Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 726

Before you come.

The earth shaking immortal never thought that Chen Fanqiang would be like this.

He catches Zhang Ran and Xiao Wu, finds out the news from their spirits, and then rushes all the way to Dongshan. He doesn't know that Chen Fan once was an enemy of his country, carrying nuclear weapons physically. Otherwise, the earth shaking immortal would never have been so big.

"Damn it."

The earth shaking immortal's face is dignified. The blue and white thunder light shines on the wings of wind and thunder, and his real strength reaches the top. From his sleeve, he took out a green thunder, which was crystal clear, like a sword measuring heaven and earth.

A long sword.

In the void, the thunder burst, and a breath that was no less than that of the purple electric crazy knife rose to the sky. It also pressed the end of the thunder knife.

"The name of the sword is" heavenly punishment ", which is made by the founder of our ancestors, the real king of Tianlei, who took the Qinggang thunder from the ninth floor of the sky outside the kunxu, and took charge of the way of heaven on behalf of the heavenly punishment." The earth shaking immortal said with pride on his face:

"this sword is the treasure of our family. You have killed seventeen earth shaking immortals, and you will be the eighteenth."

Another quasi Lingbao!

But Chen Fan's face is calm, and he has been killed by a knife from afar.

This knife, without bright thunder light, countless electric lights, shrunk into a long purple lightning knife. Thunder knife above, countless purple electric awn condensed to the pole, into black. Across the sky, in the space, leaving traces, as if the void has been cut open.


The earth shaking immortal directly urges the heavenly punishment sword.

Blue thunder, bursts of crazy surging and falling, each with a jiuxiao above the destruction of the atmosphere, like spring thunder, the emperor opened his eyes, like a penalty.

Chen fanren follows the sword and turns himself into a skillful one. It came with a bang.

The magic power of earth shaking immortals is also infused into the heavenly punishment sword. Two quasi spiritual treasures collide in the air in an instant. The sky punishment sword, which is crystal clear, collides with the crazy sword surrounded by purple electricity.

"Prick, prick."

Two thunderbolts collide wildly.

Every ray of blue thunder, or purple lightning, contains the energy of terror, which is enough to crack the boulders and break the chariots. With two people as the center and a radius of 100 meters, it directly turns into a thunder sea.


The earth shaking fairy roared wildly.

His eyes are like lamp posts. His breath shakes the world and makes the space shake. It's full of terrifying thunder mana. Once anyone enters this field, they will be smashed by gang Jin and Lei mang.

But Chen Fan held the knife and pressed it down step by step.

Chen Fan's eyes are cold, just like the cold wind of nine days, overlooking the earth shaking immortals. To this person who dares to disturb his wedding ceremony, chen fan's intention to kill is monstrous. He just wants to cut it into two parts.


The earth shaking immortal finally couldn't bear it, and directly retreated, bumping a huge hole in the sea of clouds and declining from thousands of feet of clouds. The sword of heavenly punishment also gave out bursts of wailing, and the crystal clear body of the sword could not help trembling.

Although in terms of quality.

Heaven's punishment sword is above the purple electric crazy sword. Although they are all quasi Lingbao, one is made of jiutiangang thunder, and the other is the corpse of exotic gods. There are differences in material quality, not to mention that the heavenly punishment sword is controlled by the successive patriarchs. I don't know how many times it has been refined, which is far better than the purple electric crazy sword.

However, chen fan's accomplishments are much better than those of earthshaking immortals.

"No, it's impossible."

The earth shaking immortals are puzzled.

He is the leader of Tianlei sect. He is a giant in the kunxu world. He even holds a quasi Lingbao. How can he lose to a mere mortal?

"If you have Lingbao in your hand, how many moves can you make with me? It's just a late congenital stage, but it's just a matter of a knife?" Chen Fan sneered and stepped on the world, pressing forward step by step.

The purple electric knife is buzzing excitedly.

For thousands of years, it has rarely been able to win the penalty sword.

The earth shaking immortal's face suddenly froze. Lingbao is a large treasure of town education. It's not a matter of life or death. Please don't move it. Although he is the patriarch, he does not dare to bring Lingbao to the earth. If he is lost, he is the sinner of the patriarch.

"Heavenly thunder Dharma."

The earth shaking fairy roared wildly.

A huge shadow appeared from behind him. The shadow is also like a Dragon Robe and a crown, just like an ancient emperor. The breath of terror surrounds the shadow.

As soon as the virtual shadow appeared, the momentum of earth shaking immortal rose steadily, and instantly returned to the peak, which was a few points stronger than before.

"I didn't expect that there was a Dharma on earth. It's a pity that you're just a ninth rate Dharma. How can you stop me? " Chen Fan said softly, but he didn't stop at all.


The thunder knife cuts down, and the void is cut out of a thunder waterfall.

And the earth shaking immortals also hold their swords to meet them. The shadow behind him moves synchronously, pulling out a long translucent sword from the void, which is similar to the heavenly punishment sword. It's like two earth shaking immortals meeting the enemy at the same time.

Dharma body is a secret skill in the world of cultivating immortals. Once the cultivation is successful, you can enchant all kinds of magical powers and magic, and become extremely powerful.

For example, chen fan's Kunpeng Dharma image and Tongshan's tiger demon image are all Dharma bodies. However, Kunpeng's Dharma phase is so strong that it can not be compared with the earthshaking immortals. Even if Tongshan was built into a congenital one, it can defeat him."Bang."

Crazy sword and heavenly punishment sword collide again.

This time, chen fan didn't leave his hand any longer. His terrible sword fell from the sky. He cut the Tianlei Dharma body into two parts, and then cut it on the earth shaking immortal.


The earth shaking immortal uttered a scream.

He was directly cut down by Chen Fan from the air and crashed into the east mountain. A mountain hundreds of meters high is smashed into two parts. If not for his strong body, I'm afraid the whole person has turned into meat cake.

"Cut again!"

Chen fan came down with a knife, and his eyes were cold.

The earthshaking immortals are heartbroken.

For the first time, he felt the threat of life and death. Chen Fan's terror is far beyond his imagination. "It's the first person in kunxu, the Taoist master Qingxuan, or the master of Yuntian palace. That's all."

The earth shaking fairy rushed out of the mountain peak, wildly danced the wings of wind and thunder, turned into a blue and white light, and fled out.

He can't imagine how such a powerful person as Chen Fan could be born in the secular world.

"You can't escape."

Chen Fan stepped on the void, and every step was thousands of feet away. Although he didn't use the Kunpeng method, his speed reached five times the speed of sound, just like a streamer phantom, and he immediately caught up with the earth shaking immortal.

Chen Huaian and others who watched the battle in the sky were all stunned.

Such a powerful earth shaking immortal was beaten by Chen fan.

"That's a giant..." qianyexue almost groaned.

Ye Qingcang shook his head again and again: "master Chen's strength is far beyond our imagination. Don't mention the earth. I'm afraid there is no rival in kunxu."

"Bang bang."

Several collisions.

Every time the earth shaking immortal wanted to escape, he was directly chopped down from the sky by Chen fan.

"Heavenly thunder Dharma."

"Eye of thunder."

"Chilei peerless dragon hand..."

a supreme secret skill and supernatural power of Tianlei sect are released from the hands of earth shaking immortals. As a late congenital great monk, he lived for four or five hundred years. He was full of surging accomplishments and many secrets, which I can't imagine.

But Chen Fan allows you to use all kinds of magic, all kinds of magic power, cut off from one knife, and break clean.

The earth shaking immortal is about to vomit blood.

He had never met such an opponent. Chen fan just crushed him with his accomplishments, and he didn't even bother to let go of any divine channel. But the earthshaking immortal couldn't stop him. Chen Fan's real yuan was so terrible that he was sure to kill him.



Chen Fan cut the magic power of the earth shaking immortal, and the whole thing fell from the air. Sheng Sheng smashed a section of highway, smashing the whole section of highway. Hundreds of meters of road surface was completely broken, exposing a big hole in human shape.

Lord Tianlei, I can't bear it at last.

"Chen beixuan, do you really think I can't help you?"

The earth shaking fairy burst out with a gloomy face.


Chen Fanli didn't even pay attention to it. His body was like a mirage. He rushed in and cut it out in a flash.


The earth shaking immortal took out a black and white jade ball from his sleeve, just like a jade ball surrounded by two air dragons. When qianyexue saw the jade ball in the sky, her face changed:

"no, it's the Yin Yang two phase thunder of Tianlei sect. It's said that Tianlei sect collects the Yin Yang two phases of heaven and earth, and it takes hundreds of years to make one, which is powerful enough to destroy heaven and earth!"

It's too late.

The earth shaking immortal was released instantly.


Two black-and-white air currents exploded instantly and turned into a terrible thunderstorm. The whole area of three kilometers is covered with black and white in an instant. Whether it's the highway, or the surrounding trees, lawns and rice fields, they are turned into dust by the power of two kinds of thunder. It's as powerful as a small nuclear weapon.

"To die!"

A golden awn emerges from the thunderstorm and shows Chen Fan's figure.

He was covered with gold flame armor, and the divine body moved him to the extreme. The five thunder seals on his head hung down the light. Chen Fan's face was ugly and his eyes were burning with anger. He didn't expect that the earth shaking immortal still had this kind of killing move, which was close to the energy bomb of the wise. If Chen Fan hadn't opened the guard in time, he would have been injured.

"It's not dead."

The earth shaking immortal took a cool breath.

The Yin Yang two phase thunder is the treasure of Tianlei sect. It is a threat to the kunxu world. Even such peerless figures as master Qingxuan dare not take a hard blow. How strong is Chen Fan's body.

"Get me another one."

At this time, the earth shaking immortal saw that Chen Fan was coming in a murderous manner, and then beat out a god thunder in a hurry. But this God thunder is not aimed at chen fan, but at Dongshan mountain.

Surround the Wei and save Zhao!

"Not good."

As soon as Chen Fan's face changes, he turns into an aurora and chases shenlei at several times the speed of sound. If this shenlei explodes on Dongshan mountain, I'm afraid no one will survive.When he catches up with the Yin Yang two phase thunder, makes several methods, and finally calms down the explosive energy and seals it again. The earth shaking fairy has long been turned into a bluish white light and disappeared in the distant sky.

"Even if you go to the ends of the earth, I will kill you."

Chen Fan snorted coldly, and his body shot after him instantly.

After the two disappeared, there were only the people in Dongshan who were shocked by the war in the whole land. , the fastest update of the webnovel!