Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 739

Sword gas condenses silk!

To be a good swordsman, you can conquer everything and cut everything! Although it's a low-grade spirit weapon, it's like searching for something by breaking the cloud and sky wheel and cutting the emperor.

And all the people on the scene, have been stunned on the spot, can't believe it. Even the eight immortals were silent. Although the emperor had just entered heaven and man, and had not yet completed all kinds of heaven and man Taoism, he was an immortal after all.

Chen Fan's killing is like killing a chicken. Who won't be killed?

Even the Emperor himself can't believe it! How could he be defeated by Chen fan? This is a great blow to the proud emperor.


The emperor uttered a roar, which shook the sky and filled his face with resentment.

The body of earthly immortals is far better than that of mortals. Even if they are cut into two pieces, they are only badly injured, not dead. In the future, they can find a panacea to take them back. But this sword is a great shame to the emperor.

"Chen beixuan, if you dare to break my body, I will kill you!"

The emperor called out word by word, his eyes turned into a piece of transparency, and there were endless years of wave light condensation. In his eyes, the fierce reflection of Chen Fan's image. In the void, only two ripples swept lightly.

"It's the emperor's time pupil. He finally used this talent."

Bai Suxian's eyes narrowed.

The princess of the South has changed her face: "it's said that the emperor's eyes can fix the time and solidify the space. It's an invincible power. Therefore, the elder of Yuntian palace made him the crown prince for the next 500 years. Even if it's an immortal, he can't break away from it. Chen beixuan is worse! "

Qi Qingwei, Qi Xiuer and others all look nervous.

Chen Fan's body was frozen in the air like a mosquito frozen in amber. At that moment, all the time and space around chen fan were solidified.

There was a smile on the emperor's face.

Although it's not easy to motivate him, he needs to spend his life yuan. But his power is infinite. His current cultivation of the earth immortal is enough to withstand the ten fingers of the supreme giant. This may even lead to the fall of a giant in the battle. Chen fan is not even a fairy, and has been held up for at least half an hour.

"See how I kill you!"

The emperor sneered and offered a high-quality flying knife, which was about to be cut to Chen fan.

The other immortals all shook their heads coldly and decided that Chen fan would die. Especially Lingxiao Shangxian, his face is full of sneers. Chen Fan cuts the emperor's body with one sword, which makes him hate chen fan. Fortunately, the emperor still has a card, otherwise he would have done it.


Flying knife across the void, will cut in Chen Fan Shi.

Chen Fan raised his finger slightly and caught the knife.

"How could it be?"

The emperor was stunned, with a look of horror on his face. All the people around were stunned. Isn't Chen Fan trapped in the solidification of time and space? How can you break free? This is not reasonable.

"Just a little time, dare you trap me? It's really a trick. "

Chen Fan cuts off the flying knife and then steps out. He suddenly appears in the sky above the emperor and steps down in the air.

"Stop it

An earth shaking explosion came from the other side of the mountain. But Chen Fanli didn't pay attention to it. He stepped on the emperor's head and crushed it. He even killed the spirits! How powerful is Chen Fan's God body? Even the mountain peak can be broken with one foot, not to mention the emperor?

Before his death, the emperor was still puzzled and shocked.

How could his invincible talent be broken?

But I don't know that Chen Fan's "years" of awakening are the great powers of the ancient Qing emperor, who can freely control time and see for a hundred years. I don't know how many times better than his path, which temporarily freezes time.

"You killed the emperor?"

Qi Qingwei stands up and looks at chen fan.

Bai Suxian, the princess of the south, and others were also dull eyed and couldn't believe it.

That's the emperor!

Maybe the future Prince of Yuntian palace, who had been in kunxu for hundreds of years, was trampled to death by Chen fan? What's more, in front of so many arrogant and immortals, how rampant is this? How rebellious!

"My father, I'm afraid, doesn't dare to be so presumptuous."

The princess of the South had a bitter smile in her heart.

At this time, a column of clouds, which can penetrate the sky and the earth, came in a flash. When the cloud pillar dispersed, the immortal's face of astonishment and anger appeared on the sky. He stared at chen fan, word by word, and jumped out of his teeth:

"you dare to kill the prince of cloud heaven palace, you deserve to die, you deserve to die!"

Lingxiao fairy at this time in the heart of anger, pour out anger dragon river water, also can't wash flat. That's the pillar of Yuntian palace in the next 300 years. When the emperor dies, what else will Yuntian palace fight with Qingxuan? How to suppress the younger generation in kunxu.

He could already imagine how angry he would be when he returned to Yuntian palace. Lingxiao Shangxian doesn't want to think about it any more. Now, he just wants to cut chen fan to pieces and vent his anger."Kill, kill, what so much nonsense, you also want to lead to death?"

Chen Fan flicked his finger, his eyes cold.

"Well, well, today I'm going to destroy you Lingxiao Shangxian is full of rage, and the surging clouds all over the body shake the world. He is a giant.

"Add me one!"


A purple flame, rushing through the night, shows the body shape of the immortal in the burning Valley and the cold flame.

The second earth immortal appeared.

"And us. Chen beixuan, do you really think we can't just stand by when you kill me


Whoosh, whoosh!

White fog, thunder, and mental power came on. There is also a respect for the immortal, with all the body, above the blue platform. All of a sudden, six breaths of shaking the sky and the earth came down from the sky, and the people were almost out of breath. Under the kilometer orchid platform, all the spectators felt a palpitation.

These earthly immortals are all giants in the middle of congenital period.

In fact, those who can represent the major sects and sit in Lantai must be the top of the sect. Ordinary earth immortals can't suppress these arrogance.

"Yun Tian Gong, Qing Xuan Dao, Lei Yin Shan, Da Shi Jiao, Tian Lei Zong, Fen Tian gu!"

The whole six immortals, either with a sneer on their faces, or rebellious and arrogant, or with angry faces, stood on the void and looked coldly at chen fan.

The princess of the South and others feel suffocated.

In addition to hunyuanmen and xueshengong, all the other five shangzong and huotiangu people appeared. Chen Fan's continuous cutting of Tianjiao, the great religion, has thoroughly aroused the anger of these large groups.

"Chen Xiaoyou, you've killed too much. If you want to enter our snow god palace and be imprisoned for 300 years, I can take your place, like many immortals, and ask for personal affection and spare your life."

The snow fairy in the snow god palace sighed softly.

"Just six mole ants, dare to be presumptuous in front of me?"

Chen Fan sneered and didn't care.

"I don't know how to live or die!"

Lingxiao on the immortal burst drink, direct hand.


A huge dragon claw 30 Zhang in size, just like the divine claw of jiutianyunlong, fell from the sky and directly pressed chen fan. Cloud claw has not arrived, the overwhelming power has been reduced.

On the Lantai, people with poor accomplishments are directly kneeling down on the ground. Only Qi Qingwei and others can barely support them, but they all look terrible.

Lingxiao Shangxian is a giant in the middle of his life. He has been practicing hard for three hundred years. How can the emperor compare with him?


However, chen fan was not surprised but pleased. His body was full of gold. His eyes were full of gold and his fighting spirit soared to the sky. He dashed up bravely. His fist rose from the sky like a golden rainbow in the sky.


The cloud dragon claw collides with the golden rainbow.

All of a sudden, the sound of explosion appeared in the void, and countless forces swept away in all directions, flattening the baizhanglan terrace. Many of Tianjiao elites were beaten out. If it wasn't for Qi Qingwei's protection, Qi Xiuer would be torn to pieces at the first moment.


After all, chen fan's injury did not recover, and his strength was a little weaker. He was hit and shot into the Lantai, smashing a huge earth pit.

And the cold flame next to him has already taken advantage of his power. A blue flame Firebird emerged out of thin air, swept across the void and attacked chen fan. On the Firebird, there is no temperature at all, but Chen Fan's face is slightly dignified.

"It's the extremely cold spirit flame of the burning sky valley. It's said that it was collected under the ice for thousands of years and will not die out for thousands of years. Once it's hit, it's the earth immortal and will freeze into ice sculpture."

Bai Suxian blurted out.


Chen Fan drinks lightly.

In the golden pupil of Lihuo, the golden God flame is spewed out. Like two dragons, it collides with the extremely cold spirit flame.


The blue flame soared and the Firebird sang. At this time, although the quality of Lihuo Jintong was higher, it was not as good as the cultivation of master Lengyan. Chen Fan did not roll from Jinyan, but stepped back several steps to stabilize his figure.

"And me!"

The master of Tianlei sect's Bronze beard suddenly gave a drink, and his eyes were cruel.

He had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. He directly sacrificed a huge hammer, which was made up of purple electricity, to meet the storm. It turned into the size of a house and crashed into Chen fan.

"Purple hammer! The bronze bearded master is going to be a killer. "

Qi Qingwei called out.


Chen Fan's whole body is shining with green gold. Countless lights are focused on the right fist. All the true yuan power of his whole body comes together to meet the purple hammer. He even wants to carry the top quality spirit weapon with his body!


Like the sound of a great bell.

It's as if two giant ships collided with each other, and the force of terror overflowed in all directions.

Chen Fan couldn't bear it. The ground burst open, and his feet sank into it. At last, the whole Lantai was beaten seven to eight, and all of them split. Chen Fan's whole body was deeply smashed into Lantai peak, almost without his head.Qi Xiuer's heart was just about to be put down. But the earth immortals of leiyinshan, dashijiao, and qingxuandao took action one after another.

They are all congenitally medium-term giants, far better than ordinary earthly immortals. Each blow shakes the sky and the earth, smashes the peaks and the void, and turns the whole Lantai mountain into a sea of vitality.

Although Chen Fan's cultivation is strong, his physical body is unparalleled. However, facing the six giants, we can only support them and have little room to fight back. At the end of the day, he was beaten and coughed and bled directly, regressing.

"Chen beixuan is going to lose."

Bai Suxian bowed her head and sighed.

The princess of the southern kingdom and others all have a look of regret in their eyes, while Qi Xiuer has tears all over her face and looks at the young man who is shaking with blood in the sky.

"You are strong enough, but you can't defeat fate."

Qi Qingwei sighed.

Chen Fan's fighting power is unparalleled at this time, which is enough to be called the first of the younger generation and shine for 500 years. However, in the face of the six giants, even the emperor was torn to pieces in an instant. It is amazing that he has been able to hold on for such a long time.


At this time, the six giants do not want to drag on any longer, together.

All of a sudden, the sky is full of purple electricity, the sky is full of cold flames, and the sword is shining. Six surging forces smash down, almost sinking the sky and the earth, overturning the sun and the moon. Such a terrible force, even the supreme giant did not dare to hard connect, the vast fluctuations, even spread over dozens of miles. Let countless people turn pale.

In the face of this earth shaking blow, chen fan was not angry, but laughed and roared:



At that moment, a mighty force like heaven and earth rose up from him. Chen Fan seems to have broken a certain prison and entered a different level. His figure, soaring, seems to exceed the mountain, with the balance!

Seventy miles around, Qi Qi Qi shake, cheering for it.

Two months after entering kunxu, chen fan returns to Dixian!

PS: this chapter has 3500 words. It's a little more. The author has an elder coming to have dinner with him. Second, he's more likely to be late, but today at least he'll make sure that he's in the third shift_ n)o , the fastest update of the webnovel!