Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 737

"How could that be?"

As early as Chen Fan's joint attack and Li Wenchan's trembling, everyone was shocked. Zhang Yulong and Zi Tianyu are all the top five young people in kunxu.

In particular, Li Wenchan's body of Vajra, one punch is enough to shake the earth immortal.

Chen Fan did not dodge, hard shoulder a blow, this must be how terrible *? When the emperor saw this, his expression changed slightly, and others were even more stunned on the spot.

But when Chen Fan got out of the fight, they were not only shocked, but shocked!


Chen Fan didn't use a single fist. He just played with Zhenyuan. He was as powerful as Dixian. He came down from heaven and earth like Jiutian river.

Li Wenchan only had time. His hands crossed his chest, and he squeezed a Vajra mendicant seal. Chen Fan punched him, and he broke up.

Chen Fan's fists hit him in the chest, and Li Wenchan's blood gushed out. His chest sank down and his body retreated suddenly. His feet were on the ground, pulling out a deep gully and directly retreating for hundreds of meters!


At this moment, even Bai Suxian, who has been calm and calm, has a slightly changed face.

Li Wenchan's body of Vajra is better than that of Dixian. It's enough to hold the chopping of flying sword. Even chen fan can't stop it? Directly injured?

But Chen Fan's eyes flashed a trace of regret.

After all, he was injured and not at his peak. Otherwise, with his ability to crack the earth immortal with one hand, Zen master Longxiang may not dare to take Chen Fan's fist here.

"Come again!"

Chen Fangao drinks.

He pointed in the air and spewed out a black flame. The unicorn fire burned the void, and everything was burning. As soon as zitianyu saw the fire, his face suddenly turned crazy. The body of zihuoshen urged him to the top and beat out walls of fire, but he was burned through by Qilin fire.

In the end, zitianyu could only escape from the unicorn fire in confusion, with burns all over her body, and her black hair turned into nothing.

Then Chen Fan stares at Zhang Yulong.


The terrible idea came out of his eyes and hit Zhang Yulong. Zhang Yulong sneers that the great world cult is famous for its power of chanting. His power of chanting is as powerful as that of the immortals. Who dares to compete with his great world cult?

But when their minds collide.

Zhang Yulong's whole body was shocked, and his seven orifices shed blood. He felt that his mind was as if he had hit the towering Kunlun mountain. He broke up and broke his head and blood in an instant.

Between the fingers.

Chen fan, with one punch, one finger and one eye, defeated three arrogants in a row!

"Defeat the fist with the fist, defeat the fire with the fire, and defeat the thought with the thought. Chen beixuan was not only afraid of cultivation, but also had a high level of physical body, supernatural power, and supernatural thoughts. He was not inferior to the immortals! "

Bai Suxian said solemnly.

The rest of the elite in Lantai are horrified.

Qi Qingwei, in particular, is not only shocked. None of the three Tianjiao present was weaker than her, but they were defeated by Chen fan. Doesn't it mean that Chen fan has been above the others and is the first of her generation?

"I don't agree!"

At this time, Li Wenchan finally stopped his body. Although his chest was depressed and his mouth was bleeding, his golden awn was more and more bright. His eyes turned into gold, and his breath rose instead of falling.

He raised his foot as if he had raised Mount Tai.


When Li Wenchan stepped out, the whole heaven and earth roared, and the vitality of the heaven and earth within a few miles vibrated. Countless vitality swarmed in and gathered behind Li Wenchan, forming a golden halo.

Li Wenchan stands in the wheel of light, holy and holy. He is like a Buddha.

"Human fairy!"

At this moment, even the eight earth immortals who watched the battle raised their eyelids slightly.

The other disciples were extremely excited.

At this moment, we can finally see the efforts of the peerless Tianjiao. The reason why Li Wenchan and others can crush the younger generation is that they have become immortals and can use the power of heaven and earth, which is far beyond the ordinary divine realm.

"I don't agree, either!"

The purple sky rises up in the sky, and his whole body is full of breath. He ascends to a magical level in an instant. The surging vitality of the fire system, centered on him, turns into a tornado, falling from the sky, stretching for thousands of meters, shaking the earth!

The purple sky is shrouded in the purple fire, just like the flame demon.

The second fairy!

And Zhang Yulong, who is bleeding from his orifices, laughs and looks crazy. The spirit of terror, like a mountain and a sea, tumbles between heaven and earth, arousing the vitality. Four long lines of thinking, far more powerful than before, emerged from behind him.

Zhang Yulong ascended to the sky step by step, riding the wind to resist the dragon. His big sleeves are just like immortal falling dust.

The third fairy!

In a flash, all three of them entered the realm of immortals. They have all kinds of breath from heaven to earth, and they are in harmony with nature. They even stir up the Nu long river not far away, making the river surging and rolling.

"What's the matter?"All the people under the orchid stage were excited.

"This is the breath of human immortals, and there are three strands. Are there three peerless Tianjiao who awakened human immortals and won the battle on the Lantai?" There is an old man, he said.

"No, it's only half a day since the meeting of Lantai. The fight between Tianjiao and Tianjiao is final. How can we start fighting now? "

The other was puzzled.

When people were wondering, the battle was on the stage.

Facing the three immortals, chen fan looks calm. He raised his head and looked at the nulong river. A wonderful feeling told him that hundreds of kilometers downstream, there was a dragon about the size of a mountain, coming up against the current.

"Chen beixuan, it's a great honor for you to force us out of the game."

The purple sky is full of fire and purple flame. The purple family of burning heaven Valley, which can stand side by side with the great religion, really has a supernatural power.

Even Qi Qingwei and others are slightly changed.

Three peerless Tianjiao, all out, that kind of power, it's too terrible. Even the white fairy admitted that he was afraid that if he could not take a move, he would be seriously injured and die.

"I'm afraid only the emperor can shake the three heavenly arrogances."

Qi Qingwei's eyes are shining. She can't help sweeping the emperor. I haven't seen her for three years. She only felt that the emperor's breath was more and more misty, and she couldn't see the end at all.

"You talk too much nonsense. If you want to do it, hurry up."

Chen Fan raised his eyelids slightly.

"To die!"

Zhang Yulong sneered. Four golden dragons, more than 20 feet long, came to control the world. At this moment, it's not just the Nianli dragon. Behind them, there are four long tornadoes, hundreds of meters long, just like a thunderstorm.

The power of immortals can not be blocked by ordinary people.

Purple sky also seven orifices spray out magic fire, step under the cover of the sky. As soon as they came into contact with the vitality of heaven and earth, all of a sudden, these sacred fires soared and turned into fire and rain all over the sky. There is a purple flame fire wheel, hidden in the fire rain, quietly hit.

It's the top class spirit weapon "shenhuolun"!

The last one to do it was Li Wenchan.

He suffered the most injuries, but the power of his hand was also the most amazing.


When Li Wenchan stepped out, the light wheel behind him instantly melted into his body. His whole body soared and turned into a giant. All over the skin, almost as gold, full of immortal charm.

Li Wenchan held out a hand and photographed it from afar, like King Kong subduing the dragon.

"Arhat gold body!"

All the people present turned pale.

This is the highest unique skill of Leiyin mountain. It is said that only a few people, such as Zen master Longxiang, can master it. It has the power to subdue the dragon and subdue the tiger, just like Luohan in Lingshan. But no one thought that Li Wenchan could also be forced. Although only one or two percent of the strength of arhat gold body, but also terrible.

Facing three people at the same time.

Chen Fan's eyes are not sad, his body moves gently, and then breaks the sound barrier in an instant.


At that moment, chen fan flew up like a dragon, straight to the sky, with a startling white rainbow. He put one hand in front of his chest, blooming like a lotus, pinching it into a fist seal, and pressing it off instantly.



The four chanting dragons, under Chen Fan's fist, split and split in an instant. The fist seal is like a lotus. It floats to Zhang Yulong's seal. Zhang Yulong's face was in a panic. He screamed strangely, and he was covered with mental barriers.

But in front of Qian Lianhua, all resistance is useless.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Dozens of mental barriers burst open in an instant. Chen Fan's seal was gently pressed on Zhang Yulong's forehead.


Zhang Yulong exploded in an instant. The whole person exploded into countless pieces from beginning to end. Even the spirit was turned into ash smoke under Chen Fan's fist.

Then, ignoring the flames, chen fan stretched out a hand to the void. Even with his bare hands, Sheng Sheng captured the wheel of divine fire. Zitianyu is ecstatic and is about to urge shenhuolun to saw Chen Fan in two.

Chen Fan grabbed the wheel and threw it back.


The wheel of divine fire, ten times faster than before, swept across the sky, broke through the flames, and burst back in an instant. Before zitianyu could react, the whole person was split from the middle by shenhuolun, and even the spirit was cut in two.

The second God is proud to die!

Finally, chen fan turned his head, did not dodge, and clapped the same hand to greet Li Wenchan.

Palm to palm, flesh to flesh!


When the five meter high arhat gold body collides with Chen fan, who is more than one meter high, the giant hand the size of a water tank meets the crystal clear palm.

In the whole area of ten li, there was a sound like a big bell.

On Li Wenchan's body, there was a brilliant golden light. Luohan Jinshen, who has the power to subdue the dragon and subdue the tiger, was urged to the extreme by him. In the end, even his seven orifices began to bleed.And Chen Fan's face is flat, but his body is slightly shining with cyan gold.

God body small into, can only hand crack congenital!


Li Wenchan started to crack directly from the palm of his hand.

First the arms, then the arms, shoulders, chest, limbs... Later, even the head, in front of Chen Fan's incomparable strength, exploded, and the whole person, directly turned into a cloud of light and rain, dissipated in an instant.

Finally, chen fan was left standing on the stage.

Between the fingers.

All three of them died.

And Chen Fan from beginning to end, only one hand, the other, always attached to the back!

Kill Tianjiao with one hand! , the fastest update of the webnovel!