Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 728

Tianleizong is the great religion of kunxu.

Even in the various religions, the ranking is relatively backward, but the earth shaking immortal is still powerful and is the supreme giant. Who is not afraid of such a leader falling into the secular world?


From the mountain gates of the major sects, all the lights flew out to the Yuntian palace in the center of kunxu. Then every light represents an immortal. The immortals gathered in Yuntian palace to discuss secular affairs behind closed doors.

At the bottom of the kunxu world, it is also popular.

"Have you heard? The God card of earth shaking immortal is broken and falls into the secular world. "

"My God. From tianmingzi and Qingxuan Shaozhu to Leixing Dixian and Changhe Jianxian, he is now Tianlei Zongzhu. Is this secular world a tiger's den in the dragon pond? Even the supreme giant went in for only one day, and his spirit broke and died. "

"The secular world must have undergone a great change."

Numerous friars in kunxu talked about it one after another.

In thousands of years, the immortal gate has been opened many times. When kunxu monks stepped into the earth, they often looked down on the secular world with a commanding air. They thought that they were immortal and the earth was mortal.

But this time, a series of giants fell, shaking the people in the kunxu community.

Inside the snow god palace.

Dressed in plain clothes, Lu Yanxue is cold and gorgeous. She is stunned by the whispers of her teachers and sisters. It was a few years later that she heard from the secular world again.

"I don't know what happened to Yan Wu, Xiao Qian and Chen fan."

Lu Yanxue thought in her heart.

"Lu Yanxue, the Sutra Pavilion hasn't been cleaned up yet. Go quickly." A woman in a Taoist robe, tall, narrow eyed and somewhat mean, said coldly.

"Yes, elder martial sister Qi."

Lu Yanxue bowed her head and answered softly.

As she lowered her head, she heard a sarcastic voice coming from behind: "a mortal in the secular world dares to enter my snow fairy palace. If it wasn't for Hong shigu's face, she would have been relegated to the outside world to chop firewood and carry water with those inferior disciples. "

"Elder martial sister, be careful. They are the best ice cream root and the best talent."

"Ha ha, she can become a fairy, and I'm still rising day by day!"

The sound of ridicule, not only did not converge, but deliberately increased. Lu Yanxue could only lower her head and go away.

In the cloud heaven palace.

A flame of jade paved, Panlong gold pillars supporting the sky, surrounded by clouds, standing in the hall above the cloud. There has been a fiery cry from the Immortals: "use the most precious treasures of each religion to forcibly split the gate of immortals and enter the secular world."

"It's true that all my sects and sects have their elite disciples killed or injured. We have to take revenge."

"Tianlei Zong is willing to be the first..."

the patriarchs sitting at the top can't help but look at each other and see the doubts in each other's eyes.

The affairs of the secular world make these great figures at the top of kunxu confused. The earth shaking immortal is not a good stubble, but it falls in one day. It's really frightening.

However, they have been standing on top of the world for a long time. They think that no matter how strong the secular world is, as soon as the immortal gate is opened, all the immortals in kunxu will enter, and all their opponents will turn into powder.

"Every sect went back to prepare. The day when the gate of immortals was restarted, it was the moment when the immortals of kunxu entered the secular world."

Sitting at the top, shrouded in the clouds, the extremely dignified cloud emperor opened his mouth.


All the immortals are respectful and obedient.

Countless flames are burning in the eyes of many immortals. Chen Fan's successive killing of the powerful members of the immortal sect has completely angered all the immortals in kunxu. They just wait for the immortal gate to open, and then they fight into the secular world to kill all the people who dare to resist on earth and plow hard.

At this time, people in kunxu didn't know that Chen fan had come.



In the space passage between kunxu and the earth, a group of cyan and golden light shuttles through the space gap, struggling to move forward.

"My cultivation is still too low to be a golden elixir. I can't resist the turbulence of space. Fortunately, I made the picture of swallowing heaven and evolved Kunpeng Dharma. Kunpeng's talent is space. The secret skill of Kunpeng's talent is "big muddle hole", which can force me to break through space and force me to cross the two realms. "

"Of course, this is also because kunxu is just a small world, which is closely connected with the earth. If it's a real big world, it has a very strict boundary and can't be crossed without the power of transforming gods. "

While dancing in the turbulent space, chen fan thought.

Although with the coming of space debris, there are many scars on his body. Even the small God body is vulnerable to space. But Chen Fan didn't mean to flinch at all.

If we do not solve the kunxu boundary, he will never be able to leave the earth at ease.

"And the way of heaven may be in the kunxu world. Sooner or later, I will come here." Chen Fan's eyes were cold, and he suddenly flapped his wings: "open!"


Just one big bang.

A huge mixed hole appeared at the front of the passage out of thin air.As soon as Chen Fan's body shrinks, he turns into a light and plunges into the hole. With the rapid shrinkage of the mixed hole, only the space channel is still colorful and the abnormal image appears frequently.

At the other end of the line, the kunxu disciples felt that the immortal gate seemed to tremble, and then they calmed down, so they didn't pay any attention.

It's hundreds of kilometers away from Xianmen.

A space, suddenly open, a group of cyan golden light, fierce spray out.


When the light dissipated, chen fan's real body appeared. The Kunpeng FA Xiang behind him uttered a whine, which turned into a light picture and shot into Chen Fan's body.

On Chen Fan's body, there are scars everywhere, many of which are extremely ferocious. They even tear from his chest to his waist, almost cutting Chen Fan in two. It's a very dangerous piece of space debris, enough to kill Jindan. His breath also declined extremely. He fell down from his natural environment and only managed to maintain it until the foundation period.

But Chen fan is not worried.

He took a long breath, his face could not help showing a trace of intoxication:

"what a rich Aura! How long has it been since I felt such a thick aura. I almost feel like I'm back in the world of cultivating immortals. "

Kunxu's aura is better than any other place on earth. Not even Yingzhou island.

Chen Fan opened his eyes and saw the towering trees in the distance. They were 100 meters tall and very strong. The roar of the beast came. In the distance, there was a golden bird. It picked up a strange beast the size of an elephant and flew away.


Chen Fan wanted to stand up and found it difficult. When he looked inside, he found that most of the meridians in his body were broken. Even the jade bone, which was invincible, had cracks on it. With a sound of Zhenyuan, it was even more scattered. Only half of it was left. He couldn't help but smile bitterly:

"it's too hard for me to cross the space channel by force with my current cultivation."

At this time, his injury was more serious than being bombarded by a nuclear bomb in a sea of blood.

but Chen Fan has no worries on his face:

, known as "the emperor's eternal life", is strong in restoring ability. The spirit of the wood is so abundant that even if there is no blood essence, it can be restored to its original state for up to three months. Besides, there is also a material of the supreme medicine in the sword gourd. "

Chen Fan shakes his head at the thought of the Holy Son, who is going to be used to refine medicine. According to his current cultivation, releasing the Holy Son is to seek death. However, when he recovers most of the time, he can refine the precious medicine with the Holy Son, and his cultivation may be better.

"When I resume my cultivation, it will be the time when all the immortals in kunxu will perish."

Chen Fan hummed in his heart and closed his eyes slowly.


He sat cross legged under the huge wood.

The whole person quickly entered the state of fetal rest. The abundant wood aura around him turned into green mist and gathered to him. With these wood aura moistening, some small scars on Chen Fan's body surface gradually recovered and his breath began to rise.

Three days later, chen fan was promoted back to tongxuan period.

Half a month later, chen fan was promoted to Shenhai stage.

At this time, as his cultivation gradually became negative, his aura became more and more powerful. Thousands of wood auras, like clouds, are pouring in. From a distance, it looks like a green funnel.

In the past half a month, chen fan was thirsty and drank Linglu directly. When he was hungry, he opened the yangjianhu and took out the julingdan.

With the growth of his accomplishments, the space for cultivating Jianhu gradually grows, which is the size of a basketball court. It was filled with all kinds of food, drink, clothing and use by Fang Qiong, Anya and others. And a Hummer. It's like a supermarket. If Chen Fan was greedy, he would use his mind to attract a small animal, pluck its skin and bone, and roast it directly.

It has to be said that the wild animals in the kunxu Kingdom live in an environment full of vitality. They are delicious, tender and juicy. Chen Fan's mouth is smooth. If he didn't want to restore his cultivation, he would like to roast all the wild animals in the whole forest.

This day.

Chen fan is still sitting under the tree, practicing with his eyes closed.

A layer of leaves fell on his shoulder, and Chen Fan was too lazy to take care of them. With the recovery of the injury, the ferocious scars on his body gradually disappeared. At this time, chen fan's body almost turned into a perfect jade, as beautiful as a God. There are only some dark wounds in the body, which are still struggling to support, but they will soon be repaired.

At this time, suddenly a tender voice came from a distance:

"father, where the aura converges, is there a magic medicine born?"

Then, a string of clear steps on the litter, trot all the way.

"Xiu'er, slow down and watch out for the fierce animals." A voice with dignity followed. Soon, the banana leaves were pulled away, and a pretty girl in red clothes stuck out her head.

The girl's big bright eyes fell on Chen fan. Suddenly she let out an earth shaking cry, covered her face and turned her head.

"What's the matter?" Majestic voice a burst of tension, such as the storm swept, fast forward, see Chen fan also fierce a Leng.Chen Fan opened his eyes.

After staring at himself for a while, he awkwardly found that all his clothes had been destroyed in the space channel. At this time, he was naked.

With such a magnanimous face, beixuan xianzun first met the people of kunxu.

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