Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 701

The threat from the outside world is increasing step by step.

With Chen Fan never showing up, the news about his death is more accurate. This time, the United States is ready to fight at all costs to the end, regardless of whether Chen fan is dead or not.

If Chen Fan continues to grow up like this, I'm afraid nuclear weapons will not kill him for long!

15 July 2012.

A million ton hydrogen bomb exploded over the sea of blood and Chen Fan disappeared.

July 16, 2012.

The U.S. military acknowledged what it had done and detained Fang Qiong, general manager of beiqiong group. The federal court filed 56 complaints against Fang Qiong, each of which can be sentenced to permanent imprisonment.

July 18, 2012.

The whole world set off a wave of crusade against beiqiong group, and numerous branches of beiqiong group were seized one after another. Beiqiong group, once China's largest company with a market value of trillion yuan, became the most infamous company in history overnight.

July 20, 2012.

The ninth fleet of the United States entered the Strait of Malacca and threatened Xingzhou. When Xingzhou surrendered, Xie Yan led the families of Longtang to escape from Xingzhou and disappear in the jungle of Malaysia. The US army landed in Xingzhou and pursued Longtang in Southeast Asia.

22 July 2012.

With the support of the United States and Japan, Thailand formed a coalition army to invade Myanmar and point at the black witch religion...

when all the forces of the United States started, the whole world was shocked. At this time, many countries realized what terrible power the earth's overlord, the only superpower, had!

The northern Hainan group, which is so famous, is almost vulnerable to the United States.

"No matter how powerful a company is or how brilliant a force is, how can it be compared with a superpower? At that time, the reason why we forbeared was that we didn't want to, but we couldn't

Exclaimed the Holy One.

The adjudicators and so on, all of them are worthy.

The power of the United States is overwhelming. No one will be able to fight against this superpower unless they reach the realm of the true God and are not afraid of nuclear weapons. It is too terrible. Twelve aircraft carrier fleets, more than one million standing armies armed to the teeth, dozens of allies, and nearly ten thousand nuclear warheads.

Once the United States has made up its mind, any country or force will have to retreat!

"Even Chen beixuan's return, with the super weapon of destroying cities and islands, could not make the United States give way. The United States will defend its hegemony on the earth to the death. "

Many predicted.

July 30, 2012.

Six US aircraft carrier fleets entered the East China Sea and threatened China to hand over the top management of beiqiong group.

For a time, the clouds of war were thick in East Asia.


New York, UN Security Council.

"The life element liquid produced by beiqiong group is a highly toxic chemical. We have hundreds of cases all over the world to prove that life element liquid causes death. China, however, even wants to cover up these killers! "

US ambassador, reprimand China in court.

"None of these examples has been confirmed by experts, it's just a possibility. We guarantee that lifeblood is safe and effective. Beiqiong group is not the murderer... "

the special envoy of China tried to explain.

"Who says it's not true? 137 people died when people in our country drank the liquid of life yuan. These are all evidences. " The Japanese Ambassador came forward directly.

"59 people died in our country."

"We also died 36 people."

"We also die..."

Britain, France, Germany, Italy and other developed countries stood up and produced all kinds of evidence to prove that the liquid of life did kill people.

India, in particular, bluntly claimed that there were thousands of people in one village who died because of drinking life yuan liquid. The special envoys of the following countries started to look at it. You know, the liquid of life is expensive and has not been sold in India at all.

However, in the face of accusations from big powers, China is at a loss.

Power is justice!

Say you can, you can. Say you can't, can't! When everyone says you kill people, even if you are innocent, it is useless, because the right to speak is not in your hands.

"In half a month, if China does not hand over the head of the beiqiong group, it will still have to forcibly shelter these criminals. China will impose sanctions! " The United States finally released its trump card. [zero ↑ nine △ small ↓ say △ net]

"China's secondment!" Japan was the first to jump out.




A series of national follow-up. The Russian ambassador shook his head and made a gesture of helplessness. This time, the United States came with great power, and the whole west stood behind it, that is, China and Russia joined hands and could not bear it.


the United States has issued an ultimatum in the world, demanding that China hand over the murderer within half a month. And the dark world, also boiling, once Chen Fan killed, destroyed, bullied opponents, also jumped out."Not only beiqiong group is the murderer, but those people of beiqiong group are also Chen beixuan's accomplices. Xue Daisha, a Xiu, Yu Wenjing, Xie Yan, Hua Yunfeng... They should all be handed over to accept the trial of the whole dark world! "

Japan's great God, Yishi, was the first to stand up and say.

The martial arts and Taoism circles of China were angry. Unexpectedly, Japan betrayed them again. Before that, Japan repeatedly said that China should be respected, and the leader should be the leader. Unexpectedly, before Chen Fan's body was found, he was the first to rebel.

"Yes, master Daxin, the king of our country, is so compassionate. But he was murdered by Chen beixuan and Xie Yan. Beiqiong school must count the revenge! "

The prince of Thailand continued.

Then, one after another, one after another.

Gurga, a guru in India, claimed that Chen Fan was the enemy of the whole Brahman when he killed his elder martial brother, guru Rama. Brahman supported the settlement of the sins of the northern Qiong sect.

He also said that Chen Fan's killing of their former leader was due to beiqiong style.

Soon, almost half of the dark world organizations came forward and accused the North Qiong faction.

In those days, chen fan provoked too many enemies all over the world. Even in China, there are many aristocratic sects who also take the opportunity to say that Chen beixuan's killing is too serious. China should not protect him and let him live and die on his own.

Several families in Yanjing are ready to move.

When Chen Fan was there, they didn't dare to move half a point, but as soon as Chen Fan died, these aristocratic families no longer had any scruples. If ye Qingcang hadn't pressed them, the Xiao family and Wang family would have gone straight to liquidate beiqiong group.

Even so, Wang Keqin of the Wang family also stood up and declared:

"the beiqiong group is really a disaster to the country and the people. The top management of the beiqiong group should be handed over to quell the anger of all countries in the world."

These news, like storm after storm, hit the hearts of all the people in beiqiong and pushed them into a desperate situation step by step. But that's not the key. Then, a piece of news, like lightning, fell on the heads of the people.

Saint Francis, a saint of the Holy See, declared that Chen beixuan had taken away many secret treasures and ancient books of the Holy See, and the debt belonged to the beiqiong sect. He will lead the Archbishop of the Holy See to China in half a month to ask a question.

The news shocked the whole world.

Countless powerful people in the dark world, including many divine realms, came from all directions to gather at the gate of beiqiong mountain and destroy the first big one at that time!

For a time, beiqiong was in a desperate situation.

But Chen fan, hidden in the valley of Romania, doesn't know about it.

He's still healing. For Chen fan, the most important thing is to recover from the injury. The power of nuclear weapons was so strong that it almost destroyed his divine body.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo."

The surging auras of the wood system come from all directions.

Qingdi Changsheng body is famous for "Changsheng", and its recovery ability is one of the best among many divine bodies. As long as there is enough wood aura, chen fan will turn into bone dregs and can recover.

Almost visible to the naked eye, cracks on his body surface began to repair.

"No, it's too slow. It will take at least three months to recover. I can't wait. Since the United States has made a move, it will never stop. I don't know what happened to Xiao Qiong and her parents. "

Chen fan is anxious.

There was a little hesitation in his eyes, and finally he took out six Ruby like pearls from the sword gourd. In the Pearl, there is a blood red flame burning.

"What is this?"

Next to Jiang churan, he asked.

"blood essence". When the six blood ancestors fell down, I sealed all their essence with magic power. I was prepared to go back to alchemy and start a big medicine. Now it's too late to swallow it. "

Chen fan side explanation, and then a fierce swallow, with the swallowing power.

After all, the dark blood clan is not the descendant of the divine beast. Their blood is very complicated, and there are many evil energies mixed with them. If you refine medicine, you can peel it off slowly and swallow it in one gulp, there will be some sequelae, but Chen fan can't wait.


what is the strength of the six dark blood elite?

This is more than the energy that Chen Fan consumed in the valley of buried immortals that day. After all, the dark blood race is a star race, and there are two of them.


A blood flame, directly from Chen Fan's body surface, numerous cracks in the emergence. This blood flame contains the most refined and pure blood magic, with the extremely degenerate and filthy energy. In front of Chen Fan's eyes, there are countless illusions, like demons dancing around, trying to drag him to hell.

Chen Fan sat cross legged in the blood flame, and his cyan golden awn became more and more calm.

Magic fire refining body, Tao heart unchanged!

His body, in this Hellfire, is constantly tempered and mended. One by one, the wounds make up, not only recover as before, but also become more powerful than before. In the end, chen fan turned into a group of cyan gold jade, which was wrapped by the bloody flame. He is carrying on a kind of transcendental transformation, moving forward to a higher level of divine body.One day, two days, three days...

one week, two weeks, three weeks...

about a month later, when Jiang churan almost finished the julingdan, he thought chen fan would not wake up again.

He suddenly opened his eyes.


Two flashes of lightning, shining in the cave.

A red flame, burning in Chen Fan's pupil, is like the flame of hell.

He stood up slowly, and his body was full of incomparable surging strength, which seemed to tear the sky and shake the sun and the moon. The body of God, like sapphire and glass, is more and more bright. Blood threads and gold threads are intertwined together, making the body seem immortal.

"It's time for revenge."

Chen Fan's cold way. , the fastest update of the webnovel!