Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 745

When Chen Fan left the pass and returned to Lantai city.

Qi Xiuer and others are already in a hurry. Although Chen Fan closed the door quickly, it took him a month. Although Taoist Qingxuan didn't give a specific time, it would make the first person in kunxu angry if it took too long.

"Teacher, you are here at last. Qingxuan's main appointment is to meet you... "

when she meets chen fan, Qi Xiuer greets her in a hurry.

"Chen Shangxian, the master of our clan, wants to meet you on the top of Kunwu mountain. The time is up to you." A Dixian in a green sword robe came from the cold. He is as strong as a sword immortal.

We can see how prosperous Qingxuan Taoism has been in the past three hundred years.


Chen Fan agreed without hesitation.

Taoist master Qingxuan is the first person in kunxu. If you can defeat him, it will be enough to frighten kunxu. Chen Fan's three goals have also been achieved. If before closing, chen fan will have some doubts. Now, the golden elixir does not come out, and Chen fan is arrogant and invincible.

"In half a month, I'll go to Kunwu mountain and meet the leader of your clan."

With the departure of the Dixian in Qingyi, this sentence quickly spread to the whole kunxu area.

Countless people are in an uproar. Chen Fan didn't flinch, but he really dares to come to the appointment?

"Go, Taoist Qingxuan hasn't done anything for nearly a hundred years. Last time, I fought with Zen master Longxiang. Take the dragon as the main body of Zen master, which was broken by his sword. Chen beixuan is also a famous expert recently. I have to watch this battle. "

This appointment, which is said to be a meeting, is actually an appointment. No matter chen fan or Taoist master Qingxuan, it is obviously impossible to give way.

I don't know how many masters of the clan and aristocratic family rushed to Kunwu mountain from all directions.

For a time, the kunxu community was boiling.

At this time, chen fan found a clean house in Lantai city to check his success and failure.

"This time, I've exhausted all my family. All the spirit stones, medicine and materials are empty. If you can't find other precious medicines, you can't improve your accomplishments in a short time. "

Chen Fan gave a bitter smile.

The twelve day plan is against the sky, but it consumes too much resources. Especially in the earth where the aura is exhausted, chen fan's cultivation resources that can make up two pictures are already of great fortune.

"However, although the family is empty, but this time the strength growth is really great."

Chen Fan gently raised his hand. His palm was like sapphire. There were only some gold threads in it. But at this time, the golden thread turned into the thickness of the thumb, the whole body was occupied by the golden awn, and gradually transformed into the golden body. Buddhism calls the body of Buddha "golden body", which means "immortal".

When Chen Fan's physical body turns into golden awn, it is the moment when the real divine body becomes great.

"It's not just the physical body. Lei zetu's cultivation is successful. My spirit, true yuan and cultivation are all based on the middle of the congenital period, and I have added a number of chips. Now, I'm afraid that I can't compete with you in ten congenital later periods if you only use the theory of truth. "

Chen Fan moved slightly.

The real yuan of terror is surging in the body like the Yangtze River.

Even the ground vibrated, like an earthquake. In Chen Fan's body, Zhenyuan turns into a black phagocytic Zhenyuan for a while, and turns into a golden Leize Zhenyuan for a while. The two forces switch freely and blend with each other.

This is just the foundation, not the thunder power attached to the map.

Lei Ze, as a supernatural power of the ancient Lei system, is as powerful as Kun Peng. Moreover, Lei Ze is different from Kunpeng. He is an excellent fighting beast. In terms of combat power alone, he may be half better than Kunpeng.

"With the achievement of the Leize divine map, I can finally complete the" five leiyuan magnetic seal. "

Chen Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

He once got a yuanci mountain in the valley of burying immortals, ready to be refined into the five thunder seal. It's a pity that cultivation is not enough. After all, once this magic weapon is completed, it may be promoted to the level of Lingbao directly. Even the golden elixir is easily unable to refine Lingbao.


Chen Fan took out the dark yuanci mountain from yangjianhu and refined it into one with Wulei seal. Yuanci mountain, which used to be wild and rebellious, is as gentle as a sheep in Chen Fan's hands.

The two gradually combined into a group and turned into a simple seal like a mountain.

Leize, the divine beast, controls thunder and lightning. The force of yuanci also belongs to thunder and lightning.


In the combination of ancient seals, chen fan's eyes also emit electric light, which penetrates Lei Ze's power and makes the breath of ancient seals more and more powerful. In the end, chen fan even broke up the purple electric sword, turned it into a spiritual material and injected it into the five thunder seal.

In the small building, thunder and lightning roared all day, and the lightning flashed.

A breath of terror was brewing, as if it was pregnant with a fierce beast.

Ten days later, when Qi Xiuer and others began to worry, chen fan finally stepped out of the building. With a trace of regret on his face, Lingbao was too difficult to refine after all. Yuan Cishan plus five thunder seals and many spiritual materials, as well as his ability, only one quasi Lingbao was refined after all.

"But although it's a quasi spirit treasure, the power of the five thunder seal is far better than that of the purple electric crazy knife. Even compared with the real Lingbao, it's not too much of a panic. "Chen Fan thought.

All of them set out for Kunwu mountain.

The unprecedented first World War is coming!


Kunwu mountain is the first sacred mountain in kunxu.

The mountain is 3000 feet high, which is comparable to the Himalayas. Especially straight as a sword, straight into the sky, from the hillside, clouds began to surround, it is said that at the top of the mountain, you can even touch the vigorous atmosphere layer, as if living in the sky.

"It's said that in ancient times, Kunwu God opened up the kunxu world, and once drew eight thousand li Nu long river with one sword. In the end, he put his sword at the head of nulong River to suppress the Kun ruins, and finally turned it into Kunwu mountain. "

Qi Xiuer talks with great interest.

They all went down the Nu long river by boat. It was a long day, but three days later, they were near Kunwu mountain.

"Well, it's just a myth. Kunxu is such a big place. How could it be created by people. What's more, a sword cuts across the Nu long river. Even the weapons are thousands of feet long. How big and how tall must Kunwu be? "

The princess of the south is cold.

Qi Xiuer was angry.

She just likes to listen to stories, which are told to her by old people in Qishan city when she was a child. As for the truth, it has long been buried in history, and no one knows.


The river winds hunt.

Chen Fan stood at the bow of the awning boat with his back on his hand, and his eyes were deep as a sword mountain in the distance.

The princess of the South may think it's a joke, but Chen fan knows it. In the universe, there is indeed a strong life that opens up the world with bare hands, draws the river with one sword, and is ten thousand feet tall.

Among other things, Kunpeng's body is comparable to a galaxy, which can swallow up the sun. How does that exist?

However, those who can do this must at least be Yuan Ying, or even the great power of transforming the gods.

"Is Kunwu the God King of Kunwu a yuan baby or a great power? With his longevity yuan, he may still be alive, and his power will last forever. But the earth is a death star. Even if he were alive, he would have left the earth long ago. "

Chen Fan thought in his heart.

At this time, countless aristocratic families have long come together.

On the surface of Nu long river, there are sails fluttering in the wind everywhere. There are colorful cloud sails, splendid cloud sails and golden dragon boats. A ship is bigger than a ship, even hundreds of meters long, comparable to an aircraft carrier. The whole nulong river is blocked.

"Woo woo."

With the sound of a horn. The fleet in front of the awning ship suddenly split in two. Like the arrival of an emperor, the boat cleaved the waves and headed for the holy mountain.

Here comes Chen beixuan!


it was a dark ship, tens of meters long, with black sails.

"He's Chen beixuan. Doesn't he look special? It's not that the immortal comes with great momentum. He came in a small boat. If you don't know, you think he's just a weak scholar. "

A woman in a black shirt, like an iceberg, turned her lips.

The old man next to her said solemnly:

"yunmo, be careful. Chen Shangxian is one of the few strong men in kunxu. With one flick of his finger, we can completely destroy Blackwater gate. After your martial uncle and several disciples fell into the secular world, we black water gate can't stand any impact. "

"Yes, master."

The girl bowed her head and suddenly thought of her good friend Xiao Wu, who died in the secular world.

Countless people silently watched the young man in black. I don't know how many young people are proud of themselves. I don't know what it's like. This is the man in front of us. He is the first person of the younger generation.

What's more, I don't know how many aristocratic family leaders and sect leaders are jealous.

Their ancestors have been pursuing for hundreds of years, but they just want to be immortal. When Chen Fan was only 20 years old, he climbed to the top and looked down on the kunxu. How could they not be jealous?

"If he can survive this war. In the next five hundred years, the whole kunxu will tremble under his feet. "

The Lord of the red dust sect sighed.

Everyone around nodded with the same feeling.

Because time has not arrived, Qingxuan Taoist master and others have not arrived, and Chen fan has not climbed the mountain. But after leaning on the bank, I found a clean blue stone on the Bank of the river and sat down cross legged.

Everyone was waiting in silence.

Whoosh, whoosh.

In the sky, a flash of light.

That's the beginning of the earth fairy. Every ray of light represents a statue of heaven and man in kunxu. They were all masters of one religion or elders of the upper religion. Either riding the spirit beast, or driving the spaceship, the momentum is enormous.

But at this time, in front of Kunwu mountain, they all pressed dunguang and stopped at the foot of the mountain to show their respect and respect for the two great giants.

"It's my dad. He's here, too."

The princess of the South jumped up.

A hundred meter long ship is flying in the sky.

The spaceship is extremely luxurious, inlaid with all kinds of gems, agates, corals, pearls, just like a treasure ship. She was dressed in a hot and pretty girl. She was mischievous and amused, attracting countless eyes. At the top of the treasure boat, there is a big man in a golden robe with ten rings. Although he is the immortal, he is extremely fat. He is the leader of the 36 cities in the south, the king of fire spirit.When Huoling king saw the princess of the southern kingdom, his face showed a look of doting, and he was extremely enthusiastic about Chen fan. He said: "my son-in-law."

The fire spirit king has already married his daughter to Chen fan. He warmly invited chen fan to stay on his treasure ship. He kept frowning and winking, suggesting how hot and attractive the beautiful girl on his treasure ship was for you to pick.

Finally, chen fan lightly refused.

"Well, like father, like daughter."

Qi Qingwei curled her mouth and squinted.

At this time, the sky suddenly came a roar, like a thunderbolt. Seven bright lights, across the sky, came to Kunwu mountain. Before the light arrived, the overwhelming majesty had been lowered.

Everyone was in awe and looked forward to it.

The seventh shangzong is here!

The war will start!

PS: the third watch will be presented. The author will continue to write the fourth watch. It may be very late. Let's get up and watch it tomorrow_ n)o , the fastest update of the webnovel!