Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 720

After one hit.

Without stopping, the Mayan warship flew directly over the city of Florida. The muzzle was cold and the blue light was shining. It attacked again.


Hundreds of beams of light burst out, and countless short shuttles made of different metals hit the ground. Several skyscrapers standing 100 meters long were torn to pieces by the shuttle.

I saw blue light and shadow flash by, pulling out long white marks in the air. Those reinforced concrete buildings, in front of the electromagnetic gun, simply vulnerable, like pieces of paper, easily torn into pieces.

All the buildings, houses and streets were shot out one after another with huge holes as deep as 100 meters, killing and injuring many people. The wise have begun to do whatever they can.


There was a lot of screaming.

The American people, who were watching, wanted to have two more legs and run away. The whole city was in a panic. The audience in front of the screen also changed their faces. In the face of such future warships, who can resist?


A bloody light rose to the sky.

Chen fan was enveloped in a bloody flame, his golden armour was as angry as anger, and his eyes were red. It can be seen that there are several depressions in his chest armor, obviously due to the electromagnetic gun.

Chen fan was infuriated.

"Sword formation!"

When he patted his waist, hundreds of swords came out of the sword. He flew into the air and turned into a Geng star sword array. Ninety nine flying swords are full of vigor and cold light.


Chen Fan turned his hand.

All of a sudden, a sword rainbow was pulled out of the void, just like a bright meteor falling from the air and crashing on the energy cover of the Mayan warship. All of a sudden, the energy shield vibrated. We can see that there are concave and convex points on the blue energy shield. Inside these concave and convex points are flying swords several inches long. These flying swords are like drill bits and want to drill into the energy shield.

"Fire! Fire

The wise men's faces went wild.

"Bang bang."

An electromagnetic gun was launched, covering the whole day. At this time, the Mayan warship was like a hedgehog, frantically attacking in all directions. The little sun on the top of the tower even shot a lightning chain with a length of more than 1000 meters, just like a whip. It was another powerful weapon, the whip of Thor.

"Boom boom!"

The whole earth trembles under the whip of electromagnetic gun and Thor.

Many buildings in Florida City, under this weapon, like fortresses on the beach, were destroyed by one blow. Every time the lightning whip sweeps the ground, it is enough to destroy all life and buildings within a kilometer.

Almost minutes into the war, Florida city suffered heavy casualties.


A flying sword is directly whipped out by Thor's whip. Other flying swords surround in the air and collide with Thor's whip one after another, bringing sparks. Chen fan controls the sword formation and forms a regiment with the Mayan warships.

This high-tech warship, worthy of being a Mayan war weapon, is as heavy as a tortoise shell, which is very difficult to crack. Moreover, he has many weapons. If he is a late monk, he will be at a loss or even fall.

"In the last era, with this warship, the Mayans were strong enough to shake the golden elixir. Unfortunately, it was not complete after all, and they also met me."

Chen fan was indifferent in his eyes.

He soared into the sky and flew into the air, overlooking the Mayan warships. An ancient seal surrounded by five colors of light was suspended above Chen Fan's head, and Thunders of light came and went on the ancient seal, as if the universe had not yet opened.

"Chen beixuan's super weapon?"

Inside the pyramid, many wise men's faces changed when they saw this scene.

Everyone is so familiar with this ancient seal that Chen Fan wiped Detroit off the earth with one blow. That kind of terror attack, the wise people now ring, all trembling.

"His super weapon needs to be charged and may not be released again."

Said Brooke.

But at this time, the ancient seal was full of light, and five rays of thunder came down from the sky. That Lei Mang in the air together, into a black non black, white non white chaos Lei Zhu.

This thunder pillar, though only outside Detroit, is one tenth or even one percent thick. But the power is still terrible.


The chaotic thunder column sweeps on the energy cover outside the pyramid, and suddenly emits the explosion sound of energy annihilation. The "five elements thunder" with the destructive power of Taichu is enough to destroy all objects. Even the energy shield is no exception.

"Warning, warning, shield power down to 20 percent."

"Nineteen percent."

"Eighteen percent."

"Seventeen percent..."

almost at a glance, the energy shield falls below ten percent, which represents an extremely dangerous red light and lights up in the command room.

"Use the energy reserves."

Brooke yelled, his spirit in his eyes won, his surging spirit overflowed instantly, went deep into the wall and controlled the whole pyramid. At this time, under the control of the wise leader himself, the originally cumbersome pyramid suddenly became flexible and moved back to avoid the attack of the chaotic thunder pillar."Stabbing."

The chaotic thunder pillar lost its target and shot instantly on the sea near Florida City.

All of a sudden, hundreds of meters around the sea, instantly evaporated, showing a huge hole, showing countless sand and stones on the seabed.


Seeing this scene, many wise men took a cool breath.

This blow, if it hits them completely, is enough to break the energy shield and damage the warships. If Brooke hadn't dodged at the critical moment and used the reserve energy, the energy shield might have been broken.

"My Lord, energy reserves are the key resources accumulated by our family in order to fly out of the earth and look for our ancestors. If we use it here, it will take at least another 100 years. "

An old wise man was worried.

"If we can't get through this, today is the end of our family." Brooke said coldly.

With the reserve energy pouring in, the energy shield suddenly rises again, and is more brilliant than before. How powerful is the energy that wise men have been fighting for countless years in order to travel in the universe? That is to say, if we drain out the electricity in North America, we may not be able to make up half of it.


The lightning whip is 2000 meters long and tens of meters thick. It is like a giant dragon dancing in the air and smashes at chen fan. The power of the whip makes the world pale. Countless people were shocked in front of the screen,

"like ants."

In Chen Fan's eyes, there is no sadness or joy.

His grand true yuan, instantly poured into the five thunder seal.

With the mobilization of Chen fan, the vitality of tens of miles has come together. Like a long whale drinking water, Wu Lei Yin absorbs a lot of energy and instantly shoots out a bigger chaotic thunder column than before.

At this time, chen fan's accomplishments were directly after the golden elixir, and he could barely use the power of the five elements God thunder.

The thunder pillar, wrapped with destruction and Taichu's power, came down from the sky and collided with the lightning whip. All of a sudden, the whole world was submerged in a flash of lightning.

Many people on earth in front of the screen have lost their color.

Electronic instruments within a few kilometers of the surrounding area were instantly destroyed. A terrible thunderstorm cloud, falling from the sky, hit the ground and tore up countless buildings.

"Dong Dong Dong."

Chen Fan sent out three five elements thunder in succession, and the Mayan warship also released three thunder whip.

The two men's fighting, let the world collapse, the earth collapse, the mountains and rivers broken. More than half of Florida City was destroyed by the aftermath of the fight, and hundreds of thousands of people were killed and injured.

In the end, one man, one ship, and even into the Atlantic Ocean, set off a huge tsunami.

"Too terrible, too powerful, can this be human power?"

Countless people watched the live broadcast by satellite, and their hearts trembled.

The power of the Mayan warship has shocked countries all over the world. This completely goes beyond modern science and technology. All aircraft carriers, planes and missiles are as vulnerable as children in front of Mayan warships. But Chen Fan was even more terrifying. With one man's strength, he shook the space warship. All his actions were like gods.

"If there are gods on earth, then Chen beixuan. He is the God who came into the world

There are many dark and powerful people.

Even ye Qingcang was dazzled.

Chen Fan showed him the real power of the highest congenital friars. In this war, we will catch up with Jindan. In nature, there are few people who can do it. Even if the fairies of kunxu came, they would be stunned.


Chen fan was struck by thunder.

Thunder clouds make up for tens of miles around, and thunder awns fall from the sky, splitting on the five thunder seals. More brilliant than before, the chaotic thunder pillar is brewing in the void. The power of this blow is enough to flatten the mountains and destroy the towns.


Brooke's drinking.

The spiritual power of many wise men, as if without money, was instilled into the warships. All of a sudden, the whole pyramid lights up gorgeous blue light, countless thick electric current, like a python winding, to the end, a 3000 meter long Thor whip, rising from the top of the tower, across the sky, like a pillar of heaven!


It's a blow.

It condenses the most powerful power of Chen Fan and the wise men.

All the energy reserves have been mobilized, every bit of power has been drained, and all of them have been put on the top strike. I saw a chaotic pillar of thunder as thick as a bucket, falling from the sky, like natural punishment.

The Mayan warship, on the other hand, wields a 3000 meter long lightning chain to sweep the void like a whip in the hands of a God.


The collision between the two can hardly be described by language.

The whole void turns into a blazing white, that is, people hundreds of miles away lose their voice. Looking around, you can only see a vast white light. It's the power to the top, the terrible energy storm, sweeping across the Atlantic Ocean, lifting a tsunami hundreds of meters high.

"Who won?"

Billions of people on earth are watching through satellite live.

At this time, satellites can't see the battlefield clearly. Until the thunder clouds dissipated and the storm subsided. People can see the scene clearly, only to see a scene that people will never forget, now in front of everyone's eyes.A god of war with gold flame and armour stands on the void, and his thunder seal is hanging on his head, as if he is in charge of heaven's punishment.

At his feet, the energy shield on the surface of the Mayan warship hundreds of meters high exploded. But this pyramid, which weighs millions of tons, seems to have been hit hard. It fell from the sky and smashed into the Atlantic Ocean, setting off huge waves.

Before ten thousand people, one blow destroys the ship!

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