Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 697

There is no immortal body.

For example, if Chen Fan's immortal body of the Qing emperor borrows the surging wood force in the forest, nuclear weapons may not be able to kill him. These blood ancestors, in the sea of blood, the spirit is connected with the sea of blood. Even if the body is destroyed, they can use the power of the sea of blood to rebuild the body.

But if even the spirits are destroyed, how can they be rebuilt?

"La la la."

Purple thunder, exploding in the air.

This is the most precious treasure of Tianlei sect. It's made by an immortal. It's extremely powerful. It's a rare quasi spiritual treasure in the world. Chen fan holding it, enough to cut down the top of the congenital old monster. It's just a dark blood clan. It can't bear it at all. Not only the body is destroyed, but also the spirit is completely destroyed by the terrible Lei mang.


There are five blood ancestors left, and they are ready to split.

They have been sleeping in the sea of blood for countless years. They are of the same generation and are closer to each other than brothers. Chen Fan's killing of a blood ancestor in public is an endless feud with them.

"How dare you kill rusfan. I will dig out your heart, keep it with magic, seal your spirit in it, keep it from rotting for ten thousand years, and let you live forever in pain. "

The leader wearing the withered crown cursed every word, and his eyes were full of deep-rooted resentment.


Chen Fangen didn't want to talk nonsense.

These stupid dark blood clan, in his eyes, are just the knives that are used to kill people. The real behind the scenes are the so-called star ring group and the sophists of the United States. To kill them, chen fan has to go to the United States to find a wise man.


Purple thunder shines across the sky.

Chen fan holds a long black knife and cuts it out.

The huge Zhenyuan was instilled into the audience and turned into tens of feet long electric dragons. The electric dragon twines the thunder light and splits the void with the horror of destroying everything. The surging sea of blood, under this knife, all separated from it and split into long ravines.

"Great ancestor, please borrow our strength."

Those blood ancestors, no longer fight hard.

They speak ancient language, like the whispers of hell demons, with the power of evil and filth. When the mantra moved, the sea of blood suddenly began to boil.

Above the sea, the waves were churning and the water was surging.

In the sky, there was a bloody thunderbolt, a drop of blood rain like soybeans, falling from the sky. The whole world seems to be crying and angry. With the blood ancestors waving their claws, the surging power of the sea of blood is attracted by them and comes to Chen fan.


A huge wave of blood, like a mountain rock, rises to the sky, hundreds of meters high, between Chen Fan and Xuezu. In the blood wave, countless evil blood beasts roar, condensing a very filthy air, like a big hand, trying to tell chen fan that he is dragged into the nine hell.


Chen fan has no sorrow or fear in his eyes.

The wild and rebellious purple Thunder Dragon, like a fierce dragon, splits the 100 meter blood wave directly. Countless red skin, full of ferocious, just like a big toad like blood beast, directly stirred into pieces by the knife awn. That filthy blood evil spirit is also broken by the thunder knife of Zhigang Zhiyang.


As soon as the blood wave broke, there were five giant blood giants tens of meters high behind.

These blood giants are formed by the blood of demons in the sea of blood, just like the blood ancestors wearing thick armor, pouring in from all directions to Chen fan.

Every punch and every claw of them shakes the void and condenses the power of the whole sea of blood.

"Chen beixuan, do you feel the decline of your strength? In this sea of blood. We are the masters of the world. Not only can you not borrow the power of heaven and earth, but you can't even replenish it. "

The head of the blood ancestor laughed.

The sea of blood is the ancestor of the ancient blood people, just like a divine realm. Here, the whole world is blocked. In the sea of blood, the blood ancestors are gods, and here is their kingdom.

The invisible blood chains seemed to block Chen Fan from all directions. At this time, chen fan's body is like carrying a heavy load. This world is not only unable to borrow, but also has great obstacles.

Chen fan at this time, like a fish trapped in glue, the more struggling the more tight.

"What if we are enemies of heaven and earth? I'll cut you with a knife. "

Chen Fan's eyes are cold and his sword is in front of him.

The purple God thunder lives and dies on the face of the sword, as if at the end of time.

His power is so vast that he can fight without sleep for three days and nights without exhaustion. In addition, Chen FA's practice of swallowing the sky, forced to the end, was able to start swallowing the supernatural powers and devour the whole sea of blood.


Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and raised his sword. He pushed it out slowly, just like pushing the door to see the mountain.


This knife split out, quietly, there is no sword awn, there is no earthquake sun Thunder Dragon.

But the air seems to condense at this moment, and the void is cut open from it, with an invisible gap. Countless bloody chains are broken out of thin air. The big raindrops suddenly split.This invisible wave continued from Chen fan to the five blood giants. Standing in the front, the 30 meter high blood giant with the dark magic bottle in his hand suddenly split and was cut off.

The waves surged and then moved on.

"Pooh, Pooh, Pooh."

Then there were four blood giants in succession, which were split in the air. Until the fifth one, the wave light was slightly exhausted. It only split the blood ancestor with the withered crown half of his waist, and then the power dissipated.

A silent knife, even cut five gods!

Chen Fan's knife, which stretches over a hundred feet, even spreads out the sea of blood. Four blood ancestors, in front of him, like vulnerable tofu, were easily broken. The pressure of heaven and earth seemed to have no effect on him at all.

"Ouch, ouch!"

The five blood ancestors roared at the same time.

They can't believe that they have used the power of the sea of blood to completely suppress chen fan. But Chen fan has such terrible power! You know, when the earth immortals fall into the sea of blood, they can give full play to the highest power of the divine realm at this time. Even if celestial beings enter the sea of blood, they will also be affected.

"Just a few blood sucking bugs think they can control the field and the world?"

Chen Fan's horizontal knife was in front of him, disdaining to smile.

Congenital can seal the town, and controlling the heaven and earth is the patent of Jindan friars. Outsiders in the field of Jindan seem to be enemies of heaven and earth. The void is completely controlled by Jindan all day.

This sea of blood is equivalent to a huge golden elixir field. On earth, it is the realm of the true God. However, these five blood ancestors are just innate cultivation. They just imitate a little bit and can't control them completely. They can only be regarded as the realm of false gods.


The blood ancestors roared.


The sea of blood is tumbling. The surging force of blood evil directly poured into their bodies. Let the five blood giants recover as before. They reach out their claws and block the void. The chains of blood god, visible to the naked eye, stretch out from the void, like heavy shackles, and lock Chen Fan firmly in them.

The blood ancestors have not hesitate to use the power of the sea of blood to capture chen fan.

"It's no use. You're just like a kid driving a truck. It's too powerful for you to control." Chen fan holds a knife and cuts it out in the air.


It's like a sword across the sky!

At this moment, chen fan's whole person and Lei Dao are integrated into one, turning into a purple electric awn and wandering in the air. In front of zhunlingbao, many bloody chains were split one after another. Electric awn across the hundred Zhang void, a knife cut in a blood giant.

The 30 meter tall blood giant was cut in two by Chen fan.

Among them, there are more than three meters tall, bats with wings, and dark blood people wearing the ring of the dead.

"How could it be?"

The blood ancestor, named Howard, made an unbelievable voice in his mouth. Then a bloodstain appeared on his forehead.

It extends all the way to the neck, chest and abdomen, and finally splits into two parts. Then a purple knife awn from the bloodstain of explosion, Howard's whole body, are fried into pieces of blood fog. Finally, the blood fog in the purple thunder, are refined into ashes, the whole soul, are destroyed by lightning!

The second blood ancestor fell!

Chen fan holds the power of zhunlingbao. It's so terrible! These blood ancestors, in the sea of blood, borrow the power of the sea of blood, can burst out a super level of combat power.

Howard and others, comparable to the middle of congenital, two blood leaders, closer to the late congenital. But in the hands of Chen fan, he is not vulnerable to a single blow!


The remaining four blood ancestors roared earth shaking.

It's a pity that they are immortal again. Even their spirits are destroyed by lightning. How can they be revived? These blood ancestors are really difficult to deal with. If there is no purple power crazy knife, it is Chen fan who has a headache in the face of them. It is estimated that he can only use the power of swallowing and swallow them in one gulp.

But the purple electric crazy knife, which is refined from the body of Zhigang, Zhiyang, and even the exotic Thunder God, is the killer of these dark blood clans.

"And you."

Chen Fan stands aloof with a knife and his eyes are indifferent.


Purple electric awn, vertical and horizontal void.

Let these blood ancestors, set off a huge wave of blood, call a lot of blood chain, all by Chen Fan a knife. He was born with the highest level of true yuan, plus the quasi Lingbao thunder knife. The combination of the two is the realm of the true God. Maybe both of them can be split, not to mention the realm of the false god?

After seven fingers.

Holding the dark magic bottle, the blood zufrare, who is known as absorbing the spirit of human beings, is killed by Chen fan, and the spirit is burned to ashes by Lihuo Jintong. The third blood ancestor fell.

After 15 fingers.

Wearing a silver left hand, the blood ancestor Kearns, who controls the power of the God of death, is directly smashed into pieces by the thunder knife, and his silver left hand is also broken. The fourth blood ancestor fell.

After 32 fingers.

After a bloody battle, one of the two remaining blood clan leaders, dekula, the most powerful blood ancestor who once brought destruction and death to the earth, was killed 13 times by Chen Fanlian. At last, he sacrificed the seal of five thunder and called the "little five elements God thunder". The God thunder killed the spirit and finally fell.Finally, only Nicholas, the most powerful blood ancestor with a withered crown, was still standing on the sea of blood, his face livid and frightened.

Jiang churan looked up and looked at the boy with thunder knife and long hair.

It's only ten minutes.

Six blood ancestors, unexpectedly fell five, almost annihilated? , the fastest update of the webnovel!