Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 706

When Chen Fan appeared in Dongshan, the first person to get the news was the CIA's underground forum. In this happy land of the dark world, countless people are paying attention to this war. The confrontation between the Holy See and the northern Qiong school will determine the world's belonging.

"Who do you think wins and who loses?"

Someone asked.

"It must be the Holy See. Francis, the Holy One, is the first of the nine archbishops of the holy land. Without Chen beixuan, the northern Qiong sect is definitely not the rival of the Holy See. "

Many people cut off the railway.

Rafael, the technician of scarlet wings, even set up a live broadcast. Through the members of the mercenary regiment of scarlet wings on the front line, he broadcast the first battle of Dongshan for the whole forum.

"I'll go. Is there a Dixian in beiqiong school?"

"Where did the old man come from? I've never heard of him."

"Fortunately, the Vatican has hidden a hand, and there are angels hiding. The Vatican has a deep foundation, worthy of being the first force in the world."

At the beginning of the war, there were twists and turns. The emergence of Chen Huai'an and Allen shocked the world. No one thought that there were two more immortals.

Just when everyone thought that the northern Qiong school would be defeated, chen fan's appearance shocked everyone.

At that moment, the whole forum was quiet.

"What did I see, Chen beixuan?"

After a long time, there was a person trembling post.

Then, the whole forum exploded like an explosion, and countless Posts came out to express their amazement and shock. How can chen fan come back alive after he died under nuclear weapons?

Countless Western powers howled and lamented the appearance of Chen fan.

Next, the whole live video is Chen Fan's solo show. He even cut many holy places, killed the saints, imprisoned Aaron, and cleaned countless people with thunder.

"Fortunately, I didn't go to beiqiongpai."

A lot of people are making happy voices.

More people are in shock. This is the first time they see Chen Fan's full strength. The power of breaking mountains and tearing up the sky is shaking everyone.

"This is the first person in the world. This is Chen beixuan."

Many people bowed their heads.

"Even a million ton hydrogen bomb can't kill him. What else can threaten Chen beixuan?" An old master uttered a lament. Suddenly, the whole forum was silent.

Hydrogen bomb is already the most powerful weapon in the world. Although there are still tens of millions of tons or even hundreds of millions of tons of nuclear weapons, it is too difficult to hit chen fan again after having learned a lesson.

"I'm afraid Chen beixuan will stand up in the world after this battle, and no one will restrain him any more."

Black and white the demon hunter exclaimed.

"By the way, the United States seems to have caught Chen beixuan's fiancee and is going to have a trial."

Suddenly someone called.

Countless people look at each other.

Yes, Fang Qiong is still in the hands of the Americans? With Chen beixuan's character, we must repay him. Is Chen beixuan going to war with the United States? This is a world shaking event, far more than death.


Yanjing, Wang's mansion in Beishan.

As early as when Chen Fan disappeared, Mr. Wang announced that he would take a rest and no longer care about family affairs. Now everything is presided over by Wang Keqin.

In recent days, Wang Keqin's face is full of happiness, and all the people in the Wang family are also happy. Especially old lady Xue Hongmei, after hearing that Chen Fan died, she even ate several small bowls of rice. Even say God bless, even the United States can't look down, to drop a bomb to kill that little bastard.

"Dad, today, I heard that the Vatican is going to climb the gate of beiqiongshan and ask for a crime."

At the dinner table, Wang Keqin asked.

"We're not involved in the underground world. That's what Kunlun and ye Qingcang should be in charge of. " Wang Zhongguo, on the one hand, mixed vegetables, on the other hand, said.

"Chen finally died. In the end, all his family died to avenge the small town." Xue Hongmei hates the way.

"When Chen Fan died, the heavy burden on our Wang family finally disappeared."

Wang Keshan, the second, snorted coldly.

Wang Chenchen, a little girl, listened and bowed her head silently. She is very fond of that little brother chen fan. But everyone was condemning her. She couldn't speak out.

At this time, Wang Keqin's phone rings suddenly. Wang Keqin answers with a smile, his face suddenly changes.

"What's the matter, boss, is the beiqiong sect destroyed?" Xue Hongmei said with a smile.

Wang Keqin put down his mobile phone stiffly and said: "Chen beixuan is back."

When this sentence was uttered, the whole hall was quiet. Everyone's chopsticks are all in the air. The smile on Xue Hongmei's face seemed to solidify. It was Wang Zhongguo, whose palms trembled slightly.

"Chen fan is back?"

The news was like a bolt from the blue.

The Wangs did not know what to do. Xue Hongmei was bereaved. There were many two and three generations in a mess. Even the eldest Wang Keqin looked at the old man for help.

Wang Zhongguo took a crutch and said in a deep voice:"What's the matter? With me, the Wang family can't fall down."

But for all that, Wang Keqin was still shaking with fright. After all, he claimed that he would hand over the high-level management of beiqiong to the United States. With Chen Fan's repaying character, will you let him go?

"That's all. Now we can only see what the United States has said."

Wang Zhongguo shook his head, his eyes full of disappointment for his eldest son.

At this time, his heart more regret. If Chen Fan's family had been treated better at that time, the unicorn would have been Wang's.


not only in the Wang family, but also in many big families. After receiving the news, many people were out of their wits and couldn't believe it.

"That's nuclear weapons. Chen beixuan escaped from nuclear weapons. Is he still human?"

Han Junli blurted out.

Many senior members of the Han family are dignified. They know better than Han Junli what it means for Chen fan to come back alive. This means that nuclear weapons may not be able to kill chen fan, and the deterrent power of the big powers in the world to Chen fan is greatly reduced in an instant.

"Juntu, immediately ban your brother and send someone to beiqiong to apologize to the Chen family."

The master of the Han family ordered.

"Yes. Grandfather

Han juntu bowed his head.

Xiao family, Qin family and other big families quickly make adjustments, send someone to apologize to Chen fan, explain what they did before, but they still keep hands, did not go in person.

"At this time, the United States is coming with great power, and may not give in. If two tigers fight against each other, there must be one injury. In my opinion, Chen beixuan may not be an opponent of the United States. "

Xiao Changfeng analysis.

Xiao Xuan and others nodded.

No matter how powerful chen fan is, the opposite is the United States, the earth's overlord. No matter how you look at this war, chen fan has no chance of winning.

Although many big powers were shocked by Chen Fan's return, they shook their heads one after another when they made an analysis:

"Chen beixuan disappeared for a month before he came back. He was obviously under nuclear weapons and was seriously injured. That means nuclear weapons can still kill him. Last time it was one million tons, next time it could be ten million tons or even hundreds of millions of tons. "

"The United States has the most powerful nuclear arsenal in the world. If they want to, they can blow up Chen beixuan 10 or 100 times."

"In order to defend the hegemony of the world, the United States will not give in."

In fact, within the United States, many of the same hardliners sounded:

"if one hydrogen bomb doesn't solve Chen beixuan, we'll throw ten."

"This time, we can't stand back. Chen beixuan, who must be pressed, has to bow his head and give way. Otherwise, how can we be the world's hegemony?"

"Order the aircraft carrier to go all the way to the East Pacific and keep all nuclear submarines, strategic bombers and intercontinental missiles on alert. This time, we will fight to the end!"

Many hawk forces, including many large American consortia, are operating and pushing the US side forward one after another. Among them, the Lancaster family is the most active. After all, chen fan has a grudge against the Lancaster family.

America, an unknown valley.

In the valley underground, a base full of future science fiction, there are several bald men discussing with each other. These men have fair skin and transparent blood vessels. They can see the light blue blood inside, and their eyes are shining blue.

"Lord Brooke, Chen beixuan came back alive."

"It seems that we underestimated Chen beixuan's strength. It's really hard to kill him when he is away from the center of the explosion through the sea of blood."

"The next time you want to lure him into the nuclear explosion zone, it's too difficult. Be careful of Chen beixuan's revenge."

Several wise men reviewed, and standing in the center, a man with deep blue eyes slowly said: "it's OK, we still have the last card. As long as we master her, we will master Chen beixuan's lifeblood."

"What you mean is..."

all the wise people look at each other and see the excitement in each other's eyes.


at this time, the fighting stopped on the east mountain.

Chen Fan opened up the Qinglong formation and invited many friends and people to join the real beiqiongge. The surging aura and many elixirs in the green dragon array shocked the eyes of old green dragon and others.

"It's too luxurious. There are so many thousand grade old medicines. If we give them to Kunlun, how many masters can we cultivate." The white tiger hit the tongue.

In beiqiong Pavilion, people sit on the ground.

Chen Fan's smooth return makes Wang Xiaoyun and his wife, Chen Huaian and Anya very happy. They are watching him around. Wang Xiaoyun is holding chen fan, sobbing, worried about death.

"Don't worry, mom. I'll be fine."

Chen Fan said with a smile.

Snow on behalf of sand and others in the side, although smiling, but with a trace of sadness in the eyes.

"What's the matter?"

Chen fan was so keen that he immediately found something wrong. He looked around, suddenly his face sank and said, "where's Xiao Qiong? Why isn't she here? "

After Chen Fan broke through the barrier and settled Jiang churan in Europe, he quickly came back. Hearing that the North Qiong school was besieged, he was even more anxious. He had no idea that Fang Qiong had been detained."My teacher's mother... Was detained by the United States. Brooke, chairman of star ring group, invited her."

Hua Yunfeng stammered.


Chen Fan suddenly rose up, murderous, people only feel the whole hall, instant air as if solidified.

Family and Fang Qiong are Chen Fan's enemies. Chen Fan was never so angry when he was dropped a nuclear bomb by the star ring group.

"Xiaofan, don't worry. The Americans will send Xiaoqiong back when they know you're back."

Wang Xiaoyun quickly advised.

Lao Qinglong and others also nodded that the United States would not make a big deal. Send Fang Qiong back and apologize. Like Russia, it's over.

"Well, I hope so."

Chen Fan snorts coldly and is ready to get up immediately to rescue Fang Qiong.

At this time, rosefinch burst in, carrying a tablet computer, and her pretty face was full of panic:

"the United States is going to trial Miss Fang Qiong publicly, and the live broadcast to the world has begun."

When people look at her, they see that in the screen, Fang Qiong is dressed in white, standing alone but determined in the dock. On both sides of her, there are countless soldiers with guns and live ammunition. In front of her, there are many dignified officials.

When he saw Fang Qiong, chen fan was stiff.


A terrible power came to the hall, like the awakening of the ancient beast. Even Chen Huai'an could not help stepping back a few steps and was frightened.


August 15, 2012.

The Supreme Court of the United States held a trial seat to try Fang Qiong, head of the beiqiong group. She faces 56 charges, including many homicides, and will be sentenced to permanent imprisonment or even death if confirmed.

The trial is broadcast live all over the world, all countries and all human beings can watch it! , the fastest update of the webnovel!