Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 707

How powerful is the media power of the United States? When the trial began, almost all TV stations in more than 100 countries all over the world began to broadcast it. ??

beiqiong group is a new company, which is famous all over the world by virtue of the effect of life Yuanye, and known as "Oriental magic water". People who are sought after and bought by many countries are highly praised, indicating that there are indeed good changes in the body.

But in the last month, after the hot speculation in the western world, a layer of dirty water has been poured down. Many of the "victims" went on TV, tearful, and talking about the harm of life fluids. Such as damage to children's intelligence, drinking too much will be disabled, cancer, doping and so on.

All of a sudden, beiqiong group changed from a high-tech company with excellent reputation to a cheater company that seeks to make money and kill people.

"Public trial? It's time! This kind of swindler company should be sentenced to death from top to bottom! "

"Look at her. She's beautiful. She's so mean."

"Shoot this woman who kills countless people."

All over the world, countless people watching the trial live broadcast curse and clap their hands. Only a small number of people who had drunk the life yuan liquid and deeply felt the changes in their bodies expressed their objection, but their number was too small and they were soon inundated by the spring tide.

Yanjing, Film Academy.

Ning Xin, holding the computer, suddenly exclaimed: "concubine, isn't Fang Qiong, the general manager of beiqiong group, Chen beixuan's fiancee last time? She was publicly tried in the United States. "


Concubine Xu Rong was surprised and turned to look.

In the screen, the woman in white is better than snow. Isn't it Fang Qiong?

Xu Rong's heart is tight. She knows Chen Fan very well and knows Fang Qiong's position in Chen Fan's heart. But now that the United States dares to publicly try Fang Qiong, doesn't that mean chen fan is in danger?

Jincheng, Fangjia villa.

Watching her daughter on TV, Su Su sobbed, holding Fang Mingde's arm and crying.

Fang Mingde also looks very blue, his fists are clenched, and he stares at the screen. It was their only daughter, their only child, the pride of their life.

But now it is placed on the bench to accept the verdict of the world, and even more to sentence the death penalty, nailed to the historical stigma column!

Beishan, Wangjia villa.

Wang Keqin was overjoyed: "Dad, mom. The United States has made a move. Fang Qiong will be tried in public. With Chen's character, I'm sure I'll be soft on Fang who is such a treasure. "

"Well, well, it's better to sentence Fang to death, and I'll let the little bastard taste the loss of his family!" Xue Hongmei smiles maliciously.

Many Wangs were jubilant.

Only Wang Zhongguo frowned. Chen Fan didn't look like the person under threat.

In Zhonghai, Hong Kong Island, Wuzhou and Chuzhou, countless people who knew or did not know Fang Qiong saw the woman standing on the bench through the TV screen.

Countless people stop what they are doing and watch in silence.

This is the most watched and influential trial in human history. In terms of scale, even the Tokyo Trial in World War II, there are at least one billion people watching the whole earth at the same time, and the number is increasing.

All the underground forums were silent, and many strong people looked at each other:

"this is going to make a big noise!"


the trial began soon.

The nine highest officials in the United States preside over the court. They have a high status and enjoy lifelong power. They can judge the president and any country or company in the world.

"Suspect Fang Qiong, you have been charged with 56 counts of murder, crimes against humanity, manufacturing and selling toxic drugs, and endangering the world. The beiqiong group under your leadership has committed heinous crimes all over the world, resulting in the death of millions of people. Do you plead guilty? "

Susan Ryan, the only woman in the middle, said solemnly.

"I refuse to plead guilty. All those charges were planted on me and beiqiong group by countries all over the world. I am invited by Brooke, chairman of star ring group, to visit the United States. What right does the United States have to arrest me? "

Fang Qiong raised her head with a firm expression.

"You mean the charges are false. These 1548 people died by quoting the life yuan liquid. They are all slanders. The evidence of France, Germany, Britain, Japan and other big countries is forged. "

Susan Ryan, there was a trace of contempt in her eyes.

In the jury, there was a burst of ridicule. What company can make more than a dozen big countries together produce false evidence and slander? No matter how powerful a company is, it's also an ant in front of a big country.


Fang Qiong is resolute.


during the trial.

Innumerable news also passed through Kunlun to beiqiongge.

"The Pentagon of the United States has issued the highest combat readiness alert. All the missiles are launched, all the warships are out of the port, and all the troops are mobilized. The U.S. Department of defense has issued an order not to hesitate to go to war. "

"The Lincoln, located in Yokosuka, Japan, is leaving the port.""Five nuclear submarines anchored at the military base in Guam have disappeared and are suspected to have entered the sea of Japan."

"Dozens of B-2 stealth bombers from California Air Force base have taken off and are heading west..."

one by one, people in beiqiongge look more dignified. All these news indicate that the United States has done a good job of general mobilization and is willing to fight a nuclear war.

"Sir, the special envoy of the United States has arrived in Yanjing. He said that it is a pity that the blood sea incident is a misunderstanding and will never happen in the future. I hope there is no contradiction between me and you. Miss Fang Qiong will not be hurt in the trial, but she will be a guest in the United States for a period of time... "

old Qinglong stammered.


Ah Xiu and others have been scolding.

On the one hand, the United States is at war and shows its determination. At the same time, Fang Qiong threatens chen fan. The United States said it would be a guest for a period of time, but how long.

A year? decade? a hundred years?

Wang Xiaoyun and others are worried about the future.

Once Chen Fan accepts this threat, the United States will be even more unscrupulous next time, believing that it will seize Chen Fan's weakness and advance by an inch.

Chen Fan did not speak, just silently looking at the screen, the trial is still continuing.


"... Here are many witnesses who can prove that they all suffered from various kinds of disabilities, sudden diseases and even mental decline after drinking life yuan liquid."

**Susan Ryan continued.

Witness after witness, go to court.

They come from all over the world, including British, Japanese and French. Most of them are from India. A thin man with obscene limbs denounced beiqiong group in tears. They said that the whole village drank the life yuan liquid, and he was the only one who survived in the end.

Fang Qiong looks at all this coldly.

She didn't retort, although beiqiong group didn't sell a bottle of life Yuanye into India. But Fang Qiong knows that it's useless to say this. On this bench, there is only power and no justice. This is international politics.

"Next, in addition to the charges against you, there is a special charge against your fiance. The Japanese government accused your fiance of murdering thousands of soldiers and committing a heinous murder in Japan

Susan Ryan said suddenly.

Fang Qiong's pretty face changed slightly.

And in front of the TV screen, people who know the inside all change their faces. Anyone who knows Fang Qiong knows who her fiance is.

Chen fan!

The United States even has to file a lawsuit against Chen fan.

Although Susan Ryan didn't say Chen Fan clearly, the whole dark world knew who she was referring to.

Yanjing, Film Academy.

Ning heartbeats up and says: "is that surname Chen also caught by the United States? Isn't he very good? Why is it so useless? "

Xu Rongfei said no, just staring at the screen, but her lower lip has been bitten out of blood.


Ning Su Su also looked alarmed: "Chen fan can't do it. Xiao Qiong has already gone in. If he wants something else, who will save my daughter? "

Fang Mingde did not speak and his face was livid.

Ning Su Su sees this, a heart like falls valley bottom.

Beishan, in Wang's villa.

Countless children of the Wang family have been boiling like an ocean.

"Well, well, it's better to sentence all the Chen family to death to relieve my hatred, my poor grandson." Old lady Xue Hongmei said fiercely.

And in Yanjing, in London, in Paris, in various forums.

Many people with far-reaching vision have seen the purpose of the United States.

"They are building up momentum and exerting public opinion pressure on Chen beixuan. Once the eyes of the world come together, seven billion people on earth are watching the trial. Does Chen beixuan dare to rush over and rescue Fang Qiong? "

"The people who planned this live broadcast are too smart. Chen beixuan can not be afraid of the United States, but he can not be afraid of the whole world? Once the evidence is established, the mallet falls to the ground. Fang Qiong is a sinner of all ages. Chen beixuan's going to save her is to save a murderer, a big devil! It will be condemned by the whole world and become the enemy of the whole world! "

"Chen beixuan is going to give in!"

There are countless voices.

Including the Qin family, Han family, Xiao family and other big family heads, all draw similar conclusions.

"After all, the United States is the world's hegemony. It's too skillful to kill people by public opinion." Old Xiao sighed.

Xiao Xuan bowed his head, but there was a trace of pleasure in his eyes.

At this time, the United States, Capitol Hill.

Among the senators who have the most power and even can impeach the president of the United States, countless senators are talking enthusiastically.

Deputy president of the Senate, from the Lancaster family, Mr. Lancaster Cruz stood up and said:

"today, you will remember it in history. Let's drink to all the magistrates of the Supreme Court, to the great laws of the United States, and to many of our colleagues"Netbsp; many councillors, raise your glasses at the same time.

These big men who control the whole United States and even the whole world are shining with wisdom in their eyes. They firmly believe that they can tame a rebellious Oriental Dragon by political means.


"... Sir, the latest news is coming from the United States, if you don't accept the settlement. They will fight to the end, not hesitate to put in nuclear weapons and fight a world war. And Miss Fang Qiong will also be tried and sentenced to death. "

Old green dragon worried.

"The United Kingdom, France, Russia and other countries have all come to make notes. I hope you can take the overall situation into consideration from the perspective of human beings. It's better to accept the peace talks for the time being. Once nuclear weapons are opened, the whole world will be destroyed. "

Ye Nantian also rushed to bring the latest information.

Wang Xiaoyun and others are all pale and ugly.

Britain, France, Russia, Germany, Japan... Almost all the powerful countries in the world have sent messages. If Chen fan does not comply with their will, he will be the enemy of the whole world.

Li Muchen, whom I haven't seen for a long time, also came here:

"... The country also hopes you can calm down and negotiate a settlement."

The whole beiqiong Pavilion is dead. Even Hua Yunfeng can't bear it. At this moment, the whole world stands on the opposite side of Chen fan, and he has no more help.

Countless eyes converge on Chen fan, waiting for his decision.

As long as Chen fan is willing to bow his head and step back, the war will subside. If he wants to hold on to the end, no one knows how far the event will go.

Chen fan is still standing there silently, looking at the scene on the screen.

"... Miss Fang Qiong, if you are willing to admit the 56 charges you have been convicted of. Then the charges against your fiance will be dropped. "

**Susan Ryan, the officer, looks at Fang Qiong with the eyes of a beast looking at the prey falling into the trap.

Fang Qiong stood there alone, thin.

Through the screen, countless people have caught a trace of hesitation and struggle in her eyes.

"Xiao Fan."

Wang Xiaoyun cried, his eyes full of worry.

At this moment, chen fan finally moved.

He turned around, walked slowly to Wang Xiaoyun and Chen Kexing, bowed his head and said:

"parents, please forgive me for my caprice. I know that in recent years, what I have done has disturbed your peaceful life and made you live in fear all the time. But I have to be willful again...

he raised his head and his eyes were agitated:

"Fang Qiong is my wife, my lover and my Taoist partner. She died for me. I promised to protect her for the rest of her life. This time, I don't want to give in. "

Wang Xiaoyun said nothing, while Chen Kexing next to him nodded his head firmly and said, "you are a man. You should make the choice you should have, and don't care about us."

Chen Fan's eyes swept over all the people in beiqiong. Xue Daisha, a Xiu, an Ya and others nodded one after another. Chen Huaian also smiles with encouragement in his eyes.

He took a long breath, turned and walked to the door of the hall.

Chen fan knows that when he takes this step, the world will never be the same again. The trend of the whole human civilization will have unprecedented changes because of today. Countless people will open their eyes and witness all this. Even nuclear war may explode and the earth will be destroyed.

"But without Joan, what's the point of this earth... And me?"

Chen Fan's eyes are cold, and step by step, the more ethereal the breath is, and there is a faint blood flame burning around him.

"What do you want to do, Mr. Chen?"

Lao Qinglong, Li Muchen and others are uneasy.

Chen Fan went out to beiqiongge, looked at the sky, turned back and showed a smile:

"go to pick up my wife, and by the way, tell the people of this star that they have lost their awe of power for too long, and they have forgotten the power of our generation!"

With that, chen fan rose from the sky in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, turned into a bloody rainbow running through the sky and the earth, instantly broke the sound barrier, and shot away in the direction of the United States.

That day.

Millions of people in Jincheng looked up and saw the rainbow that split the sky in two.

That blood rainbow is so rebellious and rampant, invincible!

"Last night I was in the world of mortals, and my whole life was muddy. Today I rise up in the sky, and I am full of joy! '


PS: I have written two million words, and I have finally written this moment. Last night, the author did not dare to write, because the state is not good, afraid to write the charm of this chapter. Next, the great revolution of the whole earth is finally coming. The author uses two million words to pave the way for this dream, hoping to write a picture in his heart. In this chapter, the author will not separate the 43oo words. Let's read it in one breath_ n)o , the fastest update of the webnovel!