Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 724

"Concubine, look, it's amazing. I can't see from the outside that there is so much space inside. And many strange flowers and plants, and monsters. That eagle is so big. It's shining with gold. It's tens of meters long. Eh, is that a dragon? "

I'd rather cry.

Xu Rongfei is naturally invited. After receiving the news, Ning Xin follows her with a dead face. Xu Rongfei has no choice but to take her with her. As a result, as soon as she entered the Qinglong formation, she looked like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

Princess Xu Rong's delicate hands caressed her forehead with a helpless look.

Xuedaisha, who followed him, chuckled: "Xiaojin is the king of beasts brought out from Yingzhou island by his master, while Baihe is the spirit of Qinglong. Miss Xu, this way. The host is waiting for you. "


Let's go.

Those who can go to Dongshan are all celebrities and dignitaries of various countries. But Chen Fan's real friends and relatives are the only ones who enter the Qinglong formation and the beiqiongge Pavilion. In beiqiong Pavilion, Princess Xu Rongfei sees chen fan and Fang Qiong at a glance.

Fang Qiong has a beautiful face, just like a fairy.

Chen Fan stands on his back, his long hair is scattered and his eyes are shining. When they are together, it's really like a match made in heaven. Princess Xu Rong hesitated and stopped.

"Here comes the imperial concubine. Come here to help your mother."

Wang Xiaoyun waved.

When Wang Xiaoyun was in Yanjing, he saw that Princess Xu Rong was clever and pitied for her parents' early death, so he took her as his daughter.


Concubine Xu Rong walked over and called jiaojiaonuo.


Wang Xiaoyun immediately smiles.

Her beautiful eyes looked at the gentle as jade Anya, the pure and beautiful Fang Qiong, and finally put it on the bright eyed Princess Xu Rongfei. Three girls can't see enough.

"If all the smelly boys take it, and each of them gives me a big fat son, I will have nothing else to ask for in my life..."

there are all practitioners present, and you can hear a needle drop. Chen fan can't help but cry awkwardly: "what are you talking about, mom?"

"Why, I can't even say it?"

Wang Xiaoyun stares.

Chen fan had no choice but to burst into laughter. Even Fang Qiong covered her mouth and snickered.

Next, the bride and groom meet the guests. In addition to the Chen family and Fang family, ye Qingcang also came here to solemnly offer chen fan a cup of wine:

"the battle of the elder generation has brought us 50 years of peace in China. Qingcang is very grateful."

The United States was severely beaten by Chen fan, completely losing its hegemony and face in the world. For example, China, Russia and so on, naturally feel a sigh of relief. In the following time, as long as Chen fan is still there, the United States will not dare to be presumptuous any more.

"After I leave, take care of my parents."

Chen Fan drank it all in one gulp, and his mind was heard.

Ye Qingcang was stunned at first, then nodded solemnly.

Besides Ye Qingcang, Li Muchen, Minister Xiao, Lao Qinglong, ye Nantian and others also came. Rosefinch, dressed in a black robe, with a fat back and attractive red lips, looks at Chen Fan with a wine glass.

However, her sister Yu Qing looked at Chen Fan excitedly:

"General Chen, you are so powerful and powerful. I don't know how many soldiers are watching on the screen, and they all swear to be like you and become the most powerful. "

"Study hard and practice hard."

Chen Fan replied with a smile.

Finally, chen fan's friends came. Xu haoxuan, Wu Junjie, Yan Xiaobai, Lin Weiwei and Jiang Tanqiu. These people, goodbye to Chen fan, look a little complicated.

"I didn't expect that you would grow up to this point. In those days, we played games and football together, but we still had our eyes in front of us. " Wu Junjie raised his glass and sighed.

"No one knows the wonder of life's opportunities, and I never thought of them myself."

Chen Fan said solemnly.

If it wasn't for the immortal Cangqing who took him away from the earth, how could chen fan have grown into a northern immortal. If not reborn, and really have today's beauty, happy drinking.

"Thank you very much."

Xu haoxuan is a cup of respect, very sincere. He was the one who received the most favor from Chen fan. Now the Hong family treats him like their own son.

After a round of worship, chen fan looked around and said:

"thank you for coming to my wedding with Fang Qiong. Next, you can drink here. Xiao Qiong and I will excuse you first."

"Master, where are you going? Are you in a hurry to get married with the nun? " Ah Xiu cried out.

"To have our real wedding."

Chen fan takes Fang Qiong in one hand and walks into the main hall of beiqiongge without looking back.


Just listen to a roar, North qiongge blooming countless golden light, a layer of cloud around, just like the fairy Pavilion. In the end, it rose up.

Ten meters, 100 meters and 1000 meters.

In the end, it turned into a small dot, and no shadow could be seen.

At that moment, countless people at the foot of Dongshan mountain and even millions of residents in Jincheng saw this spectacle."I'll go. This is the real immortal means."

One of the guests could not help but put down his glass and sighed that all the people around nodded.

As for Wu Junjie and others, their eyes are complicated. At the time of toasting and kneeling, chen fan was no different from them. It seemed that they still had an illusion that the boy was still a childhood partner.

But at this time, the North qiongge rose into the sky and turned into a shining star.

Only then did they understand:

"Chen beixuan" stands for something.

"No matter how hard we try in our life, I'm afraid we can't catch up with him. Just stand on the ground and look up at him. This is not the difference between the poor and the rich, but the natural gap between the immortal and the ordinary. "

Xu haoxuan said softly.

Lin Weiwei and others were silent.


beiqiongge rose to several kilometers before it stopped.

Fang Qiong's face was full of surprise. Looking at it, she saw a sea of clouds at her feet, boundless, just like the ocean. And overhead, is the vast starry sky. She had never been so close to the stars in her life, as if she could get it.

"This is beiqiongge, named after you and me. When it was built, it was made into a magic weapon by me. As long as you inject mana, you can generate clouds and smoke and fly all the way to the sky. Where you want to go in the future, you can control the array. "

Chen Fanli said softly beside the girl.


Fang qiongmei's eyes are like water, and her pretty face is full of joy.

She didn't expect that she was just Chen Fan saying that she liked flying in the air. Chen Fan gave her such a big surprise. At this moment, endless happiness fills the girl's heart.

"My husband..."

Fang Qiong dragged a long tail, snorted and said coquettishly.

Half of Chen Fan's body is crisp. He has never heard Fang Qiong call him like this for two generations. Can't help feeling, bow head, kiss the girl's bright red lips. Fang qiongmei's eyes half narrowed and half closed, her eyes blurred and overflowed.

Two people in this cloud top, between the sea and the sky, enjoy the lingering.

Fang Qiong has never been so happy.

All the previous worries, all the fears, all the timidity, all disappeared at this time. She seems to return to the childhood, the whole world only two people, tired of together all day, two little guess period.

"Xiaofan, why did you choose me? Sister an, imperial concubine and Jiang churan are no worse than me. They have a good relationship with you. And your female apprentices, they also like you. Is it because we met when we were two children? "

Fang Qiong hugged the boy and asked.

"It's a long story, about beixuan xianzun and Ziqiong fairy. I promised to finish the story. Do you want to hear it? "

Chen Fan's eyes are quiet.


Fang Qiong nestles in his arms, sits on the steps, overlooking the stars in the sky while listening to the ears. Chen Fan continues to tell the last unfinished story.

At the 30-year-old classmate's meeting, chen fan was drunk and committed suicide by jumping off a building. Both of them were taken away by the immortal Cangqing and went to the underworld to practice. As a result, I met again in the underworld, touched the spark of love, became a Taoist couple and practiced together.

Because of Chen Fan's cowardice, Fang Qiong died in the hands of the enemy.

Chen fan is mad with blood and kills the enemy. He swears to heaven that he must climb to the top, become an immortal and become a saint, transcend the universe and seek the chance to revive her.

After five hundred years of cultivation, he was honored in the universe and fell into the immortal calamity.

"It's like this..."

hearing this, Fang Qiong can't help sitting up. In her beautiful eyes, there are waves. Until now, Fang Qiong finally understood why Chen Fan suddenly became so powerful, and her mind and nature seemed to overlook the gods of all living beings.

"You must have suffered a lot in your last life."

The girl stroked Chen Fan's chest, trembling in her heart.

If there is only one earth, there will be perils and great enemies. What's more, in the vast starry sky, thousands of people coexist, the sky is extremely arrogant and the world is full of ups and downs? Fang Qiong could hardly imagine how Chen Fan defeated the powerful enemy step by step and reached the top.

"I don't have to think about you. Those are all my regrets. I want to make up for them, so that you will not encounter the faults of the last life. " Chen Fan hugged the girl.

They were so close to each other for a long time that the girl suddenly summoned up her courage and said:

"husband... Let's go into the room."


A night of love, sweet voice lingering.


the next day, when Fang Qiong woke up.

Found that Chen Fan was not beside, she raised her head and looked to the door. At this time, the sun jumped out of the sea of clouds in the distance, shining on the whole sea of clouds.

Chen Fan stood at the door, bathed in the sunshine, just like the God of war.

This is my husband, who I will be together for many years in my future life. Fang Qiong was as sweet as honey. She was about to get up and look for Chen fan when her face suddenly changed.In the sun in the distance, a bird like figure came quickly.

At the beginning, the figure was still a hundred miles away. In the blink of an eye, he came to beiqiongge. He was a man.

The man was dressed in a Dragon Robe, with a flat crown on his head and twelve diaos hanging down. On the black and red robe, he was painted with mysterious thunder patterns, dignified and dignified. His whole body was covered with gold flame, as if a God had come into the world. When we got close, we could see clearly that it was not a flame at all, but a bright golden lightning, which condensed to the extreme and turned into a towering flame.

"Chen beixuan, I've been waiting for you all night. Come and die."

The voice of those who come is like thunder falling on the ground. The clouds within a hundred miles are shaking. The surging of his breath tears the sky and clouds, far better than thunder punishing the immortals and blood ancestors.

"Earth shaking fairy?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly and said slowly.

PS: Happy Valentine's day. As a single, the author decided to spend Valentine's Day code word... So miserable, ask for the monthly ticket recommendation ticket comfort_ n)o , the fastest update of the webnovel!