

If we say that before, the strength of the Taoist masters of Qingxuan was still at the highest level, which was not essentially different from them, but they had stronger cultivation and stronger swordsmanship. So now, Qingxuan Taoist master has gone beyond the later stage of the earth immortal and entered a realm that people can't imagine.

"Chen beixuan, you shouldn't force me to give up all my previous achievements and make my path permanent. Only with your blood can I wash away my anger."

The voice of the Taoist master Qingxuan seems to come from yundian without emotion.

Every time he said a word, the breath was still surging. A huge funnel of vitality was suspended above the head of Taoist Qingxuan. The endless surging vitality came from all directions. He seemed to be in charge of heaven and earth. At this time, master Qingxuan was more than ten times stronger than before?"Ningdan period, you have begun to gather Yuandan?"

Chen Fan frowned slightly.

Congenitally, before entering the golden elixir, you have to gather the yuan elixir, then cross the thunder and rob, and after nine turns, you can become the supreme golden elixir. Once yuan Dan is united, it can't move lightly, otherwise it's easy for hundreds of years of hard work to disperse.

Qingxuan Taoist master was obviously forced into a desperate situation and had to use the power of Yuan Dan.

Yuan Dan is a one-time golden elixir, which stores hundreds of years of terror energy. Once released, it can shake the earth and shake the earth, and rival the power of the golden elixir in a short time. But after the release, Yuan Dan dispersed and had to start all over again. For most of them, it was equivalent to never entering the golden elixir.

"What about Ning Dan? I'll break you

But Chen fan is still fearless, and his fighting spirit is like raging waves.


The two collided again, and the war escalated instantly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!