Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 710

Time goes back two hours.

The United States held a global live broadcast to judge Fang Qiong. Countless people sat in front of TV, computers and mobile phones to watch the live broadcast. According to real-time statistics, 700 million people watched the live broadcast.

Almost one in ten people on earth is watching. It broke the Guinness record at one stroke and equaled the viewing record of CCTV Spring Festival Gala.

But soon, some sporadic news spread on the Internet.

"Today, there is a spectacle in Jincheng. A red light rises from the outskirts and flies to the East."

"Yes, I saw it in Jincheng, too. A lot of people around me said, "are you launching missiles against Japan?"

"I'm not in Jincheng, I'm in Wuzhou, and we also see..."

first, some Chinese netizens are talking about the blood rainbow rushing away. Chen Fan across the sky, flying over several cities, Jincheng, Wuzhou, Zhenhai and so on.

Then, the Japanese Internet began to stir.

"I was on the coast of Shankou County, and I found a battle between US troops and aliens. More than a dozen US planes were shot down by the red alien flying saucer. "

"True or false?"

The video came up.

There was a red light in the air, which destroyed many US planes in an instant. Unfortunately, it was too far away to be seen vaguely. Many people suspect that the video is fake.

Everyone is talking about it.

Shocking news came:

Yokosuka Harbor was attacked and destroyed, and the US aircraft carrier Lincoln sank.

The news shocked the whole Japanese network and spread rapidly. The multi-media of Japan has been shaken. That's Yokosuka, the first military port in East Asia, with tens of thousands of US troops stationed.

The attack there is a big event that shocked the world, especially the sinking of the aircraft carrier. As we all know, aircraft carriers are the lifeblood of the United States. When great events happen all over the world, the first sentence of the president of the United States is always: "where is our aircraft carrier?"

"Russian sneak attack?"

"World War broke out?"

"Aliens attack the earth?"

One thriller after another was marked on the Japanese media. We are all in the process of discussion. The second shocking news is that the Futenma military base in Okinawa has also been destroyed.

Fifteen minutes later, Sasebo base was also destroyed by the attack!

The whole network of Japan is silent!

All of them were petrified and couldn't believe it. If the attack on the port of Yokosuka was an accident, the other two military bases were also attacked, representing the target of the other side, namely the United States.

"This is going to set off a world war!"

There are old people, palm trembling said.

Three U.S. military bases stationed in Japan were destroyed one after another in just half an hour. Tens of thousands of troops, an aircraft carrier warship destroyed, this news, like a bomb, instantly swept the whole world.

Many TV stations are still broadcasting TV dramas, variety shows and so on, all of which have emergency news:

"broadcast the latest news that the US military base has been attacked, the aircraft carrier has sunk, and the identity of the attacker is unknown."

"The Russian government announced this, not by them."

"The Chinese government is silent..."

one world-famous media and TV station after another urgently broadcast news. BBC, CNN, NBC... These TV stations cover more than half of the world's population.

Countless people who are working or leisure shopping are surprised to see the news on TV.

This time, it's not just Japan.

People in Britain, France, Russia, China and almost all other countries saw the news and gloated. Is there another 9 / 11 attack on the United States?

The American people are filled with righteous indignation!

Clamoring to destroy the attacking country or organization completely.

But at this time, the world shaking news came:

the Hawaiian Islands of the United States were attacked. The Pacific Command was destroyed, three aircraft carrier fleets sank, tens of thousands of US troops were killed and injured!

This time, it's not just a text message, it's also a video. They were all taken by tourists from Hawaii. In the video, a blood shadow is seen in the sky, killing everywhere. In his hand, the blade is as long as 100 Zhang, twining thunder and fire, just like the God came into the world.

"What's this?"

Seeing the video, people all over the world were shocked!

It's just like the movie screen, alien invasion of the earth, Godzilla attack on the city, iron man fight Superman... Should not exist in the real world, but he appeared.

This time, the video is clear. You can see clearly that there is a figure in the blood shadow, which is shrouded by layers of blood flame, just like a demon.

"It's not true."

Countless people doubted.

But then, one video after another was released on TV.

Chen Fan destroyed more than ten fighter planes in succession over Shankou County, killed and sank the aircraft carrier in Yokosuka harbor, rampaged in Sasebo base, and destroyed everything in the base of GuamWhen these videos appear one after another, even the most stubborn and conservative people have to admit it. It is not an organization or a country or an alien flying saucer that attacks US military bases, but a person, a living person, who appears in front of people.

At that moment, the world was shaken!

Countless people all over the world are staring at the pictures on TV.

Television stations in more than 100 countries all over the world have stopped all programs and turned their pictures to this issue. All the TV pictures, all the Internet videos, all the news media are broadcasting this shocking attack all over the world.

The members of countless TV stations are in a frenzy. They've never been crazy like this.

Column, planning, live!

These media people and reporters, all pervasive, crazy from all sources to find out who the attacker is in the end? What does he look like? Is it man or God? Why attack US bases.

"In my life, no, since the birth of mankind, nothing like this has ever happened. It is comparable to the explosion of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima, to the outbreak of World War I and World War II, to Watt's invention of the steam engine... "

" it will be the most glorious and spectacular event in the history of mankind, and also a moment that we media people will be proud of all our lives! "

"Anyone who shows up in front of the world in this live broadcast will immediately surpass all the reporters and hosts and become the greatest media person in history. Because this is the moment when a God or Superman comes into the world

George Steven, news director of CNN and three time Pulitzer Prize winner.

In fact, at this time, as Steven said, countless media around the world are playing at the same time. Countless people are sitting in front of computers, TVs and mobile phones, watching this scene.

The number of live broadcast has been rocketing up.

Ten minutes later, it broke the record of Fang Qiong trial, exceeding 700 million.

Twenty minutes later, more than a billion people watched the live broadcast.

Half an hour later, two billion!

This means that almost one out of three people on earth is watching the live broadcast that shocked the world. There was only one thought in everyone's mind:

"who is this man?"


"this is BBC. I'm Kim cassan. According to the urgent collation by our colleagues from the intelligence agency and the news gathering department, we have roughly concluded the origin of Superman. He should come from China. Look at the picture below. "

Blonde pretty, hot figure hostess, in front of the screen, said excitedly.


The audience was stunned.

Even a lot of Chinese people are shocked. Is the superman who continuously overturned four US military bases and five aircraft carrier warships Chinese?

On the TV screen, a series of videos are quickly released.

From Hawaii to Guam, Sasebo, putianma, Yokosuka, and Yamaguchi, many people can see that Chen Fan's attack route runs from west to East.

"But it can't prove that the attacker came from China, maybe Japanese"

many people doubt it.

But then a video appeared on TV.

This video is taken by a mobile phone. It's very fuzzy, but you can see a blood rainbow rising from the mountain and turning to the East. In the video, there is also a scream from the photographer. As long as it's Chinese, you can understand it. It's clearly Chinese, and it seems to be the language of the south.

"According to our analysis of the pictures from the video and the IP address of the uploader. The starting point of the blood rainbow comes from a mountain on the outskirts of Jincheng City in China. "

"It crossed half of China, then flew over the East China Sea to Japan. A series of attacks began. "

"From this analysis, the attackers, 80% likely, are Chinese. We can't even rule out that it's the super soldier secretly cultivated by the Chinese military. "

Kim cassan is serious.

At this moment, the audience rating of the whole BBC TV station rose like a rocket.

Because of this report, the Internet is completely boiling. Chinese netizens, in particular, are just as happy as the Chinese New Year:

"the superman who attacked the United States is actually Chinese. It's a hero! Lao Mei is rampant in the world. It's time to beat her up. "

Only many people familiar with the Chen family were stunned.

That place seems to be Dongshan villas, where the Chen family is... And the most famous Chen family is master Chen in Jiangbei? Is this Superman master Chen of Jiangbei?


Xu Rongfei was stunned when she saw the BBC program.

Next to Ning Xin, he is still chanting, guessing who Superman is and whether he is the legendary Burmese God. But Xu Rong Fei already said: "don't guess, I already know who he is?"

"Who?" Ning Xin is stunned."Chen fan." Princess Xu Rong read these two words gently.

Beishan villa, Wang family.

"It's Chen fan!"

Wang Zhongguo has a strong face.

The other Wang family members, including Xue Hongmei, sat there in silence. Chen Fan's rise from the sky is really touching. He destroyed five US aircraft carrier fleets and destroyed half of the US Navy.

Such a fierce man is beyond human imagination.

"How dare he? How dare he? That's America. "

Wang Keqin's eyes were blank and he said.


People were frightened.

That is the United States, the overlord of the earth, the only superpower in the world, the master of the world!

How dare Chen Fan attack it and declare war on it?

But looking at the video, the bloody rainbow rising from the sky, the unique figure of the sword cutting aircraft carrier. Everyone was speechless.

No matter the Qin family, the Xiao family, the Han family... When they saw the video, they all closed their mouths, their eyes were wide open, and they did not dare to say a word.

When people do not know Lingyun wood, straight to Lingyun road high!

When Chen fan is dormant in the abyss, both Xue Hongmei and Han Hongkun dare to lighten Chen Fan's tiger beard, because they do not know that it is a sleeping dragon. But when the Dragon wakes up and soars to the sky for nine days. Everyone will be shocked by its power and majesty.

Wu Zhou. Su Jia.

Mr. Su looked at the blood shadow of the sword in the video, and his eyes swept below.

Several of his old brothers, as well as his son, Su Zhengde, all drooped their heads and did not dare to look directly at him. Before the Su family, because of Chen Fan's disappearance, the other family and Chen's family made trouble. When Fang Qiong was captured by the United States, many third-generation Su family members, such as Su Qian, also gloated.

Su yanghao could not help sighing:

"our Su family, with three hundred years of good fortune, has just produced a Fang Qiong."

"As a result, my su family didn't know the treasure and pushed her out of the door. But someone for her, with the strength of one person, to shake the United States, challenge the world hegemony! If Fang Qiong were still in the Su family, how could our Su family be so brilliant today? "

They were silent, their heads were lower, and their hearts were full of remorse.

Whether Chen Fan wins or loses this battle, whether he lives or dies, he will be remembered in the annals of history. Because this represents, for the first time, someone will fight against a superpower on their own!

This is an unprecedented feat in human history!

Su Xiao, who is as warm as water, is standing there, looking at the startling figure of the blood rainbow on TV. Her beautiful eyes are full of splendor, and she can't help being crazy.

Which girl doesn't want her lover to be the enemy of the world for her own sake?


different from the ebullient Internet users, all countries in the world and the underground world have fallen into silence at this time.

War is on!

To the surprise of all the countries, chen fan went all out to fight against the United States. Britain, France and Russia were all caught off guard. The whole dark world is dull.

"Chen beixuan is too fierce. He doesn't care about the pressure of public opinion, the threat of nuclear weapons, or the threat of relatives and friends. The United States has miscalculated. "

Someone sighed.

"No, we've all miscalculated." The insight came out and said calmly:

"from the beginning, we were wrong. We use mortals to speculate about the idea of the gods. We think that the gods will obey the will of mortals and scruple about this and that. But we don't know that for the gods, when they look down on the world, are they threatened by human beings? "

"Chen beixuan is a man, not a god!" Another questioned.

"When he soars to the sky and tramples on all the great powers in the world, he becomes a God, standing high and overlooking the gods of the world!" The path of insight.

As soon as this remark came out, the whole forum was dead and silent.

Everyone's heart is stirring, as if witnessing the birth of history.

At this time, a continent has appeared in front of Chen Fan's eyes.

America is here!

PS: Thank you for the million dollar reward from hjz666 alliance. Thank you very much_ ∩)O , the fastest update of the webnovel!