Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 705

"Dead, all dead."

A Japanese Kendo master looked up and said.

Under Chen Fan's command, these famous and powerful deities, such as Hongmen's ancestor, guru gujia, Yishi's great deity, adjudicator, are easily crushed to death. Especially Pope Francis, the Holy One, also fell.

The blood of the strong has dyed Dongshan red.

Today's war is destined to shake the world and frighten the dark world.

But it's not over yet!

Chen Fan stepped on the void, holding a thunder knife, and came out of the smoke. His eyes were red and flaming, and his murderous spirit rose instead of falling. Taking advantage of his injury, the Vatican attacked the beiqiong sect, which made Chen Fan determined to eradicate the threat of the Vatican.


Aaron flew from the ground.

His blue eyes, across the body of Francis, can not help but shrink: "mortal, you dare to kill the spokesperson of death in the world, you have committed a great crime. One day, when God comes to the world, you will fall into hell forever, and you will not be able to live beyond life. "

"If there is a God, kill him!"

Chen fan light way.

His eyes glared, and his momentum was indomitable. How can the northern Xuanxian Zun be afraid of a mere "God"? It's just Jindan Yuanying.

"Blasphemous mortals, you will eventually repent and witness the greatness of the gods."

Aaron bowed his head and prayed with his sword.

"I wanted to refine the six blood ancestors into a great medicine, but because of you, I used them in advance. Now use your descendants of the Guangming people to make alchemy. "

Chen Fan grinned and chopped off.

The blood of the bright clan is much purer than that of the dark clan. It can be refined into a unique medicine.


In Aaron's eyes, there was unprecedented anger.

The holy sword in his hand ignited a huge flame and turned into a sacred sword tens of feet long. As the youngest son of God, Allan is an angel. He is always on the top of the world. Looking down on mortals is like seeing ants. When did the ants threaten us to use them for alchemy?


The war is back.

This time, chen fan did not stay.

The terrible real yuan, poured into the thunder knife, condensed into a towering sword awn. The whole half day, turned into a sea of thunder, countless purple thunder crazy surge, just like a Golden Snake dance.

And Aaron started to work hard. The light of holiness blooms from it. In the eyes, ears and nostrils, there are divine radiance. A pair of wings turn into a peerless divine blade. They cut in the air, and the cross sword is amazing!

Allen's cultivation is only in the middle of his life.

However, the Guangming clan is a big family of the universe, and the blood of Aaron comes from the true God, which is incomparably pure and better than the ordinary members of the Guangming clan. Therefore, the fighting power is stronger than thunder punishing the immortals.

"Dong Dong Dong."

Every time the holy sword collides with the thunder knife, it sounds like a huge drum, and the thunder runs over the void.

White awn and purple lightning intertwined with each other, from the sky to the ground, from the ground into the depths of the East Mountain, and finally return to the sky. All the way to fight, the earth was ploughed out of a gully several kilometers long, and countless dark strong people were involved in it, instantly torn to pieces.


Chen Fan's sword came from the sky. With great power, he swung away the holy sword and slashed at Aaron.


A shadow of white awn appears from behind Aaron. In the white awn, there is a figure. Behind the figure, two pairs of wings are blooming. With the terrible pressure, it looks like an immortal God's residence. The four wings hang down and hold Aaron in it like a ball of light.


The knife awn splits on the ball, and immediately brings countless waves of light and energy to dance.

"What's this?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

"This is the patronage given by my father before I was in the dust. It gathers the power of the father and God. Even if the ten immortals are besieged, they can't break the protection. "

Alan said faintly.

It came to earth as the child of God. How can there be no cards? This patronage is very similar to Francis's "angel coming", but its power is more than ten times that of Francis.

"Is it?"

Chen Fan drinks softly, and the thunder knife turns into a Thunder Dragon hundreds of meters long. It cuts out nine knives in a row. A knife with nine weights is more powerful than before.

In the void, nine electric dragons roared and rushed to the bright ball from all directions.

"Bang bang."

Bright ball violent vibration, four wings dropped a lot of God feather, but hard to carry Chen Fan nine knife! Thousands of night snow see shape, in the heart startled. You know, the power of Chen Fan's sword is enough to kill the immortals. If the nine swords come out together, the immortals will not be able to bear the thunder penalty.

"It's useless. This divine skill is from the hands of the real God, which is immune to all attacks under the real God. Unless you are promoted to the true God, you will never break this defense. "There was a scornful smile on Aaron's face.

The true God is the golden elixir, which does not exist on earth. Even in those old secret places, there may not be a real God sleeping. Those who have completed the golden elixir have already left the earth by day.

This time, chen fan frowned and stopped attacking.

And snow on behalf of sand, a Xiu and others in the heart of a tight, is there any change?

"Chen beixuan, you are very powerful and unique among mortals. I even see the shadow of Father God in you. It's a pity you shouldn't be our enemy. Wait for the judgment of the father. "

With a sigh, Aaron turned to leave.

"Wait a minute."

Chen Fan spoke.

"Why, want to apologize? It's too late. " Allan said.

"No, I'm thinking about how to break the tortoise shell without hurting you. After all, I need to use you to make alchemy." Chen Fan felt his chin.

He didn't say nothing.

Chen Fan's attack is as good as Jindan's. Whether it's the "big five elements God thunder" stored in the five ray seal or the small portable nuclear weapon obtained from Russia, it can rival the real God.

But as soon as the two big killers are used, it is estimated that Aaron will be dead.

"That's all. This knife was originally prepared for some old monsters in kunxu. Let's see it first. "

Chen Fan sighed, raised his sword, stepped out, and the thunder knife sliced out.


A black awn, condensed into silk thread, explodes from the long knife. The awn is only three feet long, and the whole body is condensed by countless violet rays. In the end, it turns black. Like a black lightning, the space is split.

This knife cut out, in an instant, the whole void turned into lightning hell.

Through chen fan, you can even see behind him an ancient god king with a sword in his hand standing in a chaotic sea of thunder. With one sword, he can divide Yin and Yang and cut through the void!

"This is the" thunder prison sword "recorded in the" thunder prison war soul scripture "

Chen Huaian's eyes widened and exclaimed.

Thunder prison sword!

Ancient Thor battle of the universe, dominating the Xinghe immortal sword. It's said that a knife can kill a real immortal. At the peak of ancient times, Thor used it to split a beast, jiutianyu, into two pieces.


When there's still a hint of irony on Aaron's face.

Black Dao Mang, has been beyond the void, chopped in the light of the holy ball above. The wings of the four angels were strong enough to defend against all missiles. But in front of the black awn, it was split like a knife cutting butter. The awn swept across the void and cut to Aaron.


Aaron's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

Seven or eight defensive magic arts were blooming from him. But all of them were cut into two pieces by Lei Yu's magic knife. At last, the magic knife flashed, suddenly crossed an arc and split on its wings behind it. Shengsheng cut off a pair of wings.


Aaron let out an earth shaking scream and fell from the air.

All the strength of the Guangming clan comes from the wings behind. Without wings, they lose the core of their energy.


Chen Fan splits out again and directly turns into a thunder prison. He encloses Allen in it and seals it up into a thunder ball. Then he is put into a sword raising gourd and comes down from the sky.

The remaining dark strongmen at the foot of the mountain are all silent.

Even the most powerful son is dead. What else can they use to resist chen fan?

In particular, the most advanced people heard Chen Fan talking to himself, thinking about what kind of pills to use Shengzi to refine. They were even more frightened and fell to their knees and kowtowed repeatedly: "Chen Tianren, we are all hoodwinked by the Holy See. We just came to watch the war, and we didn't want to be enemies with beiqiong sect."

"Not bad, we are all melon eaters, coming to join in the fun."

A group of people yelled.

Even many Japanese warriors claim that there is only a strip of water between Japan and China. They heard that the Vatican was attacking, and they came to beiqiong to help them.

There is also a Thai royal family, who is crying father and mother, rushed to Chen Fan's feet and knelt down to beg for mercy.

This time, chen fan will not believe these people's lies again.


Chen fan has a thunder knife.


In the sky, thunders burst down, just like spears from nine days. Hundreds of thunder and lightning came down directly, turning many Japanese and Western warriors into coke.

But this is not enough. Chen Fan's murderous spirit is fierce. He has to cut all his enemies before he can stop.

"Boom boom!"

Thunderstorm after thunderstorm.

The warriors in Indonesia, the mages in Western Europe, the extraordinary people in North America, the Hongmen masters, the rain forest warriors in South America... All those who have a grudge against Chen Fan and attack beiqiong are killed by Chen fan.

Thousands of thunders fell before it stopped.

At this time, the dark strong at the foot of the mountain is only half left. Thousands of dark strongmen from all over the world wanted to attack beiqiong, but they were killed by Chen fan."Chen Tianren is divine."

The rest of the strong did not dare to show their fear. Instead, they knelt down to thank Chen Fan for not killing him.

Looking at all over the mountains and fields, countless trembling dark strongmen, beiqiong sect and others, like falling into a dream. That's the win? Originally fierce, half of the world's strong came together, and Chen Fan broke the attack of exterminating beiqiong?

"Two saints, 24 divine realms, hundreds of masters, and thousands of strong dark ones. This is almost the elite of the whole underground world, which was slaughtered by Chen beixuan today. This is the real one man pressure on the world

Old green dragon hands tremble way.

After this war, the world's divine masters withered, and the dark world fell. Don't talk about being an enemy with Chen Fan any more. I'm afraid the dark world will tremble.

"I can already imagine how this news will shock the world."

Rosefinch bowed his head.

In fact, the world has been shaken. , the fastest update of the webnovel!