Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 747

"Bang Dang!"

A hundred Zhang sword is as agile as a dragon, cutting the sky. Before the sword Qi arrives, there will be frost between heaven and earth. On the top of Kunwu mountain, there was a jingling sound. It was a tiny sword, which hit the ground and made a metal sound.

Many earthly immortals are in awe.

With this sword alone, the Taoist master Qingxuan was among the most powerful. How can he compare his sword spirit with that of the sword immortal? Even Zen master Longxiang did not dare to say that he would take the sword.

But Chen Fan came step by step, like an unparalleled God of war.

From the inside to the outside, he radiated a bright golden light. In the end, the golden light was concentrated on the right fist and waved with Chen Fan's fist. Bang, hit on the sword.


The sound of the great bell reverberates between heaven and earth. The mighty momentum swept the whole mountain top and burst into a white cloud.

A shocking scene appeared. The sword Qi, which was as long as 100 Zhang, burst apart under Chen Fan's fist. Like firecrackers, in the end, even the ancient sword of Qingli in it seemed unable to bear and gave out a buzzing sound.

Qingxuan Taoist priest's face was unshakable, but he didn't panic.

He drew his sleeve.

The green flying sword makes a perfect arc in the air. It's like a swallow's three strokes of water. It's light and nimble to hit Chen Fan's fist three times. Shengsheng releases Chen Fan's last strength.

"Come again!"

Chen Fan stepped on the void and ascended the sky.

He was enveloped in the bright golden radiance, full of immortal, most powerful charm. The master of Qingxuan put out thirteen swords in succession, and the Qi of the swords fell on Chen fan. But even the golden awn could not split.

On the contrary.

Chen Fan hit Zhongqing Li ancient sword with 13 fists in a row, one of which was heavier than the other. It was like Taishan hit, which made the flying sword humming and trembling. It seemed that he could not support it.

"Qingli is the second most famous sword of Qingxuan Dao. It's more powerful than Tianlei Zong's purple electric crazy sword and heavenly punishment sword. It can't cut off his body. Is it true that Chen beixuan has become a great King Kong?"

The fairy was surprised.

All eyes could not help looking at Zen master Longxiang.

Chan Master Longxiang stares at chen fan, his face is so solemn that he doesn't say a word.

In the sky, the battle continues. Both Qingxuan Taoist master and Chen fan are invincible. There are countless cards and many secrets. With a wave of the long sleeve of Taoist master Qingxuan, the sword turned into nine swords and fell from the air like a meteor.

"Nine orifices sword technique.".

One sword turns nine, and nine sword Qi correspond to the stars in the sky, just like the nine orifices of the same person. It's one of the advanced sword techniques of Qingxuan Dao, which can't be used by the immortals.

The power of each of the nine swords is no less than that of the body. Taoist master Qingxuan once defeated ten immortals in a row with this sword and subdued Yijiao. It's really earth shaking.

But Chen Fanli was in the air, so he didn't dodge and carried it with his body.

"Ding Ding Dang."

When the sword Qi hit him, it made a sound, just like hitting a steel plate. His whole body is shining, his golden light is like a raging wave, and he stands like a God King forever.

"Master Qingxuan, your strength is not so good."

Chen Fan looks up, light way.

So far, he has not used three points of strength, relying solely on the flesh against the enemy. Chen fan would be greatly disappointed if this Taoist master Qingxuan had only this ability.

Qingxuan Taoist master's face was calm and not moved by him.


I can only see the master's formula of Qingxuan.


Qingli sword is transformed into a piece of Qingxia, gorgeous and beautiful, just like a rainbow in the sky. Although the sword is far less powerful than before, it is more dangerous at this time when it condenses to the extreme. Like a laser gun, it can cut gold and iron, and even the mountain with one sword.


With the master of Qingxuan waving his hand.

Qingxia broke the sound barrier in an instant, pulled out a long arc in the air at nearly ten times the speed of sound, and chopped at chen fan. This sword is as wonderful as nature. When all the earth immortals saw it, they felt cold in their hearts.

This sword is the real ability of Taoist master Qingxuan!

"Come on."

Chen Fan's eyes are as red as a torch, and his body is full of fighting spirit. Layers of golden light even turn into a flame, burning like a torch, which reincarnates what he has entrusted.

In the face of Qingxuan Taoist master's sword, chen fan put qingxiameng in his hand.


The master of Qingxuan gave a loud drink.

Qingxia is very prosperous. The sword Qi comes from the void and soars to two feet long, just like a green dragon, trying to break free from the shackles. Countless tiny swords spread rapidly along Chen Fan's palms, covering Chen Fan's whole body and making a crackling sound with the golden flame.

Chen Fan felt as if a volcano was about to erupt in his palm, with ten thousand tons of force spewing out.

But Chen Fan didn't retreat at all. Instead, he burst out laughing, stomped his feet, and his tongue burst into spring thunder"Town

There was a scene that shocked everyone.

I saw golden flames, turning into dragons, surging from Chen Fan's body and pouring into his hands. In his palms, the flame of God flourishes like a blazing little sun. The golden light of the whole body was concentrated on the hands.

A layer of gold flame down, unexpectedly will Qingxia suppression.

At the end of the day, Qingxia was buzzing, and a flying sword with a length of about ten feet appeared. The flying sword is green and green. It seems to be made of ancient bronze and immortal gold. It has many lines and is simple and elegant. On the handle of the sword, there are two ancient seal characters of fly head, which are:



Countless earthly immortals watch the war and take a breath.

Chen fan was born and suppressed the flying sword of Taoist master Qingxuan!

The skill of entering the white blade with empty hands mostly happens to the low-level martial arts masters. At the level of heaven and man, the great Vajra body of Zen master Longxiang may not be able to block the sword of Taoist master Qingxuan. Who dares to use his own body to connect the flying sword?

"Too strong, too strong. Is this the reincarnation of ancient fierce beast? Otherwise, how dare you take the flying sword with your hand

One of them shook his head.

The patriarchs of the seven great masters, with their faces as dignified as water, underestimated chen fan. At this time, we found that Chen Fan's strength is comparable to that of a mere giant?

Only the father of the princess of the south, Huoling king, laughed and even called him his son-in-law.

"It's a good sword. It's a pity that you are too skillful."

As Chen Fan spoke, he pressed down the golden flame and placed golden seals on the humming and vibrating Qingli sword. At the end of the day, the sound of Qingli sword gradually disappeared, just like a salted fish, no longer beating.

At this time, the Taoist master of Qingxuan finally showed a trace of dignity.

Chen fan even broke his field, but also red hand town flying sword, really show invincible posture. At this time, Taoist master Qingxuan found that the young man in front of him was an unprecedented enemy.

"Ten sides exterminate kendo."

Qingxuan's Dao stresses "double cultivation of sword and Dharma". It not only cultivates flying sword, but also cultivates the Dao of sword Qi. When he lost his flying sword, Taoist master Qingxuan didn't panic. Instead, he squeezed the sword formula and turned it into a sword finger.


With him as the center, the vitality of tens of miles around him surges in an instant.

Between the heaven and the earth, a hundred Zhang long sword Qi condenses and covers ten directions, as if destroying the heaven and the earth. The whole Kunwu mountain top is filled with endless sword Qi. The mighty sword Qi turns into a tornado at last.

One by one, the sky and the earth move. Like a pillar of heaven, the sword like tornado rises from the ground, putting Chen Fan in the middle.

All of us are disgraced by this terrible power. Although Shifang extinction Kendo is a unique skill of Qingxuan Taoism, no one has ever been as powerful as the master of Qingxuan Taoism.

"I'm the first one in kunxu. This sword skill alone is enough to suppress kunxu. "

Zen master Longxiang sighed.

Chen fan was not surprised. He stepped on the sky like a golden sun across the sky.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Countless sword tornadoes came, and they were all smashed by Chen Fan with fists. The sword Qi, which is enough to cut gold and iron, falls on Chen Fan's body like raindrops. It can't shake chen fan at all. Even Chen Fan's golden awn can't be broken.


Qing Xuan Dao's main formula was turned over and his sleeve was waved.


Nine sword tornadoes, as long as 1000 meters, are like nine giant dragons. They come to Chen Fan from all directions. These sword tornadoes, rotating at high speed, are like sharp cutting machines. They crash into Chen Fan and crush him to pieces.

Pee pee pee.

In the sky, the sound of innumerable metal sounds, just like a steel knife across the iron plate, extremely harsh.

The top of Kunwu mountain, which is made of special materials and can withstand the battle of the earth immortals, also shows sword marks, which are several inches deep. If it was an ordinary mountain peak, it would have been flattened by Sheng for thousands of meters in front of the supreme sword technique of Taoist master Qingxuan.

Unfortunately, no matter how sharp and fast these swords are, they can't help Chen fan.

Chen Fanli is in the nine sword tornado, and his whole body is submerged by sword Qi. I can only vaguely see a golden light, as if it were extinguished at any time. But he stood still, full of immortality, immortality and immortality.

The divine body is extremely strong, and nearly ten thousand laws are not invaded!


The main face of Qingxuan turned his hand again.

The nine sword tornadoes, as thick as a giant tree, suddenly condense into thin chains, only the arms of children are thick. Each one is the condensation of countless sword Qi. Once it breaks out, it will be enough to blow over a thousand meters of mountains.

These nine chains entangled Chen Fan in them, and even Jin mang was defeated for a while.

"To win?"

Many earthly immortals with shallow cultivation can't see the details inside. Instead, they are forced to retreat by the sword tornado. At this time, chen fan was trapped by nine chains, and he was very happy.

Only the Dragon elephant Chan Master and so on, the facial expression changes, cries the way not to be good.It's too late. Just listen to the long chain of the tornado, there is a sudden burst of drinking:



It's like a nuclear bomb exploding.

The boundless and terrifying Zhenyuan burst out from Chen Fan and rushed to all directions in an instant. For the first time since Chen Fan stepped into the middle of his life, he showed all his strength and power, shaking the world and the earth. At the top of Kunwu mountain, even a small mushroom cloud rises.

Nine long chains, but also the first moment inch inch burst open, into smoke.

The master of Qingxuan was shocked by this attack, and he couldn't help regressing.

In the smoke, chen fan, with both hands on his back, stepped on the heaven and earth. His eyes were burning with gold and his voice shook the heaven and earth like thunder:

"master Qingxuan, is that all you can do?"

Up and down the mountain, those who see this scene all change color.

PS: the first one is presented, and the author continues to write the second one_ n)o , the fastest update of the webnovel!