Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 744

For thousands of years, chen fan and other murderers have not appeared in the kunxu area. The eight giants can't stop him. With this war alone, chen fan was able to rank among the most powerful men in the world, on an equal footing with the leader of the great religion and the supreme magnate.

It's all in the limelight.

Countless messengers came to Lantai city from all directions.

There are no super giants, and there are no 20 in the whole kunxu. Chen fan is one of them, and he has a white family. He is not from a big school. I don't know how many immortals and patriarchs want to marry their daughters and granddaughters to Chen fan to win him over.

We can't find Chen Fan for the time being.

The Qi family sisters and the princess of the southern kingdom suddenly became hot characters. Especially Qi Xiuer, who is said to be Chen Fan's disciple, has a tendency to speak for Chen fan.

"Sister, every day there are many people from families and families who come up to ask me if my teacher is here, and there are still many people who come to propose. But I don't know where the teacher went. And they also send all kinds of valuable gifts. I don't know if I want to pick them up

Qi Xiuer was very upset.

"Silly girl, Chen beixuan became famous in the first World War. She is a strong person in the world. In addition to the seven great masters and the burning Valley, he is the most powerful. Naturally, many people will flatter such people. "

Qi Qingwei calm face, calm analysis: "those gifts, accept or not do not matter. Now the most important thing is the attitude of the seven great masters. He killed so many shangzong people that the seven shangzong would never give up

"You mean they're going to deal with teachers?"

Qi Xiuer's face suddenly changed.

"Not necessarily, but there must be a saying."

Qi Qingwei's secluded path.

She is from shangzong. How can she not know shangzong's way of doing things. For people like Chen fan, if they can't recruit them, they will certainly destroy them. In order to maintain the rule of shangzong in kunxu.

On the tenth day of Chen Fan's closure.

A shocking news came from kunxu.

Master Qingxuan went out of Jianlu and asked Chen beixuan to stay in Kunwu mountain for a while.

When the news came out, the whole kunxu was in an uproar. Countless people gaped and couldn't believe it. Since the defeat of Yuntian emperor by the sword 300 years ago, Taoist Qingxuan has been firmly on the throne of the first master of kunxu, and has exerted himself over many great giants. It is said that he is not far away from Tianxian.

Such an earth shaking person should make an appointment with Chen fan?

Everyone knows that the seven great masters have begun to make moves. Next, it's up to Chen fan to take the move.


"what's the main appointment of Qingxuan

Qi Xiuer's face turned white.

For the people of kunxu, Qingxuan Taoist represents the symbol of invincibility. For thousands of years, qingxuandao is only one of the seven shangzong, even at the end of the list.

However, since the birth of Taoist Qingxuan, kunxu has been under great pressure. From then on, Qingxuan road stood on a par with Yuntian palace, and even made a half plan.

The road rises from the sky, the sword rises from the green!

Since then, the sword immortals of Qingxuan road have emerged in large numbers, and there are peerless figures from generation to generation. It has been holding the bull's ear in the world of kunxu. Qingxuan Taoist master is regarded as a mythical existence.

Can chen fan be the enemy of such figures?

"Although Chen beixuan is very powerful, at most he is in the later stage of the earth immortal. How could he be the opponent of Taoist master Qingxuan. This time he's in big trouble

The princess of the South shook her head.

Qi Qingwei also wry smile: "I thought it was Zen master Longxiang, or the master of our sect, but I didn't expect it was Taoist master Qingxuan."

"It seems that the Lords and elders of the great masters of the great masters of the great masters of the great masters of the great masters of the great masters of the great masters of the great masters of the great masters of the great masters of the great masters of the great masters of the great masters of the great masters of the great masters of the great masters of the great masters of the great masters of the great masters of the great masters of the great. So I asked the master of Qingxuan. Of course, it doesn't rule out that the Taoist master of Qingxuan has been itching for a while. After all, such strong people as Chen beixuan are rare in a hundred years. " Qi Qingwei frowned.

Despite this, Qi Qingwei is not optimistic about the war.

"At that time, if it can be settled, it's better to say that once the war really starts. Chen beixuan had a great deal to lose. The name of Taoist Qingxuan has been around the world for hundreds of years. Now no one knows how profound his cultivation is. Maybe it's only half a step away from the immortals. "

After listening to their analysis, Qi Xiuer's small face became more and more pale, and in the end it was as thin as rice paper.

After hearing the news, the envoys of all the great families who visited, promoted and wooed chen fan also stopped working. In the face of the towering Kunlun, the Taoist master of Qingxuan, no one thinks that Chen fan can cross it safely.

"Chen beixuan's best way now is to run away at once. With his great power, no one can help him unless several leaders join hands. But since then, kunxu has no place for him. He can only live in anonymity. "

A wise man commented.

Countless eyes, from all over the kunxu, gather to look at the Lantai city.

Qi Mufeng and others, after receiving the news, suddenly look like earth color, silent. Among the seven shangzong, there was a sneer:

"Chen, do you really think we can touch the dignity of shangzong? Now you know the consequences. "

At this time, chen fan did not know that he was still in seclusion.


In the nameless Valley, chen fan sits cross legged.

His whole body is shrouded in the holy white awn, from *, cultivation to the spirit, all in the rising. The medicine power of thunder rob soul refining fruit is too powerful.

With Chen Fan's progress, even in the kunxu area, it would take at least three years to break through to the middle stage.

Entering the first day, every step forward is ten times more difficult than before. But at the same time, after the leap, the combat effectiveness will be greatly improved, shaking the world.

Three days, five days, ten days...

half a month later, chen fan's breath was so fierce that he broke through one layer of barrier and another layer. All of a sudden, the vitality of the 80 Li area trembled, and the tornadoes of heaven and earth came down from the sky like a funnel to the valley.

The vitality is almost visible to the naked eye, like a column of smoke.

After entering the congenital middle stage, chen fan's breath is more than several times stronger than before?

If before, he killed Lord Tianlei, he still needed three knives, and let Lord Tianlei run away. Now, with bare hands and without using magic weapons, one hand can kill you.

At this time, with pure cultivation, chen fan has been comparable to the pinnacle of congenital, sweeping the congenital invincible.

But it's not enough!

Chen Fan's kneading formula, an ancient pattern, emerged in his spirit. On the pattern, there is a thunderbolt that seems to pierce the universe.

It's the second picture of twelve days work chart:

"Zhentian map!"

With the beginning of the operation of the earthquake map, the surging power of the medicine turned into innumerable lightning flashes in an instant. In the soul refining pill of thunder robbery, there are surging God thunder, which are just used as the resources of the earthshaking map.

Boom boom!

As zhentiantu began to practice, lightning came down from the void and cleaved around the valley. Thunder clouds, more terrifying than before, were brewing over the valley.

The twelve day chart is a skill against heaven.

Gods and beasts are born, and they are the favorite of the universe. Let mortals have the power of divine beasts, and more than one of them should gather twelve in one body. This is to go against the sky and inevitably encounter disaster.


Along with the practice of Gongfa, a faint divine light shines on Chen fan. These Shenhui, which are different from tuntian diagram, exist in another set of acupoints, meridians and bones.

In the end, it was enough for Chen fan to have a glimpse of the elixir in the later period of his birth, but they were not able to support it. It's no wonder that Chen fan had never seen a practitioner of twelve day Gong Tu in his previous life. This road is too difficult and requires too many resources.

However, chen fan has already made preparations.


Many spirit stones and elixirs stored in yangjianhu burst open one after another.

Those magnates and immortals often carry some elixir or stone. Although they don't have such a space treasure as Jianhu, they still have small storage bags.

After all, there were many elixirs in ancient times.

All in all, there are about 100000 spirit stones. As Chen Fan breathed and breathed, pieces of spirit stone burst and turned into pure spirit, converging on Chen fan.

Snow Fairy and Bai Jiao, who stay in the garden, are scared.

They feel that there is a breath of terror brewing in the outside world.

Sixty percent, seventy percent, eighty percent...

with the accumulation of Baodan and Lingshi, Zhentian map gradually became complete. Behind Chen Fan's back, an old pattern gradually lights up. On the design, there is a dragon head human body, which is twined with lightning and spews thunder.

If there are immortal practitioners, they must exclaim:


Thunder is the most powerful beast. It's said that he was born to control thunder and lightning and thunder. The ancient Thor is said to be a Dacheng Leize. In those days, the ancient Thor once crossed the universe, repeatedly defeated the real immortals, and even fought with the emperor of heaven. How powerful he was!

Leize God map gradually complete, only the last 10%, suddenly slow down. Chen Fan's spirit stone has been used up, but instead of being flustered, he drinks softly:



The surging blood colored flames were blazing around chen fan. Chen Fan once devoured the essence of the six blood ancestors, but not all of them were used up. Half of them existed in his body. At this time, all of them burst out and gathered together into pure vitality.

With the injection of this huge essence, Leize's divine map was instantly completed. When the last light was lit up, a breath of the ancient wasteland and the beginning of heaven and earth burst out in the whole valley.

Scared snow fairy and white Jiao, almost kneel down to worship. Bai Jiao, in particular, felt as if he had met a natural enemy, and countless cells were shaking.

In ancient times, Leize was indeed a dragon eater. He was the mortal enemy of the real dragon.


Finally, when Leize Shentu came into Chen Fan's body and deeply imprinted Leize shenmai in every hole and bone of Chen fan, chen fan finally opened his eyes.

At this time, there was thunder and lightning in his eyes, just like the beginning of heaven and earth.His body, crystal clear, flawless. All the blood flame impurities that had participated in the blood ancestor Zhenyuan were eliminated. At this time, the whole divine body was almost like a crystal bright diamond. It was only half a step away from the body of the golden elixir.


Chen fan reaches out his hand. Without using the five thunder seals, a chaotic color thunder ball appears in his palm. The five elements thunder, which was originally very difficult, can be attracted by waving, as if all the thunder in heaven and earth were in his hands.

"The second map of twelve days, the map of Leize God, has finally been refined."

Chen Fan smiles and gets up slowly.

"It's time to teach these people in kunxu what awe is."

At this time, he was no longer afraid of the kunxu world.

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one_ n)o , the fastest update of the webnovel!