Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 733

"It's wutengshan of Tianlei sect. He's the descendant of the elder of Tianlei sect. His cultivation is second only to tianmingzi. He ranks second in the true biography of Tianlei sect. But I heard that he has a fierce temper and often kills people."

Seeing the comer, someone suddenly exclaimed.

For example, Tianlei Zong and other kunxu great religions, each generation is full of Tianjiao and elites. Tianmingzi is only slightly better than tianmingzi. There are still some people who can match him.

When Wuteng mountain was walking, the wind and thunder roared, and his eyes were as bright as the day. His cultivation reached the peak of Shenhai. If placed on the earth, it is the existence of the top five gods.

"I did blow it up. Do you want to try?"

Chen Fan's eyes half narrowed and shining.

All of them were immediately surprised that Wu Tengshan's strength, looking at the younger generation of kunxu, could rank in the top ten, and he was cruel and bloodthirsty. Chen Fan dares to challenge him in public.

"Who is this young man?"

"I haven't seen it before. Is it the true biography of which religion, or the disciple of the hermit old monster?"

The onlookers whispered.

"Good courage!"

There was a flash of anger in Wu Teng Shan's eyes. He stepped forward and wanted to move. Qi Xiuer is in a hurry to see Qi Qingwei. As a member of kunxu, how can Qi Xiuer not know the horror of wutengshan?

Qi Qingwei frowned and finally said:

"wutengshan, he's a guest of Hunyuan sect now. If you have any grudges, you'll have to worry about it when you get out of Lantai."

Wu Teng Shan stopped and looked around at chen fan. His eyes were full of banter:

"OK, I'll give elder martial sister Qi a face. Boy, you dare to challenge our Tianlei sect. When we get out of Lantai, I'll see if I don't break your limbs and throw them to feed pigs and beasts!"

With that, wutengshan sneered and walked away.

After waiting for them to leave, Qi Qingwei also gives chen fan a cold look: "for Xiuer's face, this is the last time I help you. Don't make provocations. Everyone here is not your opponent."

After waiting for Qi Qingwei to leave, the two Hunyuan disciples also sneer and turn to follow.

Only chen fan and Qi Xiuer were left standing in the same place.

Everyone around him knew that he had offended takeyama. No one dared to talk to him. They all shook their heads and left. Qi Xiuer's small face is sad:

"master Chen Xian, it's said that wutengshan is extremely ferocious and loves tormenting people most. He once arrested an inner disciple of Tianlei sect and tormented him for three days and three nights before killing him. Because of this, he lost to tianmingzi and couldn't win the position of chief. It's very dangerous for you to be watched by him. "

"Otherwise, I'll ask my elder sister to warn wutengshan that her elder sister is hunyuanmen's elder martial sister, and wutengshan has to give face..."

seeing Qi Xiuer like this, chen fan slapped her on the head:

"don't worry, even Changhe Sword Fairy is not our immortal master's opponent. I beat her with one hand, not to mention wutengshan. If I'm angry, I'll directly kill Tianlei Zong and destroy his clan. "

Qi Xiuer suddenly burst into tears and smile, and her small hands were scraping her delicate face:

"master Chen Xian really doesn't know how to be ashamed, so she can blow a cow's hide. You can't even beat my sister. You want to beat tianleizong. "

"That's why I don't care as much as a little girl."

Chen Fan cheekily way.

Although the storm has passed, many people know that there is a man in Hunyuan sect who is bold enough to challenge wutengshan. Chen Fan stays in hunyuanmen camp every day, breathes spirit and recovers from injury. When he goes out occasionally, he feels that he has a look of banter and pity from time to time.

Recently, Qi Xiuer is also worried about how to solve the problem of wutengshan.

Chen fan is heartless.

For him, as long as the injury recovers, such as those of takeyama, one slap can kill him, there is no need to care.


With the coming of the Lantai Festival, more and more young Tianjiao came from all over kunxu. They are either heroic, or cold, or charming.

"She is one of the top ten beauties of the generation of kunxu. Her father is said to be the leader of 36 cities in the southern region of kunxu. She is a magnate. In terms of status, she is not inferior to the elder of the great religion."

"Is the monk, who is as white as snow, as elegant as an immortal and has a bald head, Li Wenchan of Leiyin mountain? Looking at him, I didn't expect that King Kong was not a bad man

"The purple heaven of the burning sky Valley is also here. He is the elder brother of zixingkong. He is the first of the generation of the purple family of the burning sky valley."

The princess of the southern kingdom has a peerless appearance. She wears jade ornaments on her head. Her skin is as thick as cream. She is very bold and fierce.

Her chest is wrapped in white gauze, showing her slender white waist. Her two thighs are thin and long, and a pair of delicate jade. She is wearing two jade rings on her feet. When she walks, she has a clear voice. Under the support of dozens of Huajing bodyguards, they came in a mighty way, just like a princess.

Li Wenchan's moon white robe, like a monk in the Tang Dynasty on a journey to the west, makes many women want to swallow it.

Zitianyu, on the other hand, came across the sky in a fireboat. He stood in the bow of the boat, his long hair burning like a flame, his eyes burning like a torch, and His Majesty was deep.

"Although the princess of the south is famous for her beauty, her father is a giant in the middle of the earth immortal period. She is all self-cultivation, and she is not much weaker than wutengshan and others.""As the first aristocratic family of kunxu, the purple family of burning heaven Valley is the first of its generation, and it is not inferior to the chief of the grand cult. As for Li Wenchan, I can't help him because he is not bad and has the best defense in the world. This session of Tianjiao, he can be ranked in the top five. "

Qi Qingwei's independent life, light comments.

"Elder sister, you are the best. You are sure to blow them up and win the first place in this LAN Tai competition." Qi Xiu'er waved her little fist beside her.


Qi Qingwei smiles and shakes her head: "with him, we will practice for another 100 years, and we will not be able to compete for the first place in a thousand years."

Everyone knows who Qi Qingwei is talking about.


Yuntian palace is the son of Yuntian emperor.

This is the existence that the whole kunxu community and the younger generation have to look up to. Since the emperor was born, Wang Tui has been invincible. It is said that no one has ever been able to force him out of his power. Lian Qingxuan fought with him three times, and though he was not the winner, he was also half weak.

"Elder sister, you are also the elder martial sister of hunyuanmen. Yuntiangong and hunyuanmen are both one of the seven great masters, and they may not lose to him. " Qi Xiu'er didn't agree.

"Xiuer, you have never seen the emperor's hand. You can never imagine how terrible he is." Qi Qingwei said with a bitter smile: "three years ago, the emperor entered the human immortal, only half a step away from the earth immortal. Three years later, with the inside information of Yuntian palace and his talent, who knows how far he has gone?"

Said, Qi Qingwei eyes can not help showing a trace of awe, as well as... Admiration.

All around, suddenly shocked.

Even Qi Xiu'er has been suppressed. Her sister, who is always proud of herself, even admits that she is not a rival? What kind of person is that emperor?

Only chen fan, still sitting beside him, seems to be in a daze.

"Summer insects can't talk about ice."

Qi Qingwei sweeps Chen Fan's beautiful eyes, compares him with the emperor, and shakes her head. They are different from each other. Key Qi Qingwei in Chen fan, never see the exuberant enterprising spirit, as well as disobedient fighting spirit.

"Never give Xiuer to him."

Qi Qingwei made up her mind.


after the arrival of Li Wenchan, Princess Nanguo and zitianyu, the real young generation Tianjiao began to appear one after another.

Qingxuan Dao, the head of the sword, is the head of Changsong Dao. Yunfeng, the second true legend of Yuntian palace. Zhang Yulong, the chief disciple of the great world religion. The most sensational thing is the arrival of people from the snow god palace.


A big white Luan bird came from the north. On the white Luan, there were seven or eight women in white. Each of them had a peerless appearance. The first one was as cold as ice, like a nine immortals in exile. In terms of appearance, she was no inferior to Qi Qingwei and the princess of the south, and her temperament was even better than half of them.

"Hum, Bai Suxian."

The princess of the South looked at the visitor and couldn't help groaning jealously.

Before Bai Suxian came, she was the focus of the whole audience. Countless aristocratic families, such as shangzong zhenzhuan, surrounded her like a wild bee and a butterfly. But when Bai Suxian came, everyone's eyes focused on her.

"It's said that the skills of the snow god palace, after women's practice, will have the temperament of immortality, which really deserves the reputation. Bai Suxian is already so peerless. What's the appearance of qianyexue, the contemporary goddess of snow temple, who is known as the first beauty of this generation in kunxu? It's a pity that as soon as qianyexue came out of the palace, she fell into the secular world. Otherwise, I will see you. "

Zitianyu stood beside the princess of the South and said with emotion.

"Hey, I heard a top secret news. The magic card of qianyexue has not been broken The princess of the South turned her eyes and said with a sneer.


When people around heard the words, they were shocked.

Everyone knows what it means. Dozens of disciples, including five earth immortals and the leader of Tianlei sect, who went to the secular world fell. But qianyexue is still alive, how can we not let people reverie?


To join the enemy?


Thoughts surround people's minds. Some dirty people have already begun to think that qianyexue is caught by people in the secular world. How can she be trampled and humiliated in every way.

"The snow temple's reputation for thousands of years is really destroyed."

Purple sky said with regret.

Chen fan, who catches the snow in the night, doesn't know that he is a big man in other people's hearts. At this time, chen fan is sitting in the camp, his breath is like a dragon rolling, boiling, and gradually surging, and his flesh is more full of gods, as if to break some shackles and enter a higher level.

It took a long time for the breath to subside.

Chen Fan opened his eyes slowly, and an electric light flashed in the tent. With a sound of cultivation, he has reached the peak of the divine realm, and is only half a step away from congenital.

"At least three days, at most six or seven days, I should have recovered. At that time, I will kill Bai Jiao and become a great medicine. The whole kunxu community should know my strength. "Chen Fan's eyes are cold.

At this time, outside the camp, suddenly came bursts of exclamation, just like a superstar.

Here comes the emperor!

PS: I'm guilty. I wrote a chapter yesterday. I'll try my best to update it today. , the fastest update of the webnovel!