Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 738

There was a dead silence.

On the orchid terrace, which is one hundred feet wide, it is as quiet as silence. No matter Bai Suxian or Qi Qingwei, they can't speak. Since Chen Fan got up, they have been shocked again and again, but none of them is as amazing as now!

Three peerless pride!

Three immortals!

Chen fan was killed with one hand. From the beginning to the end, chen fan Yun was light in the wind and seemed to crush ants. In particular, Li Wenchan, the body of King Kong and the body of arhat, were beaten to pieces by Chen fan.

For a moment, even the eight immortals were stunned on the spot.

Countless suspicious and fearful eyes fell on Chen fan. Chen fan was standing there, as quiet as Pinghu, as if he was not the one who killed the three Tianjiao.

"Too powerful, too powerful! I thought he was a coward and didn't dare to fight. Now it seems that he disdains to quarrel with Wu Tengshan. "

The princess of the south is as beautiful as flowers, red lips as fire, and a pair of beautiful big eyes.

In contrast, Qi Qingwei looks very ugly. She has been looking down on Chen Fan and thinks that Chen fan can only boast and talk big. But now she is often beaten in the face. Although she is a proud goddess and a princess of the Dragon Palace, she is also embarrassed.

"Who else?"

Chen fan light way.

People just feel ridiculous!

When can people outside the seven religions be so rebellious and rampant on Lantai? Since the seventh patriarch ruled kunxu, all the previous LAN Tai meetings have been held in honor of the above patriarch Tianjiao, while others only accompanied the prince to study.


A road vision, involuntarily gathered to the emperor.

The emperor wore a plain Dragon Robe with nine dragons on it, which was as dignified as anger. In particular, eyes like continuous time, penetrating time.

At this time, only Bai Suxian, Qi Qingwei and a few others were left in kunxu, which was obviously not Chen Fan's opponent. We can only place our hopes on the emperor.

"You're not my match."

The emperor spoke.

He walked like a tiger, and seemed to dominate the world.

"You are stronger than Li Wenchan. Your mind is astonishing and overwhelms Zhang Yulong's mind. You are the most powerful and can break the purple house. You are proficient in all kinds of esoteric and Taoist Arts. You are a peerless figure in kunxu for 50 years or even 100 years. Unfortunately... "

every step of the emperor's foot produces a ray of luck. In the end, you are surrounded by clouds, like an immortal in the dust. He said it with a trace of regret on his face.

"What a pity?"

Asked the princess of the south, blinking.

"It's a pity that the emperor is already heaven and man."

Bai Suxian bowed her head and said coldly.


Sure enough, I saw the emperor fall into the void step by step. He didn't need to rely on magic power to stand on the void.

His whole person seems to be integrated with heaven and earth. The ten li sky, moving with him, seems to be able to let the thunder fall, the storm destroy the world, and the void burst.


All people's eyes were looking at the emperor.

There are only a few hundred earth immortals in the whole kunxu area. They have a high status and look down on the world! Among them, seven major religions account for the majority, and this is accumulated for hundreds of years, far from the work of a generation. Although they are the elites of Tianjiao, there are no more than ten people in each generation who can be immortal!

And the youngest earth immortal must be after forty. Now the emperor is just in his early 30s, and he has become an immortal. He is full of the terror of talent. He is so far away from the past!

"No wonder your cloud heaven palace is still. It turns out that the emperor has become heaven and man."

The white fairy looked obliquely at the Lingxiao fairy in Yuntian palace.

The others are all jealous.

Chen Fan killed all the pride of their family, but the emperor became an immortal, which means that the light of the emperor of this generation and later generations will be covered for decades and hundreds of years.

"Three hundred years ago, the master of Qingxuan Taoism was born, and Qingxuan Taoism prevailed. A hundred years ago, there was another sword immortal named Changhe, and the Qingxuan road became more and more prosperous, which almost pushed our Yuntian palace out of the first place. But with the emperor, the future of our Yuntian palace will be ours. "

Lingxiao Shangxian sneers in his heart.

And LAN Tai people, have been silly.

The road of practice has always been one step ahead, step by step ahead. In his thirties, the emperor ascended to the earth immortal. That's enough to shock the world. On behalf of the younger generation, he won the first place.

"As long as I knew that the emperor was a man of heaven, what else would we fight for? How can mortals fight with the immortals

Many people laugh bitterly and shake their heads.

There is a natural chasm between the Qi refining period and the congenital period. Except for Chen Fan and other abnormal people, it has never been said that the earth immortal was defeated by the mortals.

People's eyes, not from schadenfreude to see Chen fan. In the face of a Dixian, in addition to kneeling to beg for mercy, want to resist, just a mantis pawn as a cart.

Lian Qi Qingwei, with a trace of pity in her eyes:

"Chen beixuan, you think you are arrogant and have amazing talent, but you don't know that a mountain is higher than a mountain. How can you imagine the ability of the emperor?"Qi Xiu'er, however, was so scared that she was a local immortal!

"I have never met an opponent in thirty-five years since I was a monk. Among my peers, only xuanluo could barely get into my eyes. In front of my eyes, there are only those predecessors who were arrogant a hundred years ago. "

The voice of the emperor seemed to come from the sky:

"three hundred years ago, the master of Qingxuan Taoism locked the angry dragon and forced Dan Qi. A hundred years ago, the Sword Fairy of the long river broke the river with one sword, forcing Bai Jiao to bow his head. Today, I will do it

The emperor said, looking at the Nu long river, there was no chen fan at all.

There is a big gap between earthly immortals and mortals!

Chen Fanjing waited for him to finish, then said:

"have you finished? Then come up and die. I'm in a hurry. "

Everyone was shocked!

Even the emperor turned his head slightly and looked at chen fan. Everyone looked at him like a madman. In the face of a Dixian, they even dared to take the initiative to challenge him. Is this more than arrogance? This is to seek death!

"Ha ha, you are really an interesting person. They call you Chen beixuan. I remember that name. "

The emperor smiles and nods. It's a great honor for Chen fan to remember his name.


Chen Fan steps directly and hits with one punch.

Zhenyuan, boiling like a sea, agitates on Chen Fan and turns into a golden dragon ten feet long, tearing the sky and striking at the emperor.

The emperor's palm gently pushed, and the clouds turned into silk rope, which directly trapped Nu Jiao, wound layer upon layer, and finally produced Le San. After breaking his fist strength with one blow, he directly flicked his sleeve at Chen Fan:

"before you enter heaven, you will never know the power of the earth immortal. How terrible it is!"


The whole world, as if with the emperor a sleeve hit, countless mighty vitality, into a rolling tide, overwhelming. All the people in Lantai, seeing this scene, all changed color and trembled for the power of the immortals.

Chen Fan's face was expressionless and his fist broke the clouds in front of him:

"Dixian? I have killed more than ten immortals in this life. "


The emperor frowned slightly and really used his strength. Countless clouds and mists turned into heavenly soldiers and generals. Holding Yunge sword and shining armor, he came down from the sky and rushed to Chen fan.

"It's the secret of Tianbing in Yuntian palace!" It's said that only the immortals can use this method. As long as a normal monk works, his accomplishments will be drained. "

Someone screamed out.

The fighting power of a celestial soldier is comparable to that of Huajing, and there are hundreds of them. Led by the nine heavenly generals, they turned into nine long dragons and poured in from all directions. These nine heavenly generals have reached the top of the divine realm. These natural soldiers and generals alone are enough to push ten thousand enemies!


Chen Fan's face was calm, and he stepped up into the sky. A flying sword was shot out of the Yangjian Hu. There were nine flying swords. They were the nine flying swords of the Tibetan sword master. The sword's Qi was falling down, stirring all the heavenly soldiers and generals around him into clouds.

"So you are fighting with this sword array? It's really powerful. No wonder you have a strong heart. "

The emperor nodded, with a trace of regret on his face:

"unfortunately, you should not be my enemy."

Bang Dang!

I saw a pair of bracelets on the emperor's hand, which suddenly rose out of thin air and turned into a heavenly ring. This pair of cloud and fog rings, flying in the air, make a whoosh sound. Split the air and bring up the rainbow. The power is earth shaking!

"It's the cloud sky wheel of the cloud sky palace. It's a top-grade spirit weapon. I didn't expect that the emperor brought them all."

The South princess's pupils shrank.

The others are pale, and the top quality weapon is the most powerful weapon. This cloud sky wheel is a pair of complete sets of top-quality spirit weapons. I'm afraid its power is no less than that of quasi spirit treasure! Even the earth immortal could not stop the attack of the cloud and sky wheel.

The nine flying swords in Chen Fan's hands were only quasi spiritual weapons in those years. Now, with Chen Fan's warm cultivation, they are promoted to aura, but they are only inferior. It can't compare with the cloud wheel.


The cloud sky wheel instantly turned into a ten Zhang size, like an armored train, whistling down from the sky and crashing into Chen fan. The whole void boomed like thunder.

Qi Qingwei sighed and lowered her head.

Although Chen fan is amazing, he will fall at the foot of the emperor. Only by stepping on the blood of pride can we reach the summit.

The princess of the South also had a look of regret in her eyes. Others shake their heads or sneer, and keep their eyes on each other, witnessing the fall of one heavenly pride and the birth of another.

Only Qi Xiuer was extremely nervous and worried.

Chen Fan walked over nine flying swords with gentle eyes, just like touching his lover: "the way to use magic weapons lies in the user, not the weapon itself. Xiuer, as a teacher, today I will pass on your first set of swordsmanship! "

Chen Fan said, kneading his hands and flicking his thumb:

"Chen, Furong, Shura."

"Hongxiu, Baihe, Xuanwu.""Yao Huang, Qing Suo, Zi Xiao!"

Chen Fan played nine times in succession, and nine swords flew into the air, turning into a line, like a ray of golden light, extremely sharp, cutting gold and iron!

"Nine swords in one, sword Qi condenses silk, go!"

Chen Fan flicked his finger.

Suddenly, nine flying swords shot away. In the sky, you can only see a touch of light sword, which is almost inaudible. But there was a scene that shocked everyone.

Under the golden silk thread, the cloud sky wheel, ten feet high, suddenly broke open, just like a knife cutting tofu.

The golden silk thread crossed the cloud sky wheel and cut directly to the emperor.

The emperor was surrounded by vigorous Qi, with layers of secret treasures and countless shields. But under the golden silk thread, they burst into pieces one after another. In the end, the emperor with a terrible face was cut into two pieces by Chen fan!

The sword air condenses the silk.

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