Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 725

"Yes, I am."

Come standing in the sky, Dragon Robe flat crown, dignified. Chen Fan's only enemy on earth is the endless thunder in his eyes, the breath tearing the sky and making the sea of clouds tumbling and turbulent.

He is the God of the thunder religion and the immortal of the earth.

Fang Qiong's heart was cold.

How did he come to the earth from kunxu? Moreover, as the leader of Tianlei religion and the giant of kunxu, the earth shaking immortal has entered the late congenital stage of cultivation, which is far from the opponent Chen Fan met before.

"I've been waiting for you all night at the gate of your mountain. Now that you are newly married, you are very happy. It's time to die and avenge the death of the disciples of Tianlei sect and the deputy leader. "

A wave of the earth shaking immortal's sleeve robe.

A man and a woman fly out of thin air. They are Xiao Wu and Zhang Ran, who are guarding in front of the immortal gate. As soon as they saw chen fan, they cried out desperately:

"master Chen, go away quickly, the earth shaking immortal has used his secret treasure to cross the immortal gate..."

before they finished their words, the earth shaking immortal took a puff at hand, inhaled them into his hands, and then blew them into blood fog: "these two people betray our kunxu, recite our great teachings, and kill the whole gate according to the law."

"Xiao Wu, Zhang Ran..."

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed and twinkled.

He was a little late and didn't stop it. Although the two disciples of Heishui sect came from the kunxu community, they have a good feeling for the earth. Their master and elder martial brother have already died for the earth, and now they have been killed face to face. How can chen fan not be angry.

"Qianyexue, as the goddess of snow palace, turns to the enemy. I'll take you back to kunxu and ask your teacher what to do with the snow god palace master. "

The earth shaking immortal will try again.

An infinite force, out of thin air pressure. On the Dongshan mountain thousands of meters away, the sea of clouds suddenly sagged inward, showing a huge palm shape. The white dragon roared and the green dragon array tried to open, but how could it block the attack of the great monk in the later period.


The sea of clouds broke open. A big hand of thunder seized the snow and flew into the air.

"What's the matter?"

All the guests in dongshanping were surprised. But Chen Huaian and ye Qingcang raised their heads fiercely, and their eyes were fixed: "no, there's a big enemy coming. I'll go and help Mr. Chen. You will immediately open the green dragon array and guard it with all your strength. "

With that, they turned into streamers and shot into the air.

At this time, qianyexue has been captured in front of the earth shaking immortal. As soon as qianyexue saw the visitor, she suddenly changed her pretty face: "master Lei, why are you here? The immortal gate is not closed... "

" if I don't come, how can I know that you betray kunxu and take refuge with the enemy. Lead to the fall of Lei Xing and Tianming? This sin, you wait to go back to the snow temple and accept the judgment of cutting Sendai. "

Shaking the earth immortal finish saying, a method Jue hit, will thousand night snow seal, still in one side.

Qianyexue looks startled, with infinite fear in her eyes.

Obviously, the chopping Sendai was a terrible thing. Even she, the goddess of snow temple, did not dare to go up.

After that, ye Qingcang and Chen Huaian, who came to heaven without sweeping the earth shaking immortals, had their eyes flat on Chen Fan:

"it's rare for the secular world to have such a genius as you for thousands of years, but it's a pity that you shouldn't challenge our kunxu cult. You can never imagine the power of kunxu immortal gate. That's what you people in the secular world can only look up to and can't reach for a lifetime. "

When he spoke, his tone was flat, as if he had sentenced chen fan to death on behalf of heaven.

Ye Qingcang and Chen Huaian are flying on both sides, both of them are facing great enemies. In front of them, the old man in the Dragon Robe and pingtianguan gave them unprecedented pressure. Ye Qingcang even felt that when he faced the five immortals in kunxu, he was not as good as being alone.

"It's terrible. Is this the power of the most powerful people in kunxu?"

Ye Qingcang was shocked.

The whole cloud is solidified at this time. The thunder and lightning gathered on the Lord of Tianlei seems to contain the power of nuclear explosion. Once it is exploded, it will destroy the whole area for several kilometers. He is just like a fierce beast in ancient times, looking at everything and hunting everything.

And the snow has a heart like falling to the bottom of the valley.

This is the existence of the religious leader level, the great master. In the world of kunxu, it is also a giant. In addition to the other major religious leaders and the old monsters, there are few rivals in kunxu.


just as Fang Qiong called in a shaking voice.

Chen Fan stepped out and stepped on the void. Ten thousand meters at his feet, like walking on the ground. Chen fanchi is naked, with black hair and streamlined muscles. He looks like a God King coming into the world:

"three moves, if you can stop me, I won't kill you!"

His eyes light a golden flame like a torch.

"Don't be ashamed."

The earth shaking immortal spits out four words, and his eyes are full of contempt: "don't say that if you block three strikes, it will be thirty strikes. What about three hundred strikes? If you can make me move, you win. ""Grandfather, brother ye, protect beiqiongge for me. Wife, I'll kill the dog. " Chen Fan stepped into the void step by step, and his spirit became more and more vigorous. It was like a flame burning, and he rose with great momentum. At the beginning, he was small, but at the back, he was full of tsunami.

Two great breath collided in the sky.


All of a sudden, the whole sea of clouds was torn in two and separated by two people.

People on the ground felt palpitations. Only feel the momentum of terror, from the sky, like the awakening of wild animals. Hua Yunfeng, Xie Yan, Lao Qinglong and others have dignified faces. They know that Chen Fan met the enemy in the air.

However, no matter how anxious they are, they can't do anything about it.

"Don't panic, master. The teacher is invincible. He will be able to push his opponent."

Hua Yunfeng comforts.

Two momentum, like a tornado in general, set off waves. Let the cloud churn, into two huge whirlwinds, crazy collision with each other, impact.

Ye Qingcang and Chen Huaian could not bear the battle between the two most powerful, retreated step by step, and finally retreated into beiqiongge. With the help of this magic weapon of beiqiongge, they resisted their momentum. Ye Qingcang also conveniently brought in the snow.

"Let Chen Tianren be careful. It's the supreme giant of Tianlei sect. It's the master of Qingxuan and the master of our palace. They dare not say that they can win him. "

Qianyexue is very anxious.

Ye Qingcang can only smile bitterly. They don't even have the qualification to intervene in the battle. How can they remind chen fan. Until now, ye Qingcang was still in a state of horror.

He, chen fan and earth shaking immortals were all born friars.

But the strength is just like the difference between heaven and earth. Ye Qingcang believes that as long as the earth shaking immortal raises his hand, he can make himself a meat cake.

"Is this the horror of the postnatal period? No wonder Mr. Chen said that after entering the congenital stage, every step forward is not a doubling of the gap, but may be ten or twenty times. The distance between the early stage and the late stage is the difference between inner strength and spiritual state. "

Ye Qingcang said in a low voice.

In the air, the two most powerful men really began to fight.

Chen Fan's palm poked into the void and pulled out the black thunder knife with a bang. Purple electric awn jumps on the heavy back of the knife, making it crystal clear, as if cast by lightning.

"The purple electric crazy sword is made by our ancestors in the body of a foreign Thunder God. It's ridiculous of you to attack me with it. " The earth shaking fairy ha ha.

With a wave of his sleeve robe, two golden Lei Jiao, sixty or seventy feet long, burst out of the wide sleeve. Lei Jiao's teeth and claws were open and dignified. His eyes even sparkled with spirit, as if he had intelligence.

The devil's thunder!

The top magic power of Tianlei sect.

It's just that the earth shaking immortal himself used it. It's more than several times stronger than thunder punishing the earth immortal?

"First cut!"

Chen Fan gave a soft drink.

True yuan crazy influx, thunder knife above, suddenly electricity soared, into a hundred Zhang long bright sword! The sword awn across the sky, just like the ancient god King's sword, across the sky.

Ten li sea of clouds, directly torn by the terrible Dao Qi. Thunder light, down from the sky and earth, explodes on the blade, making it more and more glittering and powerful.

"This is...

the earth shaking immortal was surprised.

Since the appearance, calm and calm, never change color face, at this time, finally revealed a startled look. The boldness of this Dao is that he may not be able to use it in his own hands.

The earth shaking immortal never thought that Chen fan, a earthly immortal, had the ability to make a great difference for the first time.

"Isn't he new to earth fairy? Why is the mana so terrible that it's even more powerful than me? " When the earth shaking immortal was puzzled, chen fan had already cut it out.


A hundred Zhang sword, across the sky.

From the ground, I saw the clouds all over the sky, suddenly split from the middle, revealing a knife awn wrapped with purple electricity. Even if it was a hundred meters away, it made people feel cold and their skin split, as if they were close at hand.

The earth shaking immortal, facing this knife, feels that the world is split.

The whole world, only this from the sky.


The earth shaking immortals scream wildly, and the mana surges wildly. The golden dragon is nearly eighty feet long, ten percent off in the air, trying to stop chen fan. But Chen Fan with all his strength, how terrible? Even the space warship can be cut down again, not to mention the earth shaking immortal?


Just one big bang.

The purple thunder, which collides with the extermination thunder.

The sound of the sky, two thunderbolts crazy staggered, intertwined with each other. Although the golden dragon was powerful, it was finally broken in half by a hundred Zhang sword, and hit the earth shaking immortal.

At that moment, the earth shaking immortal madly played all kinds of Taoism. A series of magic powers fly out, trying to stop thunder knife. But they are all broken under the bright sword.

Finally, the earth shaking immortal had to face the wind and thunder behind him. When he danced in the air, his body suddenly retreated thousands of feet away, barely escaping Chen Fan's knife.A knife out, the leader back thousands of feet!

Before the earth shaking immortal could catch his breath, chen fan's voice was clear:

"second knife!"


The sky is torn, the thunder waterfall is like rain, and the thunder light is all over the sky. It is gathered into a peerless sword, which is more ferocious than before, surging between heaven and earth.

The earth shaking immortal's face suddenly changed, and it was hard to see the extreme.

PS: Happy Valentine's day, everyone. There are three shifts before 12 o'clock today_ n)o , the fastest update of the webnovel!