Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 723

In his previous life, chen fan went back to China one or two hundred years after he left the earth. At that time, he became a God and immortal. He crossed the starry sky, came to the earth and buried Xiaoqiong in his hometown.

Although Chen Fan's mind is not on this, he just scanned his mind.

But how terrible is the power of God? In one thought, it can cover the whole world, divide the sea with one finger, and sink the earth with one blow. As long as there is congenital or golden elixir, it can't hide his scanning.

"By the time I returned, the earth had formed a unified federal government, stepped out of the solar system and began to explore outward. Before that, it seemed that there had been a disaster of extermination, which resulted in many deaths.

"But the disaster, which is not clear in history, was officially caused by the outbreak of nuclear weapons in the Third World War. In a word, after the disaster, human beings on the earth united and tried their best to go abroad. Now, that history is full of doubts. "

Chen Fan frowned slightly.

However, whether it's the return of the Maya, or the return of other races. At least not in the short term. Chen fan was taken away by the immortal Cangqing in 2022, about 30 years old. There are nearly ten years to go. Before he left, the earth was calm.

"These ten years are enough for me to find a way to other worlds, and even build a golden elixir."

Chen Fan shook his head and threw away his worries.

He began to use Alchemy to absorb Brooke's spiritual power and expand his divine sense. His eyes are closed, his spirit is bright, his brows are golden, and his spirit is more and more vast.

The news that Chen Fan was going to get married spread on a small scale.

At first, we thought it was a piece of gossip, but from the Chen family's population, we got more conclusive information. All of a sudden, the whole upper society of the earth is boiling.

This is Chen beixuan and Fang Qiong!

Today's earth's most powerful hero and heroine, their marriage, it is a major event shaking the world. If it's spread, I'm afraid billions of people around the world want to see it.

Finally, the wedding was set for August 30.

No matter chen fan or Fang Qiong, they are not ready to do a big job. Now, they have experienced the bitter fruit of global attention. Every day, outside Dongshan, hundreds and thousands of media are waiting there to interview them.

BBC, CNN, AFP, Xinhua... Are all the top media.

Even if Chen fan or Fang Qiong, Chen's family and even beiqiong's disciples are not interviewed, they are all the targets of questioning. Many reporters even went deep into Chuzhou and even Surabaya to dig into Chen Fan's childhood experience.

Jiang Tanqiu is in the limelight recently. As Chen Fan's deskmate, he has become a star in Chuzhou.

"Just invite some friends, classmates, Chen family and Fang family. If we have a big show, I'm afraid it's all over Dongshan. "

Chen Kexing's voice was fixed with one hammer.

Wang Xiaoyun thought about it and finally agreed.

"But where is the wedding scene? Dongshanping or Zhonghai Wang Xiaoyun asked a question.

"Don't worry about it. I'll take care of it." Chen Fan smiles.

Soon, as time goes on, the wedding is getting closer. Many people who know that they are not qualified to attend Chen Fan's wedding dare to come from all over the world ahead of time and present their gifts on August 30.

Guests from all over the world gathered to fill dongshanwei with water. The world's leading political figures, rich people, presidents of multinational consortia, as well as a multi billion person, are all here.

The rain of luxury cars blocked the whole golden city.

Even a plane came from the sky to fill the seats of several airports around.

Although Chen Fan didn't invite them, they still came.

"Mr. bill cover, chairman of micro hard."

"Eric Schmidt, chairman of the googol group."

"Felipe VI, king of the Spanish royal family..."

ten kilometers away, people in Kunlun set up interceptions, and the military and police were all around the East Mountain, but it was not easy to stop these famous people if they wanted to come in.

The whole East Mountain, celebrities such as rain, as if the world's big people, are gathered here.

"That's great. I didn't expect to see this in our lifetime. " Fang Mingde sighed.

"Anyone here is worth ten times more than you. Your daughter and son-in-law are much better than you. " Su Su Su squinted at him.

"Can't compare, can't compare, they are immortal. If Xiao Qiong can marry him, it's our Fang family's ancestral grave. " Fang Mingde patted his head and said with a smile.

Recently, the couple, because of Fang Qiong's reason, the tide has gone up.

Where are we going now? Who doesn't flatter Mr. Fang? He said that he had found a good son-in-law to win honor for his country. Even the mayors and presidents of big companies, who used to be high above others, are smiling when they see Fang Mingde.

They went into beiqiongge.

The whole beiqiong Pavilion is decorated with lanterns and red makeup. Today's Fang Qiong is very bright and gorgeous. She is dressed in a red dress, gilded with gold and beautiful Phoenix. Her head is full of jade hairpin, and her lips are flaming red. She is very beautiful.Chen fan, on the other hand, is a plain colored robe. Although the style is strange, it is simple and elegant.

"Xiao Fan, my father and I want to see Xiao Qiong." Su Su Su's desire for words is not enough.

"The Su family in Wuzhou?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

The Su family is Fang Qiong's mother, but Chen fan is not good at his senses. When Chen Fan disappeared, the Su family repeatedly made trouble for Fang Qiong. Chen Fan didn't kill it directly. It was Su Su Su's face.

"Grandfather and Xiaoxiao sister can come, other people, have nothing to do with our Chen family." Fang Qiong said coldly.

In the end, the Su family was stopped outside the Dongshan mountain. Only Su yanghao, with the help of Su Xiao, walked into beiqiongge. "Lao Jiu comes to congratulate Chen Tianren and Xiao Qiong on their happy marriage. I'm here to make amends for both of you. "

Su yanghao * is ten years old with white hair and a look of guilt.

His heart was filled with remorse.

If he had insisted on it for a while, Chen beixuan would have been the son-in-law of the Su family.

"Since I'm here, I'm the guest. I'll talk about the rest later." Chen fan light way.

Next, in addition to the Su family, Yanshan Ye family, Donghe an family, Hong Kong Island Zheng family, Linzhou Lu family and so on came to congratulate. Even several big families in Yanjing are here.

"Xiaofan, the head of the Qin, Xiao and Han families, is now waiting outside Dongshan." Wang Xiaoyun said.

"Go to Dongshan, my Chen family doesn't welcome them."

Chen Fan's eyes were cold.

Today, the Chen family already has this confidence. It is not only the first family in Jincheng, but also the first family in China and even in the world. Now who dares to fight with Chen family or beiqiong?

So several families in Yanjing were banished to Dongshan.

Looking at the brightly lit East Mountain in the distance, Mr. Qin stamped his feet with regret. It's Qin Yan'er. Her eyes are blurred and her expression is complicated. She doesn't know what she's thinking.

Finally, the wedding began.

Under the witness of guests from all over the world, chen fan kneels down three times and worships nine times, and goes step by step to the whole wedding process.

Today, he is not beixuan xianzun, but Chen Huaian's grandson, Wang Xiaoyun's son and Fang Qiong's husband. The immortal is detached and carefree. When he is majestic, he is like the king of the nine gods. When he bows his head, he can be an ox and a horse for all living beings.

He drank a glass of wine, his face slightly drunk, knelt down to his parents, and looked at his wife, who had a peerless face, as if he had been separated from the rest of the world.


in contrast, several families are happy and others are sad.

Wang family.

The whole villa of Wang family is very cold. The old lady Xue Hongmei, because of the stimulation of Xuehong coming to the West that day, had a heart attack and was admitted to the hospital. These days, the spirit of vague, all night shouting the name of the King City, said to see his grandson.

The rest of the Wang family have no face to come back. Nowadays, the Wang family has become a laughing stock in the whole upper class society of Yanjing. Who still cares about one of the five aristocratic families.

Only Wang Zhongguo was still sitting on the top of Beishan Mountain, looking towards Jincheng.

There, it was his grandson's wedding, the most glorious moment of the Wang family, but he buried it.

"Dad, the hospital just called. Mom died."

Wang Keqin pushed the door in.

Wang Zhongguo's figure trembled. He didn't answer. He just sighed.


Jiang churan finally came back from Romania. At that time, she was sent to a small town in Romania by Chen fan, and Chen Fan hurried away. On the plane, we saw the war of America which shocked the world.

After returning home, aunt Tang and Jiang Haishan naturally wept with joy.

But soon, the two began to beat about the bush about her relationship with Chen Fan and whether there was any connection. Jiang churan naturally saw the intention of her parents, but she had mixed feelings in her heart.

Today's Chen fan is not the shy and silent teenager who came to the door before. He is the first person on earth, the existence of a big country. He can destroy the country with one word and shake the world with one stamp. Now I don't know how many women want to marry him, including royal princesses and even the richest daughter.

I don't know why, Jiang churan conceals what happened between him and Chen Fan in the sea of blood.

This experience of living and dying together, and then living together day and night for a month, makes Jiang churan feel that there seems to be a strange connection between himself and Chen fan.

"Unfortunately, it's just that I'm single Acacia. He probably won't like me all his life."

Jiang churan shook his head.

Today, the wedding was held.

Although beiqiong faction strictly guarded, there were still reporters who sneaked in and secretly broadcast the paintings all over the world. Billions of people are sitting in front of the screen watching this unprecedented wedding.

Jiang Haishan was drunk and said: "well, what I regret most in my life is that I underestimated that boy at that time. Otherwise, if you marry him, it's our Jiang family who stands on the top of the world today. "

"Hum, I was going to introduce Xiao Fan to Ranran at that time. You still don't agree. Now I regret it."

aunt Tang make complaints about it.Jiang Haishan was remorseful.

At that time, he looked down on people and thought that Chen Fan was just a boy of ordinary family background. Who would have thought that Chen fan would soar to the sky in a short period of five years, standing at the peak, making Jiang Haishan unable to see his back.

"Dad, don't tell me. I don't have eyes."

Jiang churan bowed his head.

In her heart, the five flavors became mixed, and a thought suddenly flashed across her: "should the imperial concubine go to the wedding?"

In fact, Princess Xu Rong was in Dongshan.

PS: I wish you a happy Valentine's day in advance_ n)o , the fastest update of the webnovel!