Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 734


A palace in the distance came slowly. The palace is above the clouds, surrounded by fog, like a fairy Pavilion. There are also white gauze maids playing in the palace.

"It's worthy of the name of Yuntian palace. It's the largest sect in kunxu. Even Feiyun Pavilion is used by the disciples. It's a treasure of great value. It is said that it can block the attack of the immortals. "

Someone sighed.

Li Wenchan, Zi Tianyu, Bai Suxian and others all have a serious eye and look at a person in front of the palace.

I saw a young man with a Dragon Robe standing in front of the railing of Feiyun Pavilion. His long hair was scattered, but he tied it up with a golden crown. On the robe, there were nine dragons embroidered. The youth is majestic, his eyes are as vast as the sky, and he is not angry, as if an emperor is coming.

Qi Qingwei sees the comer, and her beautiful eyes are complex and inexplicable.


The first young generation in kunxu!

When he arrived, it represented the official opening of the Lantai meeting. I saw that Feiyun Pavilion did not fall at all, but directly fell on the kilometer Lantai. A dignified voice came from his head:

"Taoist friends, please come to Lantai for a while."

"Well, I want to see if your emperor is really invincible!" Zitianyu laughs. He has purple fire on his back. He soars to the sky and flies to Lantai.


Li Wenchan called the Buddha's name, stepped out, stepped on the void, like walking on the ground, and climbed up to the sky step by step. In this way, he walked calmly on the kilometer Lantai.

"It's shenzutong. As expected, he has become the top power of Buddhism."

Many people's eyes were fixed.

Bai Suxian, Qi Qingwei, Princess Nanguo and others, then each of them practiced Taoism and rose to the sky. In particular, Zhang Yulong of the great world religion was the most rampant. Directly stepping on a long dragon of chanting power, the Dragon chants nine clouds and ascends to the sky.

Lantai is as high as 1000 meters, steep without ladder. Those who can go up are basically monks in the divine realm. The others, unable to fly at all, had to stay below and wait for the outcome of the battle of Lantai.

"Boy, don't run. When your grandfather Wu wins the first prize, he will take good care of you."

Wuteng mountain gave a cold smile. A gust of thunder rolled him up and flew away.

"Mr. Chen Xian, let's go quickly. They will not come down in a short time when they get to Lantai." Qi Xiuer took Chen Fan in her small hand and said in a low voice.

"If you want to go, you may not be able to go."

Chen Fan shook his head.

Qi Xiuer was stunned. As expected, she found that some of Wu Tengshan's entourage and companions were standing on one side with their chests in their arms. She looked at them with a sneer: "don't try to run, boy. You dare to provoke elder martial brother Wu. Even at the end of the world, you will die."

"I didn't want to run. On the contrary, I wanted to see what wutengshan could do. He dared to threaten me." Chen Fan grinned. He reached for Qi Xiuer:

"little girl, don't you want to see what LAN Tai Zhi will look like? I'll take you up. "

With that, chen fan embraces Qi Xiuer and floats up like a balloon to Lantai.

The people who watched jokes all around suddenly turned pale. I didn't expect that Chen Fan was also a master of divine realm. You know, at such an age, if you can build a divine realm, you will be regarded as the elite of the younger generation in kunxu.

Some of the people in Tianlei sect frowned slightly, but quickly released their eyebrows:

"what about even your divine state? Elder martial brother Wu's strength is not just divine. "

With that, their faces became more and more sneering, waiting to see the play.

Chen fan with Qi Xiuer, slowly fly to the orchid stage, immediately attracted everyone's attention. The spirit of the younger generation is very few, and we all know each other. It's strange for strangers like Chen fan.

"Who is he?"

The princess of the south is very interested.

Chen Fan's breath at this time was just at the beginning of the divine realm, but her skin was good and her appearance was beautiful, which made the princess of southern China curious.

"It seems that he is from Hunyuan sect. He knows Qi Qingwei. At the foot of the mountain before, it was said that he provoked Wuteng mountain. " Purple sky region sits aside, light says.

"What a pity. If you get into trouble with that madman of wutengshan, no matter how handsome and beautiful you are, he will kill flowers with his hands. " The princess of the south said with slight regret.

Qi Qingwei was stunned and frowned: "Xiuer, come here quickly."

Qi Xiuer is in shock. Hearing her sister's words, she can't help but walk over.

Chen fan turns his head and finds Wu Tengshan grinning. He doesn't care, but continues to sweep. The whole Lantai is hundreds of feet wide, with dozens of people sitting scattered on the holy land. Almost all the young elites of kunxu gather here.

Chen Fan's eyes swept over the girls in the snow temple. Seeing that Lu Yanxue was not among them, he frowned and sat down cross legged in a corner. He decided to ask Lu Yanxue's whereabouts after the Lantai meeting.

"Why are you up here?"

Qi Qingwei has some responsibilities.

There are rules on Lantai. As long as you are on Lantai, you will be regarded as a competitor of the leader, and you can be challenged by others at any time. That's why Qi Qingwei didn't take Qi Xiuer to the stage."I don't know. Mr. Chen Xianshi said that he let me go on stage."

Qi Xiu'er was in a daze, and her little face was very cute.

"Hum, he really doesn't know what to do. I've seen him for a while. When Wu Teng Shan comes to find him, what will he end up with?" Qi Qingwei snorts coldly and pulls Qi Xiuer to her back:

"you stay behind. They will not challenge you in front of their sister."


Qi Xiu'er sat quietly.

At this time, the sky roared a few light down, shooting on the other eight peaks of Lantai mountain. The faces of all the people, including the audience at the foot of Lantai mountain, were not daring to show one.

The earth fairy is coming!

When the light dissipated, an immortal appeared, either dignified or ethereal, or surrounded by thunder. There are eight in all, including seven shangzongs and the purple family of burning sky valley.

These immortals come here only to supervise and not interfere. They sat on the mountain without saying a word, and no one around dared to disturb them. Even in the world of kunxu, Dixian is supreme.

"The meeting of Lantai officially begins!"

The emperor stood up and said, "if you want to be a challenger, just come, even if you challenge me, it doesn't matter."

"Ha ha, your emperor is pushing invincible. If you don't defeat all your opponents, you will be invincible. Who is sure to challenge you?" Zhang Yulong smiles.

The others nodded silently.

The practice of the Lantai meeting is that the strongest are often challenged at the end.

"My little sister comes first, and she throws some jade. She wants to learn the unique skills of the snow palace." The princess of the south got up and looked at the snow palace with bright eyes.

Bai Suxian said nothing and walked into the hall.

Two peerless fairies fight each other, and they are both one of the top ten beauties. They are not alike in appearance, and they have very good family background and identity. All of a sudden, everyone was watching.

"Bang, bang!"

The two women fought together in an instant. The princess of the South controls a pair of gold rings, which are a set of medium-sized spirit weapons with the same power. But Bai Suxian just played two white rainbow to defend the enemy.

Everyone watched nervously.

Only Chen Fan sat cross legged in the corner, with his back to the people, facing the vast Nu long river, closed his eyes and practiced hard. His breath, rising and falling with the tide of nulong River, seems to merge with the whole world. The broken meridians and orifices are gradually repaired under the moistening of surging aura. The whole person is evolving towards a perfect gem.


Finally, Bai Suxian's cultivation was better, and the golden ring, the princess of the south, was beaten out. But she was not discouraged at all and gave up with a smile. Next, one young elite after another came forward to challenge each other.

Li Wenchan, Qi Qingwei and Zhang Yulong have been challenged by others.

But they all showed their unique fighting power at the top of the great religion. Almost three or five moves, they even out those opponents. In particular, Li Wenchan's body was not bad. He stood at that time, chopping with a flying sword. He didn't move, and finally forced his opponent to surrender.

"Although the younger generation of kunxu has a large number of elites, they still respect the pride of the seven religions and the burning valley."

Several earth immortals watched silently, and one of them spoke.

"After all, they don't have the cultivation of big teachers and top secret methods and tools. Unfortunately, xuanluo, tianmingzi and qianyexue all fell into the secular world. Otherwise, if they arrive, they can make trouble for the emperor. Li Wenchan and others are too tender after all. "

Qingxuan said.

"By the way, Bai Daoyou, I heard that you brought back a daughter from the secular world in the snow temple. Is that true?" The earth immortal of the great world cult suddenly asked.

"It's true."

The white fairy road of snow temple.

"The secular world is strange and unpredictable, even the earthshaking fairy has fallen. The seven leaders of the sect discussed together, preparing to use the secret treasure to open the immortal gate, send people into it, and explore the reality of the secular world. And ask the secular woman in your palace to search for her soul and thoroughly understand the situation of the secular world. " Cloud sky palace person light way.

"In accordance with the law."

The white fairy frowned slightly and finally bowed his head.

Compared with the safety of the whole kunxu, a mere Lu Yanxue is nothing. But at the thought of the end of soul searching, the white fairy felt sorry for the girl.

"Well, who says you belong to the secular world?"

The white fairy sighed, and then her eyes were like iron.

"Bang bang."

The battle is still going on.

After dozens of battles, we can see the strength of everyone.

The emperor is mysterious and unpredictable. He never makes a move and stands high.

Among them, Li Wenchan, Qi Qingwei, Bai Suxian, and wutengshan are the first-class, and they are all the top-level elites of the great religion. The cultivation reaches the peak of the divine realm, even the immortal!

In the middle stage, the southern Princess and other deities were at a middle level, which stood side by side with other elite biographies of the seven religions.

At the bottom, there are ordinary masters in the early stage of the divine realm.In the presence, only emperor Zi, Qi Xiuer and Chen Fan have never played. At this time, Wu Tengshan stood up and looked ferociously at the corner:

"Chen beixuan, I'll challenge you!"

When they looked around, they saw a man sitting in the corner with his back to them. His long hair was flowing and his spirit was like an old turtle.

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