Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 700

Deep in the sea of blood, the cyan golden cocoon is suspended, as if it had never been changed. It is painted with mysterious flame patterns, and the Kunpeng pattern of soaring up to the sky.


Cocoon suddenly split a gap, and then like a cobweb, inch by inch split, showing the scene.

Chen Fan sat cross legged under the blood gate, shining with golden light. In the golden light, there was a bright golden flame armor. And a woman with silver all over her body curled up in his arms.


Chen Fan opened his eyes slowly.

The crackling sound sounded, and the gold flame armor outside his body turned into fireworks. It shows Chen Fan's real body.

At this time, chen fan's whole body is red, and his clothes have long been shattered by the terrible power of nuclear weapons.

There are cracks on the God's body like sapphire and colored glaze. Although these cracks are very small, they are like cobwebs, all over Chen Fan's body and everywhere. At this time, he was as beautiful and fragile as a blue and white porcelain vase that had been broken and glued together.

Nuclear weapons are too powerful.

Although Chen Fan was not in the center of the nuclear explosion and was exposed to the high temperature of tens of millions of degrees or even nearly hundreds of millions of degrees, he was only 100 meters away from the nuclear bomb. Although his power was partially weakened by the heavy sea of blood, he still ate at least half of it.

"If I am alone, I may not be hurt, but there are Jiang churan and the star portal."

Chen Fan sighed.

His eyes swept over the silver glittering woman.

In the moment of nuclear explosion, infinite light and heat shining through the bloody sea. Chen fan directly pulls Jiang churan into his arms, then props up the body protection magic power, and puts Zhenyuan out with all his strength to protect the area of tens of meters. And the mercury war armor, blessing in the ginger at the beginning of the body.

Mercury war armor is an extraterrestrial wonder that Chen Fan got from the Ares team of the United States.

With the defense ability comparable to Lingbao, even the energy bomb can't be broken. The defense is amazing. If Chen fan uses his body protection magic power and mercury armor, he can do nothing. But in the end, in order to save Jiang churan, he had to choose hard shoulder.

"It's a pity that my strength is weak after all. I only protect Jiang churan, but I don't protect the portal." Chen Fan's eyes were slightly regretful and swept through the blood gate.

The original portal, which is tens of meters high, has turned into a pile of bones.

The portal is always vulnerable, so it needs a lot of array protection. Originally in the depths of the sea of blood, there were seven blood ancestors guarding, no one could attack, who thought of the star ring group's brazen nuclear explosion.

Even the realm of the true God may not be able to withstand this kind of internal nuclear bomb explosion, let alone the realm of the false god, which is not presided over by anyone? At the first moment, the portal was shattered by the power of the nuclear bomb.

With Chen Fan as the center, a huge hole was blasted out of the entire sea floor.

The hole is hundreds of meters in size, just like a meteorite hitting the ground. The castle on the top of the head was directly blasted to pieces, and even the sea of blood at that time was evaporated into a huge hole.

"Star ring group? America? "

Chen Fan's eyes are cold.

He has hardly suffered so much since he was born again. Even in the battle of wolf Valley, chen fan has the ability to protect his life. But this nuclear explosion almost killed him. After all, it's a million ton hydrogen bomb. It's ten times more powerful than ordinary nuclear weapons.

"First find a place to heal, and then I'll take revenge."

Chen fan directly hit a yellow awn, wrapped Jiang churan, and then set up the earth to escape, quickly drilled into the ground to leave.

He found a valley in Eastern Romania, set up a battle array and began to heal. This time, chen fan was so badly injured that he almost took a nuclear strike. It's like being hit by a golden elixir.

The golden flame armor is directly broken, and the immortal body is also cracked. But in Chen Fan's realm, as long as he doesn't die, he can repair it for a month or two at most.

"Hoo Hoo."

The huge wood aura converges in the valley from all directions.

The tiny cracks on Chen Fan's body began to disappear gradually, and his whole body was restored to a piece of glittering jade.


when Chen Fan was healing, the whole world changed dramatically because of the war.

The next day.

A spokesman for the US military came forward and claimed that they had held a military exercise in Romania and exploded a million ton hydrogen bomb. The EU countries just denounce it on the surface, and then stop.

After all, this time, there were no dead people on the surface. It was a nuclear explosion in the wilderness.

But the underground world, however, set off waves.

As we all know, this is not a military exercise at all, but an attack against Chen fan. Everyone is waiting to see the result of the nuclear explosion, whether Chen fan is dead or not.

After a few days, about after the radiation dropped. Star ring group rushed to send people to the center of the blood sea to explore Chen Fan's life and death. But the sea of blood has long been restored. It's harder to get deep. The progress of star ring group's exploration is slow.

And as time went on, one day, two days, three days... Chen Fan never showed up."Chen beixuan died in a nuclear explosion!"

This voice became louder and louder. At first, it was just a question of a few people. Later, it became the consensus of the whole western world. Although the body has not yet been found, many people say that it is so close to the center of the nuclear explosion, and the temperature is close to hundreds of millions, that everything can be vaporized, and Chen fan may have died long ago.

"Don't forget wolf valley."

Someone reminded me.

But most of them, they were carried away by victory.

In the Western underground world, countless people are cheering for the power of modern science and technology and celebrating the death of Chen fan. Chen fan has been in Europe for too long. He just joined the Vatican not long ago, forcing the Vatican to bow down. His death is a relief to Europe.

"Chen beixuan really went to the sea of blood, and he is not a real God, and he may not be able to carry a nuclear bomb."

One of the holy men of the Holy See came forward and declared.

Only then did the world discover that the Holy See had saints. The saints openly said that Chen Fan could not carry the nuclear bomb, and immediately became the last straw to overwhelm the camel. The whole world is convinced that Chen fan is dead.

"After that, there is no Chen beixuan in the world!"

On the underground forum, countless people are regretting.

As they watched, chen fan grew up step by step, ascended to heaven and became the first person in the world, casting the myth of invincibility. Today, this myth finally fell.

It was the star ring group and the US military that personally ended this myth.

"The United States is still the strongest overlord on the earth. No wonder it is as strong as the Holy See. It has saints in its seat and dare not be enemies with the United States. The power of nuclear weapons is terrible. "

Countless people have lingering fear.

Countries around the world have sent congratulatory messages to the United States.

The Japanese prime minister claimed that "the United States has once again defended the peace of the earth, annihilated demons and protected mankind."

The French President declared that "what the United States has done is correct, decisive and courageous."

The British Prime Minister said, "the United States is still the only leader in the world today."

As a result of the first World War, the U.S. became more and more powerful. It's like going back to the 1990s when the Soviet Union collapsed and dominated the earth. Fight whoever you want, no one dares to challenge.

As for China's condemnation, it is drowned in the tide of the world. In the face of the power of the whole world, China has become powerful and isolated.

"Beiqiong group, an illegal company, has caused hundreds of deaths."

With the help of this force, the United States bluntly claims that the life yuan liquid sold by beiqiong group is a toxic drug mixed with stimulants, causing countless deaths.

The CIA of the United States directly detained Fang Qiong, general manager of beiqiong group, who went to the United States for negotiations. The supreme federal court of the United States has asked Joan to file a lawsuit.

Fang Qiong faces 56 charges.

These include 17 murders and three crimes against humanity. Once the lawsuit is established, Fang Qiong will be sentenced to more than 1000 years' imprisonment or even death.

Many branches of beiqiong group in North America, South America, Europe and other places were all sealed up by the local government.

Innumerable western media have mobilized the power of public opinion to attack beiqiong group and pour innumerable dirty water on beiqiong group. One by one, senior executives of beiqiong group were arrested. They even threatened China to hand over all members of the beiqiong group for international trial.


In Dongshan villa, beiqiong school and Chen family's high-rise almost gather here.

Every face is filled with indignation and worry. During this period of time, beiqiong group was in a precarious state, almost under the pressure of the whole world. This pressure comes from more than 100 countries in the world, surpassing the major countries in the world, including dozens of developed countries.

Even China can't cope with such a force, let alone beiqiong group?

"How's little Joan?"

Wang Xiaoyun worried.

"When my teacher's mother got off the plane, she was detained by the CIA. At that time, they sent out dozens of members of the Ares team, led by a super spiritual master. Our guard wanted to fight and was controlled by the man at a glance. In the end, the teacher's mother ordered us to lay down our weapons and not to make unreasonable resistance. " Hua Yunfeng looks ugly.

Fang Qiong was also a monk in the tongxuan period, and her guard was even more elite. But in the face of the power of the United States as a whole, it's just a mantis arm.

"Damn star ring, damn CIA of America!"

A Xiu hit the table with a fist, and the solid wood round table burst open. "We have to find a way to save the teacher's mother."

"It's impossible. Fang Qiong must be in the most tight base in the United States now. This is their last card. Once chen fan comes back, they can only rely on Fang Qiong to coerce chen fan. " Chen Huaian shakes his head calmly.

Everyone can only be silent.

"How about the Dragon hall?"

After the meeting, Wang Xiaoyun asked.

"It's very bad. Xie Yan has rushed back. But the U.S. aircraft carrier entered the Strait of Malacca, heading for Xingzhou. The Li family, the president of Xingzhou, has surrendered. Now Longtang headquarters is occupied. Xie Yanzheng leads his disciples to fight guerrillas in Borneo. "Another bad news.

Thailand has taken the lead in organizing coalition forces to invade Myanmar and eliminate the witch sect. At this time, the North Qiong faction was in Southeast Asia, and almost everyone was shouting and fighting.

"What does the Chinese government say?"

Wang Xiaoyun was in despair.

"China has done its best. After all, it is not the largest country in the world. It has done its utmost to block the pressure of hundreds of countries headed by the United States and not hand us over. But the pressure on the other side is increasing, and it may not last long. "

Chen Huaian shook his head: "next, we can only see our own."

Everyone looked at each other and could see the worry and despair in each other's eyes.

Is this the end of the big beiqiong school?

PS: the first one is presented, and the author continues to write the second one_ ∩)O , the fastest update of the webnovel!