Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 727

The earth shaking immortal is the supreme giant.

He has practiced for a long time. Overlooking the earth, he is not only the kunxu Kingdom, but also a leader. He fought countless battles in his life, mastered countless secret methods, and had many magic weapons to protect his body. It's hard to kill a giant like him.

But at this time, the earth shaking immortal was killed by Chen fan, and was at a dead end.

He fled all the way west to the burial Valley, obviously trying to escape the immortal gate. However, how can Chen Fan let him escape? Once the earth shaking immortal returns to kunxu, it will surely cause the kunxu to shake. When the gate of immortals really opens, if all the immortals enter the earth, it is Chen fan who has three heads and six arms and can't stop dozens or hundreds of immortals.


Chen Fan points out and smashes a spirit weapon with a bang.

The earth shaking immortal had to use the technique of blood evasion again. A little thumb burst open and turned into a blood mist to wrap him and quickly escape. But Chen Fan broke the sound barrier and followed him at five times the speed of sound.

Donghe Province, Zhongzhou Province, Xikang Province...

after crossing most of China, they finally fled all the way to the burial Valley and were blocked by Chen fan.

Buried in the valley of immortals.

The shimmering and illusory immortal gate still stands on the stone platform. The earth shaking immortal is only a hundred steps away from it, but at this time, there is endless regret in his eyes.

Because there is a man between the immortal gate and him.

Chen fan!

Dressed in black, chen fan stood in front of the immortal gate with his hands on his back, as if he were isolated from heaven and earth. Although it is a hundred steps, it is like a moat.

"It's a pity."

The earth shaking fairy sighed gently.

This late congenital great monk, his face returned to normal and his eyes were as quiet as Pinghu: "if I open the most precious treasure in kunxu, I will surely kill you. This time, many magic weapons have not been brought to the world, so you can take advantage of them. "

"You are holding Lingbao. I can still kill you." Chen Fan flicked finger, light way.

"Don't be ashamed."

The earth shaking immortal snorted, but did not refute. Instead, he turned to Chen Fan and said, "Chen beixuan, you are indeed a rare genius in thousands of years. If you were a genius in ancient times, you might be able to prove the immortals and stand on a par with our ancestors, the old man with nine swords and the real king of Dongfu. But this heaven and earth will limit you. In the secular world, your cultivation has reached its peak, and there is no way to progress. "

"No matter how much you say, it won't save you."

Chen fan came with his hands behind his back and his eyes were cold.

The earth shaking immortal disturbs his wedding night and tries to destroy Dongshan with thunder. Chen fan has already been angered.

"No, I mean, three years later, when the fairy gate officially opens. If the immortals of kunxu step into the world, you will surely die! " The earth shaking fairy laughed.

"Three years is just a matter of shutting up and blinking an eye for our generation. Three years later, BAIXIAN entered the secular world. Qingxuan Taoist master, Xueshen palace master, Longxiang Zen master, Yuntian emperor. Which cultivation is not above me? Can you kill me? Can you kill all the fairies in kunxu? "


Chen Fan's face remained unchanged.

Step by step, the bright green gold God awn bloomed on him, and the golden flame armor was burning. Make him like a God.


Finally, World War I broke out.

This time, the earth shaking immortal worked hard, and all kinds of taboo and secret skills were displayed by him. Tianlei Dharma body is now. Wearing a Dragon Robe, Tianlei Zhenjun is holding a heavenly punishment sword and chopping in the air. His breath is surging.

And Chen Fan ignored it, just smashed it out.

The bright god body, blood pattern winding, ten thousand methods do not invade. Whether it's Tianlei Zhenjun's Dharma phase, or all kinds of magic weapons, chen fan takes ten steps and makes ten fists. He smashed seven spirit weapons and beat a quasi spirit treasure to the sky. In the end, the earth shaking immortal couldn't bear it, so he flew out and pulled out a gully of more than 1000 meters on the earth.

"Taboo secret skill. Hunyuan shenlei!"

The earth shaking immortal vomites blood, and his white hair is as crazy as a madman.

One kind of God thunder after another, released from his hands.

Miemo God thunder, Qinggang God thunder, purple lightning God thunder, Yin Yang God thunder...

between the fingers, earth shaking immortals continuously cast nine kinds of thunder methods. The nine gods thunder into one, turned into a terrible ball of thunder, colorful, finally fused together, there is a sense of chaos, which contains the sky shaking energy.

"Yes, there is a shadow of the great five elements extinction God thunder. It's a pity that your accomplishments are too low after all. If you study for another 100000 years, you may be able to create another unique skill comparable to the five elements thunder. "

Chen fan light way.

Since he was reincarnated as an immortal, his greatest advantage is not that he is proficient in all kinds of immortal methods, but that he has a strategic vision. He once looked down at the universe and saw the changes of the samsara of the sun and the moon. Naturally, he can see through everything and ignore everything.


The earth shaking fairy hits the thunder ball.


Hunyuan God thunder explodes. This is a taboo secret method of Tianlei sect. Countless predecessors of Tianlei sect were killed because they used this secret method, so they were forbidden to practice it. But its power is really terrible.A chaotic thunder burst.

The whole square kilometer, is shrouded by thunder and lightning, even the stone platform has swallowed up half. The spirit beasts in the burial valley are hiding in the corner, shivering. Naturally, they feel two breath of terror and collide with each other. Those two breath, each one, are enough to sweep the whole burial valley.

"Hoo Hoo."

When the thunder light converges, the earth shaking immortal gasps and shrinks in a corner of the stone platform. When the thunder exploded, he used the secret method of sacrificing his life to sneak aside and avoid the core of the thunderstorm. But Chen fan is only fifty steps away from shenlei, and he must be swept in by the power of shenlei.

"Even Tian Xian can't carry the Hunyuan God Lei of Tian Lei sect. Chen beixuan, you've got a chip in the end..."

the earth shaking immortal smiles. Although his body is cracked, there are scars everywhere, and most of his meridians are broken, he can exchange this for a great enemy to fall, and the earth shaking immortal will not lose.

"Is it?"

A clear voice came from the chaotic thunder.

The laughter of the earth shaking fairy suddenly stopped and looked away in horror.

See a green gold God awn emerge, chen fan shrouded in God awn, step by step out. Nine kinds of lightning strikes hit him, as if the tide had split on the rocks and had to disperse.

"You're not dead?"

The earth shaking immortals stare at each word. In his eyes, he was frightened for the first time: "my Hunyuan God thunder can't be carried by any immortals. Unless you're immortal... But how is that possible? If you are immortal, doesn't it mean that you are only half a step away from the immortal? But you are in the beginning of the earth


Even in the ancient times, they were all big people who stomped their feet to shake the earth. In the west, the true God is immortal. It is the earth's great change, the collapse of mountains and rivers. The celestial being can also fly away from this star.

Kunxu has been in the world for thousands of years, and there is no immortal.

The first person in kunxu, the Taoist master Qingxuan, was only known to be close to the immortal.

"The body of the golden elixir? I'm not yet, but I'm close. " Chen Fan answered, stepping out and stepping on the earth. Even the body of the earth immortal could not stop him.


All of a sudden, I just heard a series of clear sounds. All the bones of the earthshaking immortals were broken. My chest was deeply concave, and even my heart was crushed. I'm afraid the earth immortal will fall down after being seriously injured.

"Chen beixuan, you killed me, but one day, you will be the same as me. The rest of the kunxu community will avenge me. I'm waiting for them to step into the world and turn the earth into Purgatory. "

The earth shaking fairy laughed.

"Yes? You can't wait for that day. "

Chen Fan stepped on the head of the earth shaking immortal, then turned around and walked away step by step towards the immortal gate. The earth shaking immortal's body is destroyed, and the spirit begins to disintegrate. He looks at Chen Fan in bewilderment.

All he saw was that Chen Fan went to the immortal gate, which was tens of meters high, and his whole body turned into a ball of light about the size of tens of meters. In the light group, you can see a strange animal that looks like a fish but not a fish and a bird but not a bird.

"It's like Kunpeng, the mythical beast."

"What is he going to do?"

The consciousness of earthshaking immortals is vague.

The last scene he saw was Kun pengmeng's spreading wings and crashing into the immortal gate. The whole fairy gate vibrates, and the sparkling space trembles. Chen fan, in the inconceivable, goes deep into the fairy gate steadily.

"He's going to kunxu?"

The earth shaking fairy was shocked.

"It's impossible. No one can cross the immortal gate without the cultivation of celestial beings and the secret treasure of space. He's looking for death..."

it's a pity that the earthshaking immortal didn't see the scene of Chen Fan's death. The whole soul burst out, and the endless golden flame poured out of his soul and burned him to ashes.

Ye Qingcang, Chen Huaian and others rush to see Chen Fan's last figure.

"Protect beiqiong, wait for me to come back..."

everyone looks at the light and shadow, the shimmering, the immortal gate that has no trace of Chen fan, and looks at each other.

"How could he enter the kunxu area alone?"

Qianyexue was stunned.

It's the legendary fairyland, where the immortals gather, and there may even be a world where the immortals hide. Only qianyexue, who was born in kunxu, knows how terrible the inside information of kunxu is and how many invincible and powerful people are hidden.

"Master Chen took the initiative to go deep into the tiger's den and suppress the kunxu ruins. This is a great hero of mankind and the world. We should always remember that from today on, we will give orders. Anyone who dares to be an enemy of the northern Qiong school is the enemy of Kunlun and China. "

Ye Qingcang looks around.

Everyone nodded solemnly.


the ancestral hall of Tianlei in the kunxu area.

A mountain peak surrounded by fairy clouds and thunderbolts.

Many elders of Tianlei sect are sitting cross legged in the main hall, quietly breathing. All of a sudden, a God card, which was worshipped in the highest position, exploded.All the elders opened their eyes at the same time.

Each of these magic cards has a little bit of distraction. Many disciples from Tianlei sect will break the magic card once they fall outside. And the highest god card comes from the Lord of Tianlei sect...

"the Lord has fallen into the secular world."

One of the elders said, shaking.

In an instant, the news, like a storm, swept the whole kunxu area.

Kunxu was shocked by it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!