Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 708

When Chen Fan rose from the sky. At the same time, it has been trained by police. Numerous satellites aimed at Dongshan, accurately captured the blood awn. In fact, this time Chen Fan didn't hide anything at all.

The rainbow of blood that runs through the heaven and the earth tears the sky, and flies wildly from the sky.

Countless people raised their heads and caught the blood. At first, people just thought it was some kind of plane, or rainbow. Sporadic people took videos and went to the Internet. But at this time, the eyes of the whole world are all focused on the trial, and no one pays attention at all.

"Tear it."

Chen Fan's degree how fast, break through the sound barrier, with two or three times the sound, flying in the air. It soon left China and entered the East China Sea. He made a turning point and flew directly to Japan, aiming at Tokyo.

Since the war began, he had to give the United States enough warning, so that the United States would not be afraid.


A sharp alarm sounded in the Japanese command center.

Japan's defense minister, looking at the screen with a blue face, the red awn is as red as blood.

"Damn, it's the Americans who arrest his fiancee. What's Chen beixuan doing in Japan?" Everyone was in a panic. Chen fan was able to kill the fleet empty handed and defeat the armored division alone. Now he comes in anger. What resistance does Japan take?

"Sir, will our fighters take off immediately to intercept?" A major general asked.

"No take-off, no take-off!" The defense minister jumped up and cried, "immediately inform the US forces in Japan that they have caused this incident, and the United States must solve it."

In fact, US warplanes stationed at putianma airport have taken off in an emergency.

More than a dozen F16 and F15 fighters, starting to the maximum, went to intercept chen fan. The United States has long been ready to fight. All major bases on the earth are on alert. But they did not expect that Chen Fan really dare to come out, suddenly caught by surprise.

"Warning, warning, the front is Japanese territory, you must immediately stop moving, otherwise it will be regarded as an act of war..." U.S. aircraft saw Chen Fan from a distance, and began to send out police training.


Blood rainbow in the air a fold, instant to several times the degree of sound, burst from.

"Bang bang."

Almost immediately, these F16 fighters had no time to escape, so they were chopped to pieces by Xuehong. Next, the blood rainbow kept on rushing.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

One plane after another turned into fireballs under the blood rainbow.

Chen Fan didn't use the flying sword magic at all. He just rushed over with his body and smashed these sound fighters into two pieces. They don't want to escape. They all fall before the missiles are released.

But in half a minute, more than a dozen US fighter planes were wiped out.

After killing chen fan, he continued to rush to Tokyo.

This war happened to be born over Japan. Many Japanese people below are staring at this scene. Someone has already used a mobile phone to take a picture of the air battle with only a few seconds.

"This... This is an alien invasion?"

There's a voice.

Although separated by thousands of meters, I can't see what the blood rainbow is. But they saw more than a dozen US fighter planes fall. On this earth, except for the legendary aliens, who dares to shoot down the American plane?

At this time, the U.S. military base in Japan, the Pacific Fleet headquarters, and the U.S. Pentagon sounded a series of pungent alarms.

More than a dozen planes were destroyed in an instant, shaking the entire US military command center.

The U.S. Department of defense, Secretary Arnold, is looking at the screen with a serious face. On the screen, a dazzling red dot is passing through the land of Japan and heading for Tokyo.

Japan's land is narrow, but only a few hundred kilometers. In front of Chen fan, it almost passes in a flash.

"Mr. Minister, I have ordered all fighters in Japan to take off. Chen beixuan must be stopped. He must not rush into Tokyo. We must protect our allies." "As long as we can stop him in Japan for half an hour, our F22 fighters from the base in Guam will arrive," the US commander in Japan reported

"No... his target is not Tokyo, but Yokosuka."

Minister Arnold looked at the screen, one by one like a moth to the fire, instantly disappeared fighter, suddenly changed his expression.


All the people were shocked and swept to the map, their faces changed greatly: "it seems that the aircraft carrier Lincoln has not yet sailed out of Yokosuka harbor!"

Yokosuka port.

This port, located at the forefront of Tokyo Bay, is the gateway of Tokyo and the first military port in East Asia.

The U.S. aircraft carrier fleet normally stops here. Today, the Lincoln is ordered to go to sea. By the time the aircraft carrier fleet went out, things were so complicated that so far, the aircraft carrier Lincoln had just left the port for hundreds of meters.

"Today, somehow, they ordered red alert and the aircraft carrier went to sea. Is Russia crazy to attack Japan Sergeant David murmured.Most American soldiers have no idea what they are fighting for.

"Don't worry, the Russians are in Eastern Europe, we are pressing them step by step. With ten courage, he didn't dare to come. Unless he wants to start a world war. "

John, the second lieutenant, laughed.

"Woo woo."

At this time, a harsh alarm sounded. David and John face a change, this alarm, on behalf of the enemy attack. The enemy is about to attack the port of Yokosuka. But neither David nor John is familiar with the alarm.

Because the last time the US military attacked the harbor, it was the Pearl Harbor Incident 60 years ago.

"Strange, where is the enemy? Did you pull the wrong alarm? "

David said.

Many American soldiers rushed out of the room with doubts on their faces.


All of a sudden, a sound like thunder resounded over Yokosuka harbor. Just like a fighter plane pulling through the low altitude, people can't help looking up and see that a blood rainbow across the sky splits the whole sky over Tokyo Bay in two, coming from west to East and stopping in the sky.

In the blood rainbow, there is a figure standing aloof.

The figure was burning with blood like a demon from hell.

"This is...

countless US soldiers were stunned, looking at the blood shadow standing in the sky. But the Lincoln aircraft carrier, saw the blood shadow for a moment, as if someone else kicked in the buttock, madly started, wanted to escape to the sea.


In the shadow of blood came a cold voice.

Then, a magic knife wrapped with purple electricity and thunder and fire from heaven and earth, hundreds of feet long, fell from the sky and fell on the aircraft carrier Lincoln.

This nuclear powered aircraft carrier, with a capacity of 10 million tons of water and a length of 333 meters, covered with alloy armor, was cut into two pieces like tofu in front of the purple electric knife and sank into the sea.


Many American soldiers, take a breath.

It's an aircraft carrier. It represents the most powerful conventional force on earth. It can suppress the existence of a country one by one. It's also the symbol and lifeblood of the United States. It's loaded with thousands of soldiers and hundreds of fighter planes, and it's just like this, it's cut down by the blood shadow?

Some people can't help taking this scene and posting it on the Internet.

At this time, the sound of daddada sounded. Many soldiers reacted and began to attack chen fan. We also need a missile to shoot at the sky and point at chen fan.

But when Chen Fan's long sword was broken, it danced in the air, and the Qi of the sword was thousands of Zhang.

All of a sudden, the whole hengxuhe harbor turned into a thunder sea hell. Countless thunder and lightning from the sky, a knife gas, split warships, chop houses, tear the sea.

Yokosuka port is not big, only a small town.

In front of Chen Fan's Dao Qi, all the buildings, buildings and fortifications were turned into pieces. Those warships in the harbor were all hacked into the Pacific Ocean by Chen fan. As for missiles and the like, they were killed in the air before they hit chen fan.

Ten minutes later.

Chen fan stops attacking and goes away again.

The surviving soldiers, however, got up from the ground and swept away in dismay.

Yokosuka, once the largest military port in East Asia, is now in ruins, with tens of warships and tens of thousands of soldiers. We can't find a complete building.


The pager sounded: "this is the US Pacific Command. Our department has issued a warning that the enemy is about to attack Yokosuka port. You should be ready to fight immediately and warn again that the enemy is about to attack Yokosuka port..."

marine staff sergeant David shakes out the pager and responds calmly:

"report, sir, Yokosuka port has been destroyed... Tens of thousands of soldiers, and The fleet of the Lincoln is completely destroyed

"The enemy... Only one!"


the destruction of Yokosuka port shocked the whole United States and many major countries in the world almost instantaneously.

How dare someone attack an American aircraft carrier? It's a declaration of war on the United States. In particular, Yokosuka port, known as the No.1 Military port in East Asia, is the largest base for the United States to suppress Japan and control East Asia. Tens of thousands of elite soldiers are stationed in Yokosuka port, but it's gone?

Chen Fan's terror is truly displayed in front of the world.

This is like the destructive power of nuclear weapons, so that all people are unprepared.

But this is the beginning. Since the war broke out, chen fan would never show mercy. If the United States does not kill, how can it eliminate the anger of beixuan xianzun?

Ten minutes later.

The U.S. Futenma airport in Japan was devastated, and hundreds of fighter planes were destroyed by Chen fan.

In half an hour.

The Sasebo naval base on Kyushu Island was attacked by Chen fan again, thousands of US soldiers were killed, and the whole Sasebo naval base was sunk into the Pacific Ocean.

45 minutes later.The U.S. military base in Guam was flattened, and tens of thousands of U.S. soldiers were killed and wounded. The Carter fleet was overtaken by Chen Fan ten kilometers away from the sea in a hurry, and all 17 warships, including the Carter, were killed.

However, in just one hour, the United States lost four military bases, 30000 soldiers and two aircraft carrier fleets. And this is just the beginning.

The rainbow of blood tears the sky and points to Hawaii! , the fastest update of the webnovel!