Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 699

"Susan, it's time to go home."

Old Logan, the fisherman, collected his net and called his daughter.

The residents of mecava, who live by the blood sea, have been fishing for generations. Although life disappeared in the sea of blood, some silverfish survived. These silverfish are delicious and melt in the mouth. They are delicious.

The dark, blond Susan raised her head and was about to answer when she suddenly stared into the distance in disbelief. The center of the sea of blood shrouded in thick fog suddenly lights up a bright light.

That light is so dazzling, as if a superstar explosion, the moment in front of a vast expanse of white.

Then a white mushroom cloud rose. The mushroom cloud contains terrible light and heat. It soars to the sky and reaches several kilometers high. It is like a volcanic eruption, which can be seen clearly from a hundred miles away. Finally, it was the violent shock wave and sound. Tearing up the thick fog over the sea of blood, it surged in all directions.

A hundred Li sea of blood, boiling for it.

"This... This is..."

Susan said with trembling lips.

"Nuclear weapons! Someone exploded a nuclear weapon over the sea of blood. Is it a world war? " Old Logan's hands trembled, as if reminiscent of Cold War fears.

It's not just them.

All the villagers around the blood sea looked up at the beautiful mushroom cloud. The terrible shockwave even spilled over the sea of blood, blowing the trees on the shore to the ground and shattering the glass of many houses.

And when the mushroom cloud lights up.

The world's major military centers, at the same time sounded the alarm.

"What's the matter?"

Minister Xiao raised his head and looked at the boundary mark on the screen. He frowned: "has a country detonated a nuclear bomb in the atmosphere? Which country is it? It looks like Eastern Europe. Which countries in Eastern Europe also have nuclear bombs? Is it a legacy of the former Soviet Union? "

When a nuclear weapon explodes, there will be small earthquakes. This kind of seismic wave is different from the general seismic wave, it is easy to be detected by countries all over the world, and then we can know where there is a nuclear explosion.

Rosefinch stepped on high heels and walked quickly:

"minister, it was a nuclear weapon detonated on a barren plain in central Romania. The number of missiles detected is about one million tons. It's a hydrogen bomb. But... "

speaking of this, rosefinch raised her head, and her eyes were full of worry:" that place is where the sea of blood is. And according to the information we control, Chen beixuan seems to have gone to the sea of blood. "


Xiao was stunned, and the smoke between his fingers fell to the ground with a slap.

It's not just China.

Britain, France, Russia, Japan, Germany. Almost all the slightly larger countries have detected a nuclear explosion. Since the end of the cold war, there have been no nuclear explosion tests in the world for decades.

Almost all the great powers in the world rely on computer deduction or experiments in outer space.

This million ton hydrogen bomb exploded in Romania, the hinterland of Europe, and immediately shocked the whole world. The eyes of countless countries! In modern society, if you dare to set off hydrogen bombs, you are looking for your own death.

The condemnation of the international community and the pressure of public opinion can bring down a country. Not to mention the sanctions of the five major powers in the world!

Iran just wanted to study nuclear weapons and was sanctioned for decades. This kind of blatant release of nuclear weapons is a slap in the face of the European Union and the United States. It is said that the top level of the European Union has held an emergency meeting.

On the Internet, it's also very popular.

Some people directly took the video of the nuclear explosion and spread it to the Internet, which immediately attracted countless attention.

"My God, it's a real nuclear explosion!"

"Look at the height of that mushroom cloud. It's definitely a hydrogen bomb, and it's no less than one million tons. Why did you detonate a nuclear bomb?"

Countless people are talking on the Internet.

"You say, can it be that the United States is fighting against aliens, or destroying some monsters, so it has just dropped a nuclear bomb?"

Some people raised such questions, but they were quickly overwhelmed by ridicule.


Xu Rong Fei is making a mask. Bestie Ning Xin suddenly cried out: "

," Princess Fei, look at it. A bomb exploded in Romania. "


Princess Xu Rong was surprised.


Chen Huaian is sparring. He seems to have no strength, but he is in harmony with heaven and earth. Once it breaks out, it's enough to smash a mountain.

At this time, little girl Chen Guoguo came running with a flat plate:

"grandfather, a nuclear bomb in Europe has exploded."

"Oh?" Chen Huaian frowned and took the tablet. When he saw the location of the nuclear bomb explosion, his pupil suddenly shrank, and a little bit of bad flashed in his heart:

"it seems that there is a sea of blood?"


Wang Xiaoyun is sitting in the office of Jinxiu building. Anya pushes the door.

"What's the matter?"Wang Xiaoyun looked up and saw Anya's anxious face: "Mom, has Xiaofan gone to Europe? To a Romanian country, what sea of blood are you looking for? "

"Yes. It was one of the seven Jedi, and the blood ancestor seemed to come from there... "

Wang Xiaoyun said, and suddenly found that Anya's pretty face was pale and shaky.

She doesn't know why, the canthus of her eyes aim at the scene on Anya's mobile phone. She is also stunned and her face changes greatly.

Not only in Yanjing, but also in Zhonghai and Jincheng, countless people related to Chen fan saw the report. Except for a few people who knew Chen Fan's trace, most people just thought it was an ordinary nuclear explosion and didn't care.


Romania, on the shore of the sea of blood.

Several white and transparent men with bare heads and blue eyes are looking at the bright mushroom cloud. On their chest, there is a sign surrounded by stars, which is the star ring group.

"A million ton hydrogen bomb, Chen beixuan should not survive."

Said a wise man.

"Unfortunately, in order to hide from the EU, we can't bring in more nuclear weapons. Moreover, Chen beixuan's divine sense is so sharp that we can only take him into the sea of blood to explode on the sea, and he evades the nuclear center. Otherwise, with the high temperature of thousands of degrees in the center, ten Chen beixuan will also be evaporated into air. "

Another wise man said coldly.

"Anyway, he's dead. No one can carry the power of a nuclear bomb. Next, it's time to contact the leader and then encircle and suppress the beiqiong group. "

The last is the leader.

They said, turning away without hesitation.

The moment of nuclear explosion, it represents the dust settled, and then powerful life. In front of a nuclear bomb, it will be torn to pieces. Even the sea of blood, can not withstand the power of the nuclear bomb, let alone just a human?

When the wise return, a shocking news, followed by, spread throughout the dark world.

It was the star ring group that dropped the bomb. They detonated a million ton hydrogen bomb at the blood sea of the seven Jedi in order to eliminate Chen beixuan in the blood sea.


When the news came out, the whole world was shocked.

When we were surprised by the explosion of the nuclear bomb, we were stunned by this.

"Chen beixuan?"

Underground forum, directly overturned the sky.

Countless people came out and talked about it crazily.

After Chen Fan's suppression of the kunxu Kingdom, he took the throne of the strongest man on earth. Even the big powers in the world have to tolerate him. Many people doubt whether nuclear weapons can kill chen fan. I didn't expect this question to come true today.

"Big event, earth shaking event."

Many hands are shaking.

Once a nuclear weapon explodes, it will shock the whole world and can no longer be concealed. Billions of people around the world will know. And star ring group uses it to attack chen fan. It's like risking the world.

"How did the star ring group get the nuke?"

Some people have doubts.

"It is said that behind the star ring group, there is the support of the US military. This time, it's the star ring group. In fact, the United States is doing it. The United States finally sees Chen beixuan as not liking him. It's going to have an operation on him. "

The other replied.

"If Chen beixuan is dead, it's good to say. If you survive, you will never give up this time. At that time, I'm afraid there will be a world war. "

Some people are worried.

But more people believe that Chen fan is dead. After all, it's a nuclear weapon, a weapon to suppress the earth. The power of nuclear weapons is the reason why the great powers in the world stand in the world. A million ton hydrogen bomb is enough to destroy a city. No matter how strong chen fan is, he can't survive.

"Chen beixuan is dead at last!"

Countless Western warriors gloat.

The European Union countries, which had been angry before, also calmed down their anger at this time, with faint pleasure in their hearts. As for Japan, the Japanese Prime Minister secretly declared that the devil was finally dead!

The beiqiong school, which received the news, was like a bolt from the blue.

"Is it true or not?"

Yu Wenjing can't believe it.

"Xiao Fan did go to Europe. It is said that he was exploring the sea of blood." Wang Xiaoyun looks sad.

"Damn star ring, damn America!" Ah Xiu is so angry that he wants to go to the United States and chop off the chairman of star ring group.

"Don't worry. The teacher was relegated to the world, and nothing will happen. "

Hua Yunfeng comfort.

But this time, he had no bottom in his heart.

After all, it's a nuclear weapon. Watching the online video, you can feel the earth shaking power across the screen. How much pressure does Chen Fan bear in the nuclear explosion center?

"Believe Xiaofan! What we have to do now is to protect ourselves and wait for him to come back. "

At this time, Chen Huaian played a mainstay role. As a local immortal, he was a member of beiqiong school, and everyone was at ease.At this time, Wang Xiaoyun suddenly called out:

"no, Xiao Qiong was recently invited by an American company to go to the United States to talk about a business. The plane has taken off... That company seems to be star ring group."


People's faces changed.

The leaky house is rainy at night.


at this time, the deepest blood sea is where the star portal is.

There is a huge cyan golden cocoon across there. The cocoon is tens of meters in size, just like a huge bird egg. Around the cocoon, the evaporated sea of blood, and the huge underground cavity, all show the terrible power of nuclear bomb explosion.

The cocoon was still floating there, as if it had been 1000 years, 10000 years. Suddenly, a white jade palm broke the cocoon and stretched out.

PS: there may be only three shifts today. I'll make some preparations and write the climax in one breath tomorrow_ ∩)O , the fastest update of the webnovel!