Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 731

For Chen fan.

He entered kunxu for only three things.

Rescue Lu Yanxue. The second is to find the way to heaven, the third is to subdue kunxu until they dare not look down upon the earth. All of these need to be restored, or even further improved.

The storm and turbulence in the space passage is too terrible. Although Chen fan has only recovered half of the time in the past half a month, it will take at least two or three months to completely repair it. Therefore, he urgently needed to find enough miraculous drugs to refine the supreme medicine and return to the peak.

"Tianyuan grass? Nine Phoenix dragon birthday fruit? Ice snow lotus? These are all precious medicines or quasi precious medicines. There are few in the whole kunxu area. In addition to a few big ancestral or forbidden areas, there are still some of our martial brothers. In my life, I don't want to say that I've seen them, I haven't even heard of them. "

Hearing Chen Fan's report of several miraculous drugs, the three members of Donghe sect turned green.

"I don't know, I don't know. What's the use of waiting for you?"

As soon as Chen Fan's eyes narrowed, he was murderous.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Chen Xianshi. I've heard of the ice spirit snow lotus. It's said that there's a snow lotus plant planted in the deep of the snow god palace. It blooms for 500 years. It's the treasure medicine of the snow god palace. It's very strange. It's flesh, bones and lives of the dead." Cried the middle-aged man.

His name is Qinghe. He is the elder martial brother of the Donghe sect. Next to him are his younger martial brothers, Qingyuan and Qingfeng.

After listening to Qinghe's description, chen fan frowned slightly. It's immortal for thousands of years. It shines with Aurora when it blooms. It freezes as soon as people get close to it. These are really like the signs of snow lotus.

"It seems that when we go to the snow temple, we have to go to the back mountain."

Chen Fan touched his chin.

Donghe three people, guess broken head, do not dare to think that Chen fan should be thinking about snow palace treasure. It's one of the seven great religions in kunxu. There are some magnates in it.

After squeezing the Donghe three, chen fan applied a spell to them and let them go. After the three people left Qishan city in a mess, the youngest Qingfeng suddenly turned cruel:

"today's disgrace, I must report, and the Qi family's bastards dare to draw swords at us, it's time to go to hell!"

"At this time, we should take a long-term view and report to our teachers. Under the jurisdiction of our clan, there is a master of Shenjing, who is similar to the disciple of shangzong Qinghe and Laocheng are serious, but there is a trace of hatred in their eyes.

After the three left, the Qi family recovered from their ecstasy and began to show their worries.

"Master Chen Xian, they are all the leaders of Donghe sect. You are the immortal master of shangzong. Naturally, you are not afraid. But I, Qishan City, can't stop the anger of the immortals of Donghe sect. "

Qi Mufeng said with a bitter smile.

"Dad, why are you afraid of them. We have master Chen Xianshi here. And my elder sister is a Hunyuan disciple, also from shangzong. When my elder sister comes back, I will destroy Donghe sect directly. "

Qi Xiuer snorted.

Chen Fan raised the corner of his eyes, this is the nth time he heard Qi Xiuer's sister. It is said that she has amazing talent. She was taken away by the immortal master of shangzong since she was a child. She seldom returned home after decades of cultivation. She had reached the peak of her life when she came back last time. Now her cultivation is unpredictable and she is extremely beautiful. Even several elders of Donghe sect are making up their minds about her.

"Well, your sister is too far away after all."

Qi Mufeng shook his head.

However, he didn't say anything after that, instead, he became more respectful to Chen fan. Help Chen Fan busy inside and outside, need any panacea, all launch all strength area search, incomparable hospitality.

Until one day, chen fan stopped him and asked him what he wanted, Qi Mufeng hesitated: "little Xiuer, she has been naughty since she was a child. If she can be taught by Chen Xian, my Qi family will do our best to serve her."

Chen fan is funny and looks askance at Qi Xiuer.

The girl in red was on one side, with her delicate hands behind her, and she turned her face and pretended not to hear. But a pair of crystal clear small ears, edge, obviously extremely nervous expectations.


as Chen Fan was about to speak, a cold voice came from outside:

"father, Xiuer, I'll take it back to Hunyuan gate directly, so I don't need to bother others."

Said, saw a cool and gorgeous woman, push the door and enter. As soon as she came in, the room was full of brilliance, as if the Moon Fairy had been banished, and the Dragon Girl in the Dragon Palace was in the dust. She was dressed in white as snow, and was peerless in the dust.

"Qingwei, you're back."

Qi Mufeng forced a smile.

Even when she saw the woman, she didn't dare to speak out. She called in a low voice:


"When I passed by Qishan, I heard that a distinguished guest was coming, so I came back to take Xiuer with me." Qi Qingwei said faintly, and her cold eyes swept to Chen Fan:

"I don't know which Gaozu is you? I know the seven shangzongs, including Yuntian palace, Qingxuan Road, Leiyin mountain, Tianlei sect, Xueshen palace, Hunyuan sect and the core disciples of Dashi sect. If you are as young as a Taoist friend and have a successful cultivation, you should be familiar. Why have you never seen him before? "

"It's normal that I'm a recluse and rarely show up. You haven't seen it."Chen fan made a light response.

"Is it?"

Qi Qingwei is noncommittal.

As soon as she entered the city, chen fan had found out. To Chen Fan's surprise, Qi Qingwei is not a few years older than him. She has reached the peak of the divine realm with all her accomplishments. She is no match for Qingxuan Shaozhu, qianyexue and others.

"This must be the true story of Hunyuan clan."

Chen Fan thought.

Indeed, two Hunyuan disciples came in and respectfully said, "elder martial sister, I have warned Donghe sect. Their patriarch assured us that he would not harass Qishan city any more, and that he had punished the three people who came last time. "

"Elder sister, have you become the elder martial sister of hunyuanmen?" Qi Xiuer was surprised.

Even Qi Mufeng looked up in surprise.

"Three years ago, the elder martial sister swept all the top ten elder martial brothers in the sect. She came to the first place. She has been accepted as a close disciple by the leader of the sect. When she ascends to the fairy kingdom, she will pass on the position of patriarch." One of the disciples said haughtily.


Everyone in the room immediately took a breath.

Hunyuanmen is one of the seven major religions in the kunxu area, which is juxtaposed with qingxuandao and yuntiangong. It has been handed down for thousands of years. Even ye Qingcang in the valley of burying immortals had won the orthodoxy of Hunyuan gate.

Qi Qingwei's ability is superior to that of hunyuanmen's generation. She will be the first to take charge of hunyuanmen in the future. What a brilliant talent?

"My Qi family is finally going to produce a real dragon... Oh no, a real Phoenix!" Qi Mufeng's excited hands trembled, and many of the old people who came here were filled with tears.

Some people who had been swaying from side to side and were not optimistic about Qi Mufeng bowed their heads.

"Although Donghe sect has earthly immortals, they have survived for more than 400 years, and have not been able to live for many years. At this time, he asked for the inheritance of the school, which is to invite heaven's blessing. He would never dare to provoke my Qi family again. His father can rest assured. "

Qi Qingwei said calmly. Instead of looking at chen fan, she turned her head and looked at Qi Xiuer:

"Xiuer, go to clean up immediately and follow me."

"I'm going to the Lantai meeting on September 9. At that time, the elite disciples of all the major religions in kunxu will gather at the edge of nulong River to discuss Dao and sword, and separate out the leader of this term, so as to seize the fairyland of nulong river. You can follow me and see what the real celebrities in the kunxu world are like. "

"Ah? Has the Lantai meeting begun? " Qi Xiuer's eyes suddenly brightened, but she swept to Chen Fan and couldn't help showing her three points: "however, people really want to worship Chen Xianshi. Chen Xianshi is really powerful and knows a lot of magic skills...

" eh? "

Qi Qingwei hears the words, Feng's eyes are narrowed, and her face is filled with dignity. Qi Xiuer is afraid to speak again, but tears are in her eyes.

"You also follow me. With your accomplishments, you can barely go to Lantai."

Qi Qingwei loves her sister after all and says.

Chen Fan chuckled and was about to shake his head to refuse. How could he listen to a woman's order?

But the girl in red has trotted over and shakes Chen Fan's sleeve. Looking at Qi Xiu'er's expression as if a dog were coquetting her master, chen fan patted her cerebellar pouch helplessly and said, "OK, OK, I'll go with you."

"Brother Chen is the best."

Qi Xiuer broke her tears into a smile, her big eyes turned into crescent moon.

Qi Qingwei beside, slightly frowning, after all, did not say anything.

Because of the urgency of the time, the people packed up and set out. Chen fan had a sword gourd. He stuffed his belongings directly into it and came here barehanded. Qi Xiuer is not the same. She wants to go all the way to Hunyuan school to learn arts. Qi Mufeng wants to move her home and brings seven bags.

Fortunately, Qi Qingwei is riding a giant beast in the divine realm.

The giant beast is covered with scales and has four feet as thick as a doorpost. It is tens of meters long and looks like a small moving mountain peak. Every foot that falls to the ground is earth shaking. It is said that it is a heterogeneous "earth shaking beast" in ancient times. It has a house on its back, like a moving palace. From this riding, we can see Qi Qingwei's position in Hunyuan gate.

All the way to stop and go.

Every city that passes by will be welcomed and bowed to by its master. All the sects along the way also sent people to visit. All the way, there is no obstruction. Completely show the supremacy of shangzong.

Chen fan also took this opportunity to go down and buy a lot of elixirs.

Kunxu is rich in aura and has more kinds of elixirs than the earth. He wanted to make a breakthrough. All kinds of dispensing are indispensable. Qi Qingwei looked in her eyes and said nothing.

However, two accompanying Hunyuan disciples laughed at him behind his back:

"the art of alchemy is difficult, and no one can make it. Besides, it's useless to buy so many kinds of panacea. The more kinds of alchemy, the better. "

Chen Fanli didn't pay attention to it. Can these kunxu disciples understand the alchemy of the immortal family? If they know that these elixirs only account for half of the time of alchemy, and the main medicine is the angel of the Guangming clan, can they not be scared to death?

Only Qi Xiu'er came over every day to take care of him. She was so excited that Chen Fan succeeded in refining the medicine.One day, two days, three days... He recovers day by day, and it's not far from the completion of the big medicine.

About ten days later, when there was only the last part of the way to Lantai mountain, people were stopping to have a rest. When Chen Fan was looking for a place to meditate as usual, a quiet shadow came to him:

"Chen beixuan, who are you?"

In the dark, Qi Qingwei is as cold as snow.

Her eyes were as cold as a sword!

PS: the fourth one. There are some caveats these days, so it's clear. Next, I'll try my best to recover the fourth watch. I'll ask for the monthly ticket and the recommended ticket. It's a terrible loss_ n)o , the fastest update of the webnovel!