Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 740

When Chen Fan recovered from his injury, he broke through the congenital moment again.

A pillar of light, which runs through the heaven and earth, rises from his head and shoots directly into the sky. It is combined with the vitality of heaven and earth and stands on the top of Lantai mountain like a canopy.

At that moment, countless observers raised their heads to witness this gaping scene.

The yuan Qi of tens of miles around vibrates and finally condenses into clouds. Chen fan carries his hands and stands between heaven and earth, just like a God.

Endless cyan gold God awn emerged from him, and layers of blood flames leaped out around him. Three color flames were blazing in his eyes.

Under the gaping gaze of the public, chen fan's breath gradually ascended, as if inexhaustible, rapidly surpassing the ordinary immortals, then surpassing the six giants, and finally reaching an unimaginable level.

He seemed to have leapt from a humble little beast to an ancient Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"It's good to feel the power back."

Chen Fan stood on the platform with his hands on his back, his eyes slightly narrowed, as if in aftertaste.

The six giants, such as Lingxiao Shangxian, were shocked and frightened. They are looking at chen fan, in front of the breakthrough congenital.

"Kill him!"

The master of cold flame roared.

Chen fan this dramatic change, so that the six giants feel bad in the heart, hand attack, involuntarily increased by three points.


Six breath of destroying heaven and earth come down from the top of the head. The sword is powerful and it is 100 meters in length and breadth. The cold flame sweeps the sky and freezes the air. The thunder sound shakes the world, the heaven and the earth shakes... Each of the six giants is a congenital medium-term cultivation, not inferior to Changhe sword immortal and Leixing earth immortal. The terror of their six people's joint efforts is that the supreme giants should pay attention to them.

But Chen fan at this time is no longer chen fan before.

In the face of this enough to put him into the hell of the attack, chen fan expression light, do not care. As if in front of me is just the breeze.


Chen Fan swung out his sleeve.


This sleeve, without using the slightest divine channel technique, is split out purely by virtue of the vast true yuan. But it's just like the Tianhe River Falls and the buzhoushan mountain falls. The whole sky was torn apart. It's as if there's a sharp blade in the air. Even the clouds in the sky are cut into two parts.

This sharp blade is thousands of meters away from Chen fan.

With Chen Fan as the center, heaven and earth are divided into two!

No matter what kind of extreme cold spirit flame, ten square sword Qi, Tianlong thunder sound you like. In front of this sleeve, all of them are broken, just like a dream bubble. In the face of this unparalleled and earth shaking blow, many giants turned pale at the same time and flashed out one after another.


He saw an unstoppable white rainbow sweeping in front of him.

A mountain thousands of meters away was swept by the strong air, split and cut in two.

One sleeve makes a mountain!


Seeing the power of this sleeve, not only many spectators, but also all the immortals were subdued. Although the earth immortal claims to have the power to move mountains and level the sea, it only breaks a small hill at most.

Chen fan, for example, broke the mountain thousands of meters away. It was so powerful that it was unimaginable.

"Is this... Is this still human?"

Looking at the mountains hundreds of meters high in the distance, I fell to the left and right. It seems that he was cut open by the sword of the gods. This kind of power is beyond people's imagination. Bai Suxian and others were stunned.

"My darling, this is no rabbit, this is nine day dragon."

The little mouth of the southern Princess Yin Hong opened and she could not speak.

And Qi Qingwei is stupid. Is Chen beixuan, who looks like a boaster, responsible for the mighty Tianwei? Is he still a monk outside the sect? It's an immortal!

"Master Chen Xian is so powerful!"

Only Qi Xiu'er jumped up and yelled, her face full of joy.

"Who is your excellency? Even if the emperor was promoted to the immortals, he didn't have your power. " Lingxiao Shangxian's face is uncertain, and he looks at Chen Fan with astonishment.

There are many immortals in kunxu. Especially chen fan, who is so young and powerful, should never be unknown.

"Chen beixuan."

Chen Fan's back hands, light mouth.

This time, no one dares to underestimate. The name is deeply remembered by all people, because it represents the name of a super strong man.

"I'm in charge of Chen beixuan and Chen Nantian. If you dare to kill my superior Tianjiao and provoke my great religion, you'll be damned! "

The copper bearded master suddenly gave a drink. On the purple electric hammer, the lightning soared and turned into the size of a small mountain. He dashed at chen fan. The more powerful chen fan is, the less able they are to stay.

"After all, kunxu is the kunxu of our ancestors. You are not allowed to be wild."

If we say that before, only the six immortals wanted to kill chen fan, now even the Qi deficiency Sanren of Hunyuan sect and the snow fairy of snow god palace regard Chen Fan's eyesore as a thorn in the flesh.

"Ha ha."Chen Fanli didn't pay attention to it. He just stretched out a thin, crystal clear finger and gently pushed it out.


He even blocked the powerful purple hammer with one finger. In the hands of master Tongxu, this old top-grade spirit weapon is far more powerful than tianmingzi, wutengshan and others. It is enough to smash the mountain with a single blow. However, when facing Chen Fan's finger, it is like a natural moat, which can never be crossed.

The bronze bearded master's face turned blue and purple. He tried to urge him, but he couldn't shake his finger.


Lingxiao Shangxian has a dignified face.

They have seen that bronze beards are superior to men and fall into a disadvantage.


This time, not only the five immortals, such as Yuntian palace, but also the snow fairy and Qi deficiency Sanren, all shot at the same time. All of a sudden, the attack of the immortals filled the void.

Eight giants, together, are better than others.

"Here is the supreme giant. I'm afraid we have to give way by three points."

Nanguo Princess Na road.

"It's not only the supreme giant, but also the first person in kunxu. The Taoist master Qingxuan has changed his color since he came here." Bai Suxian smiles bitterly.

It's the power of eight giants. It's terrible. I'm afraid we can't make up eight magnates for many large enterprises. It is estimated that only the largest Jiaoyun heavenly palace can have such an inside story. The combination of the big eight is enough to level the weakest big school.

In the face of this let the mountain collapse.

In Chen Fan's eyes, there is no sadness or joy, and he is indifferent. He gently raised his left hand, clenched his finger into a fist, put his thumb between his index finger and middle finger, and then hit it with one punch.


A bright golden awn came from his whole body, and finally gathered into a pillar of light in his left fist. This pillar of light seems to be invincible. Any force, in front of this fist, has to get out of the way. It is like the boxing of the God of war.

Zhenwu Shenquan!


With this blow, the mountains and rivers are broken and the sun and moon are hanging upside down. It's like Kunpeng hitting three thousand worlds, rosefinch spreading its wings and shaking the Milky way.

Zhenwu Shenquan!

The eight giants joined hands and were instantly broken by Zhenwu's magic fist. If they were struck by lightning, they suddenly retreated by tens of feet. Then, the strength of the fist was unstoppable, and it hit the master Lengyan in front of him. The master of cold flame only had time to strike a spirit flame. He staggered in a hurry, and the whole person was blasted in the air by the golden fist force. Even the spirit was turned into pieces.

Defeat eight giants with one punch! Kill master Lengyan!

This earth shaking power directly shocked everyone.


Chen Fan said with no expression on his face. Then he took a step in the air. He turned into a dragon with fists. He danced across the sky and hit people with his teeth and claws.

The rest of the seven immortals, have some fear, but still in resistance.

"Ten sides destroy kendo."

"The purple hammer."

"Ice spirit."

A series of supernatural powers, Taoist Arts and magic weapons came from all directions and attacked chen fan. But Zhenwu Shenquan was so terrible that Chen Fan's speed almost disappeared, exceeding ten times the speed of sound, so he couldn't catch it at all.

He just raised his fist. The next moment, he appeared in front of the bronze bearded master.

The bronze bearded master roared wildly, so he didn't have time to sacrifice the purple electric hammer. He closed his hands, pulled out two purple electric knives more than ten feet long, and chopped Chen Fan in the air.

The unique skill of Tianlei sect, purple thunder knife!


Chen Fan didn't care. He just opened his mouth and said it. Then he smashed it in the air.


The purple electric knife suddenly exploded. Golden fist strength, such as dragon dance days, unstoppable. He smashed all the talismans and magic weapons in an instant and crushed the bronze bearded master from beginning to end into a ball of blood dance. He couldn't even find any fragments. In front of Zhenwu Shenquan, it's like paper paste.

The second earth immortal, the bronze bearded master, fell!

At this moment, the other six giants are not only scared, but also heartbroken.

"Run away!"

Lingxiao Shangxian shouts.

Chen fanneng smashed their offensive and killed the giant like a chicken. This represents that Chen Fan's strength has far surpassed them and reached another incredible level. Even if it is a giant, in the face of Chen fan, it can only be slaughtered, and there is no room to fight back.

"The third one."

Chen Fan raised his hand slightly.

A golden halo appeared behind him. The light wheel is about the size of Zhang Xu, like a small sun, suspended in the sky and earth. As soon as the light wheel appeared, it was like the chariot of Apollo. The golden light on it was so pure, solid and indestructible.


With Chen Fan's punch, heaven and earth are split.

I saw a bright golden awn, across the long sky, instantly across thousands of feet away, like detached time. In front of this invincible golden wheel, the void seems to be nonexistent. No matter what kind of body protection weapon, peerless swordsmanship, or arhat gold body, it doesn't seem to exist."Bang, bang, bang!"

Qi deficiency individual was the first to explode. The whole person, together with his Hunyuan Yiqi clock, was directly smashed by the light wheel.

Then, juejianxian of Qingxuan Road, Xumi venerable of leiyinshan... Four giants in a row were run over by the golden halo, and their magic weapons were all broken into pieces.

In the end, it's the Lingxiao fairy in Yuntian palace.

Lingxiao Shangxian struggled desperately and produced three top-grade spirit weapons in succession. In the end, he performed the secret art of fighting for his life. But in front of Zhenwu Shenquan, everything is false.


Lingxiao fairy also burst into a blood dance.

In the end, only the snow fairy in the snow temple was left. Chen Fan let him go and stood in the void. The whole person seemed silly and couldn't believe it.

Chen Fan hit five giants in a row!

Eight immortals, now all ink, only one person! , the fastest update of the webnovel!