Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 713

That's Detroit!

Although the former top ten cities in North America have become ghost towns and sparsely populated, they are still large in area, with numerous high-rise buildings and commercial districts, but they have been wiped from the earth by Chen fan.

This power is terrible!

Anyone who sees this scene seems to be gripped by a magic claw and can't breathe. At that moment, the whole earth, seven billion people, was silent, and no one could make a sound.

Everyone was shocked by Chen Fan's blow of destroying the city and the earth.

"This is a power that only gods can master. He is a God coming down on earth, a true God Countless old people trembled and knelt to the ground.

More people are frightened.

If this kind of power against nuclear weapons is in the hands of one country, they may not be afraid. Because the country is rational, but now it is in the hands of a superman. Many people don't even know whether Chen fan is evil, evil or immortal. It's like a madman with a gun in his hand. Who can be afraid?

The American people, on the other hand, are completely homely.

A lot of people had traveled in Detroit and even worked and grew up there. Every one of their cars is probably from Detroit. In front of you, such a familiar big city has been forcibly removed from the earth, which has a far greater impact on the North American people than ordinary people.

"too cruel, too awesome."

This time, even Chinese netizens began to hit the tongue.

Even countries around the world are appalled.

They know that Chen fan has a super weapon in his hand, which once destroyed the island with one blow. But how can an uninhabited island within a few miles compare with a large city once full of millions of people?

The White House.

"Damn it, didn't you say that Chen beixuan's weapon is still charging? Why is it ready? And it's ten times more powerful than before? " The president of the United States was furious.

All the ministers were silent.

No one, including the director of the CIA, dares to speak.

They totally misjudged Chen Fan's power. More than half a year ago, the "big five elements thunder" released in the outskirts of London absorbed only short-term energy.

Now, with more than half a year's energy storage, chen fan has entered the congenital stage, and the energy he infuses every day is like a mountain or a sea. In particular, six blood essences at that time, Chen Fan did not all refine, and most of the force was imported into five Lei Zhong.

So a blow exploded, flattening the area for tens of miles.

This kind of power has been comparable to the golden elixir.

"Your Excellency, you can't stay here any longer. You must go to the emergency refuge base immediately. Once Chen beixuan attacks huashengdun, the whole United States needs your command. "

Several security officers, step forward immediately.

What else did the president want to say, but he finally thought about it and stepped on the helicopter.

And inside the Pentagon.

Many generals have been turned into sculptures.

Even minister Arnold's face was filled with horror.

"Sir, what are we going to do next? Do you need to drop weapons of doomsday? " Asked a general.

Minister Arnold raised his hand and hesitated.

Doomsday weapon is a super nuclear weapon made by the United States in the cold war. At that time, the Soviet Union had exploded a "50 million ton" Khrushchev bomb. Under one blow, the whole area was blasted to pieces, and the sound shocked 3000 Li.

The United States has also secretly produced a 100 million ton nuclear weapon of doomsday. But once this kind of weapon explodes, there is no guarantee that it will hurt the innocent. Because its killing range is too wide, it is the existence of destroying the city and the country. Many small countries, one is enough to erase from the earth.

"You must make a quick decision, sir, or it will be too late!"

The generals looked at each other.

Minister Arnold took a deep breath and was about to make up his mind when he gave a bitter smile:

"it's too late."

When they heard the words, they all looked out of the window and saw that the sky suddenly turned red, just like blood.

When Chen Fan was rampant in the United States, more and more TV stations and Internet users were exploring and discussing his identity. After all, the war was so inexplicable that Chen Fan suddenly rushed to attack the United States.

Some people suspect that Chen fan is a super soldier secretly developed by China.

Some people also suspect that Chen Fan was a superman who mistakenly landed in the East after krypton fell to the earth.

Some people even suspect that Chen Fan was born as a God. Because of the perverse behavior of the United States, he wanted to reduce anger and divine punishment...

all kinds of news spread all over the world.

Many people are also wondering whether Chen Fan was once a "Burmese immortal" in Southeast Asia. It's just that the Burmese immortals are shining with blue light, while chen fan is twinkling with blood light, which is not similar.

"Superman, immortal. I tell you, that's Chen beixuan. He's the number one in the list of gods. Because the United States kidnaps his fiancee, Chen beixuan is angry and goes to the United States to save his fiancee. "Some of the Chinese who know the inside story can't bear to publish it on the Internet.

But people don't believe it at all.

To challenge the superpower for a woman. It's a TV drama, and it's a third rate TV drama. You think it's a fairy tale?

But more and more people are publishing Chen Fan's news on the Internet.

The blurry videos, and the solid things, look the same as the real ones. After all, in the past five years, chen fan has left a lot of traces in the world, but he has been suppressed by various powers.

In January 2009, chen fan defeated the 14th brigade in Japan, which many tourists witnessed.

In March 2010, chen fan defeated the 116th armored division and killed the Russian lieutenant general in Russia. This time, more people watched.

In November 2011, chen fan set foot on the European border to destroy the Black Sea fleet and cut down dozens of European warplanes...

all these things originally existed in isolation and belonged to unsolved mysteries. There are many witnesses on the Internet, but everyone has their own guess. But now, all of them are connected in series.

Chen Fan's identity can no longer be covered up and gradually comes to the surface.

"Is that true? How could a 22-year-old Chinese youth have done so many earth shaking things? One man beat Europe? Russia? Japan? Now we're going to fight America again? "

"Moreover, there is still a dark world in this society. What kind of blood clan is there? Wolves? Are you sure you're not kidding? "

"Chen Liuguo? Chen Tianren? Mr. Chen? These nicknames are so strange. "

Countless netizens questioned.

However, some people believe that there is no other reasonable explanation besides this one. Many girls, their eyes turned red, holding their chest in both hands:

"Fang Qiong is so happy. If I have such a boyfriend, for me, and the whole world for the enemy, I will be happy to crazy

No one knows whether all this is true or not.

Today, the eyes of the whole world are all focused on the United States and Chen fan. Watch what he does next.


Supreme Court, Washington, USA.

This building, which has been standing here since the founding of the people's Republic of China, is located in the west side of the parliament. It is supported by 16 marble pillars. At the main entrance, there are two statues of the thought of justice and the power of law. It is full of dignity and silence.

Nine officials sat on the throne and tried Fang Qiong's affairs in an orderly way.

In this court, they are God, they are God. They even have the right to try the president, and no one can go against their will.

Chief executive Susan Ryan is in a good mood.

She looked at Fang Qiong with her spider at the prey falling into the net.

Although Fang Qiong didn't agree to her terms before, she still insisted that she didn't commit a crime, although some of the charges were slander. However, under the witness and material evidence, both the members of the jury and the people who watched in front of the TV began to believe that Fang Qiong really committed a terrible crime.

"Miss Fang Qiong, you must know that your argument is so weak in the face of the evidence. Even if you don't admit it, as long as the evidence is solid, we can put you in prison for a thousand years. Even your fiance, the United States will catch him, put him on the bench and sentence him one by one. "

Susan Ryan laughs.

"I firmly believe that I am not guilty, and even more firmly believe that he is not guilty."

Fang Qiong raised her head high and her pretty face was full of determination.

Susan Ryan smiles. Instead of arguing, she orders the court to continue.

It's just that as time goes on, Susan Ryan finds out something's wrong. The crowd sitting under the court began to stir. More and more people are looking at smart phones. As they watched, their faces were full of panic and shock.

"On the court, be quiet!"

Susan Ryan knocks on the table and cools down.

This may be the proudest case in her life. No one is allowed to destroy it.

But this time, the authority of the official failed, and more people took out their mobile phones and talked about it.

"What's going on?"

Susan Ryan was surprised. At this time, a group of black agents, pushed open the door, rushed in. Susan Ryan knew the man at the beginning, the director of the CIA, who handed over Fang Qiong and a lot of information to the court, but why did he come here?

The director of the CIA went straight to one of the officials on the edge and whispered.

The officer's face turned pale.

"What's the matter, Laurent, my friend." Susan Ryan frowned.

"Sir, we'd better terminate the trial. Something big happened. "

"What big thing can disturb this trial watched by 700 million people around the world." Susan Ryan complained.

"She... Her fiance is here."Officer Laurent was about to cry.

"Even when the president comes to the Supreme Court, he has to obey the rules of the court. Until the end of the trial, God will come, and there is no way to terminate the court sentence. "

Susan Ryan said coldly.

As she was talking, suddenly countless people screamed out.

Susan Ryan frowned, turned and looked out of the window. There was a scene she would never forget.

Originally cloudless sky, at this time was suddenly dyed a layer of red, that red is so thick, like fire clouds coming, the whole sky is dyed red. If you look carefully, you will find that it is not a red cloud at all, but a bloody flame covering the whole of huashengdun.

A rainbow of blood running through heaven and earth comes from west to east to huashengdun.

Here comes chen fan!

PS: at the end of the fourth shift, ask for the monthly ticket , the fastest update of the webnovel!