Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 735

"Wutengshan is really shameless. Tianjiao, the son of the supreme elder, has gone to challenge an unknown person. He has lost the face of Tianlei."

Zhang Yulong sneered.

"Isn't the supreme elder of Tianlei sect famous for the fact that he must be punished and doesn't want his face? However, he is a powerful man, and he is also a close friend with emperor Yun. He can't even shake the world. "

Purple sky light way.

"Little brother, come to my sister. If you want to be your sister's little lover, your sister will protect you. " The princess of the South covered her mouth and chuckled. The southern region has always been open to the outside world, and the princess of the southern kingdom is famous for her fiery and bold style.


Qi Xiu'er spat out her little tongue.

Chen fan is still sitting there, breathing like a gossamer. As soon as he breathed and breathed, it was like the angry dragon river of eight thousand miles, and the tide rose and fell with it. But not to mention wutengshan, there are many immortals sitting on the side peak.

"Why, afraid? If you are afraid, you will admit defeat, kneel down and kowtow to me, then jump down from the orchid platform, and never appear in front of me. "

Wuteng mountain is rampant.

All eyes converge on Chen fan. There are doubts, regrets and schadenfreudes.

Wu Tengshan's strength, as we all can see, is slightly inferior to Li Wenchan, Qi Qingwei and Zhang Yulong, but it is far superior to other people in that he is in the middle of Bo Zhongshan with Taoist Chang Song, Zi Tianyu, Yun Feng and Bai Suxian.

Chen fan still did not answer, closed his eyes and practiced hard.

This time, even Li Wenchan and others frowned slightly. Li Wenchan opened his eyes and looked at him: "this Taoist friend, above Lantai, can't refuse the challenge. If you don't want to fight, you can go down to Lantai and quit the fight for the first place. "

Chen Fan said nothing.

His appearance made Qi Qingwei shake her head. This attitude of not fighting, not falling and not going is like gum, with thick skin like a city wall.

Even the princess of the South was not happy.

Although she appreciates Chen Fan's handsome appearance, the southerners appreciate the brave men who fight to the end and never flinch. Chen Fan's performance at this time, in the eyes of the southern princess, is a coward.

"That's all. That's it."

The emperor spoke.

Although Wu Tengshan was rebellious, he didn't dare to refute the emperor's face, so he bowed slightly and sat down, still saying:

"this boy's raving words humiliated Changhe Sword Fairy, saying that he could explode Changhe Sword Fairy with one hand. I'm so angry that I'll teach him a lesson and show him some color, so that he can know the great religion and the authority of Shangxian. "

As soon as the words came out, even the immortals sitting on the side peak opened their eyes.

Changhe Sword Fairy has a brilliant talent. He once defeated many heroes on the Lantai stage. His sword subdued Baijiao. What a noble person is he? How can the younger generation disgrace us. In particular, Wu Tengshan knows that the emperor worships Changhe Sword Fairy most and regards him as the idol of his predecessors, striving to surpass him. No one is allowed to humiliate Changhe Sword Fairy.

"Oh? If so? "

The emperor frowned.

Taoist song, the chief of Qingxuan Road, was even more solemn, and his sleeves were as strong as waves: "Changhe Jianxian is my teacher Qingxuan, and I dare to be so presumptuous!"

This time, even the southern princess did not dare to speak.

This involves the face of shangzong. If we don't teach chen fan a lesson, how can we maintain the dignity of shangzong?


Qi Xiu'er was watching, and her tears almost came out.

Qi Qingwei's face was like ice and said: "he didn't know how to live or die. How dare he talk? Can I save him for a while, or for a lifetime? "

"But..." Qi Xiu'er jumped quickly. She wanted to say that Chen Xianshi was just joking.

But all the people in the room were very angry and had a high status. How could she be a girl in the foundation period.

"Slow down, Taoist friend Chang Song. If there is a war, let me come first." Wu Teng Shan is grinning.

At this time, chen fan finally slowly opened his eyes.

He got up, turned his head, looked directly at Wuteng mountain and said, "just now, were you shouting?"

"Younger martial brother Wu said that Daoyou had insulted my master Qingxuan before. Is that the case?" Changsong road is as long as a waterway. Chen Fanli ignored him and still looked at wutengshan:

"you have been reckless in front of me from the foot of the mountain. I'm too lazy to pay attention. Do you really think I'm Chen beixuan? "

"What about deceiving you?"

Wutengshan stands aloof, shining with thunder and momentum.

Chen Fan didn't answer. He just reached out to Wuteng mountain.


A huge invisible momentum emerged out of thin air. Wutengshan seems to be pulled by the black hole and rushes to Chen fan.


As soon as Wu Tengshan's face changed, Lei mang exploded, and his whole body's real strength reached its peak, he was about to break away from the attraction of devouring Zhenyuan. But Chen Fan's face was not happy or sad, and he still kept that posture.

At this time, Wu Tengshan was shocked to find that the invisible suction did not move, as strong as Mount Tai. And he can't help throwing himself into Chen Fan's hands."Bang."

Wu Tengshan was caught by Chen Fan from a hundred feet away.

Then, chen fan stepped on his head and said calmly:


"Asshole, you let me go!"

Wu Tengshan's eyes almost burst with fire, and his face was full of ferocious, shining golden thunder. It exploded on him, like a superstar explosion. Wu Tengshan's killing intention was crazy. When in his life, he was humiliated by this:

"Chen beixuan, I swear, I will catch you, bombard you with thunder for a thousand years, and kill you all..."


Chen Fan's face did not move when he heard the speech. He just spat on his feet and directly trampled Wu Tengshan's head into the ground, breaking even his face bone.

At this time, people woke up from the fear.

One after another, they look at Chen Fan with the eyes of monsters.

Wutengshan is the true legend of Tianlei sect. Although in terms of strength, he is at the bottom of many conceits, inferior to Qi Qingwei, Li Wenchan and others, he is also at the top of the divine realm. When is he so easy to deal with? He was trampled under his feet by a man at the beginning of the divine realm.

Qi Qingwei, in particular, is a shrinking pupil.

She did not expect that Chen Fan's strength is so strong. Although the previous hand was suspected of sneaking attack, it could reach the peak of the divine realm and stand side by side with many heavenly arrogances.

"Daoyou, fight and talk about the way, and pay attention not to hurt your face. You'd better let elder martial brother go first."

Li Wenchan of leiyinshan came out again to preside over justice.

"Yes, before Wu Tengshan, although his language was not bad, he came out for my elders after all. If you want to fight, Taoist can fight with you. " Changsong Road, Changjian road.

"Let Wu Teng Shan go and compete again."

The emperor spoke.

"Yes, let me go. I was attacked by you just now. Let's fight again and see if my God thunder will blow your urine out! " There was no way to speak in Wuteng mountain mouth.


This time, he was led by Chen Fan and stepped on the ground. On the hard blue platform, there is a big pit in human shape. As deep as several meters, Wu Tengshan's limbs were broken, his chest was deeply concave, and his internal organs were almost crushed by Chen fan.

But a light white light appeared on wutengshan. It was the talisman given by his father, the elder of Tianlei sect. It was so tough that the immortals could not break it easily.


Changsong, Daochang, etc.

They clearly have good words to persuade each other, but Chen Fan leads a heavy hand, which is totally a provocation to many arrogants. Even Li Wenchan's face sank slightly. He opened his mouth twice in a row, but Chen Fan didn't listen to him. Li Wenchan only felt that his face was damaged.

"Do you deceive me that there is no one in the seven great masters?"

Li Wenchan got up slowly.

A dignified mountain, King Kong is not bad will, in his body cohesion. His whole body is shining with light golden light, like Buddha coming into the world and arhat facing the dust. It's King Kong who is not bad.

The Taoist priest of Changsong didn't say a word. The sword behind him came out of the scabbard with a bang.

"Not yet!"

Yunfeng drink it!

"Chen beixuan, you have the ability to kill me, otherwise as long as I get out of trouble, I will kill you all over the house." Wutengshan, trapped underground, roars and curses from his heart. He relied on the talisman to protect his body. He was not afraid of Chen Fan's attack at all. Instead, he became more and more rampant.

"Yes? All right

Chen Fan answered calmly.

He sucked Wu Tengshan into his palm. They were just thinking that he was going to give in to the power of the seven great powers and prepare to release people. Chen Fan's strength and energy made Wu Teng Shan, his spirit and body shake into blood fog. The white awn on Wu Teng Shan's body was directly shattered by Chen Fan's hand. It was as crisp as thin paper.

Before Wu Tengshan died, his face was still full of horror.

He is the son of the supreme magnate and the peak of the divine realm! It's also equipped with the talisman of the supreme giant.

How dare anyone kill him? How could anyone kill him?

On the whole blue platform, there was a dead silence.

Even the emperor's pupil changed. No one thought that Chen Fan really dared to kill Wu Tengshan!

"How could that be?"

The princess of the South and others are staring at each other. They can't believe it.

Chen fan, in their eyes, was just an ordinary master of the divine realm. Now he was shocked. Now he is killing wutengshan like a chicken, which breaks their illusion.

Especially with Qi Qingwei, direct Leng is on the spot.

"He... He killed Wu Tengshan?"

Qi Qingwei's beautiful eyes are very big. She looks like a fairy in the sky and a dragon girl in the Dragon Palace. Her face is full of incredible words.

Although Qi Qingwei has always overestimated chen fan, she did not expect that Chen Fan's real strength was so strong. What Qi Qingwei didn't expect was Chen Fan's ruthless means. He said that he would kill him, without a trace of procrastination.

"That's the precious son of the elder of Tianlei sect. According to shangzong zhenzhuan, once he dies, it's a big trouble."Purple heaven said with a bitter smile.

Who doesn't know that the supreme elder is a powerful man who will be rewarded for his evil deeds. Otherwise, someone would have taught him about wutengshan's rebelliousness.

"Boy, I want to die!"

Then, a roar came from the side peak. A ray of thunder is about to rush up from the sky. Suddenly, the immortal of Tianlei sect was angry. He wanted to ignore the rules and made a move directly. . , the fastest update of the webnovel!