Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 718

The so-called star ring group is a company founded by the wise men within a few years, which has grown rapidly. Behind the star ring group are the wise men who have been in seclusion for a hundred years and secretly controlled the whole United States.

"No one knows the origin of the wise men. They appeared in North America about a hundred years ago."

"They assisted the U.S. government in developing the Mayan temple, one of the seven Jedi, from which they gained a lot of ultra modern technology. Nuclear weapons, electromagnetic cannons, laser cannons, laser cannons, armor of the God of war, and so on, all came from the Mayan temple. "

"The wise are not of the same race as human beings. Their blood is blue, and they are born with spiritual power. Every adult wise man is a spiritual master. The most powerful leader can control tens of thousands of people at a glance and lift a nuclear submarine out of the sea with his mental strength. We suspect that they are related to the Mayans of the last era, and they are descendants of the Mayans... "

listening to the words of the CIA leaders, chen fan frowned slightly.

According to these people, the most advanced technology in the United States is in the hands of the wise, even the Pentagon. No one knows what kind of destructive weapons the wise have in their hands.

"Blue blood, strong spirit, control technology? It does sound like a descendant of a highly developed civilization. " Chen Fan thought of the spear of killing gods.

The black shuttle and mercury armour all came from a powerful technological civilization.

In terms of combat effectiveness, they are not inferior to Lingbao. If in the hands of the top spiritual strong, you can even beat the congenital and even the golden elixir friars. And they are all driven by mental power, which is very consistent with the characteristics of the wise man's strong mental power.

"It's just a surviving family from the last era. It's crushing. What kind of wisdom do you really think you are in charge of?"

Chen Fan snorted coldly.

He was shocked in the Yuan Dynasty, smashed all the CIA leaders into pieces, then soared into the sky and flew south.

In his last life, chen fan even wiped out the super civilization that ruled hundreds of millions of stars. How could he be afraid of a mere remnant of ancient times? He went to several bases in the United States first.

It's a pity that these bases have been abandoned for a long time, and no one is in a hurry. All the equipment inside are destroyed by energy bombs. But from the ultra modern decoration, we can see that the technology of this base is far better than that of the earth.

"Ha ha, can you escape for a while and a lifetime?"

With a cold snort, chen fan turned around and crossed half of North America, pointing straight to the "Mayan temple.".

Mayan temple.

Located at the southernmost tip of the United States, outside Florida City, facing the Gulf of Mexico.

This one of the seven Jedi is not only a relic of ancient times, but also the home of the wise.

Chen fan was so fast that he appeared above the Mayan temple half an hour later. A magnificent pyramid is displayed in front of Chen fan. This pyramid is hundreds of meters high, with a square top, which is very different from the Egyptian pyramid.

When Chen Fan's mind was detected in the past, it was immediately opened by an invisible energy barrier and was unable to enter. Chen fan is not surprised but happy:

"it's really here. I'd like to see how many blows you wise men can carry me."

Chen Fan stretched out his hand and grasped it in vain.

"Bang Dang!"

The black long knife was pulled out of thin air, the thunder and lightning exploded, and the purple electricity startled the sky. With the infusion of terror, the thunder knife turns into a magic knife with a length of more than 100 meters, surrounded by purple thunder, just like the punishment blade in the hands of archaic Thunder God.


Chen Fan cut it out, and the world was shocked.

Half a day's clouds were cut apart by the air of the skyscraper, and the surrounding rainforest turned into countless cokes, torn apart by thunder and lightning. The sword came down from the sky and split on the Mayan temple.

Not to mention a 100 meter high pyramid, it is a skyscraper hundreds of meters high. With Chen Fan's knife, it will split and separate.

But strangely enough.


A blue light shield emerged above the temple out of thin air. The light shield is full of blue electric current and contains surging energy. The purple electricity crazy knife cuts on the energy cover, suddenly explodes the startling thunder.


Like thunder, the sound of explosions reverberated over the temple.

Purple thunder fights with blue electricity, making a crackling sound. Purple electricity crazy knife cuts in half deeply, and finally exhausts and is blocked by the blue energy shield.

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed.

Since he was born, he has been able to use a purple electric knife in his hand. He is invincible in both vertical and horizontal directions and has never been blocked.

"The Mayan temple."

"Come again!"

Chen Fan burst out to drink, Zhenyuan surged, and the purple electric sword soared, turning into 200 meters long, just like a small aircraft carrier across the sky. Chen Fan was held by the crazy knife and cut down again!


Several times stronger than before, the explosion started, the sky and the earth roared, thunder and lightning exploded. This time, even the citizens of Florida, tens of miles away, were shocked and looked up in surprise.

Inside the Mayan temple.In a command room full of ultra modern sci-fi color, surrounded by large star maps and shining blue currents, there are a group of white and transparent people with blue blood vessels inside. They are wearing silver tights and staring at the screen nervously.

"Chen beixuan, did he really come?"

A bald wise man with a slight frown.

He wears glasses and is gentle and elegant. If outsiders see him, they will scream. It's Brooke, chairman of star ring group and the richest man on earth.

"Chief, we underestimated the power of Chen beixuan. Despite our hasty evacuation, we abandoned several sub bases. But he is still chasing us. It seems that the American politicians have betrayed us. "

Another wise man said.

"I didn't expect that even nuclear weapons could not kill him, and he even possessed such terrible weapons. Detroit was such a huge city, which could hold millions of people, and was destroyed by one blow. Are the Oriental immortals really so powerful? Even above the scientific and technological civilization? " Brooke frowned.

His eyes, shining blue light, as far as the sea.

If Chen fan is here, he will know that it is not the power at all, but the spiritual power that has gathered to the extreme. The strength of Brooke's spirit, even surpassing the immortals, is enough to compare with Chen fan. He has reached the level of spiritual existence without relying on the body.


At this time, the temple vibrated again, and the star map around it trembled.

A wise man who manipulated the blue light ball turned his head and yelled, "my Lord, the energy reserve of the outer energy shield has decreased by 30%. It is expected that it will be damaged after seven attacks."

This is a statement.

All the wise men in the Mayan temple were disgraced.

They are most aware of the horror of the temple's energy shield, which is enough to withstand a nuclear attack. I didn't expect that Chen Fan couldn't hold on ten times.

"What shall we do, chief?"

All the wise people around are looking.

"Using energy weapons, let Chen beixuan see the power of our Maya civilization." Brooke's eyes narrowed slightly, showing a bright light: "if he doesn't come, I can't help him, but who told him to run to our territory?"


At Brooke's command.

A thick blue current, like a python, converges from the whole pyramid to the top of the temple. With the electric current pouring, an electric ball emerges out of thin air.

At first, the thunder ball was only the size of a football, then soared, and finally turned into the size of a house, just like a dinosaur egg.

The brilliant blue electric awn condenses to the extreme, and finally turns into pure white, as white as light.

"What's this?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed and his thunder knife was suspended.


Thunder ball above, suddenly shot a thick column of light, this column of light, condensed by pure electric awn, enough several people embrace. Fast as thunder, he rushed to Chen Fan in an instant. Before the light column arrives, the terrible energy inside has torn the atmosphere, making the air on fire and sparking.


Chen fanlei's knife was horizontal and stopped in front of his chest.


He was pushed directly by the blow, backed several kilometers, and finally crashed into the rainforest. The lightning beam pulled out a ten kilometer long ravine in the rainforest and finally stopped.

If someone looks at it from the sky, they will find it.

The whole rainforest is split in two, with Mayan magic as the center. The gully is several meters wide and ten kilometers long. It's like death's sickle across the ground.

"Boom boom!"

This is just the beginning.

Columns of lightning come out of the blazing balls of thunder. The house sized electric ball, like a missile base, is spitting out bullets to the outside.

Daodaoguangzhu, crossing the space of tens of miles or even tens of miles, explodes around chen fan.

If ye Qingcang, Xuezu and others are hit here, they will be seriously injured or even die.

But how powerful is Chen fan?

Even a hundred or a thousand, you can't kill him. He's a little bit of a God. He's a god of war armour. He can't kill a nuclear weapon, not to mention lightning?


Chen Fan rushed up to the sky, and his body was in a flash. It was like a streamer of mirage. He passed through many lightning. Countless lightning strikes him, as if he was playing on a bubble, passing through it in a flash.


Chen Fan flashed to the temple and threw out a knife.

This knife is 300 meters long. When the purple electricity shocks, it shakes the earth. You can see it dozens of miles away. At last, the thunder knife cut deeply on the Mayan temple, and the blue energy shield trembled violently. Almost a trace, it was cut open.

"Alert, alert. The energy reserve has dropped to less than 30 percent, which is not enough to withstand attacks. Alert, alert... "

this time, all the wise men turned pale, even Brooke."What shall we do, chief?"

Countless anxious eyes look.

Brooke frowned and finally made up his mind.


Chen Fan cut it out with one knife. As he was about to break the energy shield, he suddenly saw the earth shaking and the concrete breaking apart. The hundred meter high pyramid actually climbed up, pulled up from the ground and flew into the sky, just like a space warship.

"What's this?"

Chen fan stops his thunder knife and frowns.

And many of the viewers who came from Florida City in the distance were shocked:

"alien UFO?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!