Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 730

Donghe school.

It is the owner of 17 cities in a 500 Li radius, and has jurisdiction over more than one million people. Although it is not well-known in kunxu, it is better than heishuimen, but after all, it is the sect of cultivating immortals. Every disciple who comes down to the secular world is the leader of a city and should be cherished.

The three immortals of Donghe school came by flying crane.

The giant white crane is five or six meters long. Its feathers are like steel and its claws are shining. Three people sit on the flying crane, driving to the main house of the city. Many Qi families stay with their elders, and they have been out in a hurry for a long time.

"Let Qi Mufeng come out, and the magician who pretends to be shangzong."

Cheered the leader.

He is 40 or 50 years old, wearing a black Taoist robe, embroidered with white crane pattern, which is the symbol of Donghe school. His breath is as ethereal as an immortal. His eyes are open and close, and his essence is shining. He is a master of martial arts. On the earth, he is a master of martial arts.

"The Lord of the city is coming..."

an elder is about to explain.

Qi Mufeng came in a hurry and said with a smile: "why don't the three immortals come? I don't tell the villain to prepare. The offering has just been handed in some time ago. Do you want to accept it again? "

"Qi Mufeng, you don't have to talk about it. Your commander reports that there is a liar in your house who pretends to be the immortal master. Why don't you hand him in soon? "

On the left, a younger man cheers.

At this time Qi Mufeng noticed that Qidong was also on the flying crane, but he was hiding in the rear. He suddenly turned cold and said, "Qidong, what do you mean?"

"I just don't want the city Lord to be hoodwinked by the traitors any more."

Qidong gritted his teeth.

"You Qi Mufeng was angry and was about to speak. There was a cold voice nearby:

"are you talking about me? It seems that the last lesson was a little light. "

They turned to see Chen Fan walking slowly with Qi Xiuer. After a few days of cleaning up and changing into kunxu's clothes, chen fan suddenly turned into a handsome young master, dressed in green clothes, with long black hair tied up with a gold ring and scattered behind him. He was as handsome as a young master of the turbid world.

"Is that you, pretending to be a disciple of shangzong?"

At the same time, the three people of Donghe school were stunned, and then they immediately looked sarcastic.

Chen Fan's breath converges to a point. In the eyes of outsiders, he is just an ordinary mortal, who has practiced some superficial fists at most, not like a dignified immortal master in charge of supernatural power.

"It's a pity that the embroidered pillow is just a mortal."

The one on the right shook his head.

"Pretending to be the immortal master of shangzong, deceiving the city master, and beheading according to the law." The one on the left is cold.

"Come here, kneel down and die!" The leader will make a final decision.

The three immortals spoke at the same time. All of a sudden, the whole city hall was quiet.

Many Qi families live in the old, and all the atmosphere dare not give one. The Donghe school has dominated the manggu mountains for more than 400 years. The Qi family has lived under the Donghe school for decades. How dare they have any idea of resistance? In a word, you can decide life and death, say you live, say you die!

Qi Dong looks at chen fan, and his eyes are full of revenge.

"Immortal Chang Rong Chen, master Chen, does have magic power in his body, or not in the upper sect, but there must be inheritance..." Qi Mufeng also wanted to explain that the young man on the left side, with a direct wave of his hand, has an invisible force to flourish:

"we are determined, how can you speak?"


Although Qi Mufeng was a master with great inner strength, he had no room to fight back in front of a monk of tongxuan period and a master of martial arts. Magnificent palm strength, across seven or eight Zhang, fierce row on him. Qi Mufeng directly shot out a mouthful of blood, flying back five or six meters, fell to the ground, pale.

"Lord of the city!"


There was a scream from the Qi family.

Qi Xiuer, with tears as big as beans, ran to help Qi Mufeng. Her small face was full of anger and sadness: "my father just said a word, so you put your hands on it. Donghe sect is so rude?"

"Good? Does the Donghe school think that there is no one in Qishan city? "

Some of the young Qi people came out with their swords and glared at them.

"Presumptuous, if you dare to speak again, you will be slaughtered all over the Qi family, and another person will be the leader of the Qi Mountain." The elder of the first year said faintly.

The Qi family suddenly felt a chill in their hearts.

Only then did they think of the cruel methods of the Donghe sect. Ten years ago, the Li family in a nearby Qiushui city had a bad relationship with an elder of the Donghe sect. The elder took the opportunity to arrest the charge of disrespect for the immortal head and killed manmen.

Qi family several soul clear old, eyes look at a smile of Qidong, suddenly heart awe inspiring. This is clearly the East River party Qi Mufeng is not busy, want to take the opportunity, change a obedient City Lord ah. As for Chen fan, it's just a matter of fact. With or without him, people from Donghe school will come to the door.

"Ah, I told the city leader that we should pay more respect to the fairies who come to collect and worship, and give more money, grain and stone. He has a square personality and thinks that it's OK to do things according to the rules, which leads to revenge. "A resident sighed in his heart.

Looking at the flying crane sitting on the top and overlooking the people, the three immortals of Donghe sect, as well as many Qi family members who dare to be angry and have to bow their heads and go back, and the elated Qi Dong. Qi Xiuer's heart is like falling to the bottom of the valley.

Only at this time did she know that her father, the Lord of the city, seemed noble. In the eyes of these disciples, he was like a pig or a dog, and could be slaughtered at will.

"What should we do? Who can save my father? "

Qi Xiuer's eyes are full of despair, a pair of beautiful eyes, can't help sweeping on Chen fan, just like looking at the last straw.

Chen Fan's face was calm and he stepped out slowly.

Even if Qi Xiuer doesn't ask for him, just for the hospitality these days, and the words of Donghe school are not bad, chen fan will do it.

"It seems that I've been hurt these days and my heart has softened, which makes these people think that I'm weak. It's time to kill a few chickens. It's time to go to kunxu. "

Chen fan, with his hands behind his back, came step by step with cold eyes.

"Why, now beg for mercy? It's too late! If you kneel down and kowtow nine times to the immortals, the three immortals may be merciful and spare you a small life. "

Qidong sneered.

"What I'm thinking is, who gave you the courage to die like this?"

Chen Fan sighed softly.

He poked out his white hand and scratched it. A force of suction emerged out of thin air. He took Qidong from Shenjun white crane and grasped it in his hand. Then, in Qidong's startled eyes, he vomited.


The commander of the Qishan city guard, a great master of half step transformation, was directly turned into a blood mist by Chen Fan Zhen. Without saying a word, his spirit was destroyed.


There was silence.

Even the three men of Donghe sect, their faces dignified, looked at Chen Fan in disbelief.

We all know the strength of Qidong. Even the strongest of the three of them would have to take at least two or three moves to kill Qidong. As soon as Chen fan absorbs a shock, he explodes Qidong into a blood mist. It's easier than killing a chicken. It's like crushing an ant. This ability is really frightening.

"Daoyou is a bit over the top. Anyway, Qidong is a member of our Donghe sect."

The first elder frowned slightly.

These Donghe people will also take the helm when they see the wind. When they see Chen Fan's strength, they immediately change their words and praise him as a friend. But Chen Fan didn't care about them. He turned his back and looked up at the sky without looking at them:

"kneel down, kowtow and apologize to Qi Chengzhu and Xiao Xiuer, I'll spare you not to die!"


The young Taoist on the left side directly denounced.

The other two also changed their colors, and the leader said coldly: "you are really powerful, but don't think that if you kill Qidong, you dare to be reckless in our Donghe sect. There are five or six martial uncles in Shenjing, and there are many true disciples. No matter how strong you are, can you surpass the immortal? "

As soon as this remark came out, many Qi family members changed color at the same time, and Qi Xiuer and Qi Mufeng also changed color.


This is a big mountain that is under the pressure of all the people in the kunxu area. The reason why all the major branches of the kunxu area can surpass the kunxu area and control hundreds of millions of people depends on the presence of immortals.

Otherwise, Qishan City alone can bring out hundreds of inner strength masters, and easily tear the three of Donghe school into pieces. After all, the people in the kunxu area have more or less practiced their internal strength, and their strength is far better than that of the earth. Only Dixian, can ignore everything, crush everything, no matter how many people you come to, slap to death.

"I'll make you kneel down!"

Chen Fanli didn't pay attention to it. He stared directly and drank violently.

A huge momentum suddenly gushed out of him. All the people of Donghe sect felt as if Mount Tai was down. The three white cranes, with a plaintive cry, flutter to the ground, droop their heads and gather their wings. But the three immortals wanted to support themselves, but in front of Chen fanhao's breath, they didn't even support for half a second and fell to their knees one after another.

"Divine realm! You are the divine realm

The leader trembled.

Huajing is an immortal master. It can be powerful. Shenjing, even in kunxu, is a big man. For example, there are only a few elders and masters of the Donghe sect, who are just cultivating the divine realm.

Chen fan is so young that he has spiritual cultivation. Almost only the core disciples of Da Jiao can have such talent.

"Is he really a disciple of shangzong?"

The three people were extremely suspicious.

Next, in the eyes of many Qi family members, the three high-ranking leaders of Donghe sect kowtow to Qi Mufeng and apologize, with a very respectful attitude.

The elder, the leader, even sent out a bottle of elixir. Lianlian told Qi Xiuer that they were reckless before and asked Miss Xiuer to forgive them.

Qi Xiu'er's beautiful eyes were so big that she couldn't believe it.

When is the immortal leader of Donghe sect so respectful to secular cities? Everyone's eyes can't help converging on Chen fan.

It was he who made the three members of Donghe school so respectful!"Shangzong immortal master, this is the real bearing of shangzong immortal master. I, Qi family, really have a good time." Qi Mufeng laughed. Qi Xiuer's eyes are shining and full of admiration.

At this time, Donghe three people came over and said with a smile:

"immortal master, we have apologized. Can we go now?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed and he said with a smile: "I said, I'll let you go if I apologize?"


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