Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 729


Although Chen fan is an immortal and has a thick face, he is also a little embarrassed at this time. He pinches a magic formula and turns into a black robe to cover his body. But unexpectedly, the middle-aged man on the other side suddenly changed his face and said respectfully:

"I'm Qi Mufeng. I'll take my daughter Xiuer and see the immortal master."

Immortal master?

Chen fan a Leng, what is this?

The girl who covered her little face, but with big eyes through her fingers, and looked at her, also let out a cry of surprise, and then said in a hurry: "little girl Qi Xiu'er, see immortal master."

"Get up."

Chen Fan frowned.

At this time, chen fan found out. Both father and daughter have inner strength. Qi Mufeng was a little higher, about in the middle of foundation construction. Qi Xiu'er was just a beginner of inner strength, but she had some inner Qi in her body.

"It's really the kunxu world. On the earth, there are many inner strength masters who are rarely seen in any city."

Chen Fan thought.

Qi Mufeng and Qi Xiuer both stood up respectfully.

"I was seriously injured because of fighting with the enemy, and I was exiled here. I forgot some things. Where is this place? Who are you? " Chen Fan finds an excuse at random.

Qi Mufeng didn't know whether to believe it or not, but Qi Xiuer obviously believed it and soon fell out.

Chen fan just knows.

In the world of kunxu, those who are successful in cultivation and above the level of tongxuan are called immortal masters.

This is the manggu mountain range in the kunxu area. The kunxu area covers almost half of China, stretching thousands of miles from east to west. Manggu mountain range is the first mountain range of kunxu. It stretches thousands of miles, almost across the whole kunxu boundary. It is full of monsters and beasts. It is extremely dangerous. Here is just the most boundary.

"We come from the" Qishan city "outside manggu mountain. My father is the leader of the city."

Qi Xiuer some small proud said.

Chen Fan smiles.

From qianyexuekou, he learned the situation of kunxu. There are hundreds of millions of people in the kunxu area. There is no country. Instead, they live in cities. There are thousands of cities, tens of thousands of small and millions of large. Every city is dependent on its gates. Every major branch is above everything.

"Qishan city is a city under the name of Donghe school. When an immortal master comes to Qishan City, he should report it to the immortal leaders of Donghe school." Qi Mufeng hesitated.

"Donghe school? Never heard of it. Compared with tianleizong and qingxuandao, what's the difference? "

Chen Fan yawns.

Qi Mufeng immediately stood in awe: "Tianlei sect and Qingxuan road are all shangzong. It has been handed down for thousands of years for our kunxu great religion. There are many immortals and great magnates. There is only one immortal in Donghe sect. Does the immortal master come from Tianlei sect or Qingxuan sect? "

Said, Qi Mufeng face dew awe.

An immortal master who was born in a famous sect is obviously more noble than the one who came from the wild road. It is the opinion of the Donghe sect that needs to be respected.

"I think so." Chen Fan declined to comment.

Chen Fan did know that the earth shaking immortal, Qingxuan Shaozhu and Leixing earth immortal all came from these great religions. Unfortunately, they were all patted to death by Chen fan.

Qi Mufeng is more and more respectful. At last, he asks chen fan to visit Qishan city. Chen Fan thinks about it and agrees.

At this time, chen fan's injury is better than half, and his cultivation is promoted to the realm of God sea. With many cards, he can face the immortals.

"I just went out and looked for some medicinal materials to see if I could cooperate with the sage son to refine a batch of big medicines, so as to make the injury as serious as possible." Chen Fan thought.

"Master Chen Xian, which sect are you a disciple of?"

"Master Chen Xian, have you ever seen a real immortal? What does an immortal look like? "

"Mr. Chen Xianshi, my sister was taken away by the elders of Xianzong when she was a child. My father said that she would send me to Xianzong at that time and let me cultivate immortals."

Qi Xiuer chirps.

Her small face is as beautiful as a flower. She is more beautiful in red than in fire. Let chen fan think of the Black Water Gate dance, because he didn't come and hand, dance and Zhang Ran were killed by earth shaking fairy.

"I don't know if there are any disciples of heishuimen in kunxu. If I can meet them, I'll take care of them."

Chen fan has some regrets.

Three people soon out of the forest, roadside a group of majestic cavalry had been waiting. Dozens of cavalry, a black armor, even the mount are wearing armor. The horse, dragon and tiger are fierce under the seat. They are more than two people high and have horns on their foreheads. They are obviously wild and heterogeneous.

"Lord, miss Xiuer."

The first young knight of black armour came. He is a great master of half step. On earth, he is old enough to become a new star in the future. When the knight looked at the show, it was blazing.

"Master Chen Xian, this is Qidong, the leader of the guard of Qishan city. Qidong, this is Mr. Chen Xianshi. You must not neglect him when you come to Qishan city. "

Qi Mufeng said.

"Immortal master?"

Qi Dong looked up and swept over Chen fan. He had a flat breath and ordinary clothes. He couldn't help flashing a trace of color. But he soon covered up and bowed his head respectfully.Chen fan gets on the horned horse.

A group of people like a dragon, galloping fast. This wildebeest is worthy of being a different species. Its speed is as fast as that of a car. It passes by in a flash for tens of kilometers. Along the way, Qi Xiuer pasted beside chen fan and kept asking curiously.

It is obvious that there are few outsiders in Qishan city. Chen fan, an immortal master without airs, is like an unknown treasure house to Qi Xiuer. Chen fan used a few earth jokes to make the girl smile.

Qidong looked at it, but his brows wrinkled involuntarily.

Soon, Qishan City arrived.

Qishan city is built on the ancient mang mountains. The city is more than ten feet high. The whole city is built on the hillside. There are many houses and fish scales, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

Qi Mufeng held a reception for Chen Fan in the main hall of the city. Many senior members of the Qi family and senior members of the Qishan city came to attend. Chen Fan glanced around and found that most of these people had inner strength, and each of them was a master of inner strength. But there was no one in tongxuan period.

"Once you enter the mystery, the supernatural powers come into being. If you master all kinds of magic tricks, it's obviously not common. No wonder they call tongxuan the immortal master. "

Chen Fan thought.

"Let's have a toast to the immortal master in Qidong. I don't know where the immortal master comes from? How about cultivation? " Qi Dong, the commander of black armour, raised his glass and asked.

"Qidong, don't be rude. This is the immortal master of shangzong."

Qi Mufeng frowned and drank.

"Lord of the city, the immortal master of shangzong, which one is not superior and noble, how can you come to Qishan town on the border of kunxu? Don't be cheated by some wild Taoist, sanxiu and so on."

Qidong sneered.

Many Qi family residents heard the speech, suddenly a Leng, as if thinking.

Tianleizong, qingxuandao and so on are supreme in kunxu, just like emperors. The disciples of their sect are much better than those of the Xiaozong and Xiaopai. It really shouldn't be in places like Qishan city.

"Are you doubting me?"

Chen fan put down his wine glass, not smiling.

He has no grudge against Qidong, but from Qidong's greedy eyes to Qi Xiuer from time to time, chen fan understands the reason. But Chen fan who can scruple such mole ant's idea.

"I don't doubt it. I just hope the Lord won't be deceived. If Chen Xianshi really comes from shangzong, Qidong will certainly give him a big gift and ask for his sin. " Qidong said in a high voice.

"Not bad, monk shangzong, how can I enter Qishan city? We don't do shit. Even the head of Donghe sect doesn't bother to come here except to collect offerings every year. "

"Maybe it's true or false. If you know a few magic tricks, you'll deceive the Lord of the city."

"Qidong is right."

The residents nodded.

Qi Mufeng immediately sat on wax. He thought that Chen Fan was an immortal master because he saw the strange image of Chen fan when he was practicing and the Taoist art of bringing in the robe. As for whether he came from shangzong, Qi Mufeng was not sure.

"Did this man really cheat me?" Qi Mufeng was surprised.

Qi Xiu'er flushed with anger and exclaimed, "what do you mean, Qidong? Chen Xianshi has said that she is from shangzong. You are blinded. Don't you mean Chen Xianshi is a liar?"

"Miss Xiu'er, you are still young and easy to be cheated by traitors."

Qi Dong said faintly, "if master Chen Xianshi is really from shangzong, please take out the token of shangzong. Every disciple of shangzong has the token of the sect. No one dares to pretend to be a great kunxu."

As soon as this speech came out, all eyes immediately focused on Chen fan.

Even Qi Xiuer was stunned and looked over with some worry. The clan token is really the symbol of every disciple. In the whole kunxu community, no one dares to imitate the token of the seven religions.

Chen fan is playing with the wine glass in his hand, and he is noncommittal.

"What? Can't get it out? " Qi Dong stepped forward. His inner strength was strong and his anger was flying. He held the sword handle in his hand and said, "if you can't take it out, you will admit that you have deceived the city master, pretended to be a disciple of the upper sect, and then get out of Qishan City. Otherwise, don't blame Qi for his sharp sword. "

As a master of half step transformation, once he gets angry, he looks like a fierce tiger. If he were an ordinary person, he would have been frightened.

Chen Fan snorted, raised his eyes and said:

"what are you, dare you question me?"

"You Qidong is very angry and will draw his sword.

Chen Fan flicked his fingers and drank softly:

"go away!"

An invisible energy spurted from his fingertips and hit Qidong instantly. Qidong's whole person, like being hit by a heavy blow or being hit by a truck, flies out of the hall in an instant. The whole person turns into a rolling gourd and disappears.

In an instant, the whole hall was silent.

All the people dare not give one, and they are all dumbfounded. Qidong is the first master of Qishan City, half step into the realm. Even the leader of Donghe sect could not defeat him like Chen fan.

"Immortal master, the real immortal master of shangzong!"

The crowd was excited.

Qi Mufeng gets up with the wine and makes amends to Chen fan. Qi Xiu'er has more beautiful eyes. She looks at Chen Fan closely and looks like an idol.As for Qidong, who cares about him? In front of an immortal master, it's really like a mole ant, which is not worth mentioning.

Soon, chen fan lived in Qishan city.

On the third day, Qi Mufeng broke in with an ugly face:

"master Chen Xianshi, the immortals of Donghe sect are here."

PS: it's a little late today, and there's another one. o(n_ n)o , the fastest update of the webnovel!