Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 696

A spear six kill, even cut six blood ancestors!

This is the horror of the spear. The black ancient shuttle, which was obtained from the American hands, once inspired by the spirit, was so powerful that it was incredible. Twenty times the speed of sound in an instant! Even the inborn strong can't react.

The six blood ancestors, when they came on the stage, were extremely powerful. Hundreds of mortals were directly taken away by the high priest array, and even chen fan could not be saved in time. Jiang churan thought that he would die this time, but he didn't think that Chen fan would kill him in an instant.

"That's the end of it?"

Jiang churan's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

"It's not that easy, of course."

Chen Fan gave a faint smile.

The dark blood clan is famous for its amazing resilience. It's hard to kill under normal circumstances, let alone in a sea of blood. According to the ancient records of the Holy See, the blood clan is immortal in the sea of blood and can hardly be killed.

Sure enough, he saw six blood columns rising from the sky.

The blood column broke open, from which six blood ancestors came out. But at this time, their scarlet eyes shrank. Although they were murderous, they were afraid to fly in mid air and didn't want to get close to Chen fan.


The blue spear of killing God is flying around chen fan, with a little blue light, like a dream. Although this spiritual weapon left by a certain super civilization has no spirit, it is no less powerful than Lingbao.

"Spear of killing gods?"

One of them, a five meter tall blood ancestor, suddenly opened his mouth.

"Do you recognize it?"

Chen Fan looks calm.

"This is the weapon of killing gods of the ancient Maya people. I once drank the blood of the real gods, but I didn't expect it to fall into your hands." Another blood ancestor said: "outsider, you are really powerful. If you are willing to put down the sacrifice behind you, we can allow you to leave the sea of blood. "

Jiang churan's face turned white when he heard the speech.

"What if I say no?"

Chen fan light way.

"Then leave your life!" The first blood ancestor grinned and killed: "although you are powerful and possess the weapon of killing gods, we are invincible in this sea of blood."

Other blood ancestors sneered at the same time: "the blood of the Oriental immortals, how long have we not drunk."

They are all powerful, fierce and fierce.

Jiang churan's face became more and more white, almost like transparent rice paper. Chen fan, surrounded by the six blood ancestors, was not afraid. Instead, he sighed leisurely:

"I came here for the deep sea of blood, the gate of the starry sky left by your ancestors, and I'm not ready to kill you. But when I saw the sea of blood, I suddenly changed my mind. "

As he said this, his eyes grew colder and colder:

"I don't know how many people's blood is used to condense this ten mile sea of blood. I am a powerful man of the human race. If I can't suppress the alien race and avenge them, how can I have the face to meet the ancestors of the human race and your teachers

Every time Chen Fan spits out a word, it sounds like thunder. In the end, the sky over the whole ten mile sea of blood seemed to be run over by countless rolling thunder.

Although Chen fan is an immortal, he is also a human.

In the universe, the nine immortals suppressed the human race and fought against the stars. Chen fan had fought on behalf of the human race many times in his previous life and defeated one alien enemy after another. As a human, he can reincarnate. Seeing this scene, he can't just sit back and ignore it.


Chen Fan's eyes soared, his long hair was hunting, and his body was blooming with green gold God's awn. His blood was surging up to the sky, attacking six blood ancestors.

The spear of killing gods is even more buzzing. It instantly breaks through the sound barrier, with a light blue tail, and kills in the air.


This time, the six blood ancestors are ready.

Although they can't evade 20 times the speed of sound, they use their magic tricks and conjure up many parts, so that the spear of killing gods can't find the right target for a moment. A blue light flashed by. Only two blood ancestors burst in the air, and the other four blood ancestors were killed intact.


This time, chen fan didn't leave any strength and went all out.

The blue and gold God awn, like a raging wave, swept the whole sky. The surging God body and the power of Zhenyuan united into a steel warship crushing the sky. The most powerful, the most rigid, the most refined and the most pure. [zero ↑ nine △ small ↓ say △ net]


The head of a more than three meters high blood ancestor, was directly smashed in the air by Chen fan, chest burst open. The fury of the fist directly rushed into its internal organs, tearing its wings and breaking its whole body into pieces.

And this is just the beginning, the fist strength goes down with the trend, and then smashes one in the air.

It was not until the time of the third statue that the leader of the blood clan, who was more than five meters high, stopped him.


Another leader of the blood clan, holding a complicated formula in his hands, points in the air and shoots a black ray into Chen Fan's body. This is the best curse of the blood clan.

Curse of withering!

Let the wood wither, life decay, is the immortal in this record, will also instantly wither the body, can only spirit out of the body.However, chen fan's life and blood were extremely vigorous, just like a little cyan golden sun across the sky. He did not dodge. He ate the curse raw, but the light was a little dim, and he immediately recovered.

"How could it be?"

The leader of the blood clan was shocked.

No earthly immortal can bear the withering curse it exerts with all its strength. Either hardtop with magic weapon or dodge with secret skill.

"Unless his body has reached the level of near immortality and has been cultivated into the body of the true God?"

The leader of the blood clan thought in his heart that it was absurd. What a terrible existence the true God is. Even in ancient times, he was also a figure standing at the top of the earth. Chen Fan seems to be in his twenties. How can he become a true God?

But at this time, it has no time to think about it.

"Bang bang."

Chen Fan's body swept across the sky like a fighter.

His every punch is like a small sun, which contains the power of stellar explosion. Any blood clan can't bear his fist. They are the two blood clan leaders in the middle of the congenital period. They just support for a moment, and then they explode in the air.


The blood ancestors recovered from the sea of blood again, but their faces were very ugly.

After all, they are not immortal. If they are killed like this by Chen fan, their spirits will be broken one day and fall completely.

"Activate the dark alchemy."

The leader of the blood clan roared and waved. In the sea of blood, a scepter flew into his hand. The scepter above condenses the breath of terror, which is a top-grade spirit weapon.

"The scepter of death."

The holy instrument representing the power of death is the first of the Seven Sacred instruments of the blood clan.

Other blood ancestors all burst to drink, a piece of artifact, flew from the sea of blood.

"The bracelet of corrosion, the bottle of darkness, the ring of the dead, the silver left hand, the withered crown."

All the six magic weapons of the top level are coming. In the hands of each blood ancestor, there are different artifact, forming a six pointed star position. On them, the dark force is boiling and surging, and the whole sky is dark at this moment, just like falling into the abyss of hell.

Dark alchemy array!

The Dharma array with six blood ancestors and six top-quality spirit tools is said to be able to refine the gods.

Chen Fan stood in the Dharma array, feeling the dark force like dripping water. This force is terrifying and corrosive, with the smell of hell. Even if the earth immortals are infected with it, the body will decay, and even the soul may be polluted.

"Puchi, Puchi."

The dark force and Chen Fan's cyan and golden light mingled, and the sound of the iron probing into the water suddenly came out.

Puffs of smoke rose. These forces even want to corrode Chen Fan's body, but how powerful the immortal body of the Qing emperor is. Chen fan just stands there and allows them to refine. It will take at least a few days and nights.

"You need seven people to activate the Dharma array. One less is less powerful. It can't threaten me at all. "

Chen Fan grinned.

The blood ancestors suddenly look ugly.

The dark alchemy array was handed down by the ancestors and left to the seven blood lineages. And also left seven artifacts. The last "Holy Grail of blood" was taken away from the sea of blood by Reinhart and went to Qingcheng Mountain. Chen Fan swallowed it. The Holy Grail of his blood also fell into Chen Fan's hands. Now there are only six people. Naturally, the Falun is not complete.


Chen Fan step out, surging Qi and blood from the night.

Behind him, the vision appears. An ancient Kunpeng, fierce appear, spread wings to shake the sky, hit three thousand world like. The breath of terror erupted from Chen Fan and filled the whole array.


Chen fan made every effort to show the power of Kunpeng's Dharma. What a terror?

It's almost as good as the pinnacle. Directly broke the dark alchemy array. At the same time, the six blood ancestors were shocked to fly out, and the artifact in their hands was also tottering and wanted to fly out.

"Damn it."

Several blood ancestors turned pale at the same time. I didn't expect that Chen Fan was so terrible.

But at this time, it was too late. Chen Fan's figure flashed in front of a blood ancestor who was more than three meters high and was holding a "corrosive bracelet.". He poked his hand into the void as if he had grasped something, then pulled out the sheath in the air.

"Bang Dang!"

A long black knife was pulled out of the void by him.

The purple thunder twines on the back of the knife and keeps beating, making the black knife crystal like a magic weapon cast by thunder and lightning. Impressively is the quasi Lingbao, the purple electricity crazy knife!

Chen Fan took out his knife and chopped it down in the air. Suddenly, a ray of thunder flashed through the void. The purple thunder shook the sky, with the power of annihilating everything and destroying everything.

"Not good."

At the same time, his face changed wildly.

The blood ancestor holding the corrosion Bracelet even more sacrificed the artifact and made a green corrosion light to stop chen fan. But Chen Fan urged zhunlingbao's strike, could it be easily blocked?

"Dang!"I just heard a clear call.

Purple ray Mang, directly split the light of corrosion, and then cut it on the bracelet of corrosion. The bracelet, made of immortal brass and inlaid with many emeralds, quivered slightly, and then was split in two by Chen fan. As soon as Dao mang left, he cut the blood ancestor into two pieces.


Leimang thundered, purple thunder exploded, the blood ancestor was directly exploded into blood fog by lightning, directly evaporated, nothing.

All spirits are gone!

PS: it's four o'clock. How about the monthly ticket_ ∩)O , the fastest update of the webnovel!