Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 695

The whole sea of blood.

Outside is the Red Sea, inside is the blood Lake ten miles around. The six blood ancestors should be sleeping in the castle in the center of the lake.


Chen Fan rose from the sky and flew directly to the castle.

"It's strange that there are so many people? And they're all ordinary people? "

Chen Fan frowned.

Far away, he could feel the faint smell inside and outside the castle. The breath belongs to the uncultivated mortals. I'm afraid there are more than hundreds of people in the castle.

"Is it the bodyguard who overlooks the six blood ancestors? But shouldn't it? Those who can serve the blood ancestor should have at least a trace of dark power. But these people are weak, and they are all vulgar. "

Chen fan was surprised.

His mind, like a broom, swept across the whole sea of blood. Before, because of the obstruction of Yin Sha and fog, the scope of mind was limited. Now there is no obstacle. The scene inside the castle suddenly appeared in front of Chen Fan's eyes.

I saw a group of young men and women, with different skin colors, wearing colorful Gothic clothes, taking photos inside and outside the castle, or taking a pen to record something. These young men and women, from all over the world, have blond hair, black hair, brown hair and so on.

"Who are these people? How could it be in the blood Sea Castle? What about the six blood ancestors? "

In Chen Fan's heart, he felt more and more strange. Suddenly found a very familiar breath.

"Jiang churan?"

Chen fan was stunned.

The woman with dark brown glasses, long hair and black Batman shirt is Jiang churan who just separated from Jiang churan on the plane? At this time, Jiang churan is holding a camera, excited to take photos.


Chen fan a flash, fell to Jiang churan side, pulled her, complexion coagulation heavy way: "how are you here?"

"Chen fan? You're here, too? "

Jiang churan was stunned at first, and then was overjoyed:

"you came here by the ship of star ring group, too? Why didn't I meet you before? "

"This ancient castle is amazing. It's built deep in the fog. Looking at its buildings, it may have thousands of years of history. It's the eighth wonder in the world. Once it's sent out, it will shock the whole world. Many of the murals prove that there were vampires thousands of years ago. " Jiang churan said excitedly.

"What star ring group? It's so dangerous here. What are you doing in here? "

Chen Fan's eyebrows are more severe, and his bad feeling is more and more thick.

"Oh, I'm with the European powers Association. They organized an expedition to Romania to search for evidence of kinship. The star ring group of the United States has funded our expedition, which is absolutely amazing. "

Jiang churan explained quickly.

"Hi, brother, are you Jiang's friend? My name is George. Why haven't I seen you before? I remember the details of this expedition. " A young blonde came up.

He is tall, sunny and handsome. He only wears Gothic clothes and draws a big skeleton on his chest, which seems rebellious and rebellious.


Chen Fan raised his head and swept the crowd, but his heart was absurd.

This is just a group of ordinary people. They dare to go deep into the sea of blood and come to the place where the blood ancestor sleeps. They are just joking. Blood sea is the seven Jedi. Is it so easy to enter?

"Man, did you listen to me? You're not following me on the sly, are you

The young man named George had a sullen face.

"You said you came in with the star ring group. What about them?" Chen Fan ignores George again and looks at Jiang churan. Jiang churan quickly pointed to a noble, aristocratic white man not far away.

"That's him, Mr. heisenm. He funded the expedition and hired a boat to bring us in

Chen fan saw the man as if he were joking.

"Hi, George, what's the matter? Are you in any trouble?"

Mr. heisenm came with a graceful manner.

When George, a young blonde, was about to open his mouth and accuse chen fan of illegal immigration, chen fan already flicked his finger and pulled out a blue blade. The light blade crossed the distance of more than ten meters and cut Mr. heisenm in two.


See this scene.

The young men and women around him screamed out at the same time. Jiang churan's face changed and his eyes were full of doubts. As for George, he looked at Chen Fan in an incredible way:

"did you kill him? You killed Mr. heisenm? "

Chen Fanli didn't pay any attention, but looked coldly at heisenm.

At this time, people noticed that heisenm's body didn't bleed. Instead, it showed a trace of electric light. The broken part of his waist was a pile of metal instruments.


All the people were stunned, including Jiang churan, who was also wide eyed.

"In the depths of the sea of blood, there is the divine realm, and they dare not set foot. The fog outside is enough to take the lives of ordinary people. As for the blood evil spirit condensed in the sea of blood, and many blood beasts in the sea, it can tear the divine realm. What do you want to do when you bring them here? "Chen Fan turned his back and asked coldly.

Heisenm, who had been cut in two, suddenly turned his head strangely, his eyes shining with blue light and said:

"if you want to wake up the noble blood ancestors, how can you not prepare sacrifices? Chen beixuan, although you are early. But this big gift is just for you. "

With that, heisenm suddenly exploded.

A cloud of blue lightning enveloped it and soon turned into pieces of metal, completely destroyed.

"America... Star ring group... Intelligent robot."

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly. He vaguely felt who was behind the scenes. And the people around have been completely shocked. The sudden explosion of heisenm and the information it revealed completely frightened these young people.

"Sacrifice... What did he say about sacrifice?"

George said grimly.

"Nature is a sacrifice to awaken the blood ancestors."

Chen Fan raised his head.

A blood ancestor needs the lives of several villagers. Six pure blood clan, how many lives do they need to wake up?


As the voice dropped, six huge iron pillars rose slowly from the sea of blood outside the castle. The iron column is tens of meters high, and the iron chains on it meet and lock black monsters.

The monsters were several meters tall, covered with black scales, gray blue skin, two long tusks in their mouths, and a pair of bat wings behind them. It's the dark blood.

"Dada dada."

I don't know how many people were so scared that their legs softened and they collapsed to the ground.

These young men and women, although claimed to like powers, vampires. But when I saw the blood clan's face, they were all so scared that their faces were livid, including George, and their teeth trembled.

"Chen fan, this is..."

Jiang churan's face was pale, and her eyes looked beautiful.

"This is a bureau, a killing Bureau against me, but I didn't expect to involve you." Chen fan is a little embarrassed. Jiang churan just came to Europe for tourism. Who would have thought of being used by xinghuan group to send these young explorers to the island as sacrifices. "Don't worry, I'll protect you."


Chen fan just finished.

The six monsters opened their eyes, their eyes were scarlet, and they roared like beasts.

A terrible force suddenly burst out from the castle. A huge array of Dharma appeared around the castle. On this dharma array, countless six pointed stars meet, which is obviously a sacrificial Dharma array.

Chen fan just had time to wave his hand and sprinkle a blue light to protect Jiang churan. All the other young men and women's faces froze, and then a thread of blood spurted from their heads. It was extracted by the power of the Dharma array and gathered to the six blood ancestors. Including the young blonde George, who was also shivering and his blood was pouring out.

"Whoosh, whoosh."

Hundreds of blood lines, like a river of blood, were divided into six channels and infused into six blood ancestors.

Almost immediately, the hundreds of young people turned into skin and bones, and their blood was swallowed up by the blood ancestors. The six blood ancestors roared, broke free from the chains, and soared to the sky, sweeping the whole space and enveloping the castle.

"Outsiders, if you invade our territory without authorization, you should be punished according to the law."

Six pure blood clan, flapping their wings, flying in mid air.

They have blue faces, tusks and scarlet eyes, just like demons. The breath on the body is even more powerful. None of them is inferior to the Cold Moon Fairy and others. Among them, the first two are more than five meters tall, comparable to the Sword Fairy of Changhe.

Four congenital early blood, two congenital middle. The fighting power in the sea of blood, once it reaches the outside world, is enough to level the earth. It is worthy of being one of the seven Jedi and a legacy of the blood clan.

"I'm here to find the star portal. By the way, I'll clean up the six of you and avenge the dead."

Chen Fan grinned without fear.

"To die! The gate of blood is the forbidden area left by the ancestors, and it's what you can step on? "

All the six blood clans roared wildly.

The voice of a night owl resounds through the whole sea of blood. The sea of blood is boiling, and countless red blooded beasts emerge from the sea of blood, looking at chen fan. At this time, Jiang churan was too scared to speak.

This scene is totally beyond her imagination.

It's more thrilling than the battle on the top of the cloud mountain. After all, these are monsters.

"America's wise men, are you going to kill me with your rubbish? It's a joke. " Chen Fan shook his head, his eyes full of contempt. "I made your partner into a pill and swallowed it directly. The blood of your dark blood clan is quite pure. It's no worse than some spirit beasts. "


When Chen Fan said this, the six blood clans were so angry that they went crazy.

They spread their wings one after another. Their claws burst into three inches of blood. They broke the sound barrier in an instant and attacked Chen Fan from all directions at twice the speed of sound. They wanted to tear chen fan to pieces."Kill

Chen Fangen didn't talk nonsense. As soon as he waved his sleeve robe, a black awn burst out. The speed of the black awn was unimaginable, almost 20 times the speed of sound. It is the spear of killing gods.

"Bang bang."

The six head blood clan is directly pierced by the black awn and explodes into a blood mist in the air.

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