Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 711

The Pacific Ocean is 10000 kilometers wide from east to west!

China is located in the west of the Pacific Ocean, and the United States is located in the east of the Pacific Ocean.

It took only two hours for Chen fan to reach the United States. But these two hours have shaken the whole world and made all mankind sigh and fear.

"The gods are born!"

"No, it's not a God, it's Superman, Superman of the East!"

"It never occurred to us that we should live in a movie, and we could really witness this moment in our lifetime."

Countless people marveled.

The White House, Congress and the Pentagon are in a mess. Minister Arnold's face was livid and he was staring at the screen. The dazzling red dot representing chen fan had come step by step and reached the west coast of the United States. Behind chen fan is a mess of the US Pacific war zone.

"Mr. Minister, the White House is about to blow up the phone. The president sent three Porter envoys to urge us to stop Chen beixuan! Members of Congress, they even order you to go to Congress and make an explanation. "

The deputy said anxiously.

"Now is the time for the survival of the United States of Americana. I ask your excellency to grant me all rights, including the use of nuclear weapons." Arnold said word by word.

The three white house envoys in a hurry looked at each other and all nodded:

"Your Excellency the president has sent us to bring the password box. In any case, destroy Chen beixuan at all costs! "


when the enemy attacked, the mobilization of the United States was unprecedented!

The Navy, the army, the air force, the National Guard, the Marine Corps... A team, in the United States, laid countless lines of defense, like a net.

A missile, pointing directly into the sky, the whole of North America, is a huge missile base!

More than 5000 fighters flew out of military bases in North America to block out the sun and Chen fan. The military strength of the United States is really terrible.

It has 11 carrier teams, 13000 fighters, 10000 tanks and hundreds of thousands of missiles. Countless military satellites are all over the sky. It has the military strength to fight a world war at any time, enough to crush all other countries.

When these forces move, the world is shaken.

Countless people through the television, see the overwhelming fighter, and the iron and steel torrent on the ground, heart trembling. Is there anyone who dares to challenge such a superpower?

But Chen Fan's power is more terrible!


When Chen Fan flew to North America, he no longer covered up, arrogant and bloody rainbow, flying over Los Angeles. Countless Californians look up at this rainbow of blood with a complex heart.

The battle started almost instantaneously.

Many F14, F15 and F16 fighter planes have tried their best to stop chen fan. An air-to-air missile, launched ten kilometers away, cuts chen fan like a scythe at several times the speed of sound.

Chen fan does not dodge, directly sets up the blood rainbow hard to rush.

He has a small body and is extremely terrifying. He is not afraid of general missile attacks. As soon as a supersonic missile arrived within 100 meters of Chen fan, it was directly destroyed by the shield Zhenyuan. All of a sudden, all over the sky started fireball, red flame swept through the air.

"My God."

See this scene, many pilots, eyes are staring out, can't believe.

Although they have seen the video, they are still shocked to witness this moment. How could someone carry a missile with a body?


Chen Fan rushed out of the explosion circle, the blood rainbow flashed, and the man and the sword became one, which split the heaven and the earth in an instant. The speed of the sword is so fast that it can reach ten times the speed of sound in an instant!


Almost before the pilots did not respond, chen fan had crossed the distance of 10 kilometers and rushed in front of them in an instant.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Fireballs burst up in the sky. Every time the bloody sword flickered, more than ten fighters were cut in two. Chen Fan struck a sword and chopped 43 fighters before he stopped.

Ten times the speed of sound is also a heavy burden for Chen fan. He can't use it easily.

The other fighters, scared to death by Chen fan, pull the rocker and fly out. This wave of offensive, there are hundreds of fighters, if they come to open a distance, in the way of wolves driving sheep, hunting chen fan. Even if he can't kill chen fan, it will interfere with his journey.

Facing the scattered airplanes, chen fan gave a cold drink:

"sword formation!"


A flash of light, from the sword Hu, flew out, fell in the air, turned into a small sword. Every sword is a quasi spirit weapon. There are ninety-nine swords all over the sky.

It was Chen fan who received the "Geng star sword array" in Shushan sword palace!

This is the big array that the old man of nine swords used to suppress the sword palace and look down on the ancient world of cultivating immortals. The ninety-nine handles are powerful enough to kill the immortals. And Chen Fan valued it because of its large-scale mass killing."Go."

Chen Fan flicked his finger.

Ninety nine flying swords turned into ninety-nine streamers, crossing the sky and chasing many fighters. Each of them broke the sound barrier, pulled out a long shrill sound, and brought up a bright sword, which was not inferior to Chen Fan's sword in Japan.

Suddenly, in the sky, the sound of explosions rang out one after another.

"Boom boom!"

In a flash, nearly a hundred fighters were cut down from the sky. Although these fighters are supersonic, they are bulky and heavy. How can they escape the pursuit of the flying sword?

If there are people who repair the fairyland, they will be stunned to see this scene.

At the same time, controlling nine flying swords is the limit of Dixian. Chen fan controls hundreds of handles at a time, and each handle is not weak, which means that his mind and Zhenyuan are far stronger than his peers and can catch up with Jindan.

In fact, only Chen Fan's reincarnation during the robbery period can he control so many magic weapons at the same time.

"Boom boom!"

After three waves.

There were just a few planes in the sky. Hundreds of them had been flying in the sky before. In less than a minute, they had suffered a lot. Only a few of them had escaped from canghuan.

This scene is broadcast to the Pentagon command center in real time by satellite and long-range UAV.

The whole hall was dead.

Many generals and generals, including commanders of various arms and Minister Arnold, looked at the screen with embarrassment. The fighters that the United States relies on to suppress the world are vulnerable to Chen fan.

Time goes by.

Five minutes later, chen fan defeated the US second line of defense in Nevada. One missile brigade was wiped out.

Ten minutes later, chen fan arrived in Utah, where the three US Air Defense divisions were destroyed by Chen fan. The purple lightning knife crossed the sky, cutting the earth apart and killing tens of thousands of US troops.

Fifteen minutes later, chen fan entered Colorado...

a line of defense was easily destroyed by Chen fan, and a word came to mind in everyone's heart:

"destroy it!"

Yes, the lines of defense that could withstand the attack of millions of troops during World War I and World War II were the great wall of steel, but they couldn't stop Chen Fan's attack at all.

Whether it's a fighter group, a missile position, or a torrent of steel, it's easy for Chen fan to tear it apart.

"Sir, just half a minute ago, the first riding division had died for the country." The deputy said in silence.

People's faces changed.

The first cavalry division of the U.S. Army is a meritorious unit at the time of the founding of the people's Republic of China, with a history of hundreds of years. It's the best armored division in America. Equipped with hundreds of tanks and countless anti-aircraft missiles, even it did not block chen fan.

What's more, the first riding division is deployed in Kansas, which is in the middle of the United States. It's not far from the US capital, HSD.

"Your Excellency, you must make up your mind."

Cried lieutenant general Benjamin.

"Order, sir."

A general stood up in silence and looked at minister Arnold.

Minister Arnold stood on the podium on the second floor, holding the steel fence tightly in his hands. He had white hair and an old face. His back, which had always been regarded as the steel backbone, was slightly bent at this time.

I don't know how long later, Minister Arnold opened his eyes and said: "order strategic forces to launch nuclear weapons!"


Chen Fan's flight orbit has always been monitored by American satellites, so they can easily judge Chen Fan's future path and then set up an ambush in advance.

When Chen Fan defeated an army unit again, the nuclear weapon buried underground exploded in an instant.


It's like the end of the world.

A huge mushroom cloud rises in an instant, takes up hundreds of thousands of tons of soil, just like the scattered flowers, and spreads in all directions. Hundreds of kilometers away, you can see the soaring flames and the shocking sound.

August 15, 2012, 5 p.m.

The United States launched a three million ton hydrogen bomb on the plains of Kansas.

Through the video broadcast, billions of people on earth witnessed this scene.

World shaking!

No one thought that the United States was really determined to use this doomsday weapon.

Countless people mention the heart, nervous looking at all this. They witnessed Chen Fan's invincibility and invincibility. In front of Chen fan, all the troops and weapons were destroyed.

Now, nuclear weapons are the last line of defense for mankind.

"He's dead. Even God can't stop the attack of nuclear weapons. Nuclear explosion center, but tens of millions of degrees high temperature

Many people swear.

More people are in mixed moods.

They hope that Chen fan will survive, because Chen Fan's attack on the United States, like Prometheus and the monkey king, represents the figure of a hero. But no one hopes that there really exists a God above his head who can't even kill nuclear weapons.Yanjing.

"He's not really dead, is he?"

Rather open your eyes.

But Xu Rong Fei, has already clenched the quilt, fingernails deeply into the palm of her hand, but she didn't feel it at all, just watched nervously.


Beiqiong sent people to raise their hearts to their voices.

Timid, dare not look at, has bowed his head.

Wang family.

"Good death, good death." Xue Hongmei's eyes were full of blood.

In Japan, in the west, in the United States.

Many of Chen Fan's enemies are ready to cheer and celebrate Chen Fan's death.


A bloody rainbow, twining in flames and thunder, rushes out of the mushroom cloud and tears the sky. The blood rainbow is just like five hundred years ago, the great sage of Qi Tian raised his wand and rushed to the back of gods and Demons all over the sky.

At that moment.

The whole earth is dead!

It's terrible for human beings!

PS: thanks again for the big reward of hjz666, and thank you very much for the many friends who voted for the reward_ n)o , the fastest update of the webnovel!