Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 732

"I was a man of heaven. I suppressed a star and swept the world. Do you believe it?"

Chen Fan opened his eyes like a smile.

Chen fan has long found that every time he practices, he has a cold look, which is obviously Qi Qingwei. But since she didn't do it, chen fan didn't care.

Now he felt that his injury was gradually healed, and he was not far away from his cultivation.

"You say that you are a monk of shangzong, but none of the seven core disciples of shangzong is Chen beixuan. I have asked people to collect the list of disciples of major sects, but I have never seen them. If you come from some cultivation families, or you are a Taoist and mysterious sanxiu. But anyway, you stay away from my sister. "

Qi Qingwei's eyes are as cool as ice.

"You think too much." Chen Fan Light answer.

"I'm the elder martial sister of hunyuanmen. I'll teach in the future. If you marry my sister, you are the brother-in-law of the future leader of Hunyuan sect. Xiuer is still young, so I have to help her watch. Otherwise, you can't really take her as an apprentice for her cultivation talent? "

Qi Qingwei sneers.

Although Qi Xiuer is pretty and lovely, she is far inferior to her elder sister in cultivation. Just like ordinary people, they have no hope of God sea all their life, let alone congenital.

"Ha ha, Qi Qingwei, you think too much of yourself!"

Chen Fan laughs. "I, Chen beixuan, have never relied on women. What's more, do you think you have a strong cultivation talent, far better than your sister? "

Qi Qingwei said nothing and was too lazy to retort.

Even in the world of kunxu, only Qingxuan Shaozhu, qianyexue and other people can compare her talent. She is the seed of the earth immortal. Only one out of hundreds of millions of people can compare her talent. Can Qi Xiuer?

"If I tell you that Qi Xiu'er's talent is a hundred times or a thousand times better than you, in the future, not to mention the earth immortal, but the heaven immortal?"

Chen fan says suddenly.

Chen fan, as an immortal, naturally doesn't like a little girl. It is really found that Qi Xiu'er lives in a unique spiritual vein, and then she moves a hint of guidance.

"Ha ha."

With a smile, Qi Qingwei turned her head and went away with disdain, leaving only one sentence: "the meeting of Lantai, the young generation of elites gather, and even the emperor of Yuntian palace will come. At that time, you should be careful. Even I can't save you if I offend the goddess of the great religion and the little Lord... "

after Qi Qingwei leaves, chen fan slowly closes his eyes.

"Qi Qingwei, you are just a frog at the bottom of the well. You can only see the sky at the mouth of the well. How can you know the vastness of heaven and earth and the ability of our generation?"


after the conversation that night, Qi Qingwei never talked to Chen fan again.

The two Hunyuan disciples are arrogant and don't care. Only Qi Xiuer, who has nothing to do every day, comes to Chen Fan and urges him to talk about funny things. For Qi Xiuer, everything outside Qishan city is so fresh, and Chen Fan said that the bizarre earth, as well as the universe, is boundless.

"Are there really countless stars in the universe, and countless real immortals who can move mountains and seas and live for millions of years? How do they compare with the immortals of Donghe or Taoist master Qingxuan? "

Qi Xiu'er holds her cheeks in her hands and is fascinated.

"If there are 10000 or 100 million Taoist masters, how can they defeat a real immortal? A drop of blood can shatter the stars. " Chen Fan said calmly.


Two Hunyuan disciples, passing by, sneered directly.

One of the young men in White said with a sneer, "Taoist Qingxuan is the first immortal in kunxu. He has been invincible since three hundred years ago. Except for the emperor Yuntian in Yuntian palace, all the great tycoons in the world are willing to bow down. How could anyone beat him ten thousand times? Even the immortals have no such ability. "

"Mr. Chen, you're just boasting to cheat the little girl. With elder martial sister Qingwei here, I really think I can marry Xiuer? " The other shook his head.

Qi Xiuer's face turned red and her hands clenched.

"Don't pay attention to them, frog in the well, how can you know the vastness of the sky." Chen fan, the old God is in the Tao.

After the two Hunyuan disciples left, Qi Xiuer drooped her head and said with a depressed face:

"master Chen Xian, they all said that I don't have any talent for cultivation. I'm just a fire hybrid. In the future, I can only find an elite disciple to marry and have a wife and son. But I also want to be as proud as my sister, standing on the top of the crowd, making friends with the true biographies of various religions and peers... But I guess I can't do it all my life. "

In kunxu, talent is divided by spiritual root.

The lowest is the miscellaneous spirit root, and then is the inferior, medium, superior and even the best spirit root.

The root of miscellaneous spirit is the lowest, and there is no hope to pass the mystery in this life. Only the best Linggen can peep into the land of immortals. And like Qingxuan Shaozhu, the immortal body and Daotai, or tianmingzi, Fenglei and Linggen, they are more powerful.

The girl also knew that her talent was mediocre. All along, she just kept it in her heart.

"Little girl, you are not a miscellaneous spirit root. You are a rosefinch God. In the future, you are destined to go to the Ninth Heaven and fight with the heavenly pride son of all ethnic groups. How can these people know the true God if they have eyes but no eyes? "Chen Fan laughed.

Under his golden eyes, Qi Xiu'er is ordinary in appearance, but deep in her soul, there is a vermilion bird, spreading its wings to fly, flaming red, as if burning the sky.

"Rosefinch pulse?"

Qi Xiuer said.

"The universe is vast, and the veins of gods are myriad. All the children of great power live in the veins of gods, but the rosefinch is the supreme beast of fire. Rosefinch pulse is the highest in the pulse, and it is superior to Lingyun. Those who have the vein of rosefinch will become gods, have the hope of returning to emptiness, and even have a glimpse of the true immortal. "

Chen Fan said calmly.

The divine pulse is similar to the divine body, but the divine body is acquired and acquired from nature. In a strict sense, chen fan's Kunpeng Tiantu is a kind of spiritual pulse. But Kunpeng is the top beast, even in the vein of God are extremely powerful.


Qi Xiuer was stunned. Her beautiful gray eyes suddenly brightened up on Chen fan.

After that day, Qi Xiuer suddenly became quiet and stopped dancing. She just stayed by Chen Fan's side every day, listened to him talk about the basis of cultivation, and began to work hard.

Under the roar of earthshaking beasts, soon, the meeting of Lantai came.


Lantai mountain, located on the Bank of nulong River, looks like the leaves of Gladiolus and points to the sky. At the highest peak in the middle, there is a high platform, where the younger generations of kunxu fight for swords and argue for the leader of a generation, so that they can come to kunxu.

"It is said that in this generation, there are many talented people in Tianzong. The goddess of snow palace has a beautiful face. Tian Lei Zong Tian Ming Zi Feng Lei Shuangxiu. The young masters of Qingxuan are also immortal bodies. Unfortunately, they all fall into the secular world. Otherwise, any one of them will be a strong contender for the first place. "

Someone sighed.

"Without them, the world of kunxu is still full of pride." Another said proudly:

"it's said that Li Wenchan of Leiyin mountain was a young man, and he was only one step away from the great Vajra of Zen master Longxiang. Although Bai Suxian, the chief of the snow temple, was defeated by qianyexue in the battle of goddess, he was only half a chip short. Qi Qingwei, the eldest martial sister of Hunyuan sect, has no great strength in Hunyuan. She is even more powerful than others. "

"Not to mention that qingxuandao, dashijiao, huotiangu and tianleizong all have their own lineages, which complement each other. And don't forget the one from yuntiangong."

Speaking of this, everyone was quiet.


The son of Yuntian emperor in Yuntian palace. It is said that he was born with supernatural powers. One eye can shine through Jiuyou and control time. He is extremely strong in cultivation. He runs through the whole kunxu. The younger generation is invincible. Even young master Qingxuan was extremely afraid of him.

"I can't imagine how magnificent it is when they all come to heaven and look down upon the world. How can the rest of the world, including the secular world, be enemies of kunxu! "

An old man sighed.

Chen fan and his party just passed by the mountain road. When they heard the conversation, Qi Xiuer suddenly felt inferior and leaned against Chen fan. Qi Qingwei saw this, and a cold light flashed through her beautiful eyes.

The meeting of Lantai is on Mount Lantai.

However, there are few people who can climb Lantai and overlook nulong river. Most people can only stay at the foot of the mountain and look up at the high platform. As time went on, more and more martial monks came from all over the ruins.

The Lantai meeting, which is held once every 20 years, is the greatest event of the young generation!

It is said that many immortals will come to watch this fight. Who can beat all the heroes on the Lantai stage is the leader of the contemporary young generation, who even has the chance to seize the chance to go straight to heaven.

"It is said that in the Nu long river, there is a white dragon, who has been practicing for thousands of years and is strong. Every 20 years, it goes out of the river to offer sacrifices to the moon to refine the inner elixir. If you can absorb its Dan Qi, you are very likely to step into heaven and man and save decades of hard work. "

"Unfortunately, few people have been able to do it for hundreds of years. Only then Qingxuan Taoist master and Changhe Sword Fairy once dominated the present age and captured Baijiao's Dan Qi. "

Qi Qingwei looked out at the river and said faintly.

All of a sudden, they were deeply attracted by the style of their predecessors.

"Master Chen Xian, if I can break the river with one sword like the sword immortal of Changhe River in the future, and force Laojiao to spit out Dan Qi for my cultivation, what a prestige it will be."

Qi Xiu'er's small face tilted up and said enviously.

"Baijiao, who has been practicing for thousands of years, is a treasure. If you can take its inner elixir, together with the Holy Son and many miraculous drugs, it will surely make the great medicine better..."

at this time, chen fan was staring at the river, almost drooling. After hearing this, he went back to Shinto:

"Changhe Sword Fairy, that's just chicken, I can blow him with one hand. Xiuer, don't follow him in the future! "

As soon as Chen Fan's words came out, all his eyes gathered around him.

A voice nearby sneered directly: "Changhe sword immortal is the head of Qingxuan Dao sword. One sword cuts off the river and subdues Baijiao. What a peerless person he is. Who are you? Dare you say that one hand blows up the Sword Fairy of Changhe

Chen Fan frowned and looked over.I saw a line of five people, three men and two women, walking along. The leader was a black robe, embroidered with thunder patterns, and his eyes were shining with electricity. Chen fan can't help laughing.

How did you meet tianleizong again?

PS: it's too late. I didn't go to bed until noon today. Get up and code. , the fastest update of the webnovel!