Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 712

Is he still alive?

In the huge and blazing mushroom cloud, the blood rainbow rising from the sky is so conspicuous, lying in the middle of the screen, deeply imprinted in people's hearts, and will not disappear for a long time.

Anyone with common sense knows what it means.

"Carrying nuclear weapons in the flesh?"

Countless people's faces went crazy.

This only exists in myths and legends, only in movies, and is truly shown in front of the world today. Enough to destroy heaven and earth of the nuclear bomb, unexpectedly did not kill chen fan?

"It's definitely not human. Is it a God or a devil?"

There was a sense of despair in the American people.

At this moment, in the world, I don't know how many people kneel down and kowtow to the bloody figure on the screen. Human beings are absolutely unable to withstand the attack of nuclear weapons and survive the nuclear explosion. Besides the legendary gods, who else?

"This is the coming of the gods. The United States has committed a great crime, and the gods have punished it."

Many people claim it.

All over the world, in countless martial arts and dark forums, everyone is dead. Although Chen Fan came back from the sea of blood, many people suspected that the nuclear bomb might not be able to kill him, but they really witnessed this scene with their own eyes. The shock in their hearts is beyond description.

"Japan has made a big mistake."

Ying Longhua closed her eyes and sighed deeply.

However, many Japanese swordsmen were lost.

As for the Wang family, Wang Keqin and others directly turned into sculptures, motionless. Xue Hongmei's eyes widened and her smile froze on her face. For a long time, she couldn't disperse. Wang Zhongguo sighed, closed his eyes and shook his head with a bitter smile.

"I missed such a grandson. Wang Zhongguo, you boast that you are smart, but you live a lifetime without even knowing people. "

As for Yanjing, Jincheng and Hong Kong Island.

Many people who care about Chen Fan in their hearts are relieved.

Xu Rongfei directly body a soft, collapsed on the ground, this kind of ups and downs, let her temporarily lose strength. Wang Xiaoyun scolded: "this smelly boy is worrying."

Despite that, her eyes were red and her heart was finally released.

But Chen Fan's life is a bolt from the blue to the United States.

Us, Pentagon.

"It's impossible, it's impossible."

Many generals, out of their wits, were full of horror.

A nuclear bomb is the most powerful weapon on earth. If one goes down, it will be enough to turn a city with a million people into scorched earth. Chen Fan's body carrying a nuclear bomb is totally beyond their imagination. These generals, they can't afford it.

"Go on, one won't work, just use ten, one hundred! If you can't do a million tons, it's tens of millions of tons! "

Cried the Admiral madly.

Arnold's fingers trembled, but it didn't stop him.

Soon, a second nuclear bomb exploded at the border of Missouri. This nuclear bomb, a long-range missile of the United States, was directly bombed. But Chen fan is no longer ready to carry it hard.

He had sensed the ambush of the first nuclear bomb long before.

Originally, with Chen Fan's speed, he could easily escape the scope of the explosion, but Chen Fan wanted to have a try. With his own strength, he couldn't carry the nuclear explosion, so he didn't go.

When the hydrogen bomb exploded, it was devastating. Although Chen Fan was not in the center of the nuclear explosion, he was very close to the center. The mercury war armor on his body was directly shattered by the nuclear explosion, turned into mercury and retracted into his body.

Immediately after that, the body protection magic power "golden flame armor" was also torn in the shock wave. His body protecting Zhenyuan turned into smoke and dust after carrying it for only 0.1 second. Finally, chen fan rushed out of the explosion area with his flesh and hard against the nuclear explosion.

"The power of nuclear explosion is really terrible, worthy of being the weapon of doomsday, comparable to the hit of golden elixir. If I didn't have mercury armor, golden flame power, innate cultivation, especially the divine body, I would not have been able to withstand the explosion. "

Chen Fan thought in his heart.

his body absorbed six blood essences, and became more powerful. Although he did not reach the level of Dacheng, he had a hint of immortality. This represents that Chen fan is getting closer to the body of Jindan.

"Now that you have measured the limit, you can blow me up by these means?"

Chen Fan sneered.

His body broke through the sound barrier in an instant and escaped the explosion range at ten times the speed of sound.

Mei * Fang, he's already red eyed.

The third nuclear bomb, which exploded on the Missouri River, was an air bomb dropped by the B2 bomber.

The fourth nuclear bomb exploded near the city of Springfield, and the nuclear land mine laid in advance allowed chen fan to pass by. Unfortunately, the time for the nuclear explosion to start was enough for Chen fan to escape easily.

The fifth nuclear bomb, the most powerful one, reached 7 million tons, was launched from a nuclear submarine, broke out of the atmosphere, blasted down at more than ten times the speed of sound, and exploded directly next to St. Louis.At that moment, millions of people in St. Louis witnessed the power of the nuclear bomb.

"Crazy, crazy!"

Countless people in front of the screen said.

At this time, the U.S. side was really red eyed and did not care at all. They even made a plan to fight. They ambushed a 10 million ton hydrogen bomb in the center of a city and detonated it directly when Chen Fanlu passed by. Xinkui was stopped by Minister Arnold.

"Do you think you are the only one with this power?"

Chen Fan got angry when he was bombed seven times.

The United States is obviously ready to go on and on. At this time, if it does not show the corresponding strength to beat the United States, it will not be able to stop the United States.

"Let's see, I also have the power to destroy America."

Chen Fan's eyes were cold.


rocktown, Illinois, USA.

Rocktown is a famous US Army base. It is usually an armored division stationed here with tens of thousands of soldiers to guard the gateway of Washington.

On this day, all the people in Locke were on guard. Everyone knew that Chen Fan was coming.

"You say, who is that blood shadow and how much does it have against us? Why attack? Is it really the divine punishment from the gods? " Corporal James said with a cigar in his mouth.

"Shut up, it's just an enemy, not a God. No matter how powerful the enemy is, it will be defeated by our great army. " The second lieutenant reprimanded.

They were discussing, when suddenly someone exclaimed.

Countless people looked up and saw an incredible scene.

I saw a fierce cloud of fire rising above my head. The cloud was so large that it covered a few miles, just like a cloud cover. All the people glared and were surprised.

It's not fire clouds at all, it's flames and meteorites!

"Five elements technique. Tianchou technique!"

With a cool voice coming down, endless rain of fire came down from the sky, just like a series of fire meteorites falling down, covering the whole rock town. Almost all the buildings, armored vehicles and fortifications within a few miles. All of them were smashed into pieces by fire meteorite, and the earth sank for several meters.

From the sky, on the ground, there is a large round cover, smooth as wash, just like a mirror.

One blow destroyed a small town!

Thousands of soldiers, all turned into ashes.

This is the horror of meteorite! At the innate level, chen fan was able to perform many large-scale Taoist methods and possessed the power comparable to modern weapons. It's just that each of these Taoist methods takes a long time to prepare. It's too late to release them in battle, but they are extremely powerful against solid targets.

This is just the beginning.

Ten minutes later, chen fan released thunderstorm skill over okron!

Nine days of thunder, he led down, a few miles around the city, is full of lightning. Innumerable thunder and lightning finally turned into a blazing white thunder ball, which was ten feet in size, with the power of terror in it.


Okron City, bright white light, it is not light, but condensed to the extreme lightning. Terrible thunder and lightning instantly destroyed the whole city of okron. Countless buildings turned into dust in the thunderstorm. Fortifications were destroyed directly.

Okron belongs to a small city. Its population has been empty for a long time. It has been transformed into a defense base of the United States. Tens of thousands of American soldiers are stationed here. As a result, they are killed by a thunderstorm. The whole city of okron was blown up in ruins.

On earth, countless people have witnessed this strike.

Suddenly, more than a billion people took a breath of cool air. Such power can destroy a small city at one stroke, which is comparable to that of small nuclear weapons.

But Chen Fan did not stop.

Twenty minutes later, chen fan again used large-scale Daoism and Seismology to destroy a military base built on the mountain. The whole mountain collapsed.

Half an hour later, chen fan stormed into the U.S. Reynolds Air Force Base...

he went all the way, released six large-scale Taoist Arts in a row, destroyed six super large military bases, and killed hundreds of thousands of U.S. soldiers.

But it's not the scariest.

Forty five minutes later, chen fan flew over Detroit.


Located on the banks of the five Great Lakes, this mega city in Michigan once was the most brilliant Automobile City in the United States. Numerous automobile companies settled here. At its peak, Detroit gathered more than five million workers.

But now, the city has turned into a ghost town. With the evacuation of countless car companies, the city has become a place for thieves, gangs and Hispanics. There are dozens of murders in this city every day, and gun battles break out every day. Ordinary people have basically evacuated the city, leaving behind countless abandoned high-rise buildings.

Chen Fan stands in the sky, overlooking the empty city, with no joy or sorrow in his eyes."It's time for people on earth to see what we can do."

Under the gaze of countless satellites and in the eyes of people all over the world, he reaches out his hand. An ancient seal surrounded by five colors and exploding with thunder is floating in Chen Fan's hand.

Five thunder seals!

The power accumulated for a long time in this seal will finally bloom.


This time, chen fan, with his innate cultivation, tried his best to activate the five thunder seal and release the "great five elements God thunder". It is far more powerful than it is outside London. After all, at that time, when the five thunder seals were first practised, they didn't accumulate much power, so they couldn't give full play to the real power of God thunder. At this time, how powerful is the cohesive force inside?


Surrounded by a ray of thunder, like a chaotic pillar of black and white, it came down from the sky and landed in the city of Detroit.

It's a meal.

Then, in the face of countless people's horror, hundreds of high-rise buildings in Detroit, like fortresses on the beach, instantly collapsed. The whole city of Detroit exploded directly like a bubble phantom, and then disappeared.

Only a flat land with a radius of tens of miles is left.

The ground is as smooth as a mirror. The whole city of Detroit, as well as many gangsters living in the city, are all turned into dust in the thunder.

One blow to the city!

This is the real power of thunder!

The whole earth is dead. All the people in front of the screen, all eyes wide open, can't believe it.

PS: there's a fourth watch. I'll write it right away. You can get up and watch it tomorrow_ n)o , the fastest update of the webnovel!