Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 719

Originally, the pyramid was only 100 meters long, but now it flew off the ground, revealing the huge hull under the soil. It is more than 500 meters long and huge. The largest aircraft carrier on earth is only 300 meters, only half of it.

The pyramids fly into the air.

The bricks and stones peeled off, revealing their true bodies. The whole body is made of streamlined black metal with complex lines, similar to the spear of killing gods. Like a circuit board, a thick blue current flows on the whole pyramid. Huge energy mask will cover it, step by step, up into the sky.

"My God."

The citizens of Florida who came from afar were stunned to see this scene. What's the difference between such a pyramid flying into mid air and an alien warship?

Some young men and women, in a hurry, recorded it on their mobile phones and sent it to the Internet.

All of a sudden, the Internet was a sensation.

Chen fan was originally missing, many Internet users at a loss, suddenly saw this scene, instantly boiling. Countless reporters came by helicopter, one satellite after another, turned the target here, and the eyes of the whole world gathered in an instant.


Katrina, the hostess, was digging deeply into Chen Fan's love story with Fang Qiong when she suddenly changed her face and said in a hurry: "it's urgent to break in a piece of news. In the southernmost tip of Florida, an object suspected of being an alien warship was found. The BBC reporter is on his way. Now it's a video shot on the Internet. "

It's in the video.

A dark pyramid is flying in the sky. From a distance, it is so huge, like a hill.

"What is this?"

"I'll go? Are aliens coming

"First Oriental immortals, then aliens, how are we on earth?"

The people of the earth were stunned.

Chen Fan's blood rainbow came to the west, carrying a nuclear bomb on his body, which made them feel that the three outlooks had been subverted. Now, aliens have emerged again. Many people think of the rumor of the end of the world. Is 2012 really the end of the world?

"It's the Mayan temple. The wise men have completely restored it and started it?"

The major dark organizations, together with the world powers, have all turned pale.

As opponents of the United States, they study the United States very deeply, and many top secret materials are clear. Nature knows the Maya Temple well.

Yejia, Yanshan.

"It is said that the Mayan temple is a relic of the Mayan people in the last era, but it is also a super warship fortress. It was destroyed in ancient wars and ended up outside Florida. The United States got the Mayan temple and got a lot of advanced technology from it. Unexpectedly, the wise men really started it. "

Minister Xiao's face was dignified: "the Mayan temple will not move lightly. It is estimated that he met Chen beixuan."

"Mr. Chen is a banishment of immortals, just a wise man, not his opponent. I'm afraid that the Mayans left behind some super weapons in this warship in those days, which would be troublesome. "

Ye Qingcang frowned.

Maya is a civilization with advanced technology in the last era.

Just look at the mercury armor and the spear of killing gods, you can see how prosperous they were, and how they could fly a million ton warship into the air. This kind of technology is far beyond the imagination of the earth. The creation of weapons stronger than nuclear weapons is entirely predictable.

Zhuque and others, standing aside, were worried.

And now.

There is a strong spiritual wave in the Pyramid:

"Chen beixuan, you are the oldest. Shouyuan is 500 years old and has a long history. We have no contradiction between life and death. We can solve it peacefully. We will pay enough compensation for all the previous offenses, otherwise we will lose both sides if we go on fighting. "

This wave of spirit, like a vast ocean, coupled with the magnificent pyramid warship, with a commanding momentum.

Chen Fan looked up at the warship in the sky and said faintly:

"you're a ragged ship, and you're worthy to negotiate with me?"

Beixuan xianzun has seen many super civilized space warships in his last life. It is often tens of kilometers, even hundreds of kilometers long. And there's a super fortress that transforms a planet. He still blew it up.

It's just a small spaceship of five or six hundred meters. In space, it's not even a warship. It's barely flying in the solar system. Not in Chen Fan's eyes at all.


Mental waves burst.

Obviously, the wise are enraged.

"Sir, we should show the people of the earth the power of our Maya's most powerful war machine." A wise man bowed. Then, all the wise people in the hall asked.

Brooke was standing in the command room, his eyes blue, the light like waves, like a God.

The head of the Lancaster family, hiding in the corner, could not help but feel happy: "Chen beixuan, you have destroyed my whole family. Now it's your turn to taste the taste of destruction.


The battle broke out in an instant.

A lightning spear, several times thicker than before, erupted from the tip of the pyramid, tearing the sky and illuminating the whole world. Chen fan, with a flash, broke the sound barrier in an instant and dodged at ten times the speed of sound."Boom."

The lightning spear struck a nearby hill.

The mountain peak, which is hundreds of meters high, is directly smashed into pieces like a lightning whip in the hands of the God of heaven, whips on the ground and makes the earth cry.

"Whoosh, whoosh."

The Mayan warship is in full swing. Its combat effectiveness is more than one quarter stronger than before?

A thick lightning spear, across the void, plowed the whole ground to one side. Any tree, life, rock, in the face of this invincible lightning spear, are vulnerable, as if crisp paper, easily torn.

The power of each blow has reached its innate peak, and Chen fan also cherishes it.

"I didn't expect that thousands of years later, this warship still has some power." Chen fan was slightly surprised, but he was not afraid. If the golden elixir doesn't come out, he is invincible on the earth at this time.


The purple electric awn grows in the sky.

Chen Fan Ren's sword is in one. It turns into an extremely fast electric light and wanders in the air. From time to time, a knife is drawn on the top of the pyramid, which makes its energy shield tremble.

The battle of one man and one ship is like two gods fighting.

One blow at a time will destroy the sky and the earth, shaking a hundred Li. The aftereffects are even as far as ten kilometers away. All the citizens of Florida City can see it clearly.

"Wait. What's that? Chen beixuan

Countless people were shocked to see this scene live on the Internet.

Everyone was wondering where the alien warship came from when they saw Chen Fan fighting against it.

"You see, there is a star ring on the surface of the pyramid, isn't it the symbol of the star ring group? Is this the high-tech warship of star ring group? "

Some sharp eyed netizens call out.

All of a sudden, people suddenly. It turns out that Chen fan is looking for trouble with xinghuan group.

"The wolf ambition of the star ring group is that they have developed such advanced weapons. Without Chen beixuan, wouldn't they want to conquer the whole world?"

At this moment, the face of countless people on earth changed.

Many Americans, in particular, discovered for the first time the enormous power of the star ring group. When you think about it again, the star ring group spread all over the United States, and even the influence of Congress, the government and the Pentagon turned green.

"Boom boom."

The fighting continues.

Chen Fan's sword ran across the sky, shuttling in the air, flashed lightning spears, and attacked from time to time. The wise men were obviously in a hurry. They found it difficult to hit chen fan and start fighting.

Don't look at the heavy Mayan warships.

Once it's started, it's very fast and it's flying towards the Atlantic Ocean. Obviously, he wants to get into the water and escape Chen Fan's attack.

"Where to go?"

Chen Fan opens the body protector Zhenyuan, takes a lightning strike hard, and then cuts it on the shield with a sharp knife. The Mayan warship, more than 500 meters high, is one of the sunken warships, and the whole protective cover makes a roaring sound.

"Damn Chen beixuan!"

At this point, even Brooke was angry.

"Since the whip of Thor doesn't work, let's start the God killing gun and let Chen beixuan see our power."

The wise leader's eyes are full of lightning.

"Click, click."

Just listen to a series of mechanical sound, pyramid surface, even out of a black gun tube. The muzzle of this gun is shining with bright blue electric light, which is very similar to the electromagnetic guns of Ares team, but there are many key points. There are hundreds and thousands of them all around the pyramid.

In a flash, the pyramid changed from a gentle and virtuous girl to a fully armed man.

"Let it go

Give me an order.

Boom. There are hundreds of electromagnetic guns firing at the same time.

There are hundreds of lights tearing the sky. Each light is a short shuttle with blue light. Its speed is 20 times faster than the speed of sound, which is enough to tear a mountain to pieces and penetrate the aircraft carrier. Hundreds of spears were fired at the same time, each of which was as powerful as the spear of killing gods in the outskirts of London.

At this moment, even Chen Fan's face was slightly dignified.


A black whirlpool emerges out of thin air to protect chen fan. Then, the golden flame armor is also on fire. In the face of these attacks that can threaten the divine body, even chen fan does not dare to be careless.

"Bang bang."

Hundreds of short shuttles accelerated to the extreme hit chen fan at the same time. Suddenly, the black whirlpool fluctuated violently, and then it burst. Then, a short shuttle hit chen fan. The golden fireworks are shining in the sky, and the blue and gold God's awn is shining.

It's like the rain beating the pipa, and the huge hammer hitting on the bronze bell, making a thumping sound.

In the end, even Chen Fan seemed unable to support him. He was beaten upside down and flew out. He glided for several kilometers on the ground and finally crashed into Florida City, smashing more than a dozen buildings in a row before finally stopping.


Seeing this extremely ferocious scene, countless earth audiences took a breath.It was the battleship with the largest number of turrets in those years, just dozens of cannons. This Mayan warship, with hundreds of doors, has the most powerful firepower in the world. In particular, they use a terrifying electromagnetic gun with a very long range and great power.

"Can't Chen beixuan be defeated?"

In many people's minds, questions arise. , the fastest update of the webnovel!