Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 736

The seven great masters and the purple family of the burning sky Valley all have earthly immortals. According to the rules, they can't interfere in the battle between LAN and Tai, but wutengshan is the son of the supreme elder of Tianlei sect and has a high status. After the death of earth shaking immortal, Tianlei sect only has this giant pillar.


In the void, there was a man with black face, fierce back and eyes like a bronze bell. It was the earth immortal, the bronze bearded master, who came here this time.

"Boy, who gave you the courage to kill me in Tianjiao!"

The bronze whiskers are drunk by people, and heaven and man are majestic. They are falling down like mountains.

The elite of Lantai have changed their complexion, and those who are not good at self-cultivation have been defeated; the middle-class, such as the princess of the south, are pale and struggling to support themselves. Only Qi Qingwei, Li Wenchan and other great religions can still stand in the same place, but they also feel great pressure.

In the presence, only chen fan and the emperor stood aloof like a breeze.

"If you don't agree, come up and die."

Chen Fan flicked his finger and looked cold.

The smell in his body is boiling like a volcano. The recovery of the injury in the past two months, together with the realization of the artistic conception of Nu Long Jiang, made Chen Fan's cultivation climb to the top. It was only one layer short of the boundary that he broke the barrier between heaven and man and returned to his nature. At this time, chen fan is in urgent need of a hearty battle to commemorate the moment of his return to nature with blood.

"Good courage!"

The bronze bearded master was furious, and the golden lightning in his palm was shining. He wanted to press down and smash chen fan.

Li Wenchan suddenly said:

"master, the dispute between LAN and Tai should be solved by LAN and Tai, and outsiders should not interfere."

"Yes, this boy is arrogant. We will naturally teach him that the master is the immortal. Once he interferes, the rules will be broken." Chang Song Dao, Chang Ye Dao.

"If we have a dispute, it's up to us."

The emperor said.

Li Wenchan and others are the arrogant and peerless elites of the great religion. How can we tolerate the hands of the bronze bearded masters? Doesn't that mean they are incompetent? Why can't Chen Fan let the immortal intervene in the end? This is absolutely unacceptable to Li Wenchan and others.


The eyes of the bronze bearded master were shining. He glanced at the emperor and finally turned away.

Chen Fan stood there with his hands down, his face as still as a lake. Whether it's Li Wenchan or the bronze bearded master, which one is in Chen Fan's eyes? Although he has not yet recovered, he has 70% strength, which is enough to sweep.

"Which of you will die first?"

Chen Fan said calmly.

"Chen beixuan, don't be too arrogant. Wu Tengshan is at the bottom of our class. Before I was killed by you more carelessly, I really thought that with your strength, I could dominate the whole court? "

Long pine road long sneer.

As the chief of Qingxuan Taoism, although he was not as good as Qingxuan's, he practiced hard for more than 40 years. Among the people, he was the oldest, had the strongest accomplishments, and was more proficient in kendo.

"Bang Dang!"

The only thing I saw was that Taoist Chang Song made a sword formula and led the sword out of its sheath.

The ancient sword with pine grain on his back has many lines on it, just like the vigor of ancient pine, turning into a piece of yellow haze. As soon as the flying sword came out, pieces of rays flashed across the void, and the sky was one hundred meters long. Chang Song Dao's long sword technique is clumsy, steady and steady. He doesn't give Chen Fan any chance at all. He is ready to overpower Chen Fan with pure cultivation.

"Taoist Chang Song deserves to be the head of Qing Xuan's sword. With his Cangshan sword technique, he can catch up with Changhe Sword Fairy. Although xuanluo is a Taoist immortal, his swordsmanship is inferior to that of Taoist Chang Song. "

Emperor comments.

All of a sudden, everyone was shocked.

Xuanluo is the young master of Qingxuan. The emperor even said that his swordsmanship is not as good as Changsong. We can see how high the swordsmanship attainments of Taoist Changsong are! Many people are not optimistic about Chen fan.

Especially Qi Xiuer.

Before, she was still in high spirits, watching Chen Fan's great power, but now, she sees that Taoist priest Changsong's sword is as strong as Mount Tai. All of a sudden, I was worried again.

Whoosh, whoosh.

Yellow awns gather in the air like a mountain of sword Qi. Taoist priest Changshong even condenses the mountain with Qi and gathers infinite sword Qi to form a mountain peak, ready to throw the mountain. This sword skill is amazing.

Although he was not an immortal, he was proud of the whole audience and practiced deeply in the sea of gods.

"If you give up now, I can save your life."

Qi Qingwei has a cool face and suddenly opens her mouth.

She is the elder martial sister of Hunyuan sect. She is deeply loved by the headmaster of Hunyuan sect. If you really want to protect hard, even Tianlei Zong has to fear three points. Everyone's eyes flashed, and they knew that Qi Qingwei was in love with talent. Chen fan could kill Wu Tengshan, no matter whether he attacked secretly or not, but his strength was up to Tianjiao. If this talent is introduced into the great religion, it will become an immortal in the future.

"Ha ha."

Chen Fan smiles faintly, but ignores everything. He just looks at the mountain like sword and says calmly: "Qi Qingwei, the sky you see is too small. You never know the vastness of the outside world."

With that, chen fan stretched out his crystal clear palm, bent out a finger and touched it lightly:

"today, let me show you what is truly invincible!"After 40 years of hard work, Changsong road has turned into a yellow sword like a small mountain, which can crush the aircraft carrier. And Chen fan, just a finger to meet, light clouds.

"This guy is still bragging at this time..."

Qi Qingwei frowned slightly and was not happy.

She is already looking at Qi Xiu'er's face, and finally opens her mouth. Chen fan still doesn't sell face. Qi Qingwei in the heart, chen fan has been sentenced to death, disappointed.

Qi Xiu'er burst into tears. As she looked anxiously, she saw an incredible scene.


, before Chen Fan's finger, the Yellow mane of the mountain peak was blown like a bubble and turned into a way of breaking the sword. Taoist Chang Song's skill of refining semi armor is harder than steel. As a result, he can't resist it at all.

Chen Fan's point is like a bolt of momentum. After breaking the sword, in the eyes of Taoist priest Changsong, he gently points on the tip of the pine grain ancient sword.


It's a medium-sized spirit weapon. It's an ancient sword with loose grain. It's broken from the tip of the sword. It's like a piece of paper. At the end of the day, chen fan's finger strength was on the chest of Taoist Chang Song, and then he took it back like a dragonfly skimming water.

And long pine road long, direct volley explosion to open, turn into a blood fog!

Break the sword, break the ancient sword, kill Changsong!

It's a dead silence!

No one expected it. It's the result.

Qi Qingwei real face with a sneer, see this scene, straight smile stiff in the face, can't believe it. While Li Wenchan, Zi Tianyu and others, their faces changed like ghosts. Even the emperor's pupil shrank.

Before killing wutengshan, it can be said that it was Chen Fan's sneak attack. But this finger crack is long and loose, but it really shows Chen Fan's invincible power. Crush Tianjiao's strength.

"How could he be so strong?"

Qi Qingwei is so upset that she doesn't want to believe it.

And Yunfeng of Yuntian palace has come forward.

"It's impossible. You must be using mean Taoism!"

After three fingers.

Yunfeng is slapped on the platform by Chen Fan and turned into meat paste.

After five fingers.

The killer Tian Xuan, a descendant of mieqing Dao, who also refuses to fight, is crushed by Chen Fan's claw and turns into a headless corpse, which is thrown down to Lantai.

This time, no one dares to challenge.

Taking wutengshan into account, but only half a cup of tea, chen fan killed four Tianjiao. Even though Yun Feng, Tian Xuan and others are only at the bottom of the great cult's arrogance, their strength is terrible. In particular, the others only made one move from beginning to end, which was even more frightening.

"If you don't make a sound, you'll make a sound."

The beautiful eyes of the southern Princess shine.

Qi Xiu'er, however, was so stupid that she blinked her eyes and her face was confused.

"Amitabha, little monk, come to Chen Daoyou for a while!"

Li Wenchan stepped out, holding a string of Buddhist beads in his hand, and his skin was shining with a touch of gold.

On the left, the purple sky twinkles with its eyes, its black hair is as angry as anger, and its bearing is majestic. On the far right, Zhang Yulong, the great Shijiao, has got up. His hands are surrounded by two long chanting dragons.

Finally, there is a top star.

And three at a time!

"Chen Daoyou can choose any one, we have no opinion."

Zhang Yulong said with a smile that he was proud.

All eyes were fixed on Chen Fan's choice. Whether it's Li Wenchan, Zi Tianyu or Zhang Yulong, they are not easy to be provoked. Chen fan will fight hard against each other. With the ability of these three top arrogants, chen fan's real strength is bound to be forced out.

Qi Qingwei's body, which she wanted to stand up, also sat down slowly.

She and Li Wenchan are only between Bo Zhongchan and others. It's better to see them first than to do it by themselves.

"All three of you, I'm in a hurry."

Chen Fan stood with his hands down, not looking at Li Wenchan and others, but overlooking the Nu long river.


At this moment, with three peerless arrogant hearts, I can't help being furious. Even the emperor or xuanluo did not dare to fight against three with one. Chen Fan's attitude is to scorn the pride of heaven.


Zhang Yulong, the most hot tempered, made a direct move. In his hands, he saw two golden dragons, directly turning into ten Zhang long Nianli dragons, whistling.

The master of the great world cultivates the spirit and power.

Zhang Yulong's "dragon riding chant" is one of the most profound and dignified of the seven chants of the great world religion. It's said that when you reach the extreme of cultivation, you can conjure up a dragon of eighteen days and suppress the world. Although Zhang Yulong did not reach this level, he was also extremely terrifying.


Chen Fan claps the golden dragon with one hand. It is composed of powerful mental force, which is enough to break the steel column. Under Chen Fan's hand, the long and tough mental force is like a crisp paper.

"Let me see."

Zitianyu opened his mouth and directly ejected a purple flame as thick as an arm.The flame made a peeping sound in the air, and even the void was burned. He is the unique "Purple fire god body" of the purple family in the burning sky valley. He is known as the alchemist. In the hands of zitianyu, he is better than his brother zixingkong.


Chen fan blows out a breath, the vigorous Qi enters the tornado, directly blows away the purple flame in the air.


Li Wenchan was very happy when he saw it. He burst out laughing and strode forward with a fist in his chest. He was enveloped in the golden awn, like the reincarnation of arhat. The power of that fist is enough to break the mountain and make it invincible. No one in the younger generation dares to take it hard.

But Chen fan does not dodge, let him a punch in his chest, Wen Si did not move.

"It's my turn!"

In Li Wenchan's startled eyes, chen fan raised his head, showed a smile of white teeth, then stretched out his right hand, gently clenched it into a fist, and hit it.

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