Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 698

"Wheezing. [zero ↑ nine △ small ↓ say △ net] "

the wind is blowing, the sea of blood is rolling, and the rainstorm is like anger.

There was a shower of blood in the sky, and it seemed to be sad for the fall of the five blood ancestors. Although this sea of blood has no soul, it comes from the head of the ancestor of the ancient blood clan. Now five blood clan have died in succession, and they are sympathetic to it.


Chen Fan stands aloof in the void with a sword, hunting in his long clothes, and his eyes are shining.

It was only a few minutes before the six blood ancestors were born. Those who survived for thousands of years, suppressed the blood sea gate, and blocked the holy see for countless years were all killed by Chen fan, leaving only the last blood ancestor, Nicholas, still alive.

"That group of wise men in the United States thought that they could kill me with you idiots? Don't you know that I killed five earth immortals and six spirit beasts in the valley of burying immortals? "

Chen Fan grinned and stepped forward.

Every time he stepped in the void, the sword Qi split the sky and divided the blood cloud above his head and the waves under his feet into two parts.

Nikolay, who is five meters tall and wearing a withered crown, looks at Chen Fan with an iron blue face and eyes. It felt fear for the first time in a thousand years.

Chen Fanshi is too strong.

Even the power of the whole sea of blood, can not besiege, but he even cut five blood ancestors! Especially in Chen Fan's hand, the thunder knife wrapped with purple electricity, even more restrained them.


Nikolay urged the withered crown to step on the sea of blood.

It is the last and most powerful blood ancestor. It has lived in the world for many years. A dark magic surge, comparable to the pinnacle of congenital middle. With Nikolay's efforts, a small sea of blood model emerges behind it.

At this moment, Nikolay borrowed the power of the whole sea of blood and hit it with one claw.

Between heaven and earth, there are blood awns 100 meters long, as if tearing the void. It's enough to crush the fairy. The withered crown on the top of his head is blooming with a miserable green light. It's all over the world to evaporate Chen Fan's blood and turn it into a withered branch.

"Bang Dang! "

Chen fan pulls out his sword and rises with a cold edge.

The thunder knife surrounded by the purple electricity erupted into a brilliant light. [zero ↑ nine △ small ↓ say △ net] it's like a knife to split the whole blood sea god domain, and fiercely collide with Nikolay's blood claw.


In the sea of blood burst up a startling water column.

That is Chen Fan's own strength, and the sea of blood giant impact together. The surging power is released in the sea of blood. A terrible energy storm gathered in the void and spread to all sides. All the blood in the sky was blown away.

"Whoosh, whoosh."

In that instant, chen fan made thirteen swords in one breath.

Each knife is a hit from the top of nature, which can kill the immortals. In the end, the power of the thirteen sabres condensed into one, abruptly split the blood claw, and fiercely chopped Nikolay.


It's like a world shaking lightning.

The bright sword came from Taichu, like the immortal soldiers in the ancient god King's hand, which can split the universe.

The withered crown on Nikolay's head was the first to explode, and the tiny sea of blood behind it could not bear the force of terror, and it was smashed. In the end, Nikolay's left arm was directly cut off, and the blade was swept from his shoulder to his abdomen, splitting nearly half of his body.


Nikolay let out a scream like a night owl, fell into the sea of blood, half of his body was cut off, and was directly blown into blood mist by the electric awn.


If Chen Fan takes advantage of the victory and pursues it, he will enter the sea of blood.

At this time, a sacrificial array suddenly appeared over the castle. A terrible force gathered to suck up Jiang churan, who was left in the castle, into a dead body. Obviously, Nikolay manipulated it secretly, trying to delay chen fan.

Chen Fan frowned, directly split the array with a knife, hit a god awn, and involved Jiang churan in his hand.


Jiang churan Jiao called, in front of a flower, found in front of Chen fan.

"Follow me."

Chen Fan embraces her in one hand, holds a knife in the other hand, turns into a startling purple awn, and penetrates into the sea of blood. The thick dirty blood around was directly split by purple mang. In the sea of blood, Sheng Sheng cut out a road and chased Nikolay.

"Thank you... For saving me."

Jiang churan was wrapped in the purple awn, bowed his head and whispered.

"You're my classmate and aunt Tang's daughter. Naturally, you'll live a long time. It's a pity that I slowed down just now, otherwise I could save those little guys as well. " Chen Fan said calmly.

When the sacrificial array was opened, chen fan didn't respond. The hundreds of young men and women who explored were sucked into mummies. This debt was recorded by Chen Fan on the head of Xuezu, so he would kill Nicholas.

"Just classmates? And in the face of mom? "

Jiang churan's eyes darkened, then he looked up with a smile and quickly covered up the past.


In the sea of blood, there is a kind of heavy seal. The more you go inside, the greater the obstruction. It seems that you want to be an enemy to the whole world. But the power of the purple electric Sabre is so powerful that it can not stand in the way of the seal.Purple awn chase deeper and deeper, when the time suddenly broke through a constraint, in front of an old gate.

The gate, standing in the depths of the sea of blood, is made of white bones, tens of meters high. The door is sparkling, like a way to a different world.

"Here we are at last!"

As soon as Chen Fan's eyes shine, he can rush to the gate.

Although the gate is in the sea of blood, there is not a drop of blood within a hundred meters. As if there is an invisible barrier, its cage cover, safely standing in the deepest sea of blood.

"Ah? What's this? "

Jiang churan sees this and covers his mouth fiercely.

The gate is extremely ferocious. It is piled with white bones. There are the bones of fierce animals and the bodies of different races. But the most common is the skulls of human race. A vast and ancient atmosphere emerged from the gate, like a magic gate to hell.

"It's the gate of blood, the gate of greatness, respect, ancient ancestors, to the original place. One day, they will pass through this gate and return to the earth. At that time, the whole earth will turn into a sea of blood. Our blood clan will drink in the sea and dominate the whole world. "

Nikolay leaned against the door, coughing.

Half of its body was cut by Chen fan, and only half of its wings were left, so it was impossible to run away. And the terrible purple thunder, jumping on the wound, is always corroding Nikolay's body. Although it is the most powerful blood ancestor, it is on the verge of death in the face of such injuries.

"It's just a portal to the universe, a blood star."

Chen fan, with his hands on his back, went to the front door and gently stroked to find out.

"It's no use, outsider. This gate can only be opened with the blood of the real God. And on this star, where are the real gods? You'll be stuck here forever, forever and forever

Nikolay laughed and coughed up black blood clots.

The blood of the true God?

Chen Fan frowned.

He learned from the data of the holy see that what can be called the "true God" is often the existence of the domain of control. In the world of cultivating immortals, they are the friars of golden elixir, which is equal to the immortals of the earth.

This kind of existence has been able to cross the universe in the flesh, and has long left the earth. How can you be trapped in this withered star?


As soon as Chen Fan flicks his finger, a golden and black flame will pop up.

The golden flame, combined with the Black Unicorn fire, turned into a two-color flame and fell on Nikolay. Almost without a sound, Nikolay was burned to ashes by the golden pupil of the fire, even the spirit was annihilated.

"You want to leave the earth?"

Jiang churan deserves to be a girl. He is careful and surprised.

"It's just an idea. I haven't decided when to leave yet." Chen Fan said casually, and his mind went into the door of the skeleton to study how the portal was built and whether there were other ways to open it.

Jiang churan was suddenly silent, and there was a trace of sadness in his eyes.

"By the way, I often hear about the origin of the star ring group you mentioned in recent days."

Chen fan studies and talks at the same time.

"Star ring group is a high-tech group that has risen in recent two years.

"Headquartered in the United States, but with branches all over the world. Their star ring smart phones, star ring smart software and so on are very popular. They have replaced apple and become the largest high-tech group in the United States. It is said that the market value of star ring company is more than one trillion US dollars, and its chairman, Mr. Brooke, has become the richest man in the solar system. "

Jiang churan said indignantly, "but I didn't expect that they would do such a thing, openly funding our exploration, actually holding a dark ceremony to wake up evil spirits. Chen fan, thanks to you this time, otherwise I would have been dead. "

Speaking of this, Jiang churan was afraid and looked up gratefully.


Chen Fan answered calmly.

He had never heard of star ring in his previous life.

Now it seems that it's the group of wise men in the United States who made the ghost. When Chen Fan killed the last wise man at that time, the man once said that he still had a master. Including the dispatch of intelligent robots, leading many explorers into the sea of blood, awakening the six blood ancestors and so on. It's probably all written by the wise leader.

"I didn't expect that after I suppressed kunxu, some people would dare to challenge me. It seems that this time, we should go to the United States, kill all the threats, and then leave the earth. "

Chen Fan's eyes are cold.

At this time, he felt his hand at the door of the skeleton, and his heart was horrified:

"the wise men have far-reaching wisdom, especially the leaders of the wise men, who have been in charge of the United States and the earth for a hundred years, are bound to make up their minds and move later. It clearly knows that I even killed many immortals in the burial valley. Did it think that only a few blood ancestors could help me? This style is not like that of the wise, unless they have a back hand, and the only thing that can threaten me on earth is... '

"what's the matter?"Jiang churan turned his head and asked with a smile.

Chen Fan's eyes had shrunk and his face was more dignified than ever.

His eyes, over Jiang churan, looked to the top of his head. I saw the sea of blood above, suddenly lit up a bright light. The light was extremely hot, penetrated the sea of blood, illuminated the whole sky, just like a small sun shining in the sea of blood.



A hot mushroom cloud rises above the sea of blood.

The mushroom cloud is so dazzling, mixed with the terrible light and heat, rushing to all directions, shaking the whole world. That is, it can be seen clearly from a hundred miles away. Countless people looked up and gaped at the scene. , the fastest update of the webnovel!