Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 742


There are thousands of ancient cities in the area of ten thousand li, and the seven shangzongs are superior. In addition, there are many middle and small sects, as well as aristocratic families. Although the life of ordinary people is similar to that of ancient China, the information exchange at the upper level is very close.

The news of Lantai mountain almost swept the whole kunxu area like a hurricane.

Kunxu is moved by it!

Since the immortals entered kunxu thousands of years ago, when did this kind of face-to-face provocation happen? Many kunxu people even thought that the seven great masters would rule the kunxu kingdom forever until the end.

"Who is Chen beixuan?"

"It's said that a 20-year-old can kill the emperor and the magnate. It's just like a myth. In those days, Taoist Qingxuan was not so powerful

"It's too strong. It's said that even the thousand year old dragon was caught by him and wanted to be a pet. It's hard to see such a madman in a hundred years. No, it's a thousand year old one!"

Countless people are talking about it.

All the high-level members of the great families and clans were shocked.

It's really amazing news. It's like thunder. It even makes many people forget the hatred of the secular world. Countless spies and subordinates were sent to search the news of Chen beixuan.

"I haven't had such a young Earth immortal since the opening of kunxu. It's really terrible!"

Many immortals sigh.

"I'm afraid he's not just the youngest, but one of the strongest. With this battle alone, Chen beixuan was able to rank among the top 20 in the world, and stand up against the leader of the great church and the old monster. "

Some people have a keen eye.

Chen Fan's deeds were so shocking that they were frightened.

At the same time, chen fan's ferocity and strength were deeply rooted in the hearts of many aristocratic families in the kunxu community. Countless aristocratic family leaders have given orders not to provoke Chen beixuan.

"This man is just like a devil. If he doesn't agree, he will kill on the spot. It is mieqing Dao and Tianlei Zong that have no such ferocious existence. "

However, some families with active minds also quietly sent envoys to try to recruit chen fan.

After all, there are few such strong people who can compete with the great giants.

Qishan city.

"What? Chen beixuan killed the emperor and seven immortals? Who are the giants of the great schools? "

Qi Mufeng and others who heard the news were directly stunned on the spot.

To them, it's like listening to a myth. The immortal is already superior. Chen Fan's killing immortal is like killing chicken. What kind of person is that?

"Is this the same Chen beixuan who looks ordinary?"

Qi Mufeng and several hostesses look at each other, and they can see the horror in each other's eyes.

However, after hearing that Chen Fan wanted to take Qi Xiuer as his disciple, Qi Mufeng couldn't help smiling happily. He thought that his eldest daughter was the most promising, but he didn't expect that his second daughter was also lucky.

And Donghe faction, after receiving the news.

Laozu Donghe Dixian gave a death order directly, asking his disciples not to step into Qishan city.

The Donghe school was really scared. After knowing that Chen Fan was so cruel, they intuitively felt cold behind them, as if they had walked around the ghost gate. Several elders who once clamored to destroy Qishan city and Chen fan are now as good as rabbits and dare not say a word.

However, more people are looking at Yuntian palace and seven shangzong. Chen Fanlian's beheading of shangzong's magnates, these masters of kunxu, can they sit still?

"The boy is dead. The seven great masters are not easy to provoke."

Many discerning people shake their heads.

In their opinion, unless chen fan can pass the seven shangzong pass, he is just a flash in the pan and will wither in an instant.

Leiyin mountain.

In front of the ten foot high Buddha, an old monk dressed in cassock and as thin as a skeleton suddenly stood up when he heard the news, and the whole mountain seemed to shake with him.

The old monk Jin Gang was angry:

"if you kill my disciples, you must take revenge!"

Many elders standing in the Buddhist hall bowed themselves together and called the Buddha's name.

Qingxuan road.

In front of a sword house.

With the report from the attendants, a man wearing a Taoist robe in green, embroidered with sword patterns and green eyebrows slowly opened his eyes. In his eyes, it seems that there is a Heavenly Sword shining, which can cut everything:

"Chen beixuan? When will such a young and strong man emerge in kunxu

"It's time for me to join the WTO.

Hunyuanmen, huotiangu, dashijiao...

with the arrival of the news, an old monster who is the supreme giant and can't hide in the world. All of them wake up from the closed door, or angry, or suspicious, or interested.

Yuntian palace is the largest religion in kunxu.

"Severe punishment! We must punish them severely! Gather the immortals. If eight are not enough, let's gather 80. Kill that maniac directly to deter the whole kunxu. Otherwise, they will think that I can be deceived by my ancestors! "Inside the central hall, a white bearded elder roared.

In this war, yuntiangong lost the most.

Lingxiao Shangxian is nothing, but the emperor is the pillar of Yuntian palace in the future. Yuntiangong specially asked him to make a name for himself at the Lantai fair, subduing a generation of elites and leading the future of kunxu for 300 years. But all these calculations were broken by Chen fan. How can Yuntian palace not be angry?

Yuntian emperor sat on the top, his face was gloomy and his eyes were shining.

"This Chen beixuan is very powerful. I'm afraid the Lord can't wait for him. No one can help him." Another young fairy shook his head.

"Then let the patriarchs and elders of each clan take the treasure of Zhenzong and destroy it with one blow."

Cried elder white beard.

Many earth immortals divided into two waves and talked one after another.

Finally, Yuntian emperor lowered the order:

"first send someone to inquire about Chen beixuan, and then make a decision. He came out of the world as if he had jumped out of a crack in a stone. There must be something strange. If the investigation is clear, we will kill them directly. "

Speaking of this, the cloud emperor's eyes were cold and murderous.

Yuntian palace has always been determined and moved later. Either you don't make a move, or you'll make a move like thunder. At that time, the nine religions in kunxu stood side by side, and the two religions were destroyed by Yuntian palace, which established its position as the largest religion in today's kunxu.


the seven sects, the whole kunxu, all moved with Chen fan.

At this time, chen fan lived in an ancient city called "Lantai city" not far from Lantai mountain. The leader of Lantai city is a new master. When he saw Chen Fan coming, he respectfully let him out. Facing chen fan, he was as humble as a servant.

Today, chen fan is famous for moving kunxu, and he is known as a devil. He is just a devil, how dare he provoke?

Qi sisters, naturally follow. The charming, fiery and enthusiastic Princess of the South also had the cheek to paste it up. But Chen Fan ignored them.

Besides giving Qi Xiu'er some advice on her practice from time to time.

Most of the time, chen fan buried himself in the alchemy room, practicing pills.

"Hoo Hoo."

A magic fire from Chen Fan's eyes, burning the alchemy furnace.

Although there is no ground fire in the sword palace of Shushan in Lantai City, chen fan's cultivation at this time is far better than that at that time, and he can already make pills empty handed. A batch of medicinal materials are added to the Dan furnace.

Qi Xiu'er blinked and looked at him:

"master, what kind of pills are you refining?"

"Peerless medicine, to be exact, is an elixir." Chen Fan said.

Baodan is a kind of elixir. He once refined Baodan with Xuezu, but the Xuezu was just an ordinary congenital creature, and there was no other medicinal materials to match. So it can only be regarded as zhunbaodan, not a real big medicine.


Qi Xiuer is curious.

"What is Baodan? It's a rare treasure. If you swallow it in your stomach, your life is up to you. If it is refined, I'll give it to you. You can be promoted directly to the top of the world and compete with those giants. As long as you don't get blown up by Baodan's terror medicine. "

Chen Fan shrugged his shoulders.

"It's not... It's not."

Qi Xiu'er spat out her little tongue, but she was more curious.

What kind of elixir can turn an ordinary person into a giant?

As the medicinal materials added by Chen Fan become more and more precious, chen fan's face becomes dignified.


A white cocoon was taken out of the sword gourd by Chen fan. Through the light cocoon, Qi Xiuer could even see that there was a human figure in it. The man seems to have a pair of wings.

"Is it a bird man?"

Qi Xiuer doubts.

But when Chen Fan takes a picture of Bai Jiao and forces him to spit out the inner elixir and put it into the furnace, Qi Xiuer is not only confused, but shocked.

Bai Jiao has been practicing for thousands of years, and his whole body is full of treasure. His Dan Qi is enough to help people enter the earth immortal. How terrible is the power of a thousand year old pill?

"Shifu is definitely practicing an unprecedented magic pill!"

Qi Xiuer has a clear understanding in her heart.

In the end, chen fan took out a fruit shining with thunder and lightning, looked at the north with a little regret, and finally put the fruit into the Dan stove.

Qi Xiu'er doesn't know, but if there is a fairy here, she will recognize it. It's a legendary thunder robber. One can let people go straight into the nature.

"It's a pity that I wanted to go to the snow god palace first, take the ice soul snow lotus, and then supplement it with all kinds of miraculous drugs. It's more secure. However, after killing seven giants in a row, it is estimated that they have already alarmed the real strongmen in the kunxu market. If I can't go any further, with my current strength, I can only protect myself at most, and I can't really push kunxu

Chen Fan thought in his heart, the golden flame burning in his eyes.

"No matter. This time, if you don't succeed, you will be benevolent."


Chen fan put his hands together and patted on the red stove.

All of a sudden, the Danlu soared up in the air, and the three color flames started from him. At last, chen fan turned into a huge fireball and enveloped the Danlu in it.There are many top quality elixirs, such as the angel of the Guangming clan, the Millennium jiaodan, and Lei Jieguo.

This time, chen fan not only wants to become a great medicine, but also has other deep-seated ideas. Once completed, the whole kunxu will be invincible!


Dan furnace, thunder, red flame burning air.

A furnace of peerless treasure pill is gradually being bred, waiting for the moment when the furnace is turned on.

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