Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 709


The most famous island in the Pacific Ocean is famous for its tourist resorts. Every summer, countless tourists from all over the world come to Hawaii to enjoy the sunshine, beach and bikini beauty.

But at the same time, the island is also the largest U.S. military base overseas. It is the headquarters of the Pacific Fleet, guarding the gateway of the United States and suppressing the entire Pacific. The famous pearl harbor is on Oahu, the third largest island in Hawaii.

More than 60 years ago, Japan sent a fleet to attack the port, creating the world-famous "Pearl Harbor" incident, which eventually enraged the United States to take part in the war and led to the death of the country.

Now, in Pearl Harbor, the sirens are blowing again.

"Alert, alert, all the soldiers immediately enter the combat posts, all the warships immediately enter the sea, so all the planes take off. The enemy is about to arrive at Pearl Harbor. The enemy is about to reach Pearl Harbor... "

the shrill alarm sounds.

Countless US soldiers are running like headless flies.

They have been at ease for decades and never thought that anyone would dare to attack Hawaii.

At this time, not far away from the Pacific Command, underground base.

Many generals looked at the screen with their faces blue. Within an hour, all of their four military bases in East Asia were destroyed. If it wasn't for the satellite photos, they couldn't believe it.

"Devil, this is a devil. Thirty thousand guys and two aircraft carrier fleets were destroyed. " Lieutenant general lane, commander of the 6th Pacific army, said with shaking hands.

"This is a declaration of war against our country and a provocation against the United States, which is worse than that of Japan. We have to fight tooth for tooth, eye for eye, to the end. "

A hawkish major general yelled.

Many generals were filled with indignation.

"This is not the time to denounce. We have to make a judgment. What's Chen beixuan's next move? Stop here, or continue to attack. If he wants to continue, he has to cross the Pacific and attack the US. Hawaii is the gateway to the United States when it rushes. "

Admiral ducao, commander in chief of the Pacific Ocean, sank.

"There are three aircraft carrier fleets in Hawaii. Order them to set sail immediately. The farther away from Hawaii, the better. And get all the soldiers, all ready. Including nuclear weapons, unlock immediately. I've applied to the Ministry of defense, and the code for nuclear weapons will come soon. Now the most important thing is, where is Chen beixuan's position? "

All eyes were on the intelligence officer.

A cold sweat appeared on the intelligence officer's forehead: "before, the satellite could capture Chen beixuan, but after he entered the Western Pacific, he disappeared. At sea, it's too hard to capture him. We need time

"Not good."

As soon as the intelligence officer said this, Admiral ducao's face changed.

But by this time, it's too late.


Only a thunderous sound was heard.

A startling blood rainbow fell from the sky and landed over Pearl Harbor.

Chen Fan unexpectedly crossed thousands of kilometers and arrived in Hawaii. Many generals were cold at the same time. You know, chen fan was in Guam not long ago.

Guam is 3000 kilometers away from Hawaii. It's a sonic fighter. It takes two or three hours to fly.

How many times is Chen Fan's degree?

Five times? Six times?

People can't imagine.

But the attack has come.


The purple electric knife, twining with bloody flame and electric light, straddles the sky and splits on the Nixon aircraft carrier who wants to leave the port. This nuclear powered aircraft carrier, which has been in service for decades, was killed and sunk in Pearl Harbor with a cry of sadness.

"Bang bang."

A missile shot out, such as the sky sword, directly at chen fan.

The attack from Hawaii is much stronger than that from Guam and Yokosuka. After all, they are ready to fight. But at Chen Fan's present level, ordinary missiles are no longer in his eyes.


His long knife in the void a row, pull out a vertical and horizontal Baizhang knife field. All the missiles in the knife area are destroyed by the strong air and explode in the air.

Chen Fan Ren's sword, however, turned into a long rainbow and crossed thousands of feet in an instant.

"Boom boom!"

Dozens of fireballs burst up in the sky at the same time.

These fireballs were fighters that had just taken off to meet the enemy, including several F22 stealth fighters. However, in front of Chen Fan's attack, they could not resist at all, and they were chopped up in the air instantly.

"Too strong... Too strong."

Many US soldiers watching the battle on the ground were cold hearted.

Their antiaircraft guns, machine guns, and cannons can't help Chen fan. Even Chen Fan couldn't get close to his body for ten meters, so he was burned into copper juice by the bloody flame. The missile that could barely threaten Chen Fan was blasted from a long distance.

"It's a demon coming into the world."Some generals, in the underground base, see through the camera, their legs tremble.

"Order the gun to fire immediately." Admiral ducao said grimly.

In order to be just in case, the U.S. armed with the latest electromagnetic gun on the aircraft carrier Truman, which is propelled by the power of nuclear power reactor, is so powerful that the Ares team.


A three meter long alloy spear was fired by an electromagnetic gun. In an instant, he broke twenty times the sound and shot at chen fan. But the Truman aircraft carrier, because of this attack, was directly recoiled several meters.

"Tear it."

The spear broke through the sky and pulled out a long white mark. This white mark could not be caught by the naked eye. Almost when the Truman fired, the spear had already rushed in front of Chen fan, as if it had broken through time.

"Is that your card in America?"

Chen Fan's eyes were cold, and he stretched out a hand in the inconceivable.

The hand came out after it was clear, but it came first. It was held on a metal spear.


The power of terror explodes between the palms of your fingers. The alloy spear is enough to pierce the aircraft carrier, and Chen Fansheng holds it. Although it vibrates violently, it still can't move forward.


People who see this scene take a breath.

"That's enough to shoot through the 10 meter thick steel plate. He caught it empty handed?" Cried Lieutenant Ryan, incredulous.

And Admiral ducao's face has gone crazy:

"no, Truman..."

it's too late.

Chen fan holds an alloy spear in his hand. His body bends slightly, pulls it into a bow, and then shoots it out.


There's a huge sound barrier cloud blowing up in the air. The alloy spear shot back with the same degree as before, and instantly shot on the Truman aircraft carrier. This aircraft carrier made of steel is far less rigid than Chen Fan's body.

Almost in an instant, it was chiseled through.

From above the middle deck, there was a huge hole. The hole is ten meters in size and extends all the way down. All decks, armor, cabins were destroyed. After penetrating the Truman, the alloy spear penetrated the ocean and deep into the sea floor.

The fourth carrier, the Truman, sank.

A minute later, three kilometers away from the port, the Roosevelt, the fifth aircraft carrier of the U.S. Army, was cut in half by Chen Fan with a sword. The ship split in the middle of hundreds of meters and sank into the sea.

So far, the entire Pacific fleet of five aircraft carriers, all silent.

Almost half of the U.S. Navy is lost!


The whole underground base is dead. All the generals, staring at the screen. On the screen, chen fan is in Pearl Harbor, killing people. The Dao Qi runs across the sky and plows the whole Oahu Island.

Countless coconut trees, tropical plants, buildings and fortifications were torn to pieces by the fury of knife air.

Many warships anchored in Pearl Harbor were sunk into the Pacific Ocean one after another. A fighter plane, just into the air, was cut down by flying sword. The whole Pearl Harbor turned into a sea of blood, garrisoned by the U.S. military, with heavy casualties.

"Even 60 years ago, Japan's sneak attack... Did not cause such damage."

Lieutenant general lane.

And Admiral ducao, who had already clenched his fists, said, "I want to inform the Ministry of defense immediately. I want the authorization of nuclear weapons. I want to blow this demon to ashes!"

Here in Hawaii, hundreds of nuclear warheads are stored.

Unfortunately, the Pacific Command does not have the power to launch nuclear weapons. They need the authorization of the Department of defense and the White House to launch these weapons.

"Yes, sir."

Officers are frantic about information.

Many generals were furious, waiting for the moment of nuclear authorization, they fired nuclear missiles and blasted chen fan to pieces. Even at the expense of the entire Pacific Fleet and Hawaii, their underground base can withstand a nuclear explosion.


At this time, a sudden violent vibration came from the top of the head.

"What's the matter?"

The general's face changed.

"Sir, that man is attacking the base!" The intelligence officer turned his head pale.

As soon as they looked at it, they saw that on the screen, Chen Fangao was flying high in the sky, holding a thunderbolt knife in his hand, chopping down in the air and cutting down on a mountain.

The Pacific Command was built under an extinct volcano in Oahu.

"Boom! Boom

With Chen Fan's cutting, the whole mountain began to shake, although in the base tens of meters underground, people still felt the earth shaking.

"He's crazy. Is he going to destroy the whole volcano?" Cried Lieutenant Ryan.

In fact, chen fan is really ready to do so.Although the Pacific Command is deeply hidden, chen fan's thoughts are all over the island. How can these generals in military uniform and shining stars not be seen?


Chen fanzhenyuan gushes out crazily, and the purple electric sword turns into a magic sword more than 300 meters long. Surrounded by thunder and fire, the blood flame billows between heaven and earth. It's the Hawaiian tourists who are far away on other islands who have witnessed all this with their own eyes.


The magic knife cut the whole mountain in the air. Dao mang goes tens of meters deep underground, spreads solid concrete, and destroys the whole military base. Admiral ducao hardly had time to say a word when he was stirred to pieces by the air of the knife.

Under a knife.

US Pacific Command destroyed!

Hundreds of thousands of international tourists, on the nearby islands, stare at all this, looking at the bloody figure standing in the sky, vertical and horizontal, killing all sides.

Watch Chen Fan destroy the whole Pearl Harbor; watch Chen Fan cut off three aircraft carriers; watch Chen Fan cut the mountain and destroy the base; watch Chen Fan finish all this and fly to the United States.

"It's going to be a big deal. Earth shaking event

Said an old tourist.

In fact, the whole world has been turned upside down by Chen Fan's series of attacks. This time, not only the high-level and underground world of various countries, but also billions of human beings are shocked by it!

PS: the third shift is here. Today it will be the third shift. Tomorrow we will try to finish writing the * * and finally we will ask for the monthly ticket_ n)o , the fastest update of the webnovel!