Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 722

August 15, 2012.

On this day, the impact on mankind is unprecedented. When many people open their eyes, they find that the whole world has changed a lot. The earth is no longer human.

Vampires, wolves, Superman, warriors, warlocks, alien survivors...

one by one, only exist in legends or stories, and now gradually come to the surface. Only now do people realize that these people have been hiding around them for thousands of years. Some are even older than human history.

"The world of kunxu, the ancient Maya, the blood clan and the wolf clan, it turns out that our earth is so dangerous."

Many people howl on the Internet.

Many unsolved mysteries in history have also been revealed. It is only then that we find out that it is the actions of some powerful people in the realm of spirit, not really unsolved.

Ye Qingcang in the East, the Vatican in the west, the blood clan in the dark world, the wise man in North America... But all these existence are covered by the light of one person:

Chen beixuan!

"In human history, or even in the whole history of the cultivation world, there has never been such a powerful and invincible existence as Chen beixuan. He is like the true God of ancient times, invincible and unmatched! "

"He is God, he is God, he is immortal!"

Before the disappearance of the insight, the sentence of staying in the underground forum was regarded as the standard by countless people, even spread to the Internet, and was recognized by billions of people in the world.

At that moment, there were many sects on the earth.

For example, "beixuan sect", "Chen worship sect", "beixuan fan support group" and so on.

These people are crazy about Chen Fan and think that he is the only true God in the world. In fact, in Chen Fan's realm, he is no different from the gods.

In the North Pacific, on a 10000 meter airliner.

"The so-called gods are just powerful practitioners."

Chen Fan browsed the website.

Fang Qiong sat beside him, slender, with bright red lips and beautiful eyes. After killing the wise leader Brooke, chen fan set out to return to China.

The U.S. government sent him back with the most solemn courtesy.

Sixteen state-of-the-art fighters convoy around chen fan, and from time to time fighters from other countries join in. At this time, chen fan really enjoyed the treatment of the first person on earth.

"Xiaofan, have you become a God?"

Fang Qiong asked.

"God is a kind of road. I follow the fairy Road, which is different from God. According to the division of the earth, I should be regarded as a pseudogod or a demigod at this time, only one step away from the true God. "

Chen Fan said with a smile.

Born in the East, it is called Dixian. In the west, they are called saints or demigods. Only when we enter the golden elixir period, can we dare to be called the immortal or the true God!

All over the world, many gods with titles in this world are not real gods, but semi gods and pseudo gods. Most of the "artifact" Chen Fan got in the Ministry of dark arbitration was made by these demigods.

"Which is better, Shinto or Xiandao?"

Fang Qiong blinks big eyes, curious baby.

"In the same realm, we can't say which is better or which is weaker. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages." With a smile, chen fan saw a trace of pride in his eyes: "however, in this era, I am the only immortal!"

Fang Qiong was about to ask when a piece of coastline suddenly appeared in front of her.

Huaxia is here.


Chen Fan's return has been unprecedented.

Countless people in Yanjing rushed to the International Airport to witness the return of the legendary superhero. China has sent out a lot of police and even the army to maintain public order, which can not stop the fanatical masses. The passage is blocked for tens of miles.

In the end, chen fan and Fang Qiong show up and wave their hands to the crowd. They turn into a golden rainbow and rush away, leaving only a voice of astonishment and shock.

When Chen Fan arrived at this time, he traveled tens of thousands of miles a day from Yanjing to Jincheng, only an hour or two.

When it came to Dongshan.

Fang Qiong is still as excited as a child:

"husband, it's fun to fly in the sky, and I want to fly."

Anya and others, seeing the light falling to the ground, rushed to the scene. When they heard it, they immediately joked: "this is not married, so they call it husband instead? Are you going to call me brother Qing when you get married? "

Fang Qiong, who has experienced drastic changes in the United States, once walked on the brink of life and death. She has put down her shyness and is not polite enough to go back: "I'll call you if you have the ability."

An Ya's face turned red, even pinching Fang Qiong's waist.

"Smelly boy, you are comfortable this time. You made a big news. Have you ever thought about how worried we are Wang Xiaoyun comes over and grabs Chen Fan's ear, pretending to be fierce.

"It hurts, mom. Spare my life."

Chen Fan groveled to beg for mercy, with a flattering smile on his face.

If you let the outside world see it, it's like losing your eye. The man who flew to the top of Capitol Hill and bowed his head to the United States, just like a demon, was the boy with a playful face and a dog leg?

"You'll make it for me." Wang Xiaoyun didn't believe it: "the nuclear bomb didn't kill you. Now it hurts. Do you know that when the nuclear bomb exploded, your father and I, as well as Xiaoya, had a certain percentage of our hearts... "With that, Wang Xiaoyun and Anya's eyes were red.

Chen Fan sighed in his heart and held the two closest relatives in his arms, whispering: "Mom, sister. Don't worry. I'll never let you worry again in my life. "

Wang Xiaoyun hummed:

"you can only coax your mother to be happy. You have the ability to marry Xiao Qiong and let me have grandchildren early. What do you want to do then? I don't worry about dying outside. "

Hearing the speech, chen fan turned to look at Fang Qiong, looked at the lady's tender eyes, and said with great pride:

"OK, get married!"


Chen Fan agreed to get married and thought it over.

This time, it was too dangerous. If he was not careful, he and the northern Qiong faction would be doomed. Now, all the opponents on the earth are finally leveled by him. The Vatican is broken, the wise are destroyed, the blood clan is silent, and the United States bows. There are basically no threats to the North Qiong faction.

To get rid of worries, chen fan can really leave the earth.

Before leaving, it's obviously necessary to give Fang Qiong an explanation to reassure her parents and her.

"But... What's the meaning of Brooke's last message?"

Chen Fan frowned slightly.

The return of the ancient Maya, the return of the ancients, the transformation of the earth into a star battlefield, and the replay of the Ancient World War I? Chen Fan didn't believe all these words. At Brooke's critical moment, naturally, the more sensational he said, the more he could make Chen fan stop.

However, chen fan did leave a line, did not completely kill Brooke, left its memory.

In the quiet room of beiqiongge.

Chen Fan waved his sleeve, and a group of blue light appeared out of thin air. The light group is condensed by pure spiritual power, with stars in it, just like the bright Milky way. Every point of mental strength is comparable to one person. There are more than thousands of points here?

"The kumaya people abandon the physical body and specialize in spiritual power. This is very similar to many scientific and technological civilizations in the universe, and even some schools of Buddhism. When we reach the summit, we can achieve immortality. One person divides into tens of millions, controls hundreds of warships, and even one person is a race and a heritage. "

Chen Fan touched his chin.

However, to reach that level, at least we have to cultivate the realm of transforming God. It is obvious that the Guya people have no such great power, otherwise they would not leave the earth and go all the way out of the country.

"Let me see what information he has in his memory."

Chen fan reaches out his hand and inserts it into the light ball.

The huge thoughts rush into the soul. Suddenly, the long memory of Brooke's life passes quickly in front of Chen Fan's eyes. From his birth, growth, strong, dominate the earth... Hundreds of years of memory, like a tidal current.

In the face of such a complex memory, ordinary people have been dizzy for a long time, and their brains have been inflated. However, chen fan's heart is firm, and he will not be disturbed. He quickly jumps over the unimportant and looks for the key information.

"It turns out that the origin of the wise is indeed the descendants of the ancient Maya. In ancient times, the Mayans were defeated in the battle of immortal meteorite, and finally fled the earth by warship. Only one of them stayed in North America, grew up, intermarried with human beings, and finally formed a group of wise men. "

"A hundred years ago, the wise men chose the United States, supported them, oppressed the Holy See and the blood clan, and finally took control of the earth. And with the power of the United States, he repaired the spaceship and wanted to leave the earth and go to mayazu

"It's strange... Since the Mayans are coming back, why are they leaving the earth?"

When Chen fan saw this, he frowned slightly.

Suddenly, an image of a hundred years ago appears in front of Chen Fan's eyes.

"So it is."

Chen fan is full of enlightenment.

In the image, a stone chamber in the deepest part of the pyramid a hundred years ago suddenly lights up. There's a message coming from one of the detectors. This message is very short, but it makes Brooke and others very excited, because it comes from the Maya who left the earth.

"Our family will return to... War, want to rise... Repeat ancient times... Descendants on earth, get ready."

This short message completely burned the enthusiasm of the wise.

They are crazy to develop science and technology, support the United States to grow and dominate the earth. But Brooke and others, who have been waiting for 10 years, 20 years, 30 years... Have never arrived.

One hundred years later, they can't wait.

Finally, I want to launch a spaceship to find the ancient Mayan star.

"A hundred years is the life and death of generations for those wise men who can't live forever."

"But in the starry universe, a hundred years may not even be enough for a journey. I'm an immortal. Every time I travel through the universe, it often takes thousands of years. When the message came from the ancient Maya, they might not be ready to leave. They are going to encounter some problems in the universe, and it is estimated that they will not wait another 100 or 200 years. "

Chen Fan shook his head.

He once roamed the universe, and naturally knew how vast and dangerous the universe was. Travel in the universe is the most dangerous.

"No wonder when I came back more than 100 years later, I didn't meet the Holy See, the blood clan and the Mayan warships on earth. Maybe they can't wait for a long time and have left the earth. ""There's another possibility, of course."

"Over the next 100 years, the Mayans have come, and the war broke out and subsided. Finally, when I returned, I met an earth whose history had been tampered with after the war. "

When Chen Fan thought of this, his eyes suddenly narrowed and the cold light flashed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!