Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 743

The refining of Baodan is far from comparable to other pills. It took Chen Fan seven days to refine the blood ancestor, but now he has to spend more time than before.


When the thunder roared in Dan's room. Unconsciously, there are dark clouds gathering over Lantai city.

Those dark clouds become more and more dense. In the end, like a black fog pressing down on the city, you can see electric snakes that are as thick as tree trunks shining in the black clouds. A breath of terror can't help coming to Lanshi city.

"How does it look, a bit like the legend of Tianxian ferry robbery?"

The princess of the South raised her pink head and her face was full of strangeness.

"It's said that when the earth immortal is promoted to the heaven immortal, he will meet the thunder of heaven and earth. Thunder clouds will cover a hundred miles, just like the end of the world. Therefore, there have been few immortals in the past dynasties. In the past three thousand years, none has been heard of. "

Qi Qingwei's voice is cool, her body is strong and slender, and she is full of charm:

"however, in addition to celestial beings, when refining Lingbao and peerless elixir, there will also be this kind of disaster cloud. And it's much smaller than tianxianlei. But now the fairies of kunxu are extinct. Who can make a magic elixir but a fairy

Speaking of this, Qi Qingwei has doubts on her face.

Although they were puzzled, the black clouds above their heads became more and more prosperous. At last, they covered a radius of ten li. The whole sky turned into a sea of thunder. The electric snakes even had horns on their foreheads and claws on their abdomen. They turned into boa constrictors and circled in the clouds.

Tens of thousands of people in Lanshi city were terrified.

For fear of thunder clouds falling, the whole blue stone city will be fried into vermicelli. And the place with the most thunder and lightning, that is, the city Lord's mansion where chen fan is, no one dares to live within kilometers.

Lian Qi Qingwei and Princess Nanguo moved to another street.

One day, two days, three days... On the ninth day.

The black cloud has fallen to the sky of the city Lord's mansion. The dragon is as thick as a big tree, and even can see the scales clearly. Half of the blue rock city was empty because of the terrible pressure. Even the wildebeest, yellow dog and wild animals did not dare to speak. They crawled on the ground, just like the end.

Day ten!


Dan furnace burst open, only to see a group of winding leimang, blooming white pills, fierce from Dan furnace out.

It is like a crystal clear diamond, wrapped in white light, like a small sun. In the diamond, you can see a human figure with wings on its back.

A wisp of fragrance, from which comes the room full of Zhilan.

Qi Xiu'er felt that she was full of strength and seemed to be immortal.

"Teacher, has Shendan become

"No, it's just the beginning!" Chen Fan's eyes look at the top of his head. His eyes seem to see through the thick stone wall of the Danshi room and see the terrible thunder cloud that is nearly 100 feet.

"If Baodan is jealous of heaven, it's just like if he becomes a golden elixir with others, there will be thunder. The same is true of Baodan. How can it become a great medicine without experiencing the baptism of thunder robbery! "

Chen Fan said word by word.

The blood pill he had refined was only a precious medicine, so chen fan could seal his breath to avoid thunder clouds. But now, if we don't make a real elixir from thunder, the effect will be greatly reduced.


As Chen Fan said, a thunder pillar, as thick as a bucket, plummets down, crosses the void, splits the thick stone chamber, and fiercely splits on the top of Baodan.

Buzz, buzz!

Baodan above, blooming bright white light, carrying the thunder.

"What's that?"

The princess of the South and others looked over in horror.

This is just the beginning.

Then, a terrible thunder and lightning came down from the sky. Not only to Baodan, but also to our enemies, enveloping the whole Dan room. Even the city Lord's mansion, which covers an area of 1000 meters, is flooded by thunder.

Nanguo Princess and Qi Qingwei also look more and more ugly.

Each of these thunderbolts is stronger than the other. In the end, there is even a lightning dragon coming down from the sky, which is no less powerful than the strike of the immortals.

At that time, Qi Qingwei had a pretty white face. They could feel the power of thunder.


Because chen fan is an alchemist, he is driven by gas engine, so he is hit by lightning most. But why did he wait for the fierce, directly sacrifice the five thunder seals, like a long whale drinking water, absorb all the thunder into it, and protect Qi Xiuer.

"Pee, pee, pee."

In the thunder, the crystal clear elixir is more and more bright. There were some milky traces at first, but after being baptized by thunder, they became more and more transparent, like the best crystal diamond.

"Thirty, thirty-one, thirty-three... Thirty five."

As Chen Fan counted, his face became more and more dignified.

It's like when a man goes through a robbery, the more stable his foundation is and the stronger his strength is, the more likely he is to go through a robbery. The same is true of Baodan. With only three kinds of Baodan, chen fan is not sure that it will be successful.

"Next, it should be the last thunder."

Chen Fan looks up at the sky.

The whole world, as if at this moment, suddenly calmed down. The thunder clouds within a radius of ten li gather rapidly, and finally form a huge lightning vortex with the city Lord's mansion as the center. In the vortex, a terrible energy is gathering."The 36th thunder robbery!"

As Chen Fan's voice fell, he only heard an unprecedented roar. The sound is so loud that people seem to be deafened. There is no sound between heaven and earth.

I saw a Thunder Dragon as thick as a giant wood coming down from the sky.

The Thunder Dragon's delicate hair will appear. Its scales, double horns, four legs, dragon head and so on are just like real ones. With a sense of authority to control the world. The Thunder Dragon struck Baodan fiercely, which immediately aroused the explosion of destroying the sky and the earth.

The whole city Lord's mansion turned into a sea of thunder in an instant.

Countless houses, furnishings, rockeries and so on were blasted to pieces by thunder and lightning. Within a kilometer radius, the earth immortals were here, and they had to turn into ashes.

All the people who look at the appearance are dumbfounded. Many mortals even fell to their knees, thinking that God was angry. Even Qi Qingwei said: "I'm afraid it's not inferior to Tianxian ferry."

They can't imagine what Chen Fan did in the Lord's mansion.

At this time, chen fan was the only one in the city master's mansion. There was no thunder light in his body. The five thunder seals were on his head, and the five colors of light hung down to protect them.

"Teacher, what's up?"

Qi Xiuer asked anxiously.

Seeing the terrible power of the last Thunder Dragon, she was really worried that Baodan couldn't hold on.

Chen fan doesn't say anything, but his eyes are shining with golden light, and he stares at the center of thunder robbery.

After a long time, when the thunder and lightning finally dispersed. I saw a crystal clear diamond shining in the air. It is transparent, without any impurities, as if the supreme treasure, a trace of lightning around its surface, like an electric snake beating.


Chen fan was relieved and finally breathed out a smile:

"this soul alchemy pill of thunder robbery has finally become a magic weapon!"


the soul refining pill of thunder robbery.

This is the name of Baodan. Even in Baodan, it is a good grade. Chen Fan centered on Lei Jieguo, supplemented by Millennium jiaodan and Guangming blood, went through 36 Tianlei, and finally refined this Dan.

This is the golden elixir. When friars saw it, they had to keep their eyes open and want to snatch it. Chen fan is not fully sure of refining, just a fight.

"Fortunately, I succeeded. Next, it's time for me to go further."

Chen Fan's eyes are shining.

Even if the soul refining pill of thunder robbery is given to the friar of golden elixir, his accomplishments can be greatly increased. What's more, he is just at the beginning of his birth? It is bound to break through one realm or even two.

However, chen fan's intention is more than that. He has a deeper idea.

"Among the twelve heavenly power pictures, the second one is the thunder beast. If I practice with this elixir, I can not only make great progress, but also refine this map of heaven. At that time, I will have a double blood of gods and beasts, and my strength will be far beyond the imagination of the immortals in the world of kunxu. "

Chen Fan said softly.

Every 12 day work map is a leap and evolution.

In terms of strength, the animals in the first nine pictures are almost the same, but each has its own magic power. However, the cultivation of Tiantu is not only a kind of supernatural power, but also a bonus of body, soul and power.

This kind of bonus will increase more and more with the number of Tiantu cultivation. At the end of the day, twelve Tiantu is a great success. You will even gain all the power of twelve beasts!

Looking at the universe, Kunpeng and other beasts have already stood at the top of the universe, which can shake the existence of real immortals.

The power of twelve real immortals converges in one body. What a terrible power is that?

That's why Chen fancai said that the twelve day Kung Fu map is the supreme heavenly Kung Fu. It's the method of fighting against immortals, which was used by the Zhenwu immortal sect of Chaoyue. However, in the future, more resources will be needed. In the end, I'm afraid half of the universe will not have enough resources.

Of course.

Only two pieces have been completed. The increase is far less than that of Tiantu Dacheng, but it also makes Chen Fan's strength soar by several percent.

"No matter what, even if it can only be made into * pieces, I'm equivalent to four or five beasts. When the time comes, I don't need to use magic power to fight with my peers. I can push through with my physical strength. "

Chen Fan smiles.

He hastily explained the frightened Qi Qingwei and others, and then flew out of the city, found a safe and secret valley, and began to shut down. This time, chen fan will never go out if he is not ready to succeed.

When he went out of the pass, the whole kunxu community would shudder!


"bang bang."

Chen fan set up many arrays around the valley.

Geng star sword array, five elements array, Heaven Sword talisman... All kinds of means are used, even if they are the supreme giant, they can't easily break in. Chen fancai took out the treasure pill, swallowed it and began to practice.

Hum, hum.

His breath, with the speed of terror, is growing rapidly. Every spring finger increases one day's accomplishments.

In just one day, chen fan has been practicing hard for several years. He was enveloped by a bright white light. In the white light, all kinds of thunder and Dragons twined around him, making Chen Fan's body more and more brilliant.When Chen Fan closed, the whole kunxu community was also in a turbulent situation.

PS: the first one is presented, and the author continues to write the second one_ n)o , the fastest update of the webnovel!