Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 746

Kunxu, the site of the seven great masters, is awe inspiring.

Seven bright lights hover in front of Kunwu mountain, from which seven men and women appear. They are surrounded by thunder and lightning, they are ethereal in white, they are majestic in King Kong. The momentum is earth shaking, and the power of the whole body is suffocating.

In particular, in front of the seven, a middle-aged man with white temples and a green suit caught everyone's attention. The man just stood there, shining, but it seemed to cover the other six people.

Master Qingxuan!

The first person in kunxu!

"Master Qingxuan, Zen master Longxiang, fairy Taiyin, and archdeacon Dashi... My dear, there are four masters of the seven great masters of shangzong, and three elder Taishang, all of them are super giants. It's been a long time since we had such a grand occasion in kunxu. "

At the foot of the mountain, someone sighed.

Countless people look up and marvel. These seven people represent the most powerful force in the kunxu area. Seven people together, enough to push everything. In particular, the Taoist master Qingxuan, who has not done anything for hundreds of years, deserves to be the first in kunxu.

"Kunwu mountain is just a mountain. However, three hundred years ago, it had other meanings since Taoist master Qingxuan repeatedly asked to fight against his opponent. It stands for the top of kunxu

The old man of heishuimen said: "in the past three hundred years, the Taoist master Qingxuan has fought nine opponents on the top of Kunwu mountain. He has won all nine battles. His opponents are seven dead and two injured. Today is probably the tenth battle."

Hearing this, the girl in black felt cold and worried about Chen fan.


I saw a man in green walking up to the top of Kunwu mountain. A cold voice came from the sky:

"welcome Chen Daoyou to the top of the mountain."

Countless eyes, instantly gathered in the riverside chen fan.

Including Zen master Longxiang and others, they all have cold eyes. Chen fan even cut off the giant of shangzong, and Longxiang Chan Master wanted to frustrate chen fan. If it wasn't for Qingxuan Taoism, they would have done it long ago.


At this juncture, Qi Xiuer could not stop worrying and looked pale.

"Don't worry. Let's see how your master can subdue kunxu with one hand."

Chen Fan laughs, cloud sleeve a roll.


A water dragon rises from the Nu long river. Chen Fan steps on the dragon head and soars up. The surging Nu long river finally turned into a water column, which was ten thousand meters high.

Chen Fan followed it all the way to the top of Kunwu mountain.

People who see this scene all have small pupils. It is the seven great masters of the palm religion, but also slightly frown. Although they haven't seen Chen Fan's hand, it means that Chen fan has the ability to be equal to them.

"When did kunxu come out with such a pervert, so young and so powerful?"

The great master was very surprised.

He was dressed in an ancient robe of the alchemist. His feet were on the sky. In his eyes, there seemed to be a lot of pupils shining.

"No matter how strong he is, he is not Xuanfeng's opponent." Taiyin Fairy Light way.

"That's natural. The Taoist master was invincible at kunxu three hundred years ago. Three hundred years later, I will be an old monk, and I can't see the depth of the Taoist Zen master Longxiang said with a low eyebrow, holding rosary beads.

At the foot of the mountain, Qi Qingwei, Princess Nanguo and others all look up and worry about the future.

This century's World War I will finally open, but few people have confidence in Chen fan. It is Qi Xiuer who just prays for Chen Fan's immortality.


At the top of Kunwu mountain, there is a square hundred feet. Chen Fan stepped on it as if he were stepping on a steel plate, making a clear metal sound.

At this time, there was only a man in green standing on the top of the mountain with his back to Chen fan. Although he is only more than one meter high, his whole breath is connected with the Qianzhang peak at his feet. It's like a towering mountain.

It is the master of Qingxuan.

"Chen beixuan, you shouldn't have come."

The Taoist master Qingxuan stood in front of the mountain with a negative hand and said faintly:

"in the past three hundred years, there have been nine people who have climbed the top of Kunwu mountain. Only two of them have survived, and the remaining seven have died here. No matter how many great names they have in front of them, they have long been lost and few people know about them. You are still young. If you are qualified to climb this mountain in a hundred years, you will be my opponent. "

"Oh, really?"

Chen Fan declined to comment.

"There are only two ways for you to offend my shangzong, or you can enter my Qingxuan path, plant the spirit prohibition, and never betray. Or die Qingxuan Taoist said calmly, as if the gods were deciding the life and death of mortals.

"You are not qualified."

Chen Fan gave a scornful smile.


The Taoist master Qingxuan snorted, and his tone was always ancient: "this Kunwu mountain is just a strange peak. But when I searched all the ancient books and practiced in Jielu beside it for a hundred years, I knew that it was really an invincible artifact, but I didn't know if it was Kunwu's weapon. Today, this magic weapon will finally be stained with the blood of common people. "With that, master Qingxuan turned his head.


In the void, as if two lightning strikes. It is almost impossible to describe the appearance of Taoist master Qingxuan. His face is very common, but his eyes are as sharp as a sword.

The air was cut open by his eyes and made a peeping sound.

The Taoist master Qingxuan didn't use any strength. It was just the accidental release of the sword in the spirit that caused such a spectacle. It can be seen how powerful his sword Qi is.

"For three hundred years, how long has no one dared to talk to me like this? You are the first one. I'll keep your whole body. "

Qingxuan Taoist master's long hair is flying, and the sword light in his eyes is more and more prosperous. An overwhelming momentum surged from him, quickly surpassing Lord Tianlei, reaching an unimaginable level and filling the world.

All over Kunwu mountain, even the air condenses.

The vitality of the surroundings is even less fluid. The Taoist master Qingxuan was standing there. It was just like his field. Any power was controlled by him. When the earth immortal is here, he will be shocked to find that he can't guide the vitality of heaven and earth, just as if he was knocked down from the realm of heaven and man.


It is said that friar Jindan can control the heaven and the earth with one thought. He is in the realm of God. Although Qingxuan Taoist master did not reach this realm, he also touched the edge of the golden elixir. It's not a real domain, but it's also a pseudo domain.

Seeing this scene, most of the earth immortals are still confused.

But the Dragon elephant Zen master and others, but face a condensation. They are all in the late period of the earth immortal, very close to the golden elixir, and naturally know what this means.

"It's said that there are realms of immortals and gods. If we stand in the field, we will not invade the law and defeat the enemy. Unexpectedly, the Taoist master has come to this step. The old monk is willing to bow down. "

Zen master Longxiang sighed.

The fairy of Taiyin smiles and looks at chen fan like a dead man. Basically weaker than the master of Qingxuan Taoism, once he falls into this false realm, he will die and die.

But a scene that surprised her happened. Chen fanru's face was swept by the breeze and she was not controlled. Instead, she sneered: "is that all you can do?"


Qingxuan Taoist master's calm face finally appeared a trace of surprise.

He didn't expect that Chen Fan could break away from his control so easily. But don't know, if before closing, facing such power, chen fan can only break it with strength. But now, even if Jin Dan comes, he may not be able to trap chen fan.

However, the Taoist master Qingxuan was the first person in kunxu after all. Without any panic, he drank softly:



At this time, the original frozen energy seems to turn into steel and instantly condenses into a block. If the top of Kunwu mountain was underwater before and it was difficult to move, now it is the deepest part of the ocean. The pressure is so great that it is a piece of steel plate, which will be pressed into pieces of paper.

Taiyin fairy's eyes are cold.

I know that I am a husband, and I finally do my best. If the ordinary earth immortal once again, I'm afraid it will be directly pressed into meat cake by the terrible vitality of heaven and earth, even the body of the earth immortal will be as crisp as thin paper.

But Chen Fan's face did not change, and pointed like a knife, a stroke in the air.



In front of Chen fan, the spring tide of vitality was directly split in two. The whole sky suddenly thundered, and a spectacle appeared in front of the crowd.

With Chen Fan as the center, a white line appears across a hundred feet. On both sides of the white line, the spring tide of vitality, visible to the naked eye, roars like a waterfall and rushes madly to the middle.

The main face of Qingxuan Taoist school is cold.

Chen Fan's finger, seemingly weak and powerless, is just the starting point of his pseudo field. The whole field is based on the base point. Just like the core of the array, the base point is broken, and the whole field collapses.

"Good, good!"

At this time, even the Taoist master Qingxuan was not angry in his heart. He looked at Chen Fan coldly, his eyes were cold: "Chen beixuan, it seems that I underestimated you before. Just let you have a look at the real power of my crisscross kunxu. "


The master of Qingxuan road waved his sleeve.


I saw a green sword flying out of his sleeve.

As soon as the sword reached the air, it turned into a mighty sword. This bright blue sword, which starts from the head of the Taoist priest Qingxuan, runs across Kunwu. It is nearly a hundred feet long, just like the Heavenly Sword of ancient gods.

"This sword is called Qingli. It has fought with me in kunxu for 450 years and killed 173 enemies. You will be 174th. "

The master of Qingxuan had a sword in his hand, and his temperament suddenly changed. There was no wave or impatience in the whole person. Looking down at chen fan is like looking at a mole ant.

At this time, the Taoist master Qingxuan was the first person in kunxu who was truly invincible for three hundred years.


Chen fan had no fear in his eyes, and his blood was boiling. He stepped out and raised his fist.

The void is boiling, the vitality is surging, and the vitality of tens of miles is gathered in front of Chen Fan's fist. His whole life is shrouded in the bright golden light, just like the birth of a God.With a wave of his long sleeve, the Taoist priest Qingxuan chopped his sword from the sky and pointed at chen fan.

The war that shook kunxu finally broke out.

PS: Well, the fourth one is finally finished. The author's eyes are all spent. So he goes to bed and continues to write tomorrow_ n)o , the fastest update of the webnovel!