Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 741


The mighty mountain wind blows over Lantai mountain, and the kilometer peak stands alone at this time, leaving only the nulong River in the distance, still whistling.

Whether it is the numerous elite of Lantai who are flying in the air, or the countless young people who come to watch the battle at the foot of the mountain, they all look up to the sky.

There was only one golden figure standing there with his hands on his back. He was surrounded by blood flames, shining immortal, strong and invincible light, just like a demon.

In fact, it's the devil!

Three boxing to kill seven immortals, or seven congenitally middle giant, what is this concept? It's the leader of each sect, or the Taoist master of Qingxuan, who didn't have such achievements.

"All dead?"

Bai Suxian's cool and gorgeous face was full of shock.

Even with her calmness and calmness, she couldn't help losing her beauty at this time. It was too shocking, beyond Bai Suxian's imagination. How many years has the kunxu kingdom not lost so many immortals at the same time? That is the immortal who is superior and invincible!

And Qi Qingwei has been standing on the spot, countless remorse and guilt, filled in the heart.

She thought she overestimated Chen Fan many times before, but now she found that she underestimated chen fan. Can Chen Fan's ability be compared with that of an emperor? The 20-year-old heaven and man, or crush many immortals, can be compared with the existence of the supreme giant.

There may not be one of these peerless figures in a thousand years, that is, when he was young, Taoist Qingxuan did not have the invincible posture of Chen fan.

"No wonder he said that I was a frog in the bottom of the well, and I could only see the sky above me. Now I think it's true."

Qi Qingwei gave a bitter smile.

The southern Princess and Qi Xiu'er, however, had a small mouth and wide eyes. They couldn't believe it. Is this the same Chen Xianshi who looks ordinary all the way in the face of wutengshan's provocation?

"I seem to have picked up a great teacher."

Qi Xiu'er's big eyes were getting brighter and brighter, almost glowing.

At this time, in the sky, suddenly came a shrill scream. Finally, the snow fairy came back, burst into a white awn, wrapped in the spirit of ice, and fled to the distance at a very fast speed.

She was so scared that she just wanted to run as far as she could.

"Come back."

Chen Fan pokes his claws into the void.

Thousands of square meters, instantly solidified into an iron plate. The invisible and immaterial vitality seems to become chains at this time. Snow Fairy immediately trapped in mid air, and with Chen Fan a move, slowly fly back.

"Don't kill me."

Snow Fairy eyes full of fear, a pretty face, at this time almost distorted.

She is the elder of the snow god palace. She is over 300 years old, but on the outside, she is just a beautiful woman in palace dress. She is about 30 or 40 years old, and has a rich buttocks and lingering charm. Just shivering at this time, like a little white rabbit.


Chen Fan plays a magic formula, imprisons her spirit and body, and then brings it into the sword.

When Chen Fan looks back.

No matter up or down the mountain, all people bow down in awe and offer their respect to this invincible great power. Chen fan has completely conquered everyone with his strength. It is arrogant as Qi Qingwei, cool as Bai Suxian, also had to bow.

Chen fan, with his hands on his back, came down from the sky step by step.

Some of Chen Fan's enemies, such as hunyuanmen and wutengshan's attendants, were already kneeling on the ground, shivering. Chen Fan's cruel methods completely frightened them, for fear of following Wu Teng mountain.

But Chen Fan's eyes, where are these ants? He waved to Qi Xiuer.

Qi Xiuer came over carefully and called in a mosquito like voice:

"Chen Xianshi."

"Xiuer, it's not like your character. Qi Xiu'er, whom I know, is not afraid of anything. The first time I met her, I dared to see my fruit. " Chen fan is funny.

Qi Xiuer suddenly made a blush, a small face, like a ripe big apple.

However, after such a disturbance, she finally recovered, with a pretty face and big eyes full of adoration. She looked at Chen Fan: "Mr. Chen, you are so powerful. Even the emperor and so many immortals are not your opponents. You didn't cheat me. "

"They are also called immortals?"

Chen Fan's eyes were full of contempt with a faint smile: "Xiuer, when you climb to the top one day and witness the real strong, you will know that these people in kunxu are just frogs in the bottom of the well, which is not worth mentioning."


Qi Xiuer nodded her head in a daze.

Qi Qingwei said nothing. She is a little embarrassed to face chen fan, but when Chen Fan looks over. This woman, like the Dragon Girl in the Dragon Palace, is still pretty and proud. Unfortunately, chen fan doesn't even look at her. Qi Qingwei was angry and resentful.

It was the princess of the South who bravely came to talk to Chen fan. Her big hot eyes almost came out of the water, and she wanted to wrap her whole body around chen fan."Little *"

Qi Qingwei hates the way in her heart.

At this time, Bai Suxian led the girls in the snow god palace, curled up, slightly bowed and said:

"white Suxian in the snow god palace, meet the immortal."

"I believe that elder Xue is guilty of provoking Shangxian, but can we let elder Xue go in the face of Suxian. But if I want to be immortal, I will be satisfied in the snow temple. "

Bai Suxian is so cool and gorgeous that she wears white clothes. At this time, she was courteous and courteous. No man can refuse. The princess of the South and Qi Qingwei look at each other with hostility.

"When I ask you something, I'll let him go."

Chen Fan dropped a sentence and turned away. Let the fairy stand on the spot.

"Master Chen Xian, you've killed so many great local immortals. Will it be ok?"

Qi Xiuer suddenly reacts.

Many people scream in their hearts:

"elder sister, you just think of it now. Chen beixuan killed seven tycoons and the emperor, and imprisoned snow fairy. It's equivalent to offending the seven great masters and the people of burning heaven valley. Even the most famous madman in history is not as arrogant as he is! "

Don't look at this time, many faces show the color of awe, isn't the bottom of my heart has been waiting to see Chen Fan joke.

"Don't be careful. I have my own concerns."

Chen Fan didn't care at all, his face was light.

As he spoke, he looked into the sky. At this time, nu long river, somehow, suddenly set off waves. The water flowed more and more, and finally turned into a storm. A water wall tens of feet high rises from the river like a white line. It came from a distance, swept across the whole river and rushed here.

"It's Bai Jiao. Is it coming?"

Cried the princess of the south.

All the people looked at him enviously.

In the Nu long river, there is a Bai Jiao who has lived for thousands of years. His accomplishments are unfathomable. Every few decades, it will go from the old nest in the lower reaches to the mountain peak in the upper reaches to huff and puff Neidan in the moon. Bai Jiao's Dan Qi can nourish the cultivation and help people enter the nature. It's the reason why Lantai society has been established in the past.

Unfortunately, for hundreds of years, only Qingxuan Taoist master and Changhe Jianxian once trapped Baijiao for a moment. Other people are not qualified to make Bai Jiao pause. Most of the eight magnates are to frighten Bai Jiao and protect his disciples.

"Xiu'er, please watch it. Look, I went to catch this white Jiao and play as a pet for you. "

Chen Fan laughs. He walks to the riverside and waves his sleeves.


The Nu long river, 300 Zhang wide, broke under Chen Fan's sleeve. The mighty wall of water, here, suddenly stopped and stopped.

One sleeve breaks the river!

Countless people watched and were fascinated.

At that time, the Sword Fairy of Changhe River claimed to break the river with one sword, but it was only half broken. Chen fan, for example, let the river cross the river for thousands of meters. This kind of power is the supreme giant, which may not be able to achieve.

"Yes, yes, I want Jiaobao."

Qi Xiuer exclaimed excitedly.


In the Nu long river, there was an angry dragon chanting. A dragon, two or three hundred meters long, covered with snow-white scales, with a head as big as a house and four feet, rushed out of the river and looked coldly. It was surrounded by countless clouds, as if a real dragon had come into the world.

This white dragon, in terms of cultivation, even surpasses the poisonous dragon in the valley of buried immortals, and has evolved into a dragon.

But Chen Fan didn't care. He grabbed it in the air:

"come here for me."

The powerful Zhenyuan, combined with the power of the body, turned into a green gold giant palm with the size of tens of feet. The giant palm went across the sky and grabbed Bai Jiao.

"Sing! Chant

Bai Jiao sent out earth shaking howling, angry and crazy.

It has been cultivated for thousands of years, and it is a man of great accomplishments. In the Nu long river, its combat power is not inferior to that of a giant. Which Earth immortal can't be respectful when he sees it? The so-called long river sword immortals, but Bai Jiao was too lazy to pay attention to it, so he rushed to sacrifice and refine the inner elixir, so he vomited some elixir gas to him. Such as Chen fan, who came up to catch him as a pet, never met.


Bai Jiao was angry.

30 Li Nu long river, began to boil up, the tide boiling like the sea. Countless surging vitality of the water system, manipulated by Bai Jiao, turned into angry dragon, and suddenly broke away the green gold giant palm. On the surface of the river, there are more and more water dragons, rushing up to attack chen fan.


Chen Fan step out, black hair flying.

At that moment, the vitality of heaven and earth within a radius of tens of miles, all of them followed Chen Fan's orders and came together. A giant hand hundreds of meters in size suddenly grasped Bai Jiao.

This giant hand, as if God fell into the hands of the world. Even the 200 meter long white Jiao was very small in front of this palm.

No matter how crazy Bai Jiao broke free, he couldn't break free any more. He could only watch himself dragged to the front step by step by Chen fan. Then he entered the forbidden formula and refined the two hundred meter long Jiao body into a small Jiao with a length of about ten feet. Finally, he was put into the sword raising Hu.Around countless people, gaping at this scene, I can't believe it.

"What is invincible? This is the real invincibility. "

Nanguo Princess Na road.


November 3, 2012.

Chen Fan went to kunxu and returned to nature on the top of Lantai mountain. He killed seven giants and imprisoned snow fairy. One sleeve breaks the river, subdues Bai Jiao and shows his invincible posture.

When the news came out, the whole kunxu was shocked! , the fastest update of the webnovel!