Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 721


A million ton pyramid fell from the sky and fell into the Atlantic Ocean, setting off a huge tsunami. All the people who saw this scene live broadcast by satellite took a breath.

It could be an alien warship that could easily destroy a city.

But under Chen Fan's attack, he was beaten into the sea?

"Chen beixuan is so strong that even the Mayan war machine is not his opponent. Is there any other country or race on earth that dares to challenge him? "

There are dark strong, sighing on the forum.

The rest of the world is haunted. Since the United States bowed its head and the wise men were defeated, chen fan officially ascended the throne of the first man on earth, overlooking the star, and no one else could compete.


The Mayan warships rose from the sea.

It didn't crash, but it was crumbling. It was obviously damaged by the five elements thunder. It fled to the west, as if it wanted to escape into the ocean to avoid chen fan.


Brilliant blue lights were shining on the black metal walls. The wise men obviously took out their strength and began to flee. As a space warship, pyramid launches with all its strength, and its speed is far faster than that of an earth plane or warship.

I saw a huge electromagnetic circle around the pyramid.

The Mayan warship speeded up instantly, reached subsonic speed, and sped forward at a faster and faster speed. What's the concept of a million ton object flying at subsonic speed? It's like a hill being thrown out of the sky.

At this time, the strongest weapon of the Mayan warship is itself.

"I can't run away."

Chen Fan's eyes are cold.

He took one step, crossed thousands of feet in an instant, came to the side of the pyramid, hit the metal wall with one blow. The energy shield is broken, and the Mayan warship can only eat him raw.

See the blue and gold God light.

The power of Chen Fan's fist made the world collapse, the sun and the moon decay, and the power of terror explode. The pyramid, which weighs millions of tons, can't be carried. It flies tens of meters in the air.


All wise men are disgraced.

No one expected that Chen Fan was so powerful. It's not only the magic weapon, but also the body. Brooke's face was very serious. As for the head of the Lancaster family, the whole family has been shocked.

He never thought that he would hide in the wise man's nest, and was chased by Chen fan.

"It's over. It's over. Chen beixuan won't let me go."

The head of the Lancaster clan was pale.

"Bring him into the Atlantic, use the weapons of doomsday, and tear him to pieces."

Brooke is tough.

Next, the Mayan warship in Chen Fan's obstruction, indomitable to fly to the depths of the Atlantic Ocean. Chen Fan's every punch and every foot was powerful. He hit the pyramid. Although it made the Mayan warship tremble, he still couldn't break the wall.

"This kind of black metal seems to be similar to the material of the spear of killing gods."

Chen Fan frowned slightly.

The technology of the Guya people is beyond Chen Fan's imagination. This kind of special metal is very hard and can withstand the attack of Jindan. Even if a nuclear bomb explodes, it will not be hurt.

"After all, it's just a dead thing. How can it stop me if there is no real strong man to preside over it?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, and his fists and feet became more powerful. At last, he became Kunpeng, a giant beast ten feet in size, shrouded in the blue and gold God awn.

Kunpeng is more powerful than chen fan.


Chen Fan hit the pyramid with one wing, showing a huge trace on the black wall, just like a blade, pulling out a crack tens of meters long.

"Damn, what's this?"

The wise were dumbfounded.

Isn't Chen Fan human? How to become a giant bird?

But they didn't have time to react. Kunpeng was so powerful that every blow left a deep mark on the Mayan warship. Some of the wounds even went deep into dozens of meters and destroyed the cabin of the warship.

"The main armor outside is going to be unable to withstand the attack."

A wise man called in urgently.

"Launch a super energy bomb and blow it to pieces." Brooke said fiercely.

Energy bomb is the most powerful weapon of the ancient Maya.

It is composed of pure energy and has amazing destructive power, comparable to the annihilation power of the five elements God thunder. Clark of Ares team once used it to destroy all objects with a radius of 100 meters. However, the Mayan warship reserves hundreds of years of energy. Once it explodes, it will be enough for the creatures within ten kilometers to grow.

However, once it exploded, the energy inside the warship would be completely exhausted, and it would take at least another hundred years to save, so Brooke could not make up his mind.


I saw a huge black sphere blooming from the pyramid, covering a radius of 10 kilometers. In this black sphere, the destructive energy of terror is surging. All sea water, objects and life are annihilated.The whole sea level is sunken out of thin air.

Like a huge sea bowl, all the seawater is separated into water molecules. It took a long time for the energy to dissipate. The roaring sea water infuses in, lets the sea level appear the waterfall spectacle.

"Is he dead?"

The wise are about to take a breath.

Even in the last era, the energy bomb was also the ultimate weapon of the Mayan people, known as killing gods. No matter how strong chen fan is, he can't be more powerful than the ancient gods.

But there was a scene of despair.


More than ten kilometers away, a group of cyan gold God awn fierce show, revealing the flying Kun Peng. Chen Fan's eyes were cold, with a trace of anger. He expected that the wise had a card, but he didn't expect it to be so amazing.

"This energy bomb is comparable to the big five elements thunder. With my current strength, I can carry a hard blow, either death or injury. Fortunately, I'm cautious and always pay attention to it. Besides, Kunpeng is so fast that it's a hundred Li in an instant. Otherwise, I will suffer and be forced to use other means. "

The more Chen Fan thinks, the more angry he is.

Tangtangbei xuanxianzun almost capsized in the sewer.

As soon as he spread his wings, he dashed to the Mayan warship like a rosefinch attacking three thousand worlds and a Kunpeng swallowing the river of stars. This time, chen fan did not stay. Kunpeng's power of Dharma is brought into full play. He shot a big crack in the ship.

Brooke and others, hard support. It's a pity that the energy has been exhausted and there is no way to make a second strike.


In the end. Chen fan shows his real body directly, and the purple electric sword is in his hands. A thunder prison God knife cut out. The void was torn apart and turned into a sea of thunder and lightning for several kilometers. A God King stands in a sea of thunder, splitting Yin and Yang, splitting chaos.

The first move of thunder prison sword. Divide Yin and Yang!

This is the immortal sword skill of the ancient Thunder God. Chen Fan passed on the book of war soul of thunder prison to Chen Huai'an, but this kind of sword skill is almost divine, but Chen Huai'an can control it from time to time. In the universe, Lei Yu Shendao is comparable to Zhenwu Shenquan.


Black awn, cut the void, cut on the pyramid. All of a sudden, the pyramid, hundreds of meters high, was separated from the middle. The hard dissimilar metal was easily cut off in front of the thunder prison sword, just like tofu. Dao mang splits into more than 200 meters all the way and then stops on the command room.

But even so.

The terrible knife gas also exploded, tearing all the wise men in the whole command room to pieces. Although these wise men are strong in spirit, their bodies are too fragile.

Only Brooke turned into a blue light and escaped from it, looking flustered.

"My Lord, please spare my life. I have a lot of important information about the kumayas..."

Brooke roared.


In Chen Fan's eyes, there is no sadness or joy, but a knife.

The void is torn, the invisible sword is across the sky. Brooke's body surface, like the essence of the spiritual barrier, was directly broken. His special protective clothing split into two parts out of thin air, and finally his whole body was cut into two parts with one knife.


A light blue light and shadow escaped from the * and turned into the shape of Brooke. Huge spiritual power, surging between heaven and earth, as vast as the ocean.

The wise men are strong in spirit. When they reach Brooke's realm, they are able to escape from the physical body. Their spirit has existed for a long time. Compared with the Japanese ghosts and gods, they are a hundred times stronger. Even the ordinary earthly immortals are far less powerful than him. Ray's knife struck Brooke, causing him little damage.

"Sir, we can talk about it." Seeing that Chen Fan couldn't help himself, Brookton calmed down.

But this ability, how to put in Chen Fan's eyes.

"Shenyuan Dao, now!"

Chen Fan Mei's heart was split and a golden light was emitted.

The light column condenses and turns into a golden knife of three inches and three cents. The blade is covered with mysterious divine lines. When the golden knife comes out, the heaven and earth will be quiet, as if the soul is frozen.

It was Chen Fan's Shenyuan Dao that once killed the immortals. But at this time, it was more than ten times stronger than the Shenhai Dao?

When Brooke saw this, his spirit fluctuated violently:

"the sword of God! At this time, only the oldest elders of the Maya can perform the strongest spiritual secret. How can you use it...


Chen Fan waved his sleeve robe.

The three inch knife turns into a golden awn running through the heaven and earth. Shenmang seems to split people's spirits. Many sea fish, several kilometers apart, are swimming when their eyes suddenly darken and sink to the bottom of the sea. Their fragile spirits were directly injured by Shenyuan sword.

Although Brooke is a congenital spiritual master, his spiritual power is as deep as the sea. But under the Shenyuan sword, he could not resist at all, and was directly cut into two pieces.

"Spare your life, my Lord. I really have important information. Our family is about to return from the starry sky... Many ancient people are about to return... The earth will turn into a star battlefield... The Ancient World War I will be repeated...

in Brooke's spirit, there are intermittent howls.

But Chen Fan didn't keep his hand. Shenyuan Dao cut nine swords in succession and completely destroyed his spiritual consciousness. Just a wave of sleeve, will Brooke left a huge blue spirit body, income sleeve robe.This pure spiritual body, after being devoured, is of great benefit to the mind. Moreover, in Brooke's spirit, there are many news that Chen fan is interested in, especially the last one, which makes Chen Fan's eyes freeze.

"I don't know what to do with this pyramid?"

Chen Fan's eyes were on the broken warship and he spared his head.

On earth, all the people who witnessed the war have been silent and awed.


August 15, 2012.

Chen beixuan's blood rainbow came to the west, defeated the United States, slaughtered xinghuan, and killed the wise warship in the Atlantic Ocean. Billions of people on earth are shaken by it. Since today, he has officially reached the summit and become the first person on earth!

PS: Thank you for your reward these days. Tomorrow, the author will adjust the update time. From the beginning of the new week, please ask for the recommended tickets_ n)o , the fastest update of the webnovel!